Paouky dfd0a649c7
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Co-authored-by: Paouky <>
2020-09-10 09:45:14 -04:00

21 KiB

P2P Protocol

P2P Messages

WARNING: This document is still in progress and has not yet been reviewed by any of the core Grin developers.

  • All fields are serialized in Big-Endian byte order unless otherwise specified.
  • Variable-length strings (VAR_STR) are encoded in UTF8, and are preceded with a uint64 indicating their lengths.

Message Types

There are currently 19 different types of P2P Messages:

Id Message Type Description
0 Error Sent when an issue is found during communication with a peer. Usually followed by closing the connection.
1 Hand First part of a handshake, sender advertises its version and characteristics.
2 Shake Second part of a handshake, receiver of the first part replies with its own version and characteristics.
3 Ping Sent to confirm that the connection is still valid, and used to advertise the node's total_difficulty to confirm whether sync is needed.
4 Pong The response to a ping message.
5 GetPeerAddrs Used to request addresses of new peers to connect to.
6 PeerAddrs Peer addresses sent in response to a GetPeerAddrs message.
7 GetHeaders Used to request block headers from a peer.
8 Header A single block header received from a peer.
9 Headers Multiple block headers received from a peer in response to a GetHeaders message.
10 GetBlock Used to request a block from a peer.
11 Block A single block received from a peer.
12 GetCompactBlock Used to request a compact block from a peer.
13 CompactBlock A single compact block received from a peer.
14 StemTransaction A stem transaction received from a peer.
15 Transaction A transaction received from a peer.
16 TxHashSetRequest Used to request the transaction hashset from a peer.
17 TxHashSetArchive The transaction hashset in response to the TxHashSetRequest message.
18 BanReason Contains the reason your node was banned by a peer.

Message structure

All P2P messages follow a generic message structure as follows.

Size Name Data Type Description/Comments
2 Magic uint8[2] Magic number used to identify Grin packets. Always hard-coded as {0x1E, 0xC5}.
1 Type MessageTypeEnum Identifier of the packet content.
8 Length uint64 The total length of the message. This will not include the header size (11 bytes).
? Payload uint8[] The actual data.

TODO: Provide example

Common structures

Size Name Data Type Description/Comments
1 IPAddressFamily uint8 Identifies the IP address family. 0 = IPv4, 1 = IPv6.
4/16 IPAddress uint8[4]/uint16[8] The IP address. 4 octets for IPv4 or 8 hexadecets for IPv6.
2 Port uint16 The TCP/IP port number.
Value Name Description
0x00 Unknown We don't know (yet) what the peer can do.
0x01 Full History Full archival node, has the whole history without any pruning.
0x02 TxHashSet History Can provide block headers and the TxHashSet for some recent-enough height.
0x04 Peer List Can provide a list of healthy peers.
0x06 Fast Sync Node Both "TxHashSet History" and "Peer List"
0x07 Full Node "Full History", "TxHashSet History", and "Peer List"
Size Name Data Type Description/Comments
? Inputs TxInput[] List of inputs spent by the transaction.
? Outputs TxOutput[] List of outputs the transaction produces.
? Kernels TxKernel[] List of kernels that make up this transaction (usually a single kernel).
Size Name Data Type Description/Comments
? FullOutputs TxOutput[] List of full outputs - specifically the coinbase output(s).
? FullKernels TxKernel[] List of full kernels - specifically the coinbase kernel(s).
? KernelIds ShortId[] List of transaction kernels, excluding those in the full list. Each ShortId is 6 bytes.
Size Name Data Type Description/Comments
8 TotalDifficulty uint64 Total accumulated difficulty since genesis block.
4 ScalingDifficulty uint32 Difficulty scaling factor between the different proofs of work.
8 Nonce uint64 Nonce increment used to mine the block.
1 EdgeBits uint8 Power of 2 used for the size of the cuckoo graph.
336 ProofNonces uint64[42] The cuckoo proof nonces.


Size Name Data Type Description/Comments
4 Code uint32 Error Code. TODO: Determine possible values.
? Message VAR_STR Slightly more user-friendly message
Size Name Data Type Description/Comments
4 Version uint32 Protocol version of the sender.
1 Capabilities CapabilitiesMask Bitmask representing the capabilities of the sender.
8 Nonce uint64 Randomly generated for each handshake to help detect connections to yourself.
8 TotalDifficulty uint64 Total difficulty accumulated by the sender. Used to check whether sync may be needed.
7/19 SenderAddress SocketAddress Network address of the sender. 7 bytes for IPv4 or 19 bytes for IPv6.
7/19 ReceiverAddress SocketAddress Network address of the receiver. 7 bytes for IPv4 or 19 bytes for IPv6.
? UserAgent VAR_STR Name and version of the software. Example: "MW/Grin 0.1.2"
32 Hash uint8[32] Genesis block of the current chain. Testnet1/2/3 and mainnet all have a different genesis.
Size Name Data Type Description/Comments
4 Version uint32 Protocol version of the sender.
1 Capabilities CapabilitiesMask Bitmask representing the capabilities of the sender.
8 Nonce uint64 Randomly generated for each handshake to help detect connections to yourself.
8 TotalDifficulty uint64 Total difficulty accumulated by the sender. Used to check whether sync may be needed.
? UserAgent VAR_STR Name and version of the software. Example: "MW/Grin 0.1.2"
32 Hash uint8[32] Genesis block of the current chain. Testnet1/2/3 and mainnet all have a different genesis.
Size Name Data Type Description/Comments
8 TotalDifficulty uint64 Total difficulty accumulated by the sender. Used to check whether sync may be needed.
8 Height uint64 Total block height accumulated by the sender. See:
Size Name Data Type Description/Comments
8 TotalDifficulty uint64 Total difficulty accumulated by the sender. Used to check whether sync may be needed.
8 Height uint64 Total block height accumulated by the sender. See:
Size Name Data Type Description/Comments
1 Capabilities CapabilitiesMask The capabilities the peer should have.
Size Name Data Type Description/Comments
4 Size uint32_t The number of peer addresses received.
? Peers SocketAddress[] Peer addresses that match the criteria from the GetPeerAddresses request.
Size Name Data Type Description/Comments
1 Size uint8_t The number of headers being requested.
? Hashes Hash[] The 32-byte Blake2b hashes of the block headers being requested.
Size Name Data Type Description/Comments
2 Version uint16 The version of the block.
8 Height uint64 Height of this block since the genesis block (height 0).
8 Timestamp int64 Timestamp at which the block was built.
32 Previous Hash Blake2b hash of the block previous to this in the chain.
32 PreviousRoot Hash Merklish root of all the commitments in the previous block's TxHashSet.
32 OutputRoot Hash Merklish root of all the commitments in the TxHashSet.
32 RangeProofRoot Hash Merklish root of all range proofs in the TxHashSet.
32 KernelRoot Hash Merklish root of all transaction kernels in the TxHashSet.
32 TotalKernelOffset BlindingFactor Total accumulated sum of kernel offsets since genesis block.
8 OutputMMRSize uint64 Total size of the output Merkle Mountain Range(MMR) after applying this block.
8 KernelMMRSize uint64 Total size of the kernel MMR after applying this block.
178 ProofOfWork ProofOfWork Proof of work and related.
Size Name Data Type Description/Comments
2 Size uint16_t The number of headers received.
? Headers BlockHeader[] The headers matching the hashes provided in the GetBlockHeaders request.
Size Name Data Type Description/Comments
32 BlockHash Hash The Blake2b hash of the block being requested.
Size Name Data Type Description/Comments
405 Header BlockHeader The block header.
? Body TransactionBody The block transaction containing the inputs, outputs, and kernel(s).
Size Name Data Type Description/Comments
32 BlockHash Hash The Blake2b hash of the compact block being requested.
Size Name Data Type Description/Comments
405 Header BlockHeader The header with metadata and commitments to the rest of the data.
8 Nonce uint64 Nonce for connection specific short_ids.
? Body CompactBlockBody Container for out_full, kern_full and kern_ids in the compact block.
Size Name Data Type Description/Comments
32 Offset BlindingFactor The kernel "offset" k2.
? Body TransactionBody The transaction body containing the inputs, outputs, and kernel(s).
Size Name Data Type Description/Comments
32 Offset BlindingFactor The kernel "offset" k2.
? Body TransactionBody The transaction body containing the inputs, outputs, and kernel(s).
Size Name Data Type Description/Comments
32 BlockHash Hash Blake2b hash of the block for which the TxHashSet should be provided.
8 Height uint64 Height of the corresponding block.

The response to a TxHashSetRequest. Includes a zip stream of the archive after the message body.

Size Name Data Type Description/Comments
32 BlockHash Hash Blake2b hash of the block for which the txhashset are provided.
8 Height uint64 Height of the corresponding block.
8 Bytes uint64 Size in bytes of the archive.
Size Name Data Type Description/Comments
4 BanReason ReasonForBanEnum The reason for the ban.

Protocol Versions and Capabilities


Any feature that users will have the ability to disable should be implemented as a new capability (See CapabilitiesMask above). This includes things like archive mode/full history.

Protocol Version

Any change to the p2p protocol that is not toggled by the addition of a new capability should result in an increase in protocol version (See Hand & Shake messages above). This includes any addition or removal of a field or entire message, or any backward-incompatible behavior change to an existing field or message. When interacting with peers on an older protocol version, backward compatibility must be maintained, so the newer node should follow the rules of the older protocol version.

Phasing out old peers

To reduce the long-term complexity of the code, we can periodically bump the "major" protocol version. Although the protocol version is just a uint32, we can consider every increase by 1000 a new "major" protocol version. We can then gracefully phase out stubborn peers that refuse to upgrade by only supporting 1 major protocol version in the past. Here's what this would look like in practice:

  • Peers with a protocol version in the range [0-999] should be able to interact with any peer in the range [0-1999].
  • Peers with a protocol version in the range [1000-1999] should be able to interact with any peer in the range [0-2999].
  • Peers with a protocol version in the range [2000-2999] should be able to interact with any peer in the range [1000-3999].

Determining when to increase the "major" version is left up to the discretion of the developers. Care must be taken to ensure we are not increasing too quickly however, as any major bump could result in the inability to connect to certain older peers.