use std::net::SocketAddr; use std::net::ToSocketAddrs; use async_trait::async_trait; use grin_core::core::Output; use grin_core::libtx::secp_ser; use grin_keychain::BlindingFactor; use grin_util::{ToHex, ZeroingString}; use grin_wallet_api::Token; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use serde_json::json; use thiserror::Error; use grin_onion::crypto::secp; use secp256k1zkp::{PublicKey, Secp256k1, SecretKey}; use crate::http; #[async_trait] pub trait Wallet: Send + Sync { /// Builds an output for the wallet with the provided amount. async fn async_build_output( &self, amount: u64, ) -> Result<(BlindingFactor, Output), WalletError>; } /// Error types for interacting with wallets #[derive(Error, Debug)] pub enum WalletError { #[error("Error communication with wallet: {0:?}")] WalletCommError(http::HttpError), } /// HTTP (JSONRPC) implementation of the 'Wallet' trait. #[derive(Clone)] pub struct HttpWallet { wallet_owner_url: SocketAddr, wallet_owner_secret: Option, shared_key: SecretKey, token: Token, } const ENDPOINT: &str = "/v3/owner"; /// Wrapper for ECDH Public keys #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone)] #[serde(transparent)] pub struct ECDHPubkey { /// public key, flattened #[serde(with = "secp_ser::pubkey_serde")] pub ecdh_pubkey: PublicKey, } impl HttpWallet { /// Calls the 'open_wallet' using the RPC API. pub async fn async_open_wallet( wallet_owner_url: &str, wallet_owner_secret: &Option, wallet_pass: &ZeroingString, ) -> Result { info!("Opening wallet at {}", wallet_owner_url); let mut addrs_iter = wallet_owner_url.to_socket_addrs().unwrap(); let wallet_owner_url =; let shared_key = HttpWallet::async_init_secure_api(&wallet_owner_url, &wallet_owner_secret).await?; let open_wallet_params = json!({ "name": null, "password": wallet_pass.to_string() }); let url = format!("http://{}{}", wallet_owner_url, ENDPOINT); let token: Token = http::async_send_enc_request( &url, &wallet_owner_secret, "open_wallet", &open_wallet_params, &shared_key, ) .await .map_err(WalletError::WalletCommError)?; info!("Connected to wallet"); Ok(HttpWallet { wallet_owner_url: wallet_owner_url.clone(), wallet_owner_secret: wallet_owner_secret.clone(), shared_key: shared_key.clone(), token: token.clone(), }) } async fn async_init_secure_api( wallet_owner_url: &SocketAddr, wallet_owner_secret: &Option, ) -> Result { let secp = Secp256k1::new(); let ephemeral_sk = secp::random_secret(); let ephemeral_pk = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp, &ephemeral_sk).unwrap(); let ephemeral_pk_bytes = ephemeral_pk.serialize_vec(&secp, true); let init_params = json!({ "ecdh_pubkey": ephemeral_pk_bytes.to_hex() }); let url = format!("http://{}{}", wallet_owner_url, ENDPOINT); let response_pk: ECDHPubkey = http::async_send_json_request( &url, &wallet_owner_secret, "init_secure_api", &init_params, ) .await .map_err(WalletError::WalletCommError)?; let shared_key = { let mut shared_pubkey = response_pk.ecdh_pubkey.clone(); shared_pubkey.mul_assign(&secp, &ephemeral_sk).unwrap(); let x_coord = shared_pubkey.serialize_vec(&secp, true); SecretKey::from_slice(&secp, &x_coord[1..]).unwrap() }; Ok(shared_key) } pub async fn async_perform_request( &self, method: &str, params: &serde_json::Value, ) -> Result { let url = format!("http://{}{}", self.wallet_owner_url, ENDPOINT); http::async_send_enc_request( &url, &self.wallet_owner_secret, method, params, &self.shared_key, ) .await .map_err(WalletError::WalletCommError) } pub fn get_token(&self) -> Token { self.token.clone() } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct OutputWithBlind { #[serde( serialize_with = "secp_ser::as_hex", deserialize_with = "secp_ser::blind_from_hex" )] blind: BlindingFactor, output: Output, } #[async_trait] impl Wallet for HttpWallet { /// Builds an 'Output' for the wallet using the 'build_output' RPC API. async fn async_build_output( &self, amount: u64, ) -> Result<(BlindingFactor, Output), WalletError> { let params = json!({ "token": self.token, "features": "Plain", "amount": amount }); let url = format!("http://{}{}", self.wallet_owner_url, ENDPOINT); let output: OutputWithBlind = http::async_send_enc_request( &url, &self.wallet_owner_secret, "build_output", ¶ms, &self.shared_key, ) .await .map_err(WalletError::WalletCommError)?; Ok((output.blind, output.output)) } } #[cfg(test)] pub mod mock { use std::borrow::BorrowMut; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; use async_trait::async_trait; use grin_core::core::{Output, OutputFeatures}; use grin_keychain::BlindingFactor; use grin_onion::crypto::secp; use secp256k1zkp::pedersen::Commitment; use secp256k1zkp::Secp256k1; use super::{Wallet, WalletError}; /// Mock implementation of the 'Wallet' trait for unit-tests. #[derive(Clone)] pub struct MockWallet { built_outputs: Arc>>, } impl MockWallet { /// Creates a new, empty MockWallet. pub fn new() -> Self { MockWallet { built_outputs: Arc::new(Mutex::new(Vec::new())), } } /// Returns the commitments of all outputs built for the wallet. pub fn built_outputs(&self) -> Vec { self.built_outputs.lock().unwrap().clone() } } #[async_trait] impl Wallet for MockWallet { /// Builds an 'Output' for the wallet using the 'build_output' RPC API. async fn async_build_output( &self, amount: u64, ) -> Result<(BlindingFactor, Output), WalletError> { let secp = Secp256k1::new(); let blind = secp::random_secret(); let commit = secp::commit(amount, &blind).unwrap(); let proof = secp.bullet_proof( amount, blind.clone(), secp::random_secret(), secp::random_secret(), None, None, ); let output = Output::new(OutputFeatures::Plain, commit.clone(), proof); let mut locked = self.built_outputs.lock().unwrap(); locked.borrow_mut().push(output.commitment().clone()); Ok((BlindingFactor::from_secret_key(blind), output)) } } }