244 lines
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244 lines
8.2 KiB
use std::future::Future;
use std::io::Error;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::task::{Context, Poll};
use arti_client::{DataStream, IntoTorAddr, TorClient};
use hyper::client::connect::{Connected, Connection};
use hyper::http::uri::Scheme;
use hyper::http::Uri;
use hyper::service::Service;
use pin_project::pin_project;
use thiserror::Error;
use tls_api::TlsConnector as TlsConn; // This is different from tor_rtcompat::TlsConnector
use tokio::io::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite, ReadBuf};
use tor_config::deps::educe::Educe;
use tor_rtcompat::Runtime;
/// Error making or using http connection
/// This error ends up being passed to hyper and bundled up into a [`hyper::Error`]
#[derive(Error, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum ConnectionError {
/// Unsupported URI scheme
#[error("unsupported URI scheme in {uri:?}")]
UnsupportedUriScheme {
/// URI
uri: Uri,
/// Missing hostname
#[error("Missing hostname in {uri:?}")]
MissingHostname {
/// URI
uri: Uri,
/// Tor connection failed
#[error("Tor connection failed")]
Arti(#[from] arti_client::Error),
/// TLS connection failed
#[error("TLS connection failed")]
TLS(#[source] Arc<anyhow::Error>),
/// We implement this for form's sake
impl tor_error::HasKind for ConnectionError {
fn kind(&self) -> tor_error::ErrorKind {
use ConnectionError as CE;
use tor_error::ErrorKind as EK;
match self {
CE::UnsupportedUriScheme{..} => EK::NotImplemented,
CE::MissingHostname{..} => EK::BadApiUsage,
CE::Arti(e) => e.kind(),
CE::TLS(_) => EK::RemoteProtocolViolation,
/// **Main entrypoint**: `hyper` connector to make HTTP\[S] connections via Tor, using Arti.
/// An `ArtiHttpConnector` combines an Arti Tor client, and a TLS implementation,
/// in a form that can be provided to hyper
/// (e.g. to [`hyper::client::Builder`]'s `build` method)
/// so that hyper can speak HTTP and HTTPS to origin servers via Tor.
/// TC is the TLS to used *across* Tor to connect to the origin server.
/// For example, it could be a [`tls_api_native_tls::TlsConnector`].
/// This is a different Rust type to the TLS used *by* Tor to connect to relays etc.
/// It might even be a different underlying TLS implementation
/// (although that is usually not a particularly good idea).
#[educe(Clone)] // #[derive(Debug)] infers an unwanted bound TC: Clone
pub struct ArtiHttpConnector<R: Runtime, TC: TlsConn> {
/// The client
client: TorClient<R>,
/// TLS for using across Tor.
tls_conn: Arc<TC>,
// #[derive(Clone)] infers a TC: Clone bound
impl<R: Runtime, TC: TlsConn> ArtiHttpConnector<R, TC> {
/// Make a new `ArtiHttpConnector` using an Arti `TorClient` object.
pub fn new(client: TorClient<R>, tls_conn: TC) -> Self {
let tls_conn = tls_conn.into();
Self { client, tls_conn }
/// Wrapper type that makes an Arti `DataStream` implement necessary traits to be used as
/// a `hyper` connection object (mainly `Connection`).
/// This might represent a bare HTTP connection across Tor,
/// or it might represent an HTTPS connection through Tor to an origin server,
/// `TC::TlsStream` as the TLS layer.
/// An `ArtiHttpConnection` is constructed by hyper's use of the [`ArtiHttpConnector`]
/// implementation of [`hyper::service::Service`],
/// and then used by hyper as the transport for hyper's HTTP implementation.
pub struct ArtiHttpConnection<TC: TlsConn> {
/// The stream
inner: MaybeHttpsStream<TC>,
/// The actual stream; might be TLS, might not
#[pin_project(project = MaybeHttpsStreamProj)]
enum MaybeHttpsStream<TC: TlsConn> {
/// http
Http(Pin<Box<DataStream>>), // Tc:TlsStream is generally boxed; box this one too
/// https
Https(#[pin] TC::TlsStream),
impl<TC: TlsConn> Connection for ArtiHttpConnection<TC> {
fn connected(&self) -> Connected {
// These trait implementations just defer to the inner `DataStream`; the wrapper type is just
// there to implement the `Connection` trait.
impl<TC: TlsConn> AsyncRead for ArtiHttpConnection<TC> {
fn poll_read(
self: Pin<&mut Self>,
cx: &mut Context<'_>,
buf: &mut ReadBuf<'_>,
) -> Poll<Result<(), std::io::Error>> {
match self.project().inner.project() {
MaybeHttpsStreamProj::Http(ds) => ds.as_mut().poll_read(cx, buf),
MaybeHttpsStreamProj::Https(t) => t.poll_read(cx, buf),
impl<TC: TlsConn> AsyncWrite for ArtiHttpConnection<TC> {
fn poll_write(
self: Pin<&mut Self>,
cx: &mut Context<'_>,
buf: &[u8],
) -> Poll<Result<usize, Error>> {
match self.project().inner.project() {
MaybeHttpsStreamProj::Http(ds) => ds.as_mut().poll_write(cx, buf),
MaybeHttpsStreamProj::Https(t) => t.poll_write(cx, buf),
fn poll_flush(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Error>> {
match self.project().inner.project() {
MaybeHttpsStreamProj::Http(ds) => ds.as_mut().poll_flush(cx),
MaybeHttpsStreamProj::Https(t) => t.poll_flush(cx),
fn poll_shutdown(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Error>> {
match self.project().inner.project() {
MaybeHttpsStreamProj::Http(ds) => ds.as_mut().poll_shutdown(cx),
MaybeHttpsStreamProj::Https(t) => t.poll_shutdown(cx),
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)]
/// Are we doing TLS?
enum UseTls {
/// No
/// Yes
/// Convert uri to http\[s\] host and port, and whether to do tls
fn uri_to_host_port_tls(uri: Uri) -> Result<(String, u16, UseTls), ConnectionError> {
let use_tls = {
// Scheme doesn't derive PartialEq so can't be matched on
let scheme = uri.scheme();
if scheme == Some(&Scheme::HTTP) {
} else if scheme == Some(&Scheme::HTTPS) {
} else {
return Err(ConnectionError::UnsupportedUriScheme { uri });
let host = match uri.host() {
Some(h) => h,
_ => return Err(ConnectionError::MissingHostname { uri }),
let port = uri.port().map(|x| x.as_u16()).unwrap_or(match use_tls {
UseTls::Tls => 443,
UseTls::Bare => 80,
Ok((host.to_owned(), port, use_tls))
impl<R: Runtime, TC: TlsConn> Service<Uri> for ArtiHttpConnector<R, TC> {
type Response = ArtiHttpConnection<TC>;
type Error = ConnectionError;
type Future = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Self::Response, Self::Error>> + Send>>;
fn poll_ready(&mut self, _: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
fn call(&mut self, req: Uri) -> Self::Future {
// `TorClient` objects can be cloned cheaply (the cloned objects refer to the same
// underlying handles required to make Tor connections internally).
// We use this to avoid the returned future having to borrow `self`.
let client = self.client.clone();
let tls_conn = self.tls_conn.clone();
Box::pin(async move {
// Extract the host and port to connect to from the URI.
let (host, port, use_tls) = uri_to_host_port_tls(req)?;
// Initiate a new Tor connection, producing a `DataStream` if successful.
let addr = (&host as &str, port)
let ds = client.connect(addr).await?;
let inner = match use_tls {
UseTls::Tls => {
let conn = tls_conn
.connect_impl_tls_stream(&host, ds)
.map_err(|e| ConnectionError::TLS(e.into()))?;
UseTls::Bare => MaybeHttpsStream::Http(Box::new(ds).into()),
Ok(ArtiHttpConnection { inner })