mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 01:21:08 +03:00
* distinguish select (among futures) from select coins. Regex search in project for select\b shows we hardly use select, but maybe could use it to add timeouts more cleanly. ("Want to add a timeout to any future? Just do a select of that future and a timeout future!" from https://aturon.github.io/blog/2016/08/11/futures/) * remove a trailing space * FAQ.md - fix typo * wallet: display problematic tx * update FAQ build troubleshooting to cover #443 * stdout_log_level = Info file_log_level = Debug * sync: show total diff @ height when syncronization is completed * better wallet send dest format error * move INFO "Client conn ... lost" and "Connected to peer" down to Debug * move some level=Info to Debug, add 1000-block outputs
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# Sample Server Configuration File for Grin
# When running the grin executable without specifying any command line
# arguments, it will look for this file in three places, in the following
# order:
# -The working directory
# -The directory in which the executable resides
# -[user home]/.grin
#Server connection details
#the address on which services will listen, e.g. Transaction Pool
api_http_addr = ""
#the directory, relative to current, in which the grin blockchain
#is stored
db_root = ".grin"
#How to seed this server, can be None, List or WebStatic
#seeding_type = "None"
#If seeding_type = List, the list of peers to connect to.
#seeds = ["",""]
#The chain type, which defines the genesis block and the set of cuckoo
#parameters used for mining. Can be:
#AutomatedTesting - For CI builds and instant blockchain creation
#UserTesting - For regular user testing (cuckoo 16)
#Testnet1 - Full production cuckoo parameter (cuckoo 30)
#chain_type = "UserTesting"
#7 = Bit flags for FULL_NODE, this structure needs to be changed
#internally to make it more configurable
capabilities = [7]
#The P2P server details (i.e. the server that communicates with other
#grin server nodes
host = ""
port = 13414
# Whether to log to stdout
log_to_stdout = true
# Log level for stdout: Critical, Error, Warning, Info, Debug, Trace
stdout_log_level = "Info"
# Whether to log to a file
log_to_file = true
# Log level for file: Critical, Error, Warning, Info, Debug, Trace
file_log_level = "Debug"
# Log file path
log_file_path = "grin.log"
# Whether to append to the log file (true), or replace it on every run (false)
log_file_append = true
#Mining details. This section is optional. If it's not here, the server
#will default to not mining.
#flag whether mining is enabled
enable_mining = false
#Whether to use cuckoo-miner, and related parameters
use_cuckoo_miner = true
#Whether to use async mode for cuckoo miner, if the plugin supports it.
#this allows for many searches to be run in parallel, e.g. if the system
#has multiple GPUs, or if you want to mine using multiple plugins
cuckoo_miner_async_mode = false
#If using cuckoo_miner, the directory in which plugins are installed
#if not specified, grin will look in the directory /deps relative
#to the executable
#cuckoo_miner_plugin_dir = "target/debug/plugins"
#The amount of time, in seconds, to attempt to mine on a particular
#header before stopping and re-collecting transactions from the pool
attempt_time_per_block = 90
#the wallet reciever to which coinbase rewards will be sent
wallet_listener_url = ""
#whether to ignore the reward (mostly for testing)
burn_reward = false
#testing value, optional
#slow_down_in_millis = 30
# These entries configure instances of cuckoo miner
# plugins if the 'use_cuckoo_miner' value above is
# set to 'true'.
# Multiple plugins can be specified, (e.g. a cpu
# miner and a gpu miner running in parallel). However,
# if 'use_async_mode' above is set to 'false', only
# the first plugin specified will be used for mining
# in single-threaded mode
# You'll likely get the best performance using a
# single GPU and single CPU plugin in parallel
#The fastest cpu algorithm, but consumes the most memory
#Also requires instructions that aren't available on
#older processors. In this case, use mean_compat_cpu
#type_filter = "mean_cpu"
#parameter_list = {NUM_THREADS=4, NUM_TRIMS=68}
#Same as above, but for older processors. Will be slightly
type_filter = "mean_compat_cpu"
parameter_list = {NUM_THREADS=1, NUM_TRIMS=68}
#note lean_cpu currently has a bug which prevents it from
#working with threads > 1
#type_filter = "lean_cpu"
#parameter_list = {NUM_THREADS=1, NUM_TRIMS=7}
#CUDA verion of lean miner
#Can currently be used only in Production (30) Mode
#This plugin is not built by default. To build:
#1) Ensure the latest cuda toolkit is installed
# (nvcc should be in your PATH)
#2) Uncomment the 'build-cuda-plugin' feature
# in pow/Cargo.toml
#type_filter = "lean_cuda"
#parameter_list = {}