// Copyright 2018 The Grin Developers // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. use std::cell::RefCell; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fmt::Debug; use std::net::SocketAddr; use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock, Weak}; use std::thread; use failure::ResultExt; use futures::future::{err, ok}; use futures::{Future, Stream}; use hyper::{Body, Request, Response, StatusCode}; use rest::{Error, ErrorKind}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use serde_json; use chain; use core::core::hash::{Hash, Hashed}; use core::core::{OutputFeatures, OutputIdentifier, Transaction}; use core::ser; use p2p; use p2p::types::ReasonForBan; use pool; use regex::Regex; use rest::*; use router::{Handler, ResponseFuture, Router, RouterError}; use types::*; use url::form_urlencoded; use util; use util::secp::pedersen::Commitment; use util::LOGGER; // All handlers use `Weak` references instead of `Arc` to avoid cycles that // can never be destroyed. These 2 functions are simple helpers to reduce the // boilerplate of dealing with `Weak`. fn w<T>(weak: &Weak<T>) -> Arc<T> { weak.upgrade().unwrap() } // RESTful index of available api endpoints // GET /v1/ struct IndexHandler { list: Vec<String>, } impl IndexHandler {} impl Handler for IndexHandler { fn get(&self, _req: Request<Body>) -> ResponseFuture { json_response_pretty(&self.list) } } // Supports retrieval of multiple outputs in a single request - // GET /v1/chain/outputs/byids?id=xxx,yyy,zzz // GET /v1/chain/outputs/byids?id=xxx&id=yyy&id=zzz // GET /v1/chain/outputs/byheight?start_height=101&end_height=200 struct OutputHandler { chain: Weak<chain::Chain>, } impl OutputHandler { fn get_output(&self, id: &str) -> Result<Output, Error> { let c = util::from_hex(String::from(id)).context(ErrorKind::Argument(format!( "Not a valid commitment: {}", id )))?; let commit = Commitment::from_vec(c); // We need the features here to be able to generate the necessary hash // to compare against the hash in the output MMR. // For now we can just try both (but this probably needs to be part of the api // params) let outputs = [ OutputIdentifier::new(OutputFeatures::DEFAULT_OUTPUT, &commit), OutputIdentifier::new(OutputFeatures::COINBASE_OUTPUT, &commit), ]; for x in outputs.iter() { if let Ok(_) = w(&self.chain).is_unspent(&x) { return Ok(Output::new(&commit)); } } Err(ErrorKind::NotFound)? } fn outputs_by_ids(&self, req: &Request<Body>) -> Result<Vec<Output>, Error> { let mut commitments: Vec<String> = vec![]; let query = match req.uri().query() { Some(q) => q, None => return Err(ErrorKind::RequestError("no query string".to_owned()))?, }; let params = form_urlencoded::parse(query.as_bytes()) .into_owned() .collect::<Vec<(String, String)>>(); for (k, id) in params { if k == "id" { for id in id.split(",") { commitments.push(id.to_owned()); } } } debug!(LOGGER, "outputs_by_ids: {:?}", commitments); let mut outputs: Vec<Output> = vec![]; for x in commitments { if let Ok(output) = self.get_output(&x) { outputs.push(output); } } Ok(outputs) } fn outputs_at_height( &self, block_height: u64, commitments: Vec<Commitment>, include_proof: bool, ) -> Result<BlockOutputs, Error> { let header = w(&self.chain) .get_header_by_height(block_height) .map_err(|_| ErrorKind::NotFound)?; // TODO - possible to compact away blocks we care about // in the period between accepting the block and refreshing the wallet let block = w(&self.chain) .get_block(&header.hash()) .map_err(|_| ErrorKind::NotFound)?; let outputs = block .outputs() .iter() .filter(|output| commitments.is_empty() || commitments.contains(&output.commit)) .map(|output| { OutputPrintable::from_output(output, w(&self.chain), Some(&header), include_proof) }) .collect(); Ok(BlockOutputs { header: BlockHeaderInfo::from_header(&header), outputs: outputs, }) } // returns outputs for a specified range of blocks fn outputs_block_batch(&self, req: &Request<Body>) -> Result<Vec<BlockOutputs>, Error> { let mut commitments: Vec<Commitment> = vec![]; let mut start_height = 1; let mut end_height = 1; let mut include_rp = false; let query = match req.uri().query() { Some(q) => q, None => return Err(ErrorKind::RequestError("no query string".to_owned()))?, }; let params = form_urlencoded::parse(query.as_bytes()).into_owned().fold( HashMap::new(), |mut hm, (k, v)| { hm.entry(k).or_insert(vec![]).push(v); hm }, ); if let Some(ids) = params.get("id") { for id in ids { for id in id.split(",") { if let Ok(x) = util::from_hex(String::from(id)) { commitments.push(Commitment::from_vec(x)); } } } } if let Some(heights) = params.get("start_height") { for height in heights { start_height = height .parse() .map_err(|_| ErrorKind::RequestError("invalid start_height".to_owned()))?; } } if let Some(heights) = params.get("end_height") { for height in heights { end_height = height .parse() .map_err(|_| ErrorKind::RequestError("invalid end_height".to_owned()))?; } } if let Some(_) = params.get("include_rp") { include_rp = true; } debug!( LOGGER, "outputs_block_batch: {}-{}, {:?}, {:?}", start_height, end_height, commitments, include_rp, ); let mut return_vec = vec![]; for i in (start_height..=end_height).rev() { if let Ok(res) = self.outputs_at_height(i, commitments.clone(), include_rp) { if res.outputs.len() > 0 { return_vec.push(res); } } } Ok(return_vec) } } impl Handler for OutputHandler { fn get(&self, req: Request<Body>) -> ResponseFuture { let command = match req.uri().path().trim_right_matches("/").rsplit("/").next() { Some(c) => c, None => return response(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, "invalid url"), }; match command { "byids" => result_to_response(self.outputs_by_ids(&req)), "byheight" => result_to_response(self.outputs_block_batch(&req)), _ => response(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, ""), } } } // Sum tree handler. Retrieve the roots: // GET /v1/txhashset/roots // // Last inserted nodes:: // GET /v1/txhashset/lastoutputs (gets last 10) // GET /v1/txhashset/lastoutputs?n=5 // GET /v1/txhashset/lastrangeproofs // GET /v1/txhashset/lastkernels // UTXO traversal:: // GET /v1/txhashset/outputs?start_index=1&max=100 // // Build a merkle proof for a given pos // GET /v1/txhashset/merkleproof?n=1 struct TxHashSetHandler { chain: Weak<chain::Chain>, } impl TxHashSetHandler { // gets roots fn get_roots(&self) -> TxHashSet { TxHashSet::from_head(w(&self.chain)) } // gets last n outputs inserted in to the tree fn get_last_n_output(&self, distance: u64) -> Vec<TxHashSetNode> { TxHashSetNode::get_last_n_output(w(&self.chain), distance) } // gets last n outputs inserted in to the tree fn get_last_n_rangeproof(&self, distance: u64) -> Vec<TxHashSetNode> { TxHashSetNode::get_last_n_rangeproof(w(&self.chain), distance) } // gets last n outputs inserted in to the tree fn get_last_n_kernel(&self, distance: u64) -> Vec<TxHashSetNode> { TxHashSetNode::get_last_n_kernel(w(&self.chain), distance) } // allows traversal of utxo set fn outputs(&self, start_index: u64, mut max: u64) -> Result<OutputListing, Error> { //set a limit here if max > 1000 { max = 1000; } let outputs = w(&self.chain) .unspent_outputs_by_insertion_index(start_index, max) .context(ErrorKind::NotFound)?; Ok(OutputListing { last_retrieved_index: outputs.0, highest_index: outputs.1, outputs: outputs .2 .iter() .map(|x| OutputPrintable::from_output(x, w(&self.chain), None, true)) .collect(), }) } // return a dummy output with merkle proof for position filled out // (to avoid having to create a new type to pass around) fn get_merkle_proof_for_output(&self, id: &str) -> Result<OutputPrintable, Error> { let c = util::from_hex(String::from(id)).context(ErrorKind::Argument(format!( "Not a valid commitment: {}", id )))?; let commit = Commitment::from_vec(c); let merkle_proof = chain::Chain::get_merkle_proof_for_pos(&w(&self.chain), commit) .map_err(|_| ErrorKind::NotFound)?; Ok(OutputPrintable { output_type: OutputType::Coinbase, commit: Commitment::from_vec(vec![]), spent: false, proof: None, proof_hash: "".to_string(), merkle_proof: Some(merkle_proof), }) } } impl Handler for TxHashSetHandler { fn get(&self, req: Request<Body>) -> ResponseFuture { let mut start_index = 1; let mut max = 100; let mut id = "".to_owned(); // TODO: probably need to set a reasonable max limit here let mut last_n = 10; if let Some(query_string) = req.uri().query() { let params = form_urlencoded::parse(query_string.as_bytes()) .into_owned() .fold(HashMap::new(), |mut hm, (k, v)| { hm.entry(k).or_insert(vec![]).push(v); hm }); if let Some(nums) = params.get("n") { for num in nums { if let Ok(n) = str::parse(num) { last_n = n; } } } if let Some(start_indexes) = params.get("start_index") { for si in start_indexes { if let Ok(s) = str::parse(si) { start_index = s; } } } if let Some(maxes) = params.get("max") { for ma in maxes { if let Ok(m) = str::parse(ma) { max = m; } } } if let Some(ids) = params.get("id") { if !ids.is_empty() { id = ids.last().unwrap().to_owned(); } } } let command = match req .uri() .path() .trim_right() .trim_right_matches("/") .rsplit("/") .next() { Some(c) => c, None => return response(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, "invalid url"), }; match command { "roots" => json_response_pretty(&self.get_roots()), "lastoutputs" => json_response_pretty(&self.get_last_n_output(last_n)), "lastrangeproofs" => json_response_pretty(&self.get_last_n_rangeproof(last_n)), "lastkernels" => json_response_pretty(&self.get_last_n_kernel(last_n)), "outputs" => result_to_response(self.outputs(start_index, max)), "merkleproof" => result_to_response(self.get_merkle_proof_for_output(&id)), _ => response(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, ""), } } } pub struct PeersAllHandler { pub peers: Weak<p2p::Peers>, } impl Handler for PeersAllHandler { fn get(&self, _req: Request<Body>) -> ResponseFuture { let peers = &w(&self.peers).all_peers(); json_response_pretty(&peers) } } pub struct PeersConnectedHandler { pub peers: Weak<p2p::Peers>, } impl Handler for PeersConnectedHandler { fn get(&self, _req: Request<Body>) -> ResponseFuture { let mut peers = vec![]; for p in &w(&self.peers).connected_peers() { let p = p.read().unwrap(); let peer_info = p.info.clone(); peers.push(peer_info); } json_response(&peers) } } /// Peer operations /// GET /v1/peers/ /// POST /v1/peers/ /// POST /v1/peers/ pub struct PeerHandler { pub peers: Weak<p2p::Peers>, } impl Handler for PeerHandler { fn get(&self, req: Request<Body>) -> ResponseFuture { let command = match req.uri().path().trim_right_matches("/").rsplit("/").next() { Some(c) => c, None => return response(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, "invalid url"), }; if let Ok(addr) = command.parse() { match w(&self.peers).get_peer(addr) { Ok(peer) => json_response(&peer), Err(_) => response(StatusCode::NOT_FOUND, "peer not found"), } } else { response( StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, format!("peer address unrecognized: {}", req.uri().path()), ) } } fn post(&self, req: Request<Body>) -> ResponseFuture { let mut path_elems = req.uri().path().trim_right_matches("/").rsplit("/"); let command = match path_elems.next() { None => return response(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, "invalid url"), Some(c) => c, }; let addr = match path_elems.next() { None => return response(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, "invalid url"), Some(a) => match a.parse() { Err(e) => { return response( StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, format!("invalid peer address: {}", e), ) } Ok(addr) => addr, }, }; match command { "ban" => w(&self.peers).ban_peer(&addr, ReasonForBan::ManualBan), "unban" => w(&self.peers).unban_peer(&addr), _ => return response(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, "invalid command"), }; response(StatusCode::OK, "") } } /// Status handler. Post a summary of the server status /// GET /v1/status pub struct StatusHandler { pub chain: Weak<chain::Chain>, pub peers: Weak<p2p::Peers>, } impl StatusHandler { fn get_status(&self) -> Result<Status, Error> { let head = w(&self.chain) .head() .map_err(|e| ErrorKind::Internal(format!("can't get head: {}", e)))?; Ok(Status::from_tip_and_peers( head, w(&self.peers).peer_count(), )) } } impl Handler for StatusHandler { fn get(&self, _req: Request<Body>) -> ResponseFuture { result_to_response(self.get_status()) } } /// Chain handler. Get the head details. /// GET /v1/chain pub struct ChainHandler { pub chain: Weak<chain::Chain>, } impl ChainHandler { fn get_tip(&self) -> Result<Tip, Error> { let head = w(&self.chain) .head() .map_err(|e| ErrorKind::Internal(format!("can't get head: {}", e)))?; Ok(Tip::from_tip(head)) } } impl Handler for ChainHandler { fn get(&self, _req: Request<Body>) -> ResponseFuture { result_to_response(self.get_tip()) } } /// Chain validation handler. /// GET /v1/chain/validate pub struct ChainValidationHandler { pub chain: Weak<chain::Chain>, } impl Handler for ChainValidationHandler { fn get(&self, _req: Request<Body>) -> ResponseFuture { // TODO - read skip_rproofs from query params match w(&self.chain).validate(true) { Ok(_) => response(StatusCode::OK, ""), Err(e) => response( StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, format!("validate failed: {}", e), ), } } } /// Chain compaction handler. Trigger a compaction of the chain state to regain /// storage space. /// GET /v1/chain/compact pub struct ChainCompactHandler { pub chain: Weak<chain::Chain>, } impl Handler for ChainCompactHandler { fn get(&self, _req: Request<Body>) -> ResponseFuture { match w(&self.chain).compact() { Ok(_) => response(StatusCode::OK, ""), Err(e) => response( StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, format!("compact failed: {}", e), ), } } } /// Gets block headers given either a hash or height. /// GET /v1/headers/<hash> /// GET /v1/headers/<height> /// pub struct HeaderHandler { pub chain: Weak<chain::Chain>, } impl HeaderHandler { fn get_header(&self, input: String) -> Result<BlockHeaderPrintable, Error> { if let Ok(height) = input.parse() { match w(&self.chain).get_header_by_height(height) { Ok(header) => return Ok(BlockHeaderPrintable::from_header(&header)), Err(_) => return Err(ErrorKind::NotFound)?, } } check_block_param(&input)?; let vec = util::from_hex(input) .map_err(|e| ErrorKind::Argument(format!("invalid input: {}", e)))?; let h = Hash::from_vec(&vec); let header = w(&self.chain) .get_block_header(&h) .context(ErrorKind::NotFound)?; Ok(BlockHeaderPrintable::from_header(&header)) } } /// Gets block details given either a hash or height. /// GET /v1/blocks/<hash> /// GET /v1/blocks/<height> /// /// Optionally return results as "compact blocks" by passing "?compact" query /// param GET /v1/blocks/<hash>?compact pub struct BlockHandler { pub chain: Weak<chain::Chain>, } impl BlockHandler { fn get_block(&self, h: &Hash) -> Result<BlockPrintable, Error> { let block = w(&self.chain).get_block(h).context(ErrorKind::NotFound)?; Ok(BlockPrintable::from_block(&block, w(&self.chain), false)) } fn get_compact_block(&self, h: &Hash) -> Result<CompactBlockPrintable, Error> { let block = w(&self.chain).get_block(h).context(ErrorKind::NotFound)?; Ok(CompactBlockPrintable::from_compact_block( &block.as_compact_block(), w(&self.chain), )) } // Try to decode the string as a height or a hash. fn parse_input(&self, input: String) -> Result<Hash, Error> { if let Ok(height) = input.parse() { match w(&self.chain).get_header_by_height(height) { Ok(header) => return Ok(header.hash()), Err(_) => return Err(ErrorKind::NotFound)?, } } check_block_param(&input)?; let vec = util::from_hex(input) .map_err(|e| ErrorKind::Argument(format!("invalid input: {}", e)))?; Ok(Hash::from_vec(&vec)) } } fn check_block_param(input: &String) -> Result<(), Error> { lazy_static! { static ref RE: Regex = Regex::new(r"[0-9a-fA-F]{64}").unwrap(); } if !RE.is_match(&input) { return Err(ErrorKind::Argument( "Not a valid hash or height.".to_owned(), ))?; } return Ok(()); } impl Handler for BlockHandler { fn get(&self, req: Request<Body>) -> ResponseFuture { let el = match req.uri().path().trim_right_matches("/").rsplit("/").next() { None => return response(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, "invalid url"), Some(el) => el, }; let h = match self.parse_input(el.to_string()) { Err(e) => { return response( StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, format!("failed to parse input: {}", e), ) } Ok(h) => h, }; if let Some(param) = req.uri().query() { if param == "compact" { result_to_response(self.get_compact_block(&h)) } else { response( StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, format!("unsupported query parameter: {}", param), ) } } else { result_to_response(self.get_block(&h)) } } } impl Handler for HeaderHandler { fn get(&self, req: Request<Body>) -> ResponseFuture { let el = match req.uri().path().trim_right_matches("/").rsplit("/").next() { None => return response(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, "invalid url"), Some(el) => el, }; result_to_response(self.get_header(el.to_string())) } } // Get basic information about the transaction pool. struct PoolInfoHandler<T> { tx_pool: Weak<RwLock<pool::TransactionPool<T>>>, } impl<T> Handler for PoolInfoHandler<T> where T: pool::BlockChain + Send + Sync, { fn get(&self, _req: Request<Body>) -> ResponseFuture { let pool_arc = w(&self.tx_pool); let pool = pool_arc.read().unwrap(); json_response(&PoolInfo { pool_size: pool.total_size(), }) } } /// Dummy wrapper for the hex-encoded serialized transaction. #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] struct TxWrapper { tx_hex: String, } // Push new transaction to our local transaction pool. struct PoolPushHandler<T> { tx_pool: Weak<RwLock<pool::TransactionPool<T>>>, } impl<T> PoolPushHandler<T> where T: pool::BlockChain + Send + Sync + 'static, { fn update_pool(&self, req: Request<Body>) -> Box<Future<Item = (), Error = Error> + Send> { let params = match req.uri().query() { Some(query_string) => form_urlencoded::parse(query_string.as_bytes()) .into_owned() .fold(HashMap::new(), |mut hm, (k, v)| { hm.entry(k).or_insert(vec![]).push(v); hm }), None => HashMap::new(), }; let fluff = params.get("fluff").is_some(); let pool_arc = w(&self.tx_pool).clone(); Box::new( parse_body(req) .and_then(move |wrapper: TxWrapper| { util::from_hex(wrapper.tx_hex) .map_err(|_| ErrorKind::RequestError("Bad request".to_owned()).into()) }) .and_then(move |tx_bin| { ser::deserialize(&mut &tx_bin[..]) .map_err(|_| ErrorKind::RequestError("Bad request".to_owned()).into()) }) .and_then(move |tx: Transaction| { let source = pool::TxSource { debug_name: "push-api".to_string(), identifier: "?.?.?.?".to_string(), }; info!( LOGGER, "Pushing transaction, inputs: {}, outputs: {}, kernels: {}, to pool.", tx.inputs().len(), tx.outputs().len(), tx.kernels().len(), ); // Push to tx pool. let mut tx_pool = pool_arc.write().unwrap(); tx_pool .add_to_pool(source, tx, !fluff) .map_err(|_| ErrorKind::RequestError("Bad request".to_owned()).into()) }), ) } } impl<T> Handler for PoolPushHandler<T> where T: pool::BlockChain + Send + Sync + 'static, { fn post(&self, req: Request<Body>) -> ResponseFuture { Box::new( self.update_pool(req) .and_then(|_| ok(just_response(StatusCode::OK, ""))) .or_else(|e| { ok(just_response( StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, format!("failed: {}", e), )) }), ) } } // Utility to serialize a struct into JSON and produce a sensible Response // out of it. fn json_response<T>(s: &T) -> ResponseFuture where T: Serialize, { match serde_json::to_string(s) { Ok(json) => response(StatusCode::OK, json), Err(_) => response(StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, ""), } } fn result_to_response<T>(res: Result<T, Error>) -> ResponseFuture where T: Serialize, { match res { Ok(s) => json_response_pretty(&s), Err(e) => match e.kind() { ErrorKind::Argument(msg) => response(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, msg.clone()), ErrorKind::RequestError(msg) => response(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, msg.clone()), ErrorKind::NotFound => response(StatusCode::NOT_FOUND, ""), ErrorKind::Internal(msg) => response(StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, msg.clone()), ErrorKind::ResponseError(msg) => { response(StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, msg.clone()) } }, } } // pretty-printed version of above fn json_response_pretty<T>(s: &T) -> ResponseFuture where T: Serialize, { match serde_json::to_string_pretty(s) { Ok(json) => response(StatusCode::OK, json), Err(e) => response( StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, format!("can't create json response: {}", e), ), } } fn response<T: Into<Body> + Debug>(status: StatusCode, text: T) -> ResponseFuture { Box::new(ok(just_response(status, text))) } fn just_response<T: Into<Body> + Debug>(status: StatusCode, text: T) -> Response<Body> { let mut resp = Response::new(text.into()); *resp.status_mut() = status; resp } thread_local!( static ROUTER: RefCell<Option<Router>> = RefCell::new(None) ); /// Start all server HTTP handlers. Register all of them with Router /// and runs the corresponding HTTP server. /// /// Hyper currently has a bug that prevents clean shutdown. In order /// to avoid having references kept forever by handlers, we only pass /// weak references. Note that this likely means a crash if the handlers are /// used after a server shutdown (which should normally never happen, /// except during tests). pub fn start_rest_apis<T>( addr: String, chain: Weak<chain::Chain>, tx_pool: Weak<RwLock<pool::TransactionPool<T>>>, peers: Weak<p2p::Peers>, ) where T: pool::BlockChain + Send + Sync + 'static, { let _ = thread::Builder::new() .name("apis".to_string()) .spawn(move || { let mut apis = ApiServer::new(); ROUTER.with(|router| { *router.borrow_mut() = Some(build_router(chain, tx_pool, peers).expect("unbale to build API router")); info!(LOGGER, "Starting HTTP API server at {}.", addr); let socket_addr: SocketAddr = addr.parse().expect("unable to parse socket address"); apis.start(socket_addr, &handle).unwrap_or_else(|e| { error!(LOGGER, "Failed to start API HTTP server: {}.", e); }); }); }); } pub fn handle(req: Request<Body>) -> ResponseFuture { ROUTER.with(|router| match *router.borrow() { Some(ref h) => h.handle(req), None => { error!(LOGGER, "No HTTP API router configured"); response(StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "No router configured") } }) } fn parse_body<T>(req: Request<Body>) -> Box<Future<Item = T, Error = Error> + Send> where for<'de> T: Deserialize<'de> + Send + 'static, { Box::new( req.into_body() .concat2() .map_err(|_e| ErrorKind::RequestError("Failed to read request".to_owned()).into()) .and_then(|body| match serde_json::from_reader(&body.to_vec()[..]) { Ok(obj) => ok(obj), Err(_) => err(ErrorKind::RequestError("Invalid request body".to_owned()).into()), }), ) } pub fn build_router<T>( chain: Weak<chain::Chain>, tx_pool: Weak<RwLock<pool::TransactionPool<T>>>, peers: Weak<p2p::Peers>, ) -> Result<Router, RouterError> where T: pool::BlockChain + Send + Sync + 'static, { let route_list = vec![ "get blocks".to_string(), "get chain".to_string(), "get chain/compact".to_string(), "get chain/validate".to_string(), "get chain/outputs".to_string(), "get status".to_string(), "get txhashset/roots".to_string(), "get txhashset/lastoutputs?n=10".to_string(), "get txhashset/lastrangeproofs".to_string(), "get txhashset/lastkernels".to_string(), "get txhashset/outputs?start_index=1&max=100".to_string(), "get pool".to_string(), "post pool/push".to_string(), "post peers/a.b.c.d:p/ban".to_string(), "post peers/a.b.c.d:p/unban".to_string(), "get peers/all".to_string(), "get peers/connected".to_string(), "get peers/a.b.c.d".to_string(), ]; let index_handler = IndexHandler { list: route_list }; let output_handler = OutputHandler { chain: chain.clone(), }; let block_handler = BlockHandler { chain: chain.clone(), }; let header_handler = HeaderHandler { chain: chain.clone(), }; let chain_tip_handler = ChainHandler { chain: chain.clone(), }; let chain_compact_handler = ChainCompactHandler { chain: chain.clone(), }; let chain_validation_handler = ChainValidationHandler { chain: chain.clone(), }; let status_handler = StatusHandler { chain: chain.clone(), peers: peers.clone(), }; let txhashset_handler = TxHashSetHandler { chain: chain.clone(), }; let pool_info_handler = PoolInfoHandler { tx_pool: tx_pool.clone(), }; let pool_push_handler = PoolPushHandler { tx_pool: tx_pool.clone(), }; let peers_all_handler = PeersAllHandler { peers: peers.clone(), }; let peers_connected_handler = PeersConnectedHandler { peers: peers.clone(), }; let peer_handler = PeerHandler { peers: peers.clone(), }; let mut router = Router::new(); router.add_route("/v1/", Box::new(index_handler))?; router.add_route("/v1/blocks/*", Box::new(block_handler))?; router.add_route("/v1/headers/*", Box::new(header_handler))?; router.add_route("/v1/chain", Box::new(chain_tip_handler))?; router.add_route("/v1/chain/outputs/*", Box::new(output_handler))?; router.add_route("/v1/chain/compact", Box::new(chain_compact_handler))?; router.add_route("/v1/chain/validate", Box::new(chain_validation_handler))?; router.add_route("/v1/txhashset/*", Box::new(txhashset_handler))?; router.add_route("/v1/status", Box::new(status_handler))?; router.add_route("/v1/pool", Box::new(pool_info_handler))?; router.add_route("/v1/pool/push", Box::new(pool_push_handler))?; router.add_route("/v1/peers/all", Box::new(peers_all_handler))?; router.add_route("/v1/peers/connected", Box::new(peers_connected_handler))?; router.add_route("/v1/peers/**", Box::new(peer_handler))?; Ok(router) }