use crate::onion::Onion; use crate::secp::{self, Commitment, RangeProof, SecretKey}; use crate::types::{read_optional, write_optional}; use grin_core::core::hash::Hash; use grin_core::core::Input; use grin_core::ser::{ self, DeserializationMode, ProtocolVersion, Readable, Reader, Writeable, Writer, }; use grin_store::{self as store, Store}; use grin_util::ToHex; use thiserror::Error; const DB_NAME: &str = "swap"; const STORE_SUBPATH: &str = "swaps"; const CURRENT_VERSION: u8 = 0; const SWAP_PREFIX: u8 = b'S'; /// Swap statuses #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum SwapStatus { Unprocessed, InProcess { kernel_hash: Hash }, Completed { kernel_hash: Hash, block_hash: Hash }, } impl Writeable for SwapStatus { fn write(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), ser::Error> { match self { SwapStatus::Unprocessed => { writer.write_u8(0)?; } SwapStatus::InProcess { kernel_hash } => { writer.write_u8(1)?; kernel_hash.write(writer)?; } SwapStatus::Completed { kernel_hash, block_hash, } => { writer.write_u8(2)?; kernel_hash.write(writer)?; block_hash.write(writer)?; } }; Ok(()) } } impl Readable for SwapStatus { fn read(reader: &mut R) -> Result { let status = match reader.read_u8()? { 0 => SwapStatus::Unprocessed, 1 => { let kernel_hash = Hash::read(reader)?; SwapStatus::InProcess { kernel_hash } } 2 => { let kernel_hash = Hash::read(reader)?; let block_hash = Hash::read(reader)?; SwapStatus::Completed { kernel_hash, block_hash, } } _ => { return Err(ser::Error::CorruptedData); } }; Ok(status) } } /// Data needed to swap a single output. #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct SwapData { /// The total excess for the output commitment pub excess: SecretKey, /// The derived output commitment after applying excess and fee pub output_commit: Commitment, /// The rangeproof, included only for the final hop (node N) pub rangeproof: Option, /// Transaction input being spent pub input: Input, /// Transaction fee pub fee: u64, /// The remaining onion after peeling off our layer pub onion: Onion, /// The status of the swap pub status: SwapStatus, } impl Writeable for SwapData { fn write(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), ser::Error> { writer.write_u8(CURRENT_VERSION)?; writer.write_fixed_bytes(&self.excess)?; writer.write_fixed_bytes(&self.output_commit)?; write_optional(writer, &self.rangeproof)?; self.input.write(writer)?; writer.write_u64(self.fee.into())?; self.onion.write(writer)?; self.status.write(writer)?; Ok(()) } } impl Readable for SwapData { fn read(reader: &mut R) -> Result { let version = reader.read_u8()?; if version != CURRENT_VERSION { return Err(ser::Error::UnsupportedProtocolVersion); } let excess = secp::read_secret_key(reader)?; let output_commit = Commitment::read(reader)?; let rangeproof = read_optional(reader)?; let input = Input::read(reader)?; let fee = reader.read_u64()?; let onion = Onion::read(reader)?; let status = SwapStatus::read(reader)?; Ok(SwapData { excess, output_commit, rangeproof, input, fee, onion, status, }) } } /// Storage facility for swap data. pub struct SwapStore { db: Store, } /// Store error types #[derive(Clone, Error, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum StoreError { #[error("Swap entry already exists for '{0:?}'")] AlreadyExists(Commitment), #[error("Error occurred while attempting to open db: {0}")] OpenError(store::lmdb::Error), #[error("Serialization error occurred: {0}")] SerializationError(ser::Error), #[error("Error occurred while attempting to read from db: {0}")] ReadError(store::lmdb::Error), #[error("Error occurred while attempting to write to db: {0}")] WriteError(store::lmdb::Error), } impl From for StoreError { fn from(e: ser::Error) -> StoreError { StoreError::SerializationError(e) } } impl SwapStore { /// Create new chain store pub fn new(db_root: &str) -> Result { let db = Store::new(db_root, Some(DB_NAME), Some(STORE_SUBPATH), None) .map_err(StoreError::OpenError)?; Ok(SwapStore { db }) } /// Writes a single key-value pair to the database fn write>( &self, prefix: u8, k: K, value: &Vec, overwrite: bool, ) -> Result { let batch = self.db.batch()?; let key = store::to_key(prefix, k); if !overwrite && batch.exists(&key[..])? { Ok(false) } else { batch.put(&key[..], &value[..])?; batch.commit()?; Ok(true) } } /// Reads a single value by key fn read + Copy, V: Readable>(&self, prefix: u8, k: K) -> Result { store::option_to_not_found(self.db.get_ser(&store::to_key(prefix, k)[..], None), || { format!("{}:{}", prefix, k.to_hex()) }) .map_err(StoreError::ReadError) } /// Saves a swap to the database pub fn save_swap(&self, s: &SwapData, overwrite: bool) -> Result<(), StoreError> { let data = ser::ser_vec(&s, ProtocolVersion::local())?; let saved = self .write(SWAP_PREFIX, &s.input.commit, &data, overwrite) .map_err(StoreError::WriteError)?; if !saved { Err(StoreError::AlreadyExists(s.input.commit.clone())) } else { Ok(()) } } /// Iterator over all swaps. pub fn swaps_iter(&self) -> Result, StoreError> { let key = store::to_key(SWAP_PREFIX, ""); let protocol_version = self.db.protocol_version(); self.db .iter(&key[..], move |_, mut v| { ser::deserialize(&mut v, protocol_version, DeserializationMode::default()) .map_err(From::from) }) .map_err(|e| StoreError::ReadError(e)) } /// Checks if a matching swap exists in the database #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn swap_exists(&self, input_commit: &Commitment) -> Result { let key = store::to_key(SWAP_PREFIX, input_commit); self.db .batch() .map_err(StoreError::ReadError)? .exists(&key[..]) .map_err(StoreError::ReadError) } /// Reads a swap from the database #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn get_swap(&self, input_commit: &Commitment) -> Result {, input_commit) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::onion::test_util::rand_onion; use crate::secp::test_util::{rand_commit, rand_hash, rand_proof}; use crate::store::{SwapData, SwapStatus, SwapStore}; use crate::{secp, StoreError}; use grin_core::core::{Input, OutputFeatures}; use grin_core::global::{self, ChainTypes}; use rand::RngCore; use std::cmp::Ordering; fn new_store(test_name: &str) -> SwapStore { global::set_local_chain_type(ChainTypes::AutomatedTesting); let db_root = format!("./target/tmp/.{}", test_name); let _ = std::fs::remove_dir_all(db_root.as_str()); SwapStore::new(db_root.as_str()).unwrap() } fn rand_swap_with_status(status: SwapStatus) -> SwapData { SwapData { excess: secp::random_secret(), output_commit: rand_commit(), rangeproof: Some(rand_proof()), input: Input::new(OutputFeatures::Plain, rand_commit()), fee: rand::thread_rng().next_u64(), onion: rand_onion(), status, } } fn rand_swap() -> SwapData { let s = rand::thread_rng().next_u64() % 3; let status = if s == 0 { SwapStatus::Unprocessed } else if s == 1 { SwapStatus::InProcess { kernel_hash: rand_hash(), } } else { SwapStatus::Completed { kernel_hash: rand_hash(), block_hash: rand_hash(), } }; rand_swap_with_status(status) } #[test] fn swap_iter() -> Result<(), Box> { let store = new_store("swap_iter"); let mut swaps: Vec = Vec::new(); for _ in 0..5 { let swap = rand_swap(); store.save_swap(&swap, false)?; swaps.push(swap); } swaps.sort_by(|a, b| { if a.input.commit < b.input.commit { Ordering::Less } else if a.input.commit == b.input.commit { Ordering::Equal } else { Ordering::Greater } }); let mut i: usize = 0; for swap in store.swaps_iter()? { assert_eq!(swap, *swaps.get(i).unwrap()); i += 1; } Ok(()) } #[test] fn save_swap() -> Result<(), Box> { let store = new_store("save_swap"); let mut swap = rand_swap_with_status(SwapStatus::Unprocessed); assert!(!store.swap_exists(&swap.input.commit)?); store.save_swap(&swap, false)?; assert_eq!(swap, store.get_swap(&swap.input.commit)?); assert!(store.swap_exists(&swap.input.commit)?); swap.status = SwapStatus::InProcess { kernel_hash: rand_hash(), }; let result = store.save_swap(&swap, false); assert_eq!( Err(StoreError::AlreadyExists(swap.input.commit.clone())), result ); store.save_swap(&swap, true)?; assert_eq!(swap, store.get_swap(&swap.input.commit)?); Ok(()) } }