// Copyright 2023 The Grim Developers // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. use egui::{Context, Stroke}; use egui::os::OperatingSystem; use crate::gui::{Colors, Navigator}; use crate::gui::platform::PlatformCallbacks; use crate::gui::screens::Root; use crate::node::Node; /// To be implemented by platform-specific application. pub struct PlatformApp<Platform> { pub(crate) app: App, pub(crate) platform: Platform, } #[derive(Default)] /// Contains main screen panel and ui setup. pub struct App { root: Root, } impl App { /// Draw content on main screen panel. pub fn ui(&mut self, ctx: &Context, frame: &mut eframe::Frame, cb: &dyn PlatformCallbacks) { egui::CentralPanel::default() .frame(egui::Frame { fill: Colors::FILL, ..Default::default() }) .show(ctx, |ui| { self.root.ui(ui, frame, cb); }); } /// Exit from the app. pub fn exit(frame: &mut eframe::Frame, cb: &dyn PlatformCallbacks) { match OperatingSystem::from_target_os() { OperatingSystem::Android => { cb.exit(); } OperatingSystem::IOS => { //TODO: exit on iOS } OperatingSystem::Nix | OperatingSystem::Mac | OperatingSystem::Windows => { frame.close(); } // Web OperatingSystem::Unknown => {} } } /// Setup application styles. pub fn setup_visuals(ctx: &Context) { let mut style = (*ctx.style()).clone(); // Setup spacing for buttons. style.spacing.button_padding = egui::vec2(12.0, 8.0); // Make scroll-bar thinner. style.spacing.scroll_bar_width = 4.0; // Disable spacing between items. style.spacing.item_spacing = egui::vec2(0.0, 0.0); // Setup radio button/checkbox size and spacing. style.spacing.icon_width = 24.0; style.spacing.icon_width_inner = 14.0; style.spacing.icon_spacing = 10.0; // Setup style ctx.set_style(style); let mut visuals = egui::Visuals::light(); // Setup selection color. visuals.selection.stroke = Stroke { width: 1.0, color: Colors::TEXT }; visuals.selection.bg_fill = Colors::GOLD; // Disable stroke around panels by default visuals.widgets.noninteractive.bg_stroke = Stroke::NONE; // Setup visuals ctx.set_visuals(visuals); } /// Setup application fonts. pub fn setup_fonts(ctx: &Context) { use egui::FontFamily::Proportional; let mut fonts = egui::FontDefinitions::default(); fonts.font_data.insert( "phosphor".to_owned(), egui::FontData::from_static(include_bytes!( "../../fonts/phosphor.ttf" )).tweak(egui::FontTweak { scale: 1.0, y_offset_factor: -0.30, y_offset: 0.0, baseline_offset_factor: 0.30, }), ); fonts .families .entry(Proportional) .or_default() .insert(0, "phosphor".to_owned()); fonts.font_data.insert( "noto".to_owned(), egui::FontData::from_static(include_bytes!( "../../fonts/noto_sc_reg.otf" )).tweak(egui::FontTweak { scale: 1.0, y_offset_factor: -0.25, y_offset: 0.0, baseline_offset_factor: 0.17, }), ); fonts .families .entry(Proportional) .or_default() .insert(0, "noto".to_owned()); ctx.set_fonts(fonts); use egui::FontId; use egui::TextStyle::*; let mut style = (*ctx.style()).clone(); style.text_styles = [ (Heading, FontId::new(20.0, Proportional)), (Body, FontId::new(16.0, Proportional)), (Button, FontId::new(18.0, Proportional)), (Small, FontId::new(12.0, Proportional)), (Monospace, FontId::new(16.0, Proportional)), ].into(); ctx.set_style(style); } } #[allow(dead_code)] #[cfg(target_os = "android")] #[allow(non_snake_case)] #[no_mangle] /// Calling when back button is pressed on Android. pub extern "C" fn Java_mw_gri_android_MainActivity_onBackButtonPress( _env: jni::JNIEnv, _class: jni::objects::JObject, _activity: jni::objects::JObject, ) { Navigator::back(); } #[allow(dead_code)] #[cfg(target_os = "android")] #[allow(non_snake_case)] #[no_mangle] /// Calling on unexpected Android application termination (removal from recent apps). pub extern "C" fn Java_mw_gri_android_MainActivity_onTermination( _env: jni::JNIEnv, _class: jni::objects::JObject, _activity: jni::objects::JObject, ) { Node::stop(false); }