#!/bin/bash usage="Usage: android.sh [type] [platform]\n - type: 'build', 'release', ''\n - platform, for build type: 'v7', 'v8', 'x86'" case $1 in build|release) ;; *) printf "$usage" exit 1 esac if [[ $1 == "build" ]]; then case $2 in v7|v8|x86) ;; *) printf "$usage" exit 1 esac fi # Setup build directory BASEDIR=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd) cd "${BASEDIR}" || exit 1 cd .. # Install platforms and tools rustup target add armv7-linux-androideabi rustup target add aarch64-linux-android rustup target add x86_64-linux-android cargo install cargo-ndk success=1 ### Build native code function build_lib() { [[ $1 == "v7" ]] && arch=armeabi-v7a [[ $1 == "v8" ]] && arch=arm64-v8a [[ $1 == "x86" ]] && arch=x86_64 sed -i -e 's/"rlib"/"cdylib","rlib"/g' Cargo.toml # Fix for https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57193895/error-use-of-undeclared-identifier-pthread-mutex-robust-cargo-build-liblmdb-s # Uncomment lines below for the 1st build: #export CPPFLAGS="-DMDB_USE_ROBUST=0" && export CFLAGS="-DMDB_USE_ROBUST=0" #cargo ndk -t ${arch} build --profile release-apk #unset CPPFLAGS && unset CFLAGS cargo ndk -t "${arch}" -o android/app/src/main/jniLibs build --profile release-apk if [ $? -eq 0 ] then success=1 else success=0 fi sed -i -e 's/"cdylib","rlib"/"rlib"/g' Cargo.toml rm -f Cargo.toml-e } ### Build application function build_apk() { version=$(grep -m 1 -Po 'version = "\K[^"]*' Cargo.toml) cd android || exit 1 ./gradlew clean # Build signed apk if keystore exists if [ ! -f keystore.properties ]; then ./gradlew assembleRelease apk_path=app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk else ./gradlew assembleSignedRelease apk_path=app/build/outputs/apk/signedRelease/app-signedRelease.apk fi if [[ $1 == "" ]]; then # Launch application at all connected devices. for SERIAL in $(adb devices | grep -v List | cut -f 1); do adb -s "$SERIAL" install ${apk_path} sleep 1s adb -s "$SERIAL" shell am start -n mw.gri.android/.MainActivity; done else # Setup release file name name=grim-${version}-android-$1.apk [[ $1 == "arm" ]] && name=grim-${version}-android.apk rm -f "${name}" mv ${apk_path} "${name}" # Calculate checksum checksum=grim-${version}-android-$1-sha256sum.txt [[ $1 == "arm" ]] && checksum=grim-${version}-android-sha256sum.txt rm -f "${checksum}" sha256sum "${name}" > "${checksum}" fi cd .. } rm -rf android/app/src/main/jniLibs/* if [[ $1 == "build" ]]; then build_lib "$2" [ $success -eq 1 ] && build_apk else rm -rf target/release-apk rm -rf target/aarch64-linux-android rm -rf target/x86_64-linux-android rm -rf target/armv7-linux-androideabi build_lib "v7" [ $success -eq 1 ] && build_lib "v8" [ $success -eq 1 ] && build_apk "arm" rm -rf android/app/src/main/jniLibs/* [ $success -eq 1 ] && build_lib "x86" [ $success -eq 1 ] && build_apk "x86_64" fi