Can only swap with Ethereum right now, not Bitcoin. Pubkey derivation is a hash function.
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This document describes smart contracts that can be setup using Grin even though the Grin chain does not support scripting. All these contracts rely on a few basic features that are built in the chain and compose them in increasingly clever ways.
None of those constructs are fully original or invented by the authors of this document or the Grin development team. Most of the credit should be attributed to a long list of cryptographers and researchers. To name just a few: Torben Pryds Pedersen, Gregory Maxwell, Andrew Poelstra, John Tromp, Claus Peter Schnorr. We apologize in advance for all those we couldn't name and recognize that most computer science discoveries are incremental.
This section is meant as a reminder of some crucial features of the Grin chain. We assume some prior reading as to how these are constructed and used.
Pedersen Commitments
All outputs include a Pedersen commitment of the form r*G + v*H
with r
the blinding factor, v
the value, and G and H two distinct generator points
on the same curve group.
Aggregate Signatures (a.k.a. Schnorr, MuSig)
We suppose we have the SHA256 hash function and the same G curve as above. In its simplest form, an aggregate signature is built from:
- the message
to sign, in our case the transaction fee - a private key
, with its matching public keyx*G
- a nonce
just used for the purpose of building the signature
We build the challenge e = SHA256(M | k*G | x*G)
, and the scalar
s = k + e * x
. The full aggregate signature is then the pair (s, k*G)
The signature can be checked using the public key x*G
, re-calculating e
using M and k*G
from the 2nd part of the signature pair and by veryfying
that s
, the first part of the signature pair, verifies:
s*G = k*G + e * x*G
In this simple case of someone sending a transaction to a receiver they trust
(see later for the trustless case), an aggregate signature can be directly
built for a Grin transaction by calculating the total blinding factor of inputs
and outputs r
and using it as the private key x
above. The resulting
kernel is assembled from the aggregate signature generated using r
and the
public key r*G
, and allows to verify non-inflation for all Grin transactions
(and signs the fees).
Because these signatures are built simply from a scalar and a public key, they can be used to construct a variety of contracts using "simple" arithmetic.
Timelocked Transactions
A transaction can be time-locked with a few simple modifications:
- the message
to sign becomes the block heighth
at which the transaction becomes spendable appended to the fee (soM = fee | h
) - the lock height
is included in the transaction kernel - a block with a kernel that includes a lock height greater than the current block height is rejected
Derived Contracts
Trustless Transactions
An aggregate (Schnorr) signature involving a single party is relatively simple but does not demonstrate the full flexibility of the construction. We show here how to generalize it for use in outputs involving multiple parties.
As constructed in section 1.2, an aggregate signature requires trusting the receiving party. As Grin outputs are completely obscured by Pedersen Commitments, one cannot prove money was actually sent to the right party, hence a receiver could claim not having received anything. To solve this issue, we require the receiver to collaborate with the sender in building a transaction and specifically its kernel signature.
Alice wants to pay Bob in grins. She starts the transaction building process:
- Alice selects her inputs and builds her change output. The sum of all
blinding factors (change output minus inputs) is
. - Alice picks a random nonce ks and sends her partial transaction,
to Bob. - Bob picks his own random nonce
and the blinding factor for his outputrr
. Usingrr
, Bob adds his output to the transaction. - Bob computes the message
M = fee | lock_height
, the Schnorr challengee = SHA256(M | kr*G + ks*G | rr*G + rs*G)
and finally his side of the signaturesr = kr + e * rr
. - Bob sends
to Alice. - Alice computes
just like Bob did and can check thatsr*G = kr*G + e*rr*G
. - Alice sends her side of the signature
ss = ks + e * rs
to Bob. - Bob validates
just like Alice did forsr*G
in step 5 and can produce the final signatures = (ss + sr, ks*G + kr*G)
as well as the final transaction kernel includings
and the public keyrr*G + rs*G
This protocol requires 3 data exchanges (Alice to Bob, Bob back to Alice, and finally Alice to Bob) and is therefore said to be interactive. However the interaction can be done over any medium and in any period of time, including the pony express over 2 weeks.
This protocol can also be generalized to any number i
of parties. On the
first round, all the ki*G
and ri*G
are shared. On the 2nd round, everyone
can compute e = SHA256(M | sum(ki*G) | sum(ri*G))
and their own signature
. Finally, a finalizing party can then gather all the partial signatures
, validate them and produce s = (sum(si), sum(ki*G))
Multiparty Outputs (multisig)
We describe here a way to build a transaction with an output that can only be spent when multiple parties approve it. This construction is very similar to the previous setup for trustless transactions, however in this case both the signature and a Pedersen Commitment need to be aggregated.
This time, Alice wants to sends funds such that both Bob and her need to agree to spend. Alice builds the transaction normally and adds the multiparty output such that:
- Bob picks a blinding factor
and sendsrb*G
to Alice. - Alice picks a blinding factor
and builds the commitmentC = ra*G + rb*G + v*H
. She sends the commitment to Bob. - Bob creates a range proof for
and sends it to Alice. - Alice generates her own range proof, aggregates it with Bob, finalizing
the multiparty output
. - The kernel is built following the same procedure as for Trustless Transactions.
We observe that for that new output Oab
, neither party know the whole
blinding factor. To be able to build a transaction spending Oab, someone would
need to know ra + rb
to produce a kernel signature. To produce that spending
kernel, Alice and Bob need to collaborate. This, again, is done using a
protocol very close to Trustless Transactions.
Multiparty Timelocks
This contract is a building block from multiple other contracts. Here, Alice agrees to lock some funds to start a financial interaction with Bob and prove to Bob she has funds. The setup is the following:
- Alice builds a a 2-of-2 multiparty transaction with an output she shares with Bob, however she does not participate in building the kernel signature yet.
- Bob builds a refund transaction with Alice that sends the funds back to Alice using a timelock (for example 1440 blocks ahead, about 24h).
- Alice and Bob finish the 2-of-2 transaction by building the corresponding kernel and broadcast it.
Now Alice and Bob are free to build additional transactions distributing the funds locked in the 2-of-2 output in any way they see fit. If Bob refuses to cooperate, Alice just needs to broadcast her refund transaction after the time lock expires.
This contract can be trivially used for unidirectional payment channels.
Atomic Swap
TODO still WIP, mostly ability for Alice to check x*G
is what is locked on
the other chain. Check this would work on Ethereum (pubkey derivation).
Alice has grins and Bob has ether. They would like to swap. We assume Bob has
a contract on the Ethereum blockchain that allows withdrawal either by Alice
if she learns a hash pre-image x
, or by Bob after time Tb
. Alice is ready
to send her grins to Bob if he reveals x
. In this setup, we consider public
key derivation x*G
to be our hash function.
First, Alice sends her grins to a multiparty timelock contract with a refund
time Ta < Tb
. To send the 2-of-2 output to Bob and execute the swap, Alice
and Bob start as if they were building a normal trustless transaction as
specified in section 2.1.
- Alice picks a random nonce
and her blinding sumrs
and sendsks*G
to Bob. - Bob picks a random blinding factor
and a random noncekr
. However this time, instead of simply sendingsr = kr + e * rr
with hisrr*G
, Bob sendssr' = kr + x + e * rr
as well asx*G
. - Alice can validate that
sr'*G = kr*G + x*G + rr*G
. - Alice sends back her
ss = ks + e * xs
as she normally would, now that she can also computee = SHA256(M | ks*G + kr*G)
. - To complete the signature, Bob computes
sr = kr + e * rr
and the final signature is(sr + ss, kr*G + ks*G)
. - As soon as Bob broadcasts the final transaction to get his new grins, Alice
can compute
sr' - sr
to getx
TODO review this, see if it could work on other chains.
Hashed Timelocks (Lightning Network)
TODO relative lock times