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synced 2025-03-07 09:31:08 +03:00
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- Q: What is Grin? A: An implementation of MimbleWimble
- Q: Similar to Bitcoin? A: Both are outputs-based, PoW. Read Grin for Bitcoiners
- Q: mining? A: Testnet only. CPU, synchronous. GPU or asynchronous is not yet supported.
- Q: block height? A: HTTP GET /v1/chain on a public peer node, for example http://testnet1.yeastplume.com:13413/v1/chain
- Q: Store of value? A: please don't. We delete testnet coins randomly. And the wallet likes to crash. Developers wecome!
- Q: grin wallet / grin server hangs? A: Yes. Be your own watchdog. Watchdog code for capturing debug log and restarting the hung process - pull reqs welcome.
- Q: Block size limit? Target mean block time?
- Q: Fees? Monetary policy? A: https://github.com/mimblewimble/grin/wiki/fees-mining
- Q: Roadmap? A: Moving fast, changing things. Maybe look at issues and milestones
- Q: Proof of payment? A: Planned. Maybe in testnet2
- Q: Microtransactions? A: On testnet1, fees are 0.8% on a transaction of 1.0 coins.
- Q: Could Grin ever support or make use of: ☑ Probably, or ☐ Probably not A: ☑ Contracts, ☑ Pruning, ☐ Identity, like bitauth, ☑ SNARKs, ☑ Cross chain atomic swaps, multisig, time locks, lightning network, ☑ Payment channels, ☑ hidden nodes / onion routing
- Q: HW requirements for mining? A: Not much. Don't invest in equipment yet, there's not even a final beta released, and a lot can change before any official blockchain is launched.
- Q: Quantum safe? A: Should be. In every Grin output, we also include a bit of hashed data, which is quantum safe. If quantum computing was to become a reality, we can safely introduce additional verification that would protect existing coins from being hacked. Read more
Coins are 'confirmed but still locked'?
Like other cryptocurrencies, newly mined coins are time locked, so mined coins can't be spent immediately.
"Peer request error" or other peer/network issues after restarting grin server
Possible workaround is rm -rf .grin/peers/* then restart.
Build error: Could not compile tokio-retry
You need the latest rust. rustup, or reinstall rust as described
Short term plans
Transaction types
- (DONE) A temporary simple transaction exchange. Temporary - will be deprecated.
- (months) Maybe in testnet2 Full transaction; an exchange which involves a full roundtrip between sender and receiver using aggregate (Schnorr) signatures. Usable as proof of payment and for multisig.