2023-07-03 21:17:49 +03:00
// Copyright 2023 The Grim Developers
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! Mining Stratum Server
use futures::channel::mpsc;
use futures::pin_mut;
use futures::{SinkExt, StreamExt, TryStreamExt};
use tokio::net::TcpListener;
use tokio::runtime::Runtime;
use tokio_util::codec::{Framed, LinesCodec};
use grin_util::{RwLock, StopState};
use chrono::prelude::Utc;
use serde_json::Value;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::net::{SocketAddr, TcpStream};
use std::panic::panic_any;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::thread;
use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime};
use grin_chain::{self, SyncState};
use grin_servers::common::stats::{StratumStats, WorkerStats};
use grin_servers::common::types::StratumServerConfig;
use grin_core::consensus::graph_weight;
use grin_core::core::hash::Hashed;
use grin_core::core::Block;
use grin_core::global;
use grin_core::{pow, ser};
use crate::node::mine_block;
use grin_util::ToHex;
use grin_servers::ServerTxPool;
use log::{debug, error, info, warn};
use serde_derive::{Deserialize, Serialize};
type Tx = mpsc::UnboundedSender<String>;
// ----------------------------------------
// http://www.jsonrpc.org/specification
// RPC Methods
/// Represents a compliant JSON RPC 2.0 id.
/// Valid id: Integer, String.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq)]
enum JsonId {
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq)]
struct RpcRequest {
id: JsonId,
jsonrpc: String,
method: String,
params: Option<Value>,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq)]
struct RpcResponse {
id: JsonId,
jsonrpc: String,
method: String,
result: Option<Value>,
error: Option<Value>,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
struct RpcError {
code: i32,
message: String,
impl RpcError {
pub fn internal_error() -> Self {
RpcError {
code: 32603,
message: "Internal error".to_owned(),
pub fn node_is_syncing() -> Self {
RpcError {
code: -32000,
message: "Node is syncing - Please wait".to_owned(),
pub fn method_not_found() -> Self {
RpcError {
code: -32601,
message: "Method not found".to_owned(),
pub fn too_late() -> Self {
RpcError {
code: -32503,
message: "Solution submitted too late".to_string(),
pub fn cannot_validate() -> Self {
RpcError {
code: -32502,
message: "Failed to validate solution".to_string(),
pub fn too_low_difficulty() -> Self {
RpcError {
code: -32501,
message: "Share rejected due to low difficulty".to_string(),
pub fn invalid_request() -> Self {
RpcError {
code: -32600,
message: "Invalid Request".to_string(),
impl From<RpcError> for Value {
fn from(e: RpcError) -> Self {
impl<T> From<T> for RpcError
T: std::error::Error,
fn from(e: T) -> Self {
error!("Received unhandled error: {}", e);
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
struct LoginParams {
login: String,
pass: String,
agent: String,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
struct SubmitParams {
height: u64,
job_id: u64,
nonce: u64,
edge_bits: u32,
pow: Vec<u64>,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct JobTemplate {
height: u64,
job_id: u64,
difficulty: u64,
pre_pow: String,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct WorkerStatus {
id: String,
height: u64,
difficulty: u64,
accepted: u64,
rejected: u64,
stale: u64,
struct State {
current_block_versions: Vec<Block>,
// to prevent the wallet from generating a new HD key derivation for each
// iteration, we keep the returned derivation to provide it back when
// nothing has changed. We only want to create a key_id for each new block,
// and reuse it when we rebuild the current block to add new tx.
current_key_id: Option<grin_keychain::Identifier>,
current_difficulty: u64, // scaled
minimum_share_difficulty: u64, // unscaled
impl State {
pub fn new(minimum_share_difficulty: u64) -> Self {
let blocks = vec![Block::default()];
State {
current_block_versions: blocks,
current_key_id: None,
current_difficulty: <u64>::max_value(),
minimum_share_difficulty: minimum_share_difficulty,
struct Handler {
id: String,
workers: Arc<WorkersList>,
sync_state: Arc<SyncState>,
chain: Arc<grin_chain::Chain>,
current_state: Arc<RwLock<State>>,
impl Handler {
pub fn new(
id: String,
stratum_stats: Arc<RwLock<StratumStats>>,
sync_state: Arc<SyncState>,
minimum_share_difficulty: u64,
chain: Arc<grin_chain::Chain>,
) -> Self {
Handler {
id: id,
workers: Arc::new(WorkersList::new(stratum_stats)),
sync_state: sync_state,
chain: chain,
current_state: Arc::new(RwLock::new(State::new(minimum_share_difficulty))),
pub fn from_stratum(stratum: &StratumServer) -> Self {
fn handle_rpc_requests(&self, request: RpcRequest, worker_id: usize) -> String {
// Call the handler function for requested method
let response = match request.method.as_str() {
"login" => self.handle_login(request.params, worker_id),
"submit" => {
let res = self.handle_submit(request.params, worker_id);
// this key_id has been used now, reset
if let Ok((_, true)) = res {
self.current_state.write().current_key_id = None;
res.map(|(v, _)| v)
"keepalive" => self.handle_keepalive(),
"getjobtemplate" => {
if self.sync_state.is_syncing() {
} else {
"status" => self.handle_status(worker_id),
_ => {
// Called undefined method
// Package the reply as RpcResponse json
let resp = match response {
Err(rpc_error) => RpcResponse {
id: request.id,
jsonrpc: String::from("2.0"),
method: request.method,
result: None,
error: Some(rpc_error.into()),
Ok(response) => RpcResponse {
id: request.id,
jsonrpc: String::from("2.0"),
method: request.method,
result: Some(response),
error: None,
fn handle_login(&self, params: Option<Value>, worker_id: usize) -> Result<Value, RpcError> {
let params: LoginParams = parse_params(params)?;
self.workers.login(worker_id, params.login, params.agent)?;
return Ok("ok".into());
// Handle KEEPALIVE message
fn handle_keepalive(&self) -> Result<Value, RpcError> {
return Ok("ok".into());
fn handle_status(&self, worker_id: usize) -> Result<Value, RpcError> {
// Return worker status in json for use by a dashboard or healthcheck.
let stats = self.workers.get_stats(worker_id)?;
let status = WorkerStatus {
id: stats.id.clone(),
height: self
difficulty: stats.pow_difficulty,
accepted: stats.num_accepted,
rejected: stats.num_rejected,
stale: stats.num_stale,
let response = serde_json::to_value(&status).unwrap();
return Ok(response);
// Handle GETJOBTEMPLATE message
fn handle_getjobtemplate(&self) -> Result<Value, RpcError> {
// Build a JobTemplate from a BlockHeader and return JSON
let job_template = self.build_block_template();
let response = serde_json::to_value(&job_template).unwrap();
"(Server ID: {}) sending block {} with id {} to single worker",
self.id, job_template.height, job_template.job_id,
return Ok(response);
// Build and return a JobTemplate for mining the current block
fn build_block_template(&self) -> JobTemplate {
2023-07-05 23:36:33 +03:00
println!("1 build template 12345");
2023-07-03 21:17:49 +03:00
let bh = self
2023-07-05 23:36:33 +03:00
println!("2 build template 12345");
2023-07-03 21:17:49 +03:00
// Serialize the block header into pre and post nonce strings
let mut header_buf = vec![];
let mut writer = ser::BinWriter::default(&mut header_buf);
bh.write_pre_pow(&mut writer).unwrap();
bh.pow.write_pre_pow(&mut writer).unwrap();
let pre_pow = header_buf.to_hex();
let current_state = self.current_state.read();
let job_template = JobTemplate {
height: bh.height,
job_id: (current_state.current_block_versions.len() - 1) as u64,
difficulty: current_state.minimum_share_difficulty,
return job_template;
// Handle SUBMIT message
// params contains a solved block header
// We accept and log valid shares of all difficulty above configured minimum
// Accepted shares that are full solutions will also be submitted to the
// network
fn handle_submit(
params: Option<Value>,
worker_id: usize,
) -> Result<(Value, bool), RpcError> {
// Validate parameters
let params: SubmitParams = parse_params(params)?;
let state = self.current_state.read();
// Find the correct version of the block to match this header
let b: Option<&Block> = state.current_block_versions.get(params.job_id as usize);
if params.height != state.current_block_versions.last().unwrap().header.height
|| b.is_none()
// Return error status
"(Server ID: {}) Share at height {}, edge_bits {}, nonce {}, job_id {} submitted too late",
self.id, params.height, params.edge_bits, params.nonce, params.job_id,
self.workers.update_stats(worker_id, |ws| ws.num_stale += 1);
return Err(RpcError::too_late());
let scaled_share_difficulty: u64;
let unscaled_share_difficulty: u64;
let mut share_is_block = false;
let mut b: Block = b.unwrap().clone();
// Reconstruct the blocks header with this nonce and pow added
b.header.pow.proof.edge_bits = params.edge_bits as u8;
b.header.pow.nonce = params.nonce;
b.header.pow.proof.nonces = params.pow;
if !b.header.pow.is_primary() && !b.header.pow.is_secondary() {
// Return error status
"(Server ID: {}) Failed to validate solution at height {}, hash {}, edge_bits {}, nonce {}, job_id {}: cuckoo size too small",
self.id, params.height, b.hash(), params.edge_bits, params.nonce, params.job_id,
.update_stats(worker_id, |worker_stats| worker_stats.num_rejected += 1);
return Err(RpcError::cannot_validate());
// Get share difficulty values
scaled_share_difficulty = b.header.pow.to_difficulty(b.header.height).to_num();
unscaled_share_difficulty = b.header.pow.to_unscaled_difficulty().to_num();
// Note: state.minimum_share_difficulty is unscaled
// state.current_difficulty is scaled
// If the difficulty is too low its an error
if unscaled_share_difficulty < state.minimum_share_difficulty {
// Return error status
"(Server ID: {}) Share at height {}, hash {}, edge_bits {}, nonce {}, job_id {} rejected due to low difficulty: {}/{}",
self.id, params.height, b.hash(), params.edge_bits, params.nonce, params.job_id, unscaled_share_difficulty, state.minimum_share_difficulty,
.update_stats(worker_id, |worker_stats| worker_stats.num_rejected += 1);
return Err(RpcError::too_low_difficulty());
// If the difficulty is high enough, submit it (which also validates it)
if scaled_share_difficulty >= state.current_difficulty {
// This is a full solution, submit it to the network
let res = self.chain.process_block(b.clone(), grin_chain::Options::MINE);
if let Err(e) = res {
// Return error status
"(Server ID: {}) Failed to validate solution at height {}, hash {}, edge_bits {}, nonce {}, job_id {}, {}",
.update_stats(worker_id, |worker_stats| worker_stats.num_rejected += 1);
return Err(RpcError::cannot_validate());
share_is_block = true;
.update_stats(worker_id, |worker_stats| worker_stats.num_blocks_found += 1);
self.workers.stratum_stats.write().blocks_found += 1;
// Log message to make it obvious we found a block
let stats = self.workers.get_stats(worker_id)?;
"(Server ID: {}) Solution Found for block {}, hash {} - Yay!!! Worker ID: {}, blocks found: {}, shares: {}",
self.id, params.height,
} else {
// Do some validation but dont submit
let res = pow::verify_size(&b.header);
if res.is_err() {
// Return error status
"(Server ID: {}) Failed to validate share at height {}, hash {}, edge_bits {}, nonce {}, job_id {}. {:?}",
.update_stats(worker_id, |worker_stats| worker_stats.num_rejected += 1);
return Err(RpcError::cannot_validate());
// Log this as a valid share
self.workers.update_edge_bits(params.edge_bits as u16);
let worker = self.workers.get_worker(worker_id)?;
let submitted_by = match worker.login {
None => worker.id.to_string(),
Some(login) => login,
"(Server ID: {}) Got share at height {}, hash {}, edge_bits {}, nonce {}, job_id {}, difficulty {}/{}, submitted by {}",
.update_stats(worker_id, |worker_stats| worker_stats.num_accepted += 1);
let submit_response = if share_is_block {
format!("blockfound - {}", b.hash().to_hex())
} else {
return Ok((
} // handle submit a solution
fn broadcast_job(&self) {
2023-07-05 23:36:33 +03:00
println!("12345 broadcast job");
2023-07-03 21:17:49 +03:00
// Package new block into RpcRequest
let job_template = self.build_block_template();
let job_template_json = serde_json::to_string(&job_template).unwrap();
// Issue #1159 - use a serde_json Value type to avoid extra quoting
let job_template_value: Value = serde_json::from_str(&job_template_json).unwrap();
let job_request = RpcRequest {
id: JsonId::StrId(String::from("Stratum")),
jsonrpc: String::from("2.0"),
method: String::from("job"),
params: Some(job_template_value),
let job_request_json = serde_json::to_string(&job_request).unwrap();
"(Server ID: {}) sending block {} with id {} to stratum clients",
self.id, job_template.height, job_template.job_id,
pub fn run(&self, config: &StratumServerConfig, tx_pool: &ServerTxPool, stop_state: Arc<StopState>) {
debug!("Run main loop");
let mut deadline: i64 = 0;
let mut head = self.chain.head().unwrap();
let mut current_hash = head.prev_block_h;
loop {
2023-07-05 23:36:33 +03:00
println!("12345 looping");
2023-07-03 21:17:49 +03:00
// Ping stratum socket on stop to handle TcpListener unbind.
if stop_state.is_stopped() {
2023-07-05 23:36:33 +03:00
println!("12345 prepare ping to stop");
2023-07-03 21:17:49 +03:00
let listen_addr: SocketAddr = config
.expect("Stratum: Incorrect address ");
thread::spawn(move || {
2023-07-05 23:36:33 +03:00
println!("12345 ping start");
2023-07-03 21:17:49 +03:00
let _ = TcpStream::connect(listen_addr).unwrap();
2023-07-05 23:36:33 +03:00
println!("12345 ping end");
2023-07-03 21:17:49 +03:00
2023-07-05 23:36:33 +03:00
println!("12345 looping2");
2023-07-03 21:17:49 +03:00
// get the latest chain state
head = self.chain.head().unwrap();
let latest_hash = head.last_block_h;
// Build a new block if there is at least one worker and
// There is a new block on the chain or its time to rebuild
// the current one to include new transactions
if (current_hash != latest_hash || Utc::now().timestamp() >= deadline)
&& self.workers.count() > 0
2023-07-05 23:36:33 +03:00
println!("12345 resend updated block");
2023-07-03 21:17:49 +03:00
let mut state = self.current_state.write();
2023-07-05 23:36:33 +03:00
println!("12345 after resend updated block");
2023-07-03 21:17:49 +03:00
let wallet_listener_url = if !config.burn_reward {
} else {
// If this is a new block we will clear the current_block version history
let clear_blocks = current_hash != latest_hash;
// Build the new block (version)
2023-07-05 23:36:33 +03:00
println!("12345 get_block");
2023-07-03 21:17:49 +03:00
let (new_block, block_fees) = mine_block::get_block(
2023-07-05 23:36:33 +03:00
println!("12345 after get_block");
2023-07-03 21:17:49 +03:00
// scaled difficulty
state.current_difficulty =
(new_block.header.total_difficulty() - head.total_difficulty).to_num();
state.current_key_id = block_fees.key_id();
current_hash = latest_hash;
// set the minimum acceptable share unscaled difficulty for this block
state.minimum_share_difficulty = config.minimum_share_difficulty;
// set a new deadline for rebuilding with fresh transactions
deadline = Utc::now().timestamp() + config.attempt_time_per_block as i64;
// If this is a new block we will clear the current_block version history
if clear_blocks {
// Update the mining stats
2023-07-05 23:36:33 +03:00
println!("12345 update_block_height");
2023-07-03 21:17:49 +03:00
2023-07-05 23:36:33 +03:00
println!("12345 after update_block_height");
2023-07-03 21:17:49 +03:00
let difficulty = new_block.header.total_difficulty() - head.total_difficulty;
2023-07-05 23:36:33 +03:00
println!("12345 update_network_difficulty");
2023-07-03 21:17:49 +03:00
2023-07-05 23:36:33 +03:00
println!("12345 after update_network_difficulty");
2023-07-03 21:17:49 +03:00
2023-07-05 23:36:33 +03:00
println!("12345 after update_network_hashrate");
2023-07-03 21:17:49 +03:00
// Add this new block candidate onto our list of block versions for this height
2023-07-05 23:36:33 +03:00
println!("12345 resend updated block exit");
2023-07-03 21:17:49 +03:00
// Send this job to all connected workers
// sleep before restarting loop
} // Main Loop
// ----------------------------------------
// Worker Factory Thread Function
fn accept_connections(listen_addr: SocketAddr, handler: Arc<Handler>, stop_state: Arc<StopState>) {
info!("Start tokio stratum server");
let task = async move {
let mut listener = TcpListener::bind(&listen_addr).await.unwrap_or_else(|_| {
panic!("Stratum: Failed to bind to listen address {}", listen_addr)
let state_socket = &stop_state.clone();
2023-07-05 23:36:33 +03:00
println!("12345 bind complete");
loop {
println!("12345 socket starting");
let (socket, _) = listener.accept().await.unwrap();
// Stop listener on node server stop.
if state_socket.is_stopped() {
2023-07-03 21:17:49 +03:00
2023-07-05 23:36:33 +03:00
println!("12345 socket");
let handler = handler.clone();
let process = || async move {
// Spawn a task to process the connection
let (tx, mut rx) = mpsc::unbounded();
let worker_id = handler.workers.add_worker(tx);
info!("Worker {} connected", worker_id);
let framed = Framed::new(socket, LinesCodec::new());
let (mut writer, mut reader) = framed.split();
let h = handler.clone();
let read = async move {
println!("12345 r: 1");
while let Some(line) = reader
.map_err(|e| error!("error reading line: {}", e))?
println!("12345 r: 2: {}", line);
let request = serde_json::from_str(&line)
.map_err(|e| println!("error serializing line: {}", e))?;
let resp = h.handle_rpc_requests(request, worker_id);
h.workers.send_to(worker_id, resp);
println!("12345 r: 3");
2023-07-03 21:17:49 +03:00
2023-07-05 23:36:33 +03:00
Result::<_, ()>::Ok(())
2023-07-03 21:17:49 +03:00
2023-07-05 23:36:33 +03:00
let write = async move {
while let Some(line) = rx.next().await {
println!("12345 w: 1: {}", line);
2023-07-03 21:17:49 +03:00
2023-07-05 23:36:33 +03:00
.map_err(|e| println!("error writing line: {}", e))?;
println!("12345 w: 2");
Result::<_, ()>::Ok(())
let task = async move {
println!("12345 t: 1");
pin_mut!(read, write);
println!("12345 t: 2");
futures::future::select(read, write).await;
println!("12345 t: 3");
println!("12345 t: 4");
info!("Worker {} disconnected", worker_id);
Result::<_, ()>::Ok(())
println!("12345 run process");
let _ = (process)().await;
println!("12345 after process");
2023-07-03 21:17:49 +03:00
2023-07-05 23:36:33 +03:00
let rt = Runtime::new().unwrap();
2023-07-03 21:17:49 +03:00
// ----------------------------------------
// Worker Object - a connected stratum client - a miner, pool, proxy, etc...
pub struct Worker {
id: usize,
agent: String,
login: Option<String>,
authenticated: bool,
tx: Tx,
impl Worker {
/// Creates a new Stratum Worker.
pub fn new(id: usize, tx: Tx) -> Worker {
Worker {
id: id,
agent: String::from(""),
login: None,
authenticated: false,
tx: tx,
} // impl Worker
struct WorkersList {
workers_list: Arc<RwLock<HashMap<usize, Worker>>>,
stratum_stats: Arc<RwLock<StratumStats>>,
impl WorkersList {
pub fn new(stratum_stats: Arc<RwLock<StratumStats>>) -> Self {
WorkersList {
workers_list: Arc::new(RwLock::new(HashMap::new())),
stratum_stats: stratum_stats,
pub fn add_worker(&self, tx: Tx) -> usize {
let mut stratum_stats = self.stratum_stats.write();
let worker_id = stratum_stats.worker_stats.len();
let worker = Worker::new(worker_id, tx);
let mut workers_list = self.workers_list.write();
workers_list.insert(worker_id, worker);
let mut worker_stats = WorkerStats::default();
worker_stats.is_connected = true;
worker_stats.id = worker_id.to_string();
worker_stats.pow_difficulty = stratum_stats.minimum_share_difficulty;
stratum_stats.num_workers = workers_list.len();
pub fn remove_worker(&self, worker_id: usize) {
self.update_stats(worker_id, |ws| ws.is_connected = false);
let mut stratum_stats = self.stratum_stats.write();
let mut workers_list = self.workers_list.write();
.expect("Stratum: no such addr in map");
stratum_stats.num_workers = workers_list.len();
pub fn login(&self, worker_id: usize, login: String, agent: String) -> Result<(), RpcError> {
let mut wl = self.workers_list.write();
let mut worker = wl
worker.login = Some(login);
// XXX TODO Future - Validate password?
worker.agent = agent;
worker.authenticated = true;
pub fn get_worker(&self, worker_id: usize) -> Result<Worker, RpcError> {
.ok_or_else(|| {
error!("Worker {} not found", worker_id);
.map(|w| w.clone())
pub fn get_stats(&self, worker_id: usize) -> Result<WorkerStats, RpcError> {
.map(|ws| ws.clone())
pub fn last_seen(&self, worker_id: usize) {
//self.stratum_stats.write().worker_stats[worker_id].last_seen = SystemTime::now();
self.update_stats(worker_id, |ws| ws.last_seen = SystemTime::now());
pub fn update_stats(&self, worker_id: usize, f: impl FnOnce(&mut WorkerStats) -> ()) {
let mut stratum_stats = self.stratum_stats.write();
f(&mut stratum_stats.worker_stats[worker_id]);
pub fn send_to(&self, worker_id: usize, msg: String) {
let _ = self
pub fn broadcast(&self, msg: String) {
for worker in self.workers_list.read().values() {
let _ = worker.tx.unbounded_send(msg.clone());
pub fn count(&self) -> usize {
pub fn update_edge_bits(&self, edge_bits: u16) {
let mut stratum_stats = self.stratum_stats.write();
stratum_stats.edge_bits = edge_bits;
pub fn update_block_height(&self, height: u64) {
let mut stratum_stats = self.stratum_stats.write();
stratum_stats.block_height = height;
pub fn update_network_difficulty(&self, difficulty: u64) {
let mut stratum_stats = self.stratum_stats.write();
stratum_stats.network_difficulty = difficulty;
pub fn update_network_hashrate(&self) {
let mut stratum_stats = self.stratum_stats.write();
stratum_stats.network_hashrate = 42.0
* (stratum_stats.network_difficulty as f64
/ graph_weight(stratum_stats.block_height, stratum_stats.edge_bits as u8) as f64)
/ 60.0;
// ----------------------------------------
// Grin Stratum Server
pub struct StratumServer {
id: String,
config: StratumServerConfig,
chain: Arc<grin_chain::Chain>,
pub tx_pool: ServerTxPool,
sync_state: Arc<SyncState>,
stratum_stats: Arc<RwLock<StratumStats>>,
impl StratumServer {
/// Creates a new Stratum Server.
pub fn new(
config: StratumServerConfig,
chain: Arc<grin_chain::Chain>,
tx_pool: ServerTxPool,
stratum_stats: Arc<RwLock<StratumStats>>,
) -> StratumServer {
StratumServer {
id: String::from("0"),
sync_state: Arc::new(SyncState::new()),
stratum_stats: stratum_stats,
/// "main()" - Starts the stratum-server. Creates a thread to Listens for
/// a connection, then enters a loop, building a new block on top of the
/// existing chain anytime required and sending that to the connected
/// stratum miner, proxy, or pool, and accepts full solutions to
/// be submitted.
pub fn run_loop(&mut self, proof_size: usize, sync_state: Arc<SyncState>, stop_state: Arc<StopState>) {
"(Server ID: {}) Starting stratum server with proof_size = {}",
self.id, proof_size
self.sync_state = sync_state;
let listen_addr = self
.expect("Stratum: Incorrect address ");
let handler = Arc::new(Handler::from_stratum(&self));
let h = handler.clone();
let s_state = stop_state.clone();
let _listener_th = thread::spawn(move || {
accept_connections(listen_addr, h, s_state);
// We have started
let mut stratum_stats = self.stratum_stats.write();
stratum_stats.is_running = true;
stratum_stats.edge_bits = (global::min_edge_bits() + 1) as u16;
stratum_stats.minimum_share_difficulty = self.config.minimum_share_difficulty;
"Stratum server started on {}",
// Initial Loop. Waiting node complete syncing
while self.sync_state.is_syncing() {
handler.run(&self.config, &self.tx_pool, stop_state.clone());
} // fn run_loop()
} // StratumServer
// Utility function to parse a JSON RPC parameter object, returning a proper
// error if things go wrong.
fn parse_params<T>(params: Option<Value>) -> Result<T, RpcError>
for<'de> T: serde::Deserialize<'de>,
.and_then(|v| serde_json::from_value(v).ok())