// Copyright 2023 The Grim Developers // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. use std::time::SystemTime; use chrono::{DateTime, Local, Offset, TimeZone, Utc}; use chrono::format::DelayedFormat; use eframe::emath::Vec2; use eframe::epaint::{FontId, Stroke}; use eframe::epaint::text::{LayoutJob, TextFormat, TextWrapping}; use egui::{Color32, RichText, Rounding, ScrollArea, Spinner, Widget}; use egui_extras::{Size, StripBuilder}; use grin_servers::common::stats::TxStats; use grin_servers::PeerStats; use crate::gui::colors::{COLOR_DARK, COLOR_GRAY, COLOR_LIGHT, COLOR_YELLOW}; use crate::gui::icons::{AT, CUBE, DEVICES, DOWNLOAD_SIMPLE, FLOW_ARROW, HANDSHAKE, PACKAGE, PLUGS_CONNECTED, SHARE_NETWORK}; use crate::gui::views::{DEFAULT_STROKE, NetworkTab}; use crate::gui::views::common::sub_title; use crate::node::Node; pub struct NetworkNode { title: String } impl Default for NetworkNode { fn default() -> Self { Self { title: t!("integrated_node"), } } } impl NetworkTab for NetworkNode { fn ui(&mut self, ui: &mut egui::Ui, node: &mut Node) { let server_stats = node.state.get_stats(); if !server_stats.is_some() { ui.centered_and_justified(|ui| { Spinner::new().size(42.0).color(COLOR_GRAY).ui(ui); }); return; } let stats = server_stats.as_ref().unwrap(); // Make scroll bar thinner ui.style_mut().spacing.scroll_bar_width = 4.0; ScrollArea::vertical() .auto_shrink([false; 2]) .show(ui, |ui| { // Disable item spacing ui.style_mut().spacing.item_spacing = Vec2::new(0.0, 0.0); // Show header stats ui.vertical_centered_justified(|ui| { sub_title(ui, format!("{} {}", FLOW_ARROW, t!("header")), COLOR_DARK); }); ui.add_space(4.0); ui.columns(2, |columns| { columns[0].vertical_centered(|ui| { draw_stat_box(ui, stats.header_stats.last_block_h.to_string(), t!("hash"), StatBoxRounding::TopLeft); }); columns[1].vertical_centered(|ui| { draw_stat_box(ui, stats.header_stats.height.to_string(), t!("height"), StatBoxRounding::TopRight); }); }); ui.columns(2, |columns| { columns[0].vertical_centered(|ui| { draw_stat_box(ui, stats.header_stats.total_difficulty.to_string(), t!("difficulty"), StatBoxRounding::BottomLeft); }); columns[1].vertical_centered(|ui| { let ts = stats.header_stats.latest_timestamp; draw_stat_box(ui, format!("{}", ts.format("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")), t!("time_utc"), StatBoxRounding::BottomRight); }); }); // Show block stats ui.add_space(5.0); ui.vertical_centered_justified(|ui| { sub_title(ui, format!("{} {}", CUBE, t!("block")), COLOR_DARK); }); ui.add_space(4.0); ui.columns(2, |columns| { columns[0].vertical_centered(|ui| { draw_stat_box(ui, stats.chain_stats.last_block_h.to_string(), t!("hash"), StatBoxRounding::TopLeft); }); columns[1].vertical_centered(|ui| { draw_stat_box(ui, stats.chain_stats.height.to_string(), t!("height"), StatBoxRounding::TopRight); }); }); ui.columns(2, |columns| { columns[0].vertical_centered(|ui| { draw_stat_box(ui, stats.chain_stats.total_difficulty.to_string(), t!("difficulty"), StatBoxRounding::BottomLeft); }); columns[1].vertical_centered(|ui| { let ts = stats.chain_stats.latest_timestamp; draw_stat_box(ui, format!("{}", ts.format("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")), t!("time_utc"), StatBoxRounding::BottomRight); }); }); // Show data stats ui.add_space(5.0); ui.vertical_centered_justified(|ui| { sub_title(ui, format!("{} {}", SHARE_NETWORK, t!("data")), COLOR_DARK); }); ui.add_space(4.0); ui.columns(2, |columns| { columns[0].vertical_centered(|ui| { let tx_stat = match &stats.tx_stats { None => { "0 (0)".to_string() } Some(tx) => { format!("{} ({})", tx.tx_pool_size, tx.tx_pool_kernels) } }; draw_stat_box(ui, tx_stat, t!("main_pool"), StatBoxRounding::TopLeft); }); columns[1].vertical_centered(|ui| { let stem_tx_stat = match &stats.tx_stats { None => { "0 (0)".to_string() } Some(stx) => { format!("{} ({})", stx.stem_pool_size, stx.stem_pool_kernels) } }; draw_stat_box(ui, stem_tx_stat, t!("stem_pool"), StatBoxRounding::TopRight); }); }); ui.columns(2, |columns| { columns[0].vertical_centered(|ui| { draw_stat_box(ui, stats.disk_usage_gb.to_string(), t!("size"), StatBoxRounding::BottomLeft); }); columns[1].vertical_centered(|ui| { let ts = stats.chain_stats.latest_timestamp; draw_stat_box(ui, stats.peer_count.to_string(), t!("peers"), StatBoxRounding::BottomRight); }); }); // Show peers stats when available if stats.peer_count > 0 { ui.add_space(5.0); ui.vertical_centered_justified(|ui| { sub_title(ui, format!("{} {}", HANDSHAKE, t!("peers")), COLOR_DARK); }); ui.add_space(4.0); for (index, ps) in stats.peer_stats.iter().enumerate() { let rounding = if index == 0 { if stats.peer_count == 1 { [true, true]; } [true, false] } else if index == &stats.peer_stats.len() - 1 { [false, true] } else { [false, false] }; ui.vertical_centered(|ui| { draw_peer_stats(ui, ps, rounding); }); } } }); } fn name(&self) -> &String { &self.title } } fn draw_peer_stats(ui: &mut egui::Ui, peer: &PeerStats, rounding: [bool; 2]) { let mut rect = ui.available_rect_before_wrap(); rect.set_height(77.0); ui.painter().rect( rect, Rounding { nw: if rounding[0] { 8.0 } else { 0.0 }, ne: if rounding[0] { 8.0 } else { 0.0 }, sw: if rounding[1] { 8.0 } else { 0.0 }, se: if rounding[1] { 8.0 } else { 0.0 }, }, Color32::WHITE, Stroke { width: 1.0, color: Color32::from_gray(230) } ); ui.add_space(2.0); ui.horizontal_top(|ui| { ui.add_space(6.0); ui.heading(RichText::new(PLUGS_CONNECTED) .color(Color32::BLACK) .size(18.0)); ui.add_space(6.0); // Draw peer address ui.heading(RichText::new(&peer.addr) .color(Color32::BLACK) .size(18.0)); }); ui.horizontal_top(|ui| { ui.add_space(6.0); ui.heading(RichText::new(PACKAGE) .color(COLOR_DARK) .size(16.0)); ui.add_space(6.0); // Draw peer difficulty and height ui.heading(RichText::new(peer.total_difficulty.to_string()) .color(COLOR_DARK) .size(16.0)); ui.add_space(2.0); ui.heading(RichText::new(AT).color(COLOR_DARK).size(16.0)); ui.add_space(2.0); ui.heading(RichText::new(peer.height.to_string()) .color(COLOR_DARK) .size(16.0)); }); ui.horizontal_top(|ui| { ui.add_space(6.0); ui.heading(RichText::new(DEVICES) .color(COLOR_GRAY) .size(16.0)); ui.add_space(6.0); // Draw peer user-agent ui.heading(RichText::new(&peer.user_agent) .color(COLOR_GRAY) .size(16.0)); }); ui.add_space(2.0); } #[derive(PartialEq)] enum StatBoxRounding { TopLeft, TopRight, BottomRight, BottomLeft } fn draw_stat_box(ui: &mut egui::Ui, value: String, label: String, rounding: StatBoxRounding) { let mut rect = ui.available_rect_before_wrap(); rect.set_height(46.0); // Draw box background ui.painter().rect( rect, Rounding { nw: if rounding == StatBoxRounding::TopLeft { 8.0 } else { 0.0 }, ne: if rounding == StatBoxRounding::TopRight { 8.0 } else { 0.0 }, sw: if rounding == StatBoxRounding::BottomLeft { 8.0 } else { 0.0 }, se: if rounding == StatBoxRounding::BottomRight { 8.0 } else { 0.0 }, }, Color32::WHITE, Stroke { width: 1.0, color: Color32::from_gray(230) }, ); ui.vertical_centered_justified(|ui| { // Correct vertical spacing between items ui.style_mut().spacing.item_spacing.y = -4.0; // Draw box value let mut job = LayoutJob::single_section(value, TextFormat { font_id: FontId::proportional(18.0), color: Color32::BLACK, .. Default::default() }); job.wrap = TextWrapping { max_rows: 1, break_anywhere: false, overflow_character: Option::from('﹍'), ..Default::default() }; ui.label(job); // Draw box label ui.label(RichText::new(label).color(COLOR_GRAY).size(15.0)); }); }