use config::ServerConfig; use node::HttpGrinNode; use store::SwapStore; use wallet::HttpWallet; use crate::store::StoreError; use clap::App; use grin_core::global; use grin_core::global::ChainTypes; use grin_util::{StopState, ZeroingString}; use rpassword; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::Arc; use tokio::runtime::Runtime; #[macro_use] extern crate clap; mod config; mod node; mod onion; mod rpc; mod secp; mod server; mod store; mod types; mod wallet; const DEFAULT_INTERVAL: u32 = 12 * 60 * 60; fn main() { real_main().unwrap(); std::process::exit(0); } fn real_main() -> Result<(), Box> { let yml = load_yaml!("../mwixnet.yml"); let args = App::from_yaml(yml).get_matches(); let chain_type = if args.is_present("testnet") { ChainTypes::Testnet } else { ChainTypes::Mainnet }; global::set_local_chain_type(chain_type); let config_path = match args.value_of("config_file") { Some(path) => PathBuf::from(path), None => { let mut grin_path = config::get_grin_path(&chain_type); grin_path.push("mwixnet-config.toml"); grin_path } }; let round_time = args .value_of("round_time") .map(|t| t.parse::().unwrap()); let bind_addr = args.value_of("bind_addr"); let grin_node_url = args.value_of("grin_node_url"); let grin_node_secret_path = args.value_of("grin_node_secret_path"); let wallet_owner_url = args.value_of("wallet_owner_url"); let wallet_owner_secret_path = args.value_of("wallet_owner_secret_path"); // Write a new config file if init-config command is supplied if let ("init-config", Some(_)) = args.subcommand() { if config_path.exists() { panic!( "Config file already exists at {}", config_path.to_string_lossy() ); } let server_config = ServerConfig { key: secp::random_secret(), interval_s: round_time.unwrap_or(DEFAULT_INTERVAL), addr: bind_addr.unwrap_or("").parse()?, grin_node_url: match grin_node_url { Some(u) => u.parse()?, None => config::grin_node_url(&chain_type), }, grin_node_secret_path: match grin_node_secret_path { Some(p) => Some(p.to_owned()), None => config::node_secret_path(&chain_type) .to_str() .map(|p| p.to_owned()), }, wallet_owner_url: match wallet_owner_url { Some(u) => u.parse()?, None => config::wallet_owner_url(&chain_type), }, wallet_owner_secret_path: match wallet_owner_secret_path { Some(p) => Some(p.to_owned()), None => config::wallet_owner_secret_path(&chain_type) .to_str() .map(|p| p.to_owned()), }, }; let password = prompt_password_confirm(); config::write_config(&config_path, &server_config, &password)?; println!( "Config file written to {:?}. Please back this file up in a safe place.", config_path ); return Ok(()); } let password = prompt_password(); let mut server_config = config::load_config(&config_path, &password)?; // Override bind_addr, if supplied if let Some(bind_addr) = bind_addr { server_config.addr = bind_addr.parse()?; } // Override grin_node_url, if supplied if let Some(grin_node_url) = grin_node_url { server_config.grin_node_url = grin_node_url.parse()?; } // Override grin_node_secret_path, if supplied if let Some(grin_node_secret_path) = grin_node_secret_path { server_config.grin_node_secret_path = Some(grin_node_secret_path.to_owned()); } // Override wallet_owner_url, if supplied if let Some(wallet_owner_url) = wallet_owner_url { server_config.wallet_owner_url = wallet_owner_url.parse()?; } // Override wallet_owner_secret_path, if supplied if let Some(wallet_owner_secret_path) = wallet_owner_secret_path { server_config.wallet_owner_secret_path = Some(wallet_owner_secret_path.to_owned()); } // Open wallet let wallet_pass = prompt_wallet_password(&args.value_of("wallet_pass")); let wallet = HttpWallet::open_wallet( &server_config.wallet_owner_url, &server_config.wallet_owner_api_secret(), &wallet_pass, )?; // Create GrinNode let node = HttpGrinNode::new( &server_config.grin_node_url, &server_config.node_api_secret(), ); // Open SwapStore let store = SwapStore::new( config::get_grin_path(&chain_type) // todo: load from config .join("db") .to_str() .ok_or(StoreError::OpenError(grin_store::lmdb::Error::FileErr( "db_root path error".to_string(), )))?, )?; let stop_state = Arc::new(StopState::new()); let stop_state_clone = stop_state.clone(); let rt = Runtime::new()?; rt.spawn(async move { futures::executor::block_on(build_signals_fut()); stop_state_clone.stop(); }); // Start the mwixnet JSON-RPC HTTP server rpc::listen( server_config, Arc::new(wallet), Arc::new(node), store, stop_state, ) } async fn build_signals_fut() { if cfg!(unix) { use tokio::signal::unix::{signal, SignalKind}; // Listen for SIGINT, SIGQUIT, and SIGTERM let mut terminate_signal = signal(SignalKind::terminate()).expect("failed to create terminate signal"); let mut quit_signal = signal(SignalKind::quit()).expect("failed to create quit signal"); let mut interrupt_signal = signal(SignalKind::interrupt()).expect("failed to create interrupt signal"); futures::future::select_all(vec![ Box::pin(terminate_signal.recv()), Box::pin(quit_signal.recv()), Box::pin(interrupt_signal.recv()), ]) .await; } else { tokio::signal::ctrl_c() .await .expect("failed to install CTRL+C signal handler"); } } fn prompt_password() -> ZeroingString { ZeroingString::from(rpassword::prompt_password_stdout("Server password: ").unwrap()) } fn prompt_password_confirm() -> ZeroingString { let mut first = "first".to_string(); let mut second = "second".to_string(); while first != second { first = rpassword::prompt_password_stdout("Server password: ").unwrap(); second = rpassword::prompt_password_stdout("Confirm server password: ").unwrap(); } ZeroingString::from(first) } fn prompt_wallet_password(wallet_pass: &Option<&str>) -> ZeroingString { match *wallet_pass { Some(wallet_pass) => ZeroingString::from(wallet_pass), None => { ZeroingString::from(rpassword::prompt_password_stdout("Wallet password: ").unwrap()) } } }