# Sample Server Configuration File for Grin
# When running the grin executable without specifying any command line
# arguments, it will look for this file in three places, in the following
# order:
# -The working directory
# -The directory in which the executable resides
# -[user home]/.grin

### SERVER CONFIGURATION              ###

#Server connection details

#the address on which services will listen, e.g. Transaction Pool

api_http_addr = ""

#the directory, relative to current, in which the grin blockchain
#is stored

db_root = ".grin"

#How to seed this server, can be None, List or WebStatic
#seeding_type = "None"

#If seeding_type = List, the list of peers to connect to.
#seeds = ["",""]

#The chain type, which defines the genesis block and the set of cuckoo
#parameters used for mining. Can be:
#AutomatedTesting - For CI builds and instant blockchain creation
#UserTesting - For regular user testing (cuckoo 16)
#Testnet1 - Testnet1 genesis block (cuckoo 16)
#Testnet2 - Testnet2 genesis block (cuckoo 30)
chain_type = "Testnet2"

#The chain validation mode, defines how often (if at all) we
#want to run a full chain validation. Can be:
#EveryBlock - run full chain validation when processing each block (except during sync)
#Disabled - disable full chain validation (just run regular block validation)

#run the node in "full archive" mode (default is fast-sync, pruned node)
#archive_mode = false

#7 = Bit flags for FULL_NODE, this structure needs to be changed
#internally to make it more configurable
capabilities = [7]

#skip waiting for sync on startup, (optional param, mostly for testing)
#skip_sync_wait = false

#whether to run the ncurses TUI. Ncurses must be installed and this
#will also disable logging to stdout
run_tui = true

#Whether to run the wallet listener with the server by default
run_wallet_listener = true

#The P2P server details (i.e. the server that communicates with other
#grin server nodes

host = ""
port = 13414

#hardcoded peer lists for allow/deny
#will *only* connect to peers in allow list
#peers_allow = ["", ""]
#will *never* connect to peers in deny list
#peers_deny = ["", ""]

#dandelion relay time
#dandelion_relay_time = 600

#how long a banned peer should stay banned
#ban_window = 10800

#maximum number of peers
#peer_max_count = 25

#preferred minimum number of peers (we'll actively keep trying to add peers
#until we get to at least this number
#peer_min_preferred_count = 8

### WALLET CONFIGURATION              ###


# Host IP for wallet listener, change to "" to receive grins
api_listen_interface = ""

# Port for wallet listener
api_listen_port = 13415

# Where the wallet should find a running node
check_node_api_http_addr = "http://localhost:13413"

# Where to find wallet files (seed, data, etc)
data_file_dir = "."

### LOGGING CONFIGURATION             ###


# Whether to log to stdout
log_to_stdout = true

# Log level for stdout: Critical, Error, Warning, Info, Debug, Trace
stdout_log_level = "Warning"

# Whether to log to a file
log_to_file = true

# Log level for file: Critical, Error, Warning, Info, Debug, Trace
file_log_level = "Debug"

# Log file path
log_file_path = "grin.log"

# Whether to append to the log file (true), or replace it on every run (false)
log_file_append = true

### MINING CONFIGURATION              ###

#Mining details. This section is optional. If it's not here, the server
#will default to not mining.

#flag whether mining is enabled

enable_mining = false

#Whether to use async mode for the miner, if the plugin supports it.
#this allows for many searches to be run in parallel, e.g. if the system
#has multiple GPUs, or if you want to mine using multiple plugins

miner_async_mode = true

#The directory in which mining plugins are installed
#if not specified, grin will look in the directory /deps relative
#to the executable

#miner_plugin_dir = "target/debug/plugins"

#The amount of time, in seconds, to attempt to mine on a particular
#header before stopping and re-collecting transactions from the pool

attempt_time_per_block = 90

#the wallet reciever to which coinbase rewards will be sent

wallet_listener_url = ""

#whether to ignore the reward (mostly for testing)

burn_reward = false

#testing value, optional
#slow_down_in_millis = 30


# These entries configure instances of cuckoo miner
# plugins if the 'use_cuckoo_miner' value above is
# set to 'true'.
# Multiple plugins can be specified, (e.g. a cpu
# miner and a gpu miner running in parallel). However,
# if 'use_async_mode' above is set to 'false', only
# the first plugin specified will be used for mining
# in single-threaded mode

# You'll likely get the best performance using a
# single GPU plugin and single CPU plugin in parallel

# Parameters can be set per-device. On CPU plugins
# you'll likely only be using device 0 (for now),
# but in CUDA plugins the device number corresponds
# to the device ID. (use nvidia-smi to find this)

#The fastest cpu algorithm, but consumes the most memory
#Also requires instructions that aren't available on
#older processors. In this case, use mean_compat_cpu
#type_filter = "mean_cpu"

#As above, but for older processors
type_filter = "mean_compat_cpu"

#note lean_cpu currently has a bug which prevents it from
#working with threads > 1

#type_filter = "lean_cpu"

#CUDA Miner
# Note! 4+ GB GPU cards only!
#   If you have 6GB GPU RAM, set N_BLOCKS = 128
#   Docs: https://github.com/tromp/cuckoo/blob/master/GPU.md
#Can currently be used only in Production (30) Mode
#This plugin is not built by default. To build:
#1) Ensure the latest cuda toolkit is installed
#   (nvcc should be in your PATH)
#   Wrong gcc? install gcc-5 g++-5; export CC=`which gcc-5`; # then build
#2) Uncomment the 'build-cuda-plugin' feature
#   in pow/Cargo.toml
#Parameters can be set per device, as below. In sync mode
#device 0 is currently the only device used. In async mode
#device 0 is used by default, and all other devices are
#disabled unless explicitly enabled by setting the 'USE_DEVICE'
#param to 1 on each device, as demonstrated below.

#type_filter = "cuda"

# Below are advanced optional per-device tweakable params

#N_TRIMS = 256
#N_BLOCKS = 128
#TRIM_3_TPB = 32

