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# Grin - Build, Configuration, and Running
*Read this in other languages: [Español](build_ES.md).*
## Supported Platforms
Longer term, most platforms will likely be supported to some extent.
Grin's programming language `rust` has build targets for most platforms.
What's working so far?
* Linux x86\_64 and macOS [grin + mining + development]
* Not Windows 10 yet [grin kind-of builds. No mining yet. Help wanted!]
## Requirements
* rust 1.31+ (use [rustup]((https://www.rustup.rs/))- i.e. `curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh; source $HOME/.cargo/env`)
* if rust is already installed, you can simply update version with `rustup update`
* clang
* ncurses and libs (ncurses, ncursesw5)
* zlib libs (zlib1g-dev or zlib-devel)
* pkg-config
* libssl-dev
* linux-headers (reported needed on Alpine linux)
* llvm
For Debian-based distributions (Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, etc), all in one line (except Rust):
apt install build-essential cmake git libgit2-dev clang libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev zlib1g-dev pkg-config libssl-dev llvm
For Mac:
xcode-select --install
brew install --with-toolchain llvm
brew install pkg-config
brew install openssl
## Build steps
git clone https://github.com/mimblewimble/grin.git
cd grin
cargo build --release
Grin can also be built in debug mode (without the `--release` flag, but using the `--debug` or the `--verbose` flag) but this will render fast sync prohibitively slow due to the large overhead of cryptographic operations.
## Build errors
See [Troubleshooting](https://github.com/mimblewimble/docs/wiki/Troubleshooting)
## What was built?
A successful build gets you:
* `target/release/grin` - the main grin binary
All data, configuration and log files created and used by grin are located in the hidden
`~/.grin` directory (under your user home directory) by default. You can modify all configuration
values by editing the file `~/.grin/main/grin-server.toml`.
It is also possible to have grin create its data files in the current directory. To do this, run
grin server config
Which will generate a `grin-server.toml` file in the current directory, pre-configured to use
the current directory for all of its data. Running grin from a directory that contains a
`grin-server.toml` file will use the values in that file instead of the default
While testing, put the grin binary on your path like this:
export PATH=`pwd`/target/release:$PATH
assuming you are running from the root directory of your Grin installation.
You can then run `grin` directly (try `grin help` for more options).
## Configuration
Grin attempts to run with sensible defaults, and can be further configured via
the `grin-server.toml` file. This file is generated by grin on its first run, and
contains documentation on each available option.
While it's recommended that you perform all grin server configuration via
`grin-server.toml`, it's also possible to supply command line switches to grin that
override any settings in the file.
For help on grin commands and their switches, try:
grin help
grin wallet help
grin client help
## Docker
docker build -t grin -f etc/Dockerfile .
For floonet, use `etc/Dockerfile.floonet` instead
You can bind-mount your grin cache to run inside the container.
docker run -it -d -v $HOME/.grin:/root/.grin grin
If you prefer to use a docker named volume, you can pass `-v dotgrin:/root/.grin` instead.
Using a named volume copies default configurations upon volume creation
## Cross-platform builds
Rust (cargo) can build grin for many platforms, so in theory running `grin`
as a validating node on your low powered device might be possible.
To cross-compile `grin` on a x86 Linux platform and produce ARM binaries,
say, for a Raspberry Pi.
## Using grin
The wiki page [Wallet User Guide](https://github.com/mimblewimble/docs/wiki/Wallet-User-Guide)
and linked pages have more information on what features we have,
troubleshooting, etc.
## Mining in Grin
Please note that all mining functions for Grin have moved into a separate, standalone package called
[grin-miner](https://github.com/mimblewimble/grin-miner). Once your Grin code node is up and running,
you can start mining by building and running grin-miner against your running Grin node.
For grin-miner to be able to communicate with your grin node, make sure that you have `enable_stratum_server = true`
in your `grin-server.toml` configuration file and you have a wallet listener running (`grin wallet listen`).