mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 04:51:09 +03:00
* Transactions coming from the network are now pushed to the pool through the net adapter. * New blocks accepted by the chain are sent to the pool for eviction. * The miner requests transactions from the pool to build its blocks. * The push API adds to the pool, removing the mock. * Implementation of the adapter to the chain required by the pool to get consistent UTXOs. Grossly unoptimized until we have the UTXO MMR ready.
338 lines
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338 lines
9.4 KiB
// Copyright 2016 The Grin Developers
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, RwLock};
use std::thread;
use chain::{self, ChainAdapter};
use core::core::{self, Output};
use core::core::hash::{Hash, Hashed};
use core::core::target::Difficulty;
use p2p::{self, NetAdapter, Server, PeerStore, PeerData, Capabilities, State};
use pool;
use secp::pedersen::Commitment;
use util::OneTime;
use store;
use sync;
/// Implementation of the NetAdapter for the blockchain. Gets notified when new
/// blocks and transactions are received and forwards to the chain and pool
/// implementations.
pub struct NetToChainAdapter {
/// the reference copy of the current chain state
chain_head: Arc<Mutex<chain::Tip>>,
chain_store: Arc<chain::ChainStore>,
chain_adapter: Arc<ChainToPoolAndNetAdapter>,
peer_store: Arc<PeerStore>,
tx_pool: Arc<RwLock<pool::TransactionPool<PoolToChainAdapter>>>,
syncer: OneTime<Arc<sync::Syncer>>,
impl NetAdapter for NetToChainAdapter {
fn total_difficulty(&self) -> Difficulty {
fn transaction_received(&self, tx: core::Transaction) {
let source = pool::TxSource {
debug_name: "p2p".to_string(),
identifier: "?.?.?.?".to_string(),
if let Err(e) = self.tx_pool.write().unwrap().add_to_memory_pool(source, tx) {
error!("Transaction rejected: {:?}", e);
fn block_received(&self, b: core::Block) {
debug!("Received block {} from network, going to process.",
// pushing the new block through the chain pipeline
let store = self.chain_store.clone();
let chain_adapter = self.chain_adapter.clone();
let opts = if self.syncer.borrow().syncing() {
} else {
let res = chain::process_block(&b, store, chain_adapter, opts);
// log errors and update the shared head reference on success
if let Err(e) = res {
debug!("Block {} refused by chain: {:?}", b.hash(), e);
} else if let Ok(Some(tip)) = res {
let chain_head = self.chain_head.clone();
let mut head = chain_head.lock().unwrap();
*head = tip;
if self.syncer.borrow().syncing() {
fn headers_received(&self, bhs: Vec<core::BlockHeader>) {
let opts = if self.syncer.borrow().syncing() {
} else {
// try to add each header to our header chain
let mut added_hs = vec![];
for bh in bhs {
let store = self.chain_store.clone();
let chain_adapter = self.chain_adapter.clone();
let res = chain::process_block_header(&bh, store, chain_adapter, opts);
match res {
Ok(_) => {
Err(chain::Error::Unfit(s)) => {
info!("Received unfit block header {} at {}: {}.",
Err(chain::Error::StoreErr(e)) => {
error!("Store error processing block header {}: {:?}", bh.hash(), e);
Err(e) => {
info!("Invalid block header {}: {:?}.", bh.hash(), e);
// TODO penalize peer somehow
info!("Added {} headers to the header chain.", added_hs.len());
if self.syncer.borrow().syncing() {
fn locate_headers(&self, locator: Vec<Hash>) -> Vec<core::BlockHeader> {
if locator.len() == 0 {
return vec![];
// go through the locator vector and check if we know any of these headers
let known = self.chain_store.get_block_header(&locator[0]);
let header = match known {
Ok(header) => header,
Err(store::Error::NotFoundErr) => {
return self.locate_headers(locator[1..].to_vec());
Err(e) => {
error!("Could not build header locator: {:?}", e);
return vec![];
// looks like we know one, getting as many following headers as allowed
let hh = header.height;
let mut headers = vec![];
for h in (hh + 1)..(hh + (p2p::MAX_BLOCK_HEADERS as u64)) {
let header = self.chain_store.get_header_by_height(h);
match header {
Ok(head) => headers.push(head),
Err(store::Error::NotFoundErr) => break,
Err(e) => {
error!("Could not build header locator: {:?}", e);
return vec![];
/// Gets a full block by its hash.
fn get_block(&self, h: Hash) -> Option<core::Block> {
let store = self.chain_store.clone();
let b = store.get_block(&h);
match b {
Ok(b) => Some(b),
_ => None,
/// Find good peers we know with the provided capability and return their
/// addresses.
fn find_peer_addrs(&self, capab: p2p::Capabilities) -> Vec<SocketAddr> {
let peers = self.peer_store.find_peers(State::Healthy, capab, p2p::MAX_PEER_ADDRS as usize);
debug!("Got {} peer addrs to send.", peers.len());
map_vec!(peers, |p| p.addr)
/// A list of peers has been received from one of our peers.
fn peer_addrs_received(&self, peer_addrs: Vec<SocketAddr>) {
debug!("Received {} peer addrs, saving.", peer_addrs.len());
for pa in peer_addrs {
if let Ok(e) = self.peer_store.exists_peer(pa) {
if e {
let peer = PeerData {
addr: pa,
capabilities: p2p::UNKNOWN,
user_agent: "".to_string(),
flags: State::Healthy,
if let Err(e) = self.peer_store.save_peer(&peer) {
error!("Could not save received peer address: {:?}", e);
/// Network successfully connected to a peer.
fn peer_connected(&self, pi: &p2p::PeerInfo) {
debug!("Saving newly connected peer {}.", pi.addr);
let peer = PeerData {
addr: pi.addr,
capabilities: pi.capabilities,
user_agent: pi.user_agent.clone(),
flags: State::Healthy,
if let Err(e) = self.peer_store.save_peer(&peer) {
error!("Could not save connected peer: {:?}", e);
impl NetToChainAdapter {
pub fn new(chain_head: Arc<Mutex<chain::Tip>>,
chain_store: Arc<chain::ChainStore>,
chain_adapter: Arc<ChainToPoolAndNetAdapter>,
tx_pool: Arc<RwLock<pool::TransactionPool<PoolToChainAdapter>>>,
peer_store: Arc<PeerStore>)
-> NetToChainAdapter {
NetToChainAdapter {
chain_head: chain_head,
chain_store: chain_store,
chain_adapter: chain_adapter,
peer_store: peer_store,
tx_pool: tx_pool,
syncer: OneTime::new(),
pub fn start_sync(&self, sync: sync::Syncer) {
let arc_sync = Arc::new(sync);
thread::Builder::new().name("syncer".to_string()).spawn(move || {
/// Implementation of the ChainAdapter for the network. Gets notified when the
/// blockchain accepted a new block, asking the pool to update its state and
/// the network to broadcast the block
pub struct ChainToPoolAndNetAdapter {
tx_pool: Arc<RwLock<pool::TransactionPool<PoolToChainAdapter>>>,
p2p: OneTime<Arc<Server>>,
impl ChainAdapter for ChainToPoolAndNetAdapter {
fn block_accepted(&self, b: &core::Block) {
if let Err(e) = self.tx_pool.write().unwrap().reconcile_block(b) {
error!("Pool could not update itself at block {}: {:?}",
impl ChainToPoolAndNetAdapter {
pub fn new(tx_pool: Arc<RwLock<pool::TransactionPool<PoolToChainAdapter>>>)
-> ChainToPoolAndNetAdapter {
ChainToPoolAndNetAdapter {
tx_pool: tx_pool,
p2p: OneTime::new(),
pub fn init(&self, p2p: Arc<Server>) {
/// Implements the view of the blockchain required by the TransactionPool to
/// operate. This is mostly getting information on unspent outputs in a
/// manner consistent with the chain state.
pub struct PoolToChainAdapter {
chain_head: Arc<Mutex<chain::Tip>>,
chain_store: Arc<chain::ChainStore>,
macro_rules! none_err {
($trying:expr) => {{
let tried = $trying;
if let Err(_) = tried {
return None;
impl PoolToChainAdapter {
/// Create a new pool adapter
pub fn new(chain_head: Arc<Mutex<chain::Tip>>,
chain_store: Arc<chain::ChainStore>)
-> PoolToChainAdapter {
PoolToChainAdapter {
chain_head: chain_head,
chain_store: chain_store,
impl pool::BlockChain for PoolToChainAdapter {
fn get_unspent(&self, output_ref: &Commitment) -> Option<Output> {
// TODO use an actual UTXO tree
// in the meantime doing it the *very* expensive way:
// 1. check the output exists
// 2. run the chain back from the head to check it hasn't been spent
if let Ok(out) = self.chain_store.get_output_by_commit(output_ref) {
let mut block_h: Hash;
let chain_head = self.chain_head.clone();
let head = chain_head.lock().unwrap();
block_h = head.last_block_h;
loop {
let b = none_err!(self.chain_store.get_block(&block_h));
for input in b.inputs {
if input.commitment() == *output_ref {
return None;
if b.header.height == 1 {
return Some(out);
} else {
block_h = b.header.previous;