lang_name: English copy: Copy paste: Paste continue: Continue complete: Complete error: Error retry: Retry close: Close change: Change show: Show delete: Delete clear: Clear create: Create id: Identifier kernel: Kernel settings: Settings language: Language scan: Scan qr_code: QR code scan_qr: Scan QR code repeat: Repeat scan_result: Scan result back: Back share: Share wallets: await_conf_amount: Awaiting confirmation await_fin_amount: Awaiting finalization locked_amount: Locked txs_empty: 'To receive funds manually or over transport use %{message} or %{transport} buttons at the bottom of the screen, to change wallet settings press %{settings} button.' title: Wallets create_desc: Create or import existing wallet from saved recovery phrase. add: Add wallet name: 'Name:' pass: 'Password:' pass_empty: Enter password from the wallet current_pass: 'Current password:' new_pass: 'New password:' min_tx_conf_count: 'Minimum amount of confirmations for transactions:' recover: Restore recovery_phrase: Recovery phrase words_count: 'Words count:' enter_word: 'Enter word #%{number}:' not_valid_word: Entered word is not valid not_valid_phrase: Entered phrase is not valid create_phrase_desc: Safely write down and save your recovery phrase. restore_phrase_desc: Enter words from your saved recovery phrase. setup_conn_desc: Choose how your wallet connects to the network. conn_method: Connection method ext_conn: 'External connections:' add_node: Add node node_url: 'Node URL:' node_secret: 'API Secret (optional):' invalid_url: Entered URL is invalid open: Open the wallet wrong_pass: Entered password is wrong locked: Locked unlocked: Unlocked enable_node: 'Enable integrated node to use the wallet or change connection settings by selecting %{settings} at the bottom of the screen.' node_loading: 'Wallet will be loaded after integrated node synchronization, you can change connection by selecting %{settings} at the bottom of the screen.' loading: Loading closing: Closing checking: Checking default_wallet: Default wallet new_account_desc: 'Enter name of new account:' wallet_loading: Loading wallet wallet_closing: Closing wallet wallet_checking: Checking wallet tx_loading: Loading transactions default_account: Default account accounts: Accounts tx_sent: Sent tx_received: Received tx_sending: Sending tx_receiving: Receiving tx_confirming: Awaiting confirmation tx_canceled: Canceled tx_cancelling: Cancelling tx_finalizing: Finalizing tx_confirmed: Confirmed txs: Transactions tx: Transaction messages: Messages transport: Transport input_slatepack_desc: 'Enter received Slatepack message to create response or finalize request:' parse_slatepack_err: 'An error occurred during reading of the message, check input:' pay_balance_error: 'Account balance is insufficient to pay %{amount} ツ and network fee.' parse_i1_slatepack_desc: 'To pay %{amount} ツ send this message to the receiver:' parse_i2_slatepack_desc: 'Finalize transaction to receive %{amount} ツ:' parse_i3_slatepack_desc: 'Post transaction to finalize receiving of %{amount} ツ:' parse_s1_slatepack_desc: 'To receive %{amount} ツ send this message to the sender:' parse_s2_slatepack_desc: 'Finalize transaction to send %{amount} ツ:' parse_s3_slatepack_desc: 'Post transaction to finalize sending of %{amount} ツ:' resp_slatepack_err: 'An error occurred during creation of the response, check input data or try again:' resp_exists_err: Such transaction already exists. resp_canceled_err: Such transaction was already canceled. create_request_desc: 'Create request to send or receive the funds:' send_request_desc: 'You have created a request to send %{amount} ツ. Send this message to the receiver:' send_slatepack_err: An error occurred during creation of request to send funds, check input data or try again. invoice_desc: 'You have created request to receive %{amount} ツ. Send this message to the sender:' invoice_slatepack_err: An error occurred during issuing of the invoice, check input data or try again. finalize_slatepack_err: 'An error occurred during finalization, check input data or try again:' finalize: Finalize use_dandelion: Use Dandelion enter_amount_send: 'You have %{amount} ツ. Enter amount to send:' enter_amount_receive: 'Enter amount to receive:' recovery: Recovery repair_wallet: Repair wallet repair_desc: Check a wallet, repairing and restoring missing outputs if required. This operation will take time. repair_unavailable: You need an active connection to the node and completed wallet synchronization. delete: Delete wallet delete_conf: Are you sure you want to delete the wallet? delete_desc: Make sure you have saved your recovery phrase to access funds later. wallet_loading_err: 'An error occurred during synchronization of the wallet, you can retry or change connection settings by selecting %{settings} at the bottom of the screen.' wallet: Wallet send: Send receive: Receive settings: Wallet settings tx_send_cancel_conf: 'Are you sure you want to cancel sending of %{amount} ツ?' tx_receive_cancel_conf: 'Are you sure you want to cancel receiving of %{amount} ツ?' rec_phrase_not_found: Recovery phrase not found. restore_wallet_desc: Restore wallet by deleting all files if usual repair not helped, you will need to re-open your wallet. transport: desc: 'Use transport to receive or send messages synchronously:' tor_network: Tor network connected: Connected connecting: Connecting disconnecting: Disconnecting conn_error: Connection error disconnected: Disconnected receiver_address: 'Address of the receiver:' incorrect_addr_err: 'Entered address is incorrect:' tor_send_error: An error occurred during sending over Tor, make sure receiver is online, transaction was canceled. tor_autorun_desc: Whether to launch Tor service on wallet opening to receive transactions synchronously. tor_sending: 'Sending %{amount} ツ over Tor' tor_settings: Tor Settings bridges: Bridges bridges_desc: Setup bridges to bypass Tor network censorship if usual connection is not working. bin_file: 'Binary file:' conn_line: 'Connection line:' bridges_disabled: Bridges disabled bridge_name: 'Bridge %{b}' network: self: Network type: 'Network type:' mainnet: Main testnet: Test connections: Connections node: Integrated node metrics: Metrics mining: Mining settings: Node settings enable_node: Enable node autorun: Autorun disabled_server: 'Enable integrated node or add another connection method by pressing %{dots} in the top-left corner of the screen.' no_ips: There are no available IP addresses on your system, server cannot be started, check your network connectivity. available: Available not_available: Not available availability_check: Availability check android_warning: Attention to Android users. To synchronize integrated node successfully, you must allow access to notifications and remove battery usage restrictions for the Grim application at system settings of your phone. This is necessary operation for correct work of application in the background. sync_status: node_restarting: Node is restarting node_down: Node is down initial: Node is starting no_sync: Node is running awaiting_peers: Waiting for peers header_sync: Downloading headers header_sync_percent: 'Downloading headers: %{percent}%' tx_hashset_pibd: Downloading state (PIBD) tx_hashset_pibd_percent: 'Downloading state (PIBD): %{percent}%' tx_hashset_download: Downloading state tx_hashset_download_percent: 'Downloading state: %{percent}%' tx_hashset_setup_history: 'Preparing state (history): %{percent}%' tx_hashset_setup_position: 'Preparing state (position): %{percent}%' tx_hashset_setup: Preparing state tx_hashset_range_proofs_validation: 'Validating state (range proofs): %{percent}%' tx_hashset_kernels_validation: 'Validating state (kernels): %{percent}%' tx_hashset_save: Finalizing chain state body_sync: Downloading blocks body_sync_percent: 'Downloading blocks: %{percent}%' shutdown: Node is shutting down network_node: header: Header block: Block hash: Hash height: Height difficulty: Difficulty time: Time main_pool: Main pool stem_pool: Stem pool data: Data size: Size (GB) peers: Peers error_clean: Node data got corrupted, resync required. resync: Resync error_p2p_api: 'An error occurred during %{p2p_api} server initialization, check %{p2p_api} settings by selecting %{settings} at the bottom of the screen.' error_config: 'An error occurred during configuration initialization, check settings by selecting %{settings} at the bottom of the screen.' error_unknown: 'An error occurred during initialization, check integrated node settings by selecting %{settings} at the bottom of the screen or resync.' network_metrics: loading: Metrics will be available after the synchronization emission: Emission inflation: Inflation supply: Supply block_time: Block time reward: Reward difficulty_window: 'Difficulty window %{size}' network_mining: loading: Mining will be available after the synchronization info: 'Mining server is enabled, you can change its settings by selecting %{settings} at the bottom of the screen. Data is updating when devices are connected.' restart_server_required: Server restart is required to apply changes. rewards_wallet: Wallet for rewards server: Stratum server address: Address miners: Miners devices: Devices blocks_found: Blocks found hashrate: 'Hashrate (C%{bits})' connected: Connected disconnected: Disconnected network_settings: change_value: Change value stratum_ip: 'Stratum IP address:' stratum_port: 'Stratum port:' port_unavailable: Specified port is unavailable restart_node_required: Node restart is required to apply changes. enable: Enable disable: Disable restart: Restart server: Server api_ip: 'API IP address:' api_port: 'API port:' api_secret: 'Rest API and V2 Owner API token:' foreign_api_secret: 'Foreign API token:' disabled: Disabled enabled: Enabled ftl: 'The Future Time Limit (FTL):' ftl_description: Limit on how far into the future, relative to a node's local time in seconds, the timestamp on a new block can be, in order for the block to be accepted. not_valid_value: Entered value is not valid full_validation: Full validation full_validation_description: Whether to run a full chain validation when processing each block (except during synchronization). archive_mode: Archive mode archive_mode_desc: Run the node in full archive mode (more disk space and time will be required for synchronization). attempt_time: 'Mining attempt time (in seconds):' attempt_time_desc: The amount of time to attempt to mine on a particular header before stopping and re-collecting transactions from the pool min_share_diff: 'The minimum acceptable share difficulty:' reset_settings_desc: Reset node settings to default values reset_settings: Reset settings reset: Reset tx_pool: Transaction pool pool_fee: 'Base fee that is accepted into the pool:' reorg_period: 'Reorg cache retention period (in minutes):' max_tx_pool: 'Maximum number of transactions in the pool:' max_tx_stempool: 'Maximum number of transactions in the stem-pool:' max_tx_weight: 'Maximum total weight of transactions that can get selected to build a block:' epoch_duration: 'Epoch duration (in seconds):' embargo_timer: 'Embargo timer (in seconds):' aggregation_period: 'Aggregation period (in seconds):' stem_probability: 'Stem phase probability:' stem_txs: Stem transactions p2p_server: P2P server p2p_port: 'P2P port:' add_seed: Add DNS Seed seed_address: 'DNS Seed address:' add_peer: Add peer peer_address: 'Peer address:' peer_address_error: 'Enter IP address or DNS name (make sure specified host is available) in correct format, e.g.: or' default: Default allow_list: Allow list allow_list_desc: Connect only to peers in this list. deny_list: Deny list deny_list_desc: Never connect to peers in this list. favourites: Favourites favourites_desc: A list of preferred peers to connect to. ban_window: 'How much time (in seconds) a banned peer should stay banned:' ban_window_desc: The decision to ban is made by node, based on the correctness of the data received from the peer. max_inbound_count: 'Maximum number of inbound peer connections:' max_outbound_count: 'Maximum number of outbound peer connections:' reset_peers_desc: Reset peers data. Use it with a caution only if there are problems with finding peers. reset_peers: Reset peers modal: cancel: Cancel save: Save confirmation: Confirmation add: Add modal_exit: description: Are you sure you want to quit the application? exit: Exit