use crate::blake2::blake2b::blake2b; use byteorder::{BigEndian, ByteOrder}; //use crate::sha2::{Digest, Sha256}; use super::extkey_bip32::{ BIP32Hasher, ChainCode, ChildNumber, Error as BIP32Error, ExtendedPrivKey, ExtendedPubKey, Fingerprint, }; use super::types::{Error, Keychain}; use crate::util::secp::constants::GENERATOR_PUB_J_RAW; use crate::util::secp::ffi; use crate::util::secp::key::{PublicKey, SecretKey}; use crate::util::secp::Secp256k1; use crate::SwitchCommitmentType; /*const VERSION_FLOO_NS: [u8;4] = [0x03, 0x27, 0x3E, 0x4B]; const VERSION_FLOO: [u8;4] = [0x03, 0x27, 0x3E, 0x4B]; const VERSION_MAIN_NS: [u8;4] = [0x03, 0x3C, 0x08, 0xDF]; const VERSION_MAIN: [u8;4] = [0x03, 0x3C, 0x08, 0xDF];*/ /// Key that can be used to scan the chain for owned outputs /// This is a public key, meaning it cannot be used to spend those outputs /// At the moment only depth 0 keys can be used #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] pub struct ViewKey { /// Whether this view key is meant for floonet or not pub is_floo: bool, /// How many derivations this key is from the master (which is 0) pub depth: u8, /// Fingerprint of the parent key parent_fingerprint: Fingerprint, /// Child number of the key used to derive from parent (0 for master) pub child_number: ChildNumber, /// Public key public_key: PublicKey, /// Switch public key, required to view outputs that use switch commitment switch_public_key: Option<PublicKey>, /// Chain code chain_code: ChainCode, /// Hash used to generate rewind nonce pub rewind_hash: Vec<u8>, } impl ViewKey { pub fn create<K, H>( keychain: &K, ext_key: ExtendedPrivKey, hasher: &mut H, is_floo: bool, ) -> Result<Self, Error> where K: Keychain, H: BIP32Hasher, { let secp = keychain.secp(); let ExtendedPubKey { network: _, depth, parent_fingerprint, child_number, public_key, chain_code, } = ExtendedPubKey::from_private(secp, &ext_key, hasher); let mut switch_public_key = PublicKey(ffi::PublicKey(GENERATOR_PUB_J_RAW)); switch_public_key.mul_assign(secp, &ext_key.secret_key)?; let switch_public_key = Some(switch_public_key); let rewind_hash = Self::rewind_hash(secp, keychain.public_root_key()); Ok(Self { is_floo, depth, parent_fingerprint, child_number, public_key, switch_public_key, chain_code, rewind_hash, }) } fn rewind_hash(secp: &Secp256k1, public_root_key: PublicKey) -> Vec<u8> { let ser = public_root_key.serialize_vec(secp, true); blake2b(32, &[], &ser[..]).as_bytes().to_vec() } fn ckd_pub_tweak<H>( &self, secp: &Secp256k1, hasher: &mut H, i: ChildNumber, ) -> Result<(SecretKey, ChainCode), Error> where H: BIP32Hasher, { match i { ChildNumber::Hardened { .. } => Err(BIP32Error::CannotDeriveFromHardenedKey.into()), ChildNumber::Normal { index: n } => { hasher.init_sha512(&self.chain_code[..]); hasher.append_sha512(&self.public_key.serialize_vec(secp, true)[..]); let mut be_n = [0; 4]; BigEndian::write_u32(&mut be_n, n); hasher.append_sha512(&be_n); let result = hasher.result_sha512(); let secret_key = SecretKey::from_slice(secp, &result[..32])?; let chain_code = ChainCode::from(&result[32..]); Ok((secret_key, chain_code)) } } } pub fn ckd_pub<H>( &self, secp: &Secp256k1, hasher: &mut H, i: ChildNumber, ) -> Result<Self, Error> where H: BIP32Hasher, { let (secret_key, chain_code) = self.ckd_pub_tweak(secp, hasher, i)?; let mut public_key = self.public_key; public_key.add_exp_assign(secp, &secret_key)?; let switch_public_key = match &self.switch_public_key { Some(p) => { let mut j = PublicKey(ffi::PublicKey(GENERATOR_PUB_J_RAW)); j.mul_assign(secp, &secret_key)?; Some(PublicKey::from_combination(secp, vec![p, &j])?) } None => None, }; Ok(Self { is_floo: self.is_floo, depth: self.depth + 1, parent_fingerprint: self.fingerprint(secp, hasher), child_number: i, public_key, switch_public_key, chain_code, rewind_hash: self.rewind_hash.clone(), }) } pub fn commit( &self, secp: &Secp256k1, amount: u64, switch: SwitchCommitmentType, ) -> Result<PublicKey, Error> { let value_key = secp.commit_value(amount)?.to_pubkey(secp)?; let pub_key = PublicKey::from_combination(secp, vec![&self.public_key, &value_key])?; match switch { SwitchCommitmentType::None => Ok(pub_key), SwitchCommitmentType::Regular => { // TODO: replace this whole block by a libsecp function /*let switch_pub = self.switch_public_key.ok_or(Error::SwitchCommitment)?; let switch_ser: Vec<u8> = switch_pub.serialize_vec(secp, true)[..].to_vec(); let mut commit_ser: Vec<u8> = pub_key.serialize_vec(secp, true)[..].to_vec(); commit_ser[0] += 6; // This only works sometimes let mut hasher = Sha256::new(); hasher.input(&commit_ser); hasher.input(&switch_ser); let blind = SecretKey::from_slice(secp, &hasher.result()[..])?; let mut pub_key = pub_key; pub_key.add_exp_assign(secp, &blind)?; Ok(pub_key)*/ Err(Error::SwitchCommitment) } } } fn identifier<H>(&self, secp: &Secp256k1, hasher: &mut H) -> [u8; 20] where H: BIP32Hasher, { let sha2_res = hasher.sha_256(&self.public_key.serialize_vec(secp, true)[..]); hasher.ripemd_160(&sha2_res) } fn fingerprint<H>(&self, secp: &Secp256k1, hasher: &mut H) -> Fingerprint where H: BIP32Hasher, { Fingerprint::from(&self.identifier(secp, hasher)[0..4]) } }