// Copyright 2020 The Grin Developers // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. use super::utils::{get_output, get_output_v2, w}; use crate::chain; use crate::core::core::hash::Hashed; use crate::rest::*; use crate::router::{Handler, ResponseFuture}; use crate::types::*; use crate::util; use crate::util::secp::pedersen::Commitment; use crate::web::*; use failure::ResultExt; use hyper::{Body, Request, StatusCode}; use std::sync::Weak; /// Chain handler. Get the head details. /// GET /v1/chain pub struct ChainHandler { pub chain: Weak, } impl ChainHandler { pub fn get_tip(&self) -> Result { let head = w(&self.chain)? .head() .map_err(|e| ErrorKind::Internal(format!("can't get head: {}", e)))?; Ok(Tip::from_tip(head)) } } impl Handler for ChainHandler { fn get(&self, _req: Request) -> ResponseFuture { result_to_response(self.get_tip()) } } /// Chain validation handler. /// GET /v1/chain/validate pub struct ChainValidationHandler { pub chain: Weak, } impl ChainValidationHandler { pub fn validate_chain(&self) -> Result<(), Error> { w(&self.chain)? .validate(true) .map_err(|_| ErrorKind::Internal("chain error".to_owned()).into()) } } impl Handler for ChainValidationHandler { fn get(&self, _req: Request) -> ResponseFuture { match w_fut!(&self.chain).validate(true) { Ok(_) => response(StatusCode::OK, "{}"), Err(e) => response( StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, format!("validate failed: {}", e), ), } } } /// Chain compaction handler. Trigger a compaction of the chain state to regain /// storage space. /// POST /v1/chain/compact pub struct ChainCompactHandler { pub chain: Weak, } impl ChainCompactHandler { pub fn compact_chain(&self) -> Result<(), Error> { w(&self.chain)? .compact() .map_err(|_| ErrorKind::Internal("chain error".to_owned()).into()) } } impl Handler for ChainCompactHandler { fn post(&self, _req: Request) -> ResponseFuture { match w_fut!(&self.chain).compact() { Ok(_) => response(StatusCode::OK, "{}"), Err(e) => response( StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, format!("compact failed: {}", e), ), } } } // Supports retrieval of multiple outputs in a single request - // GET /v1/chain/outputs/byids?id=xxx,yyy,zzz // GET /v1/chain/outputs/byids?id=xxx&id=yyy&id=zzz // GET /v1/chain/outputs/byheight?start_height=101&end_height=200 pub struct OutputHandler { pub chain: Weak, } impl OutputHandler { pub fn get_outputs_v2( &self, commits: Option>, start_height: Option, end_height: Option, include_proof: Option, include_merkle_proof: Option, ) -> Result, Error> { let mut outputs: Vec = vec![]; if let Some(commits) = commits { // First check the commits length for commit in &commits { if commit.len() != 66 { return Err(ErrorKind::RequestError(format!( "invalid commit length for {}", commit )) .into()); } } for commit in commits { match get_output_v2( &self.chain, &commit, include_proof.unwrap_or(false), include_merkle_proof.unwrap_or(false), ) { Ok(Some((output, _))) => outputs.push(output), Ok(None) => { // Ignore outputs that are not found } Err(e) => { error!( "Failure to get output for commitment {} with error {}", commit, e ); return Err(e.into()); } }; } } // cannot chain to let Some() for now see https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/53667 if let Some(start_height) = start_height { if let Some(end_height) = end_height { let block_output_batch = self.outputs_block_batch_v2( start_height, end_height, include_proof.unwrap_or(false), include_merkle_proof.unwrap_or(false), )?; outputs = [&outputs[..], &block_output_batch[..]].concat(); } } Ok(outputs) } // allows traversal of utxo set pub fn get_unspent_outputs( &self, start_index: u64, end_index: Option, mut max: u64, include_proof: Option, ) -> Result { //set a limit here if max > 10_000 { max = 10_000; } let chain = w(&self.chain)?; let outputs = chain .unspent_outputs_by_pmmr_index(start_index, max, end_index) .context(ErrorKind::NotFound)?; let out = OutputListing { last_retrieved_index: outputs.0, highest_index: outputs.1, outputs: outputs .2 .iter() .map(|x| { OutputPrintable::from_output( x, chain.clone(), None, include_proof.unwrap_or(false), false, ) }) .collect::, _>>() .context(ErrorKind::Internal("chain error".to_owned()))?, }; Ok(out) } fn outputs_by_ids(&self, req: &Request) -> Result, Error> { let mut commitments: Vec = vec![]; let query = must_get_query!(req); let params = QueryParams::from(query); params.process_multival_param("id", |id| commitments.push(id.to_owned())); let mut outputs: Vec = vec![]; for x in commitments { match get_output(&self.chain, &x) { Ok(Some((output, _))) => outputs.push(output), Ok(None) => { // Ignore outputs that are not found } Err(e) => { error!( "Failure to get output for commitment {} with error {}", x, e ); return Err(e.into()); } }; } Ok(outputs) } fn outputs_at_height( &self, block_height: u64, commitments: Vec, include_proof: bool, ) -> Result { let header = w(&self.chain)? .get_header_by_height(block_height) .map_err(|_| ErrorKind::NotFound)?; // TODO - possible to compact away blocks we care about // in the period between accepting the block and refreshing the wallet let chain = w(&self.chain)?; let block = chain .get_block(&header.hash()) .map_err(|_| ErrorKind::NotFound)?; let outputs = block .outputs() .iter() .filter(|output| commitments.is_empty() || commitments.contains(&output.commit)) .map(|output| { OutputPrintable::from_output( output, chain.clone(), Some(&header), include_proof, true, ) }) .collect::, _>>() .context(ErrorKind::Internal("cain error".to_owned()))?; Ok(BlockOutputs { header: BlockHeaderInfo::from_header(&header), outputs: outputs, }) } fn outputs_at_height_v2( &self, block_height: u64, commitments: Vec, include_rproof: bool, include_merkle_proof: bool, ) -> Result, Error> { let header = w(&self.chain)? .get_header_by_height(block_height) .map_err(|_| ErrorKind::NotFound)?; // TODO - possible to compact away blocks we care about // in the period between accepting the block and refreshing the wallet let chain = w(&self.chain)?; let block = chain .get_block(&header.hash()) .map_err(|_| ErrorKind::NotFound)?; let outputs = block .outputs() .iter() .filter(|output| commitments.is_empty() || commitments.contains(&output.commit)) .map(|output| { OutputPrintable::from_output( output, chain.clone(), Some(&header), include_rproof, include_merkle_proof, ) }) .collect::, _>>() .context(ErrorKind::Internal("cain error".to_owned()))?; Ok(outputs) } // returns outputs for a specified range of blocks fn outputs_block_batch(&self, req: &Request) -> Result, Error> { let mut commitments: Vec = vec![]; let query = must_get_query!(req); let params = QueryParams::from(query); params.process_multival_param("id", |id| { if let Ok(x) = util::from_hex(String::from(id)) { commitments.push(Commitment::from_vec(x)); } }); let start_height = parse_param!(params, "start_height", 1); let end_height = parse_param!(params, "end_height", 1); let include_rp = params.get("include_rp").is_some(); debug!( "outputs_block_batch: {}-{}, {:?}, {:?}", start_height, end_height, commitments, include_rp, ); let mut return_vec = vec![]; for i in (start_height..=end_height).rev() { if let Ok(res) = self.outputs_at_height(i, commitments.clone(), include_rp) { if !res.outputs.is_empty() { return_vec.push(res); } } } Ok(return_vec) } // returns outputs for a specified range of blocks fn outputs_block_batch_v2( &self, start_height: u64, end_height: u64, include_rproof: bool, include_merkle_proof: bool, ) -> Result, Error> { let commitments: Vec = vec![]; debug!( "outputs_block_batch: {}-{}, {}, {}", start_height, end_height, include_rproof, include_merkle_proof, ); let mut return_vec: Vec = vec![]; for i in (start_height..=end_height).rev() { if let Ok(res) = self.outputs_at_height_v2( i, commitments.clone(), include_rproof, include_merkle_proof, ) { if !res.is_empty() { return_vec = [&return_vec[..], &res[..]].concat(); } } } Ok(return_vec) } } impl Handler for OutputHandler { fn get(&self, req: Request) -> ResponseFuture { match right_path_element!(req) { "byids" => result_to_response(self.outputs_by_ids(&req)), "byheight" => result_to_response(self.outputs_block_batch(&req)), _ => response(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, ""), } } } /// Kernel handler, search for a kernel by excess commitment /// GET /v1/chain/kernels/XXX?min_height=YYY&max_height=ZZZ /// The `min_height` and `max_height` parameters are optional pub struct KernelHandler { pub chain: Weak, } impl KernelHandler { fn get_kernel(&self, req: Request) -> Result, Error> { let excess = req .uri() .path() .trim_end_matches('/') .rsplit('/') .next() .ok_or_else(|| ErrorKind::RequestError("missing excess".into()))?; let excess = util::from_hex(excess.to_owned()) .map_err(|_| ErrorKind::RequestError("invalid excess hex".into()))?; if excess.len() != 33 { return Err(ErrorKind::RequestError("invalid excess length".into()).into()); } let excess = Commitment::from_vec(excess); let chain = w(&self.chain)?; let mut min_height: Option = None; let mut max_height: Option = None; // Check query parameters for minimum and maximum search height if let Some(q) = req.uri().query() { let params = QueryParams::from(q); if let Some(h) = params.get("min_height") { let h = h .parse() .map_err(|_| ErrorKind::RequestError("invalid minimum height".into()))?; // Default is genesis min_height = if h == 0 { None } else { Some(h) }; } if let Some(h) = params.get("max_height") { let h = h .parse() .map_err(|_| ErrorKind::RequestError("invalid maximum height".into()))?; // Default is current head let head_height = chain .head() .map_err(|e| ErrorKind::Internal(format!("{}", e)))? .height; max_height = if h >= head_height { None } else { Some(h) }; } } let kernel = chain .get_kernel_height(&excess, min_height, max_height) .map_err(|e| ErrorKind::Internal(format!("{}", e)))? .map(|(tx_kernel, height, mmr_index)| LocatedTxKernel { tx_kernel, height, mmr_index, }); Ok(kernel) } pub fn get_kernel_v2( &self, excess: String, min_height: Option, max_height: Option, ) -> Result { let excess = util::from_hex(excess) .map_err(|_| ErrorKind::RequestError("invalid excess hex".into()))?; if excess.len() != 33 { return Err(ErrorKind::RequestError("invalid excess length".into()).into()); } let excess = Commitment::from_vec(excess); let chain = w(&self.chain)?; let kernel = chain .get_kernel_height(&excess, min_height, max_height) .map_err(|e| ErrorKind::Internal(format!("{}", e)))? .map(|(tx_kernel, height, mmr_index)| LocatedTxKernel { tx_kernel, height, mmr_index, }); kernel.ok_or_else(|| ErrorKind::NotFound.into()) } } impl Handler for KernelHandler { fn get(&self, req: Request) -> ResponseFuture { result_to_response(self.get_kernel(req)) } }