extern crate grin_wallet_api as apiwallet; extern crate grin_wallet_config as wallet_config; extern crate grin_wallet_controller as wallet_controller; extern crate grin_wallet_impls as wallet; extern crate grin_wallet_libwallet as libwallet; use futures::channel::oneshot; use grin_core as core; use grin_p2p as p2p; use grin_servers as servers; use grin_util::logger::LogEntry; use grin_util::{Mutex, StopState}; use std::default::Default; use std::net::SocketAddr; use mwixnet::{GrinNode, HttpGrinNode}; use std::sync::{mpsc, Arc}; use std::thread; #[allow(dead_code)] pub struct IntegrationGrinNode { server_config: servers::ServerConfig, stop_state: Arc, server: Option>, } impl IntegrationGrinNode { pub fn start(&mut self) -> Arc { let stop_state_thread = self.stop_state.clone(); let server_config_thread = self.server_config.clone(); // Create a channel to communicate between threads let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(); // Start the node in a new thread thread::spawn(move || { let api_chan: &'static mut (oneshot::Sender<()>, oneshot::Receiver<()>) = Box::leak(Box::new(oneshot::channel::<()>())); servers::Server::start( server_config_thread.clone(), None, move |serv: servers::Server, _: Option>| { // Signal that the callback has been called tx.send(serv).unwrap(); // Do other necessary stuff here }, Some(stop_state_thread.clone()), api_chan, ) .unwrap(); }); // Wait for the signal from the node-running thread let server = Arc::new(rx.recv().unwrap()); self.server = Some(server.clone()); server } pub fn stop(&self) { self.stop_state.stop(); } pub fn api_address(&self) -> SocketAddr { self.server_config.api_http_addr.parse().unwrap() } pub fn to_client(&self) -> Arc { Arc::new(HttpGrinNode::new(&self.api_address().to_string(), &None)) } } #[allow(dead_code)] pub struct GrinNodeManager { // base directory for the server instance working_dir: String, nodes: Vec>>, } impl GrinNodeManager { pub fn new(test_dir: &str) -> GrinNodeManager { GrinNodeManager { working_dir: String::from(test_dir), nodes: vec![], } } pub fn new_node(&mut self) -> Arc> { let server_config = servers::ServerConfig { api_http_addr: format!("{}", 20000 + self.nodes.len()), api_secret_path: None, db_root: format!("{}/nodes/{}", self.working_dir, self.nodes.len()), p2p_config: p2p::P2PConfig { port: 13414, seeding_type: p2p::Seeding::None, ..p2p::P2PConfig::default() }, chain_type: core::global::ChainTypes::AutomatedTesting, skip_sync_wait: Some(true), stratum_mining_config: None, ..Default::default() }; let node = Arc::new(Mutex::new(IntegrationGrinNode { server_config, stop_state: Arc::new(StopState::new()), server: None, })); self.nodes.push(node.clone()); node } pub fn stop_all(&self) { for node in &self.nodes { node.lock().stop(); } } }