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synced 2025-03-14 04:51:09 +03:00
* Do not send txs and blocks to senders. Keeps a ring buffer of transaction and blocks hashes that a peer has received. Do not send what we've already received. * Test fix and fmt
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// Copyright 2016 The Grin Developers
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! Grin server implementation, accepts incoming connections and connects to
//! other peers in the network.
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};
use std::time::Duration;
use futures;
use futures::{Future, Stream};
use futures::future::{self, IntoFuture};
use rand::{self, Rng};
use tokio_core::net::{TcpListener, TcpStream};
use tokio_core::reactor;
use core::core;
use core::core::hash::Hash;
use core::core::target::Difficulty;
use handshake::Handshake;
use peer::Peer;
use types::*;
use util::LOGGER;
/// A no-op network adapter used for testing.
pub struct DummyAdapter {}
impl NetAdapter for DummyAdapter {
fn total_difficulty(&self) -> Difficulty {
fn transaction_received(&self, _: core::Transaction) {}
fn block_received(&self, _: core::Block) {}
fn headers_received(&self, _: Vec<core::BlockHeader>) {}
fn locate_headers(&self, _: Vec<Hash>) -> Vec<core::BlockHeader> {
fn get_block(&self, _: Hash) -> Option<core::Block> {
fn find_peer_addrs(&self, _: Capabilities) -> Vec<SocketAddr> {
fn peer_addrs_received(&self, _: Vec<SocketAddr>) {}
fn peer_connected(&self, _: &PeerInfo) {}
/// P2P server implementation, handling bootstrapping to find and connect to
/// peers, receiving connections from other peers and keep track of all of them.
pub struct Server {
config: P2PConfig,
capabilities: Capabilities,
peers: Arc<RwLock<Vec<Arc<Peer>>>>,
adapter: Arc<NetAdapter>,
stop: RefCell<Option<futures::sync::oneshot::Sender<()>>>,
unsafe impl Sync for Server {}
unsafe impl Send for Server {}
impl Server {
/// Creates a new idle p2p server with no peers
pub fn new(capab: Capabilities, config: P2PConfig, adapter: Arc<NetAdapter>) -> Server {
Server {
config: config,
capabilities: capab,
peers: Arc::new(RwLock::new(Vec::new())),
adapter: adapter,
stop: RefCell::new(None),
/// Starts the p2p server. Opens a TCP port to allow incoming
/// connections and starts the bootstrapping process to find peers.
pub fn start(&self, h: reactor::Handle) -> Box<Future<Item = (), Error = Error>> {
let addr = SocketAddr::new(self.config.host, self.config.port);
let socket = TcpListener::bind(&addr, &h.clone()).unwrap();
warn!(LOGGER, "P2P server started on {}", addr);
let hs = Arc::new(Handshake::new());
let peers = self.peers.clone();
let adapter = self.adapter.clone();
let capab = self.capabilities.clone();
// main peer acceptance future handling handshake
let hp = h.clone();
let peers = socket.incoming().map_err(From::from).map(move |(conn, _)| {
let adapter = adapter.clone();
let total_diff = adapter.total_difficulty();
let peers = peers.clone();
// accept the peer and add it to the server map
let accept = Peer::accept(conn, capab, total_diff, &hs.clone(), adapter.clone());
let added = add_to_peers(peers, adapter, accept);
// wire in a future to timeout the accept after 5 secs
let timed_peer = with_timeout(Box::new(added), &hp);
// run the main peer protocol
timed_peer.and_then(move |(conn, peer)| peer.clone().run(conn))
// spawn each peer future to its own task
let hs = h.clone();
let server = peers.for_each(move |peer| {
hs.spawn(peer.then(|res| {
match res {
Err(e) => info!(LOGGER, "Client error: {:?}", e),
_ => {}
// setup the stopping oneshot on the server and join it with the peer future
let (stop, stop_rx) = futures::sync::oneshot::channel();
let mut stop_mut = self.stop.borrow_mut();
*stop_mut = Some(stop);
.select(stop_rx.map_err(|_| Error::ConnectionClose))
.then(|res| match res {
Ok((_, _)) => Ok(()),
Err((e, _)) => Err(e),
/// Asks the server to connect to a new peer.
pub fn connect_peer(
addr: SocketAddr,
h: reactor::Handle,
) -> Box<Future<Item = Option<Arc<Peer>>, Error = Error>> {
if let Some(p) = self.get_peer(addr) {
// if we're already connected to the addr, just return the peer
return Box::new(future::ok(Some(p)));
if self.is_self(addr) {
// asked to connect to ourselves
return Box::new(future::ok(None));
// cloneapalooza
let peers = self.peers.clone();
let adapter = self.adapter.clone();
let capab = self.capabilities.clone();
let self_addr = SocketAddr::new(self.config.host, self.config.port);
debug!(LOGGER, "{} connecting to {}", self_addr, addr);
let socket = TcpStream::connect(&addr, &h).map_err(|e| Error::Connection(e));
let h2 = h.clone();
let request = socket
.and_then(move |socket| {
let peers = peers.clone();
let total_diff = adapter.clone().total_difficulty();
// connect to the peer and add it to the server map, wiring it a timeout for
// the handhake
let connect = Peer::connect(
let added = add_to_peers(peers, adapter, connect);
with_timeout(Box::new(added), &h)
.and_then(move |(socket, peer)| {
h2.spawn(peer.run(socket).map_err(|e| {
error!(LOGGER, "Peer error: {:?}", e);
/// Check if the server already knows this peer (is already connected). In
/// addition we consider to know ourselves.
pub fn is_known(&self, addr: SocketAddr) -> bool {
self.get_peer(addr).is_some() || self.is_self(addr)
/// Whether the provided address is ourselves.
pub fn is_self(&self, addr: SocketAddr) -> bool {
addr.ip() == self.config.host && addr.port() == self.config.port
/// Get a peer we're connected to by address.
pub fn get_peer(&self, addr: SocketAddr) -> Option<Arc<Peer>> {
for p in self.peers.read().unwrap().deref() {
if p.info.addr == addr {
return Some((*p).clone());
/// Have the server iterate over its peer list and prune all peers we have
/// lost connection to or have been deemed problematic. The removed peers
/// are returned.
pub fn clean_peers(&self) -> Vec<Arc<Peer>> {
let mut peers = self.peers.write().unwrap();
let (keep, rm) = peers.iter().fold((vec![], vec![]), |mut acc, ref p| {
if p.clone().is_connected() {
} else {
*peers = keep;
/// Returns the peer with the most worked branch, showing the highest total
/// difficulty.
pub fn most_work_peer(&self) -> Option<Arc<Peer>> {
let peers = self.peers.read().unwrap();
if peers.len() == 0 {
return None;
let mut res = peers[0].clone();
for p in peers.deref() {
if p.is_connected() && res.info.total_difficulty < p.info.total_difficulty {
res = (*p).clone();
/// Returns a random peer we're connected to.
pub fn random_peer(&self) -> Option<Arc<Peer>> {
let peers = self.peers.read().unwrap();
if peers.len() == 0 {
} else {
let idx = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0, peers.len());
/// Broadcasts the provided block to all our peers. A peer implementation
/// may drop the broadcast request if it knows the remote peer already has
/// the block.
pub fn broadcast_block(&self, b: &core::Block) {
let peers = self.peers.write().unwrap();
for p in peers.deref() {
if p.is_connected() {
if let Err(e) = p.send_block(b) {
debug!(LOGGER, "Error sending block to peer: {:?}", e);
/// Broadcasts the provided transaction to all our peers. A peer
/// implementation may drop the broadcast request if it knows the
/// remote peer already has the transaction.
pub fn broadcast_transaction(&self, tx: &core::Transaction) {
let peers = self.peers.write().unwrap();
for p in peers.deref() {
if p.is_connected() {
if let Err(e) = p.send_transaction(tx) {
debug!(LOGGER, "Error sending block to peer: {:?}", e);
/// Number of peers we're currently connected to.
pub fn peer_count(&self) -> u32 {
self.peers.read().unwrap().len() as u32
/// Stops the server. Disconnect from all peers at the same time.
pub fn stop(self) {
let peers = self.peers.write().unwrap();
for p in peers.deref() {
// Adds the peer built by the provided future in the peers map
fn add_to_peers<A>(
peers: Arc<RwLock<Vec<Arc<Peer>>>>,
adapter: Arc<NetAdapter>,
peer_fut: A,
) -> Box<Future<Item = Result<(TcpStream, Arc<Peer>), ()>, Error = Error>>
A: IntoFuture<Item = (TcpStream, Peer), Error = Error> + 'static,
let peer_add = peer_fut.into_future().map(move |(conn, peer)| {
let apeer = Arc::new(peer);
let mut peers = peers.write().unwrap();
Ok((conn, apeer))
// Adds a timeout to a future
fn with_timeout<T: 'static>(
fut: Box<Future<Item = Result<T, ()>, Error = Error>>,
h: &reactor::Handle,
) -> Box<Future<Item = T, Error = Error>> {
let timeout = reactor::Timeout::new(Duration::new(5, 0), h).unwrap();
let timed = fut.select(timeout.map(Err).from_err()).then(
|res| match res {
Ok((Ok(inner), _timeout)) => Ok(inner),
Ok((_, _accept)) => Err(Error::Timeout),
Err((e, _other)) => Err(e),