// Copyright 2018 The Grin Developers // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. extern crate env_logger; extern crate grin_chain as chain; extern crate grin_core as core; extern crate grin_keychain as keychain; extern crate grin_util as util; extern crate grin_wallet as wallet; extern crate rand; extern crate time; use std::fs; use std::sync::Arc; use chain::Chain; use chain::types::*; use core::consensus; use core::core::hash::Hashed; use core::core::target::Difficulty; use core::core::{Block, BlockHeader, OutputFeatures, OutputIdentifier, Transaction}; use core::global; use core::global::ChainTypes; use wallet::libtx::{self, build}; use keychain::Keychain; use core::pow; fn clean_output_dir(dir_name: &str) { let _ = fs::remove_dir_all(dir_name); } fn setup(dir_name: &str) -> Chain { let _ = env_logger::init(); clean_output_dir(dir_name); global::set_mining_mode(ChainTypes::AutomatedTesting); let genesis_block = pow::mine_genesis_block().unwrap(); chain::Chain::init( dir_name.to_string(), Arc::new(NoopAdapter {}), genesis_block, pow::verify_size, ).unwrap() } #[test] fn mine_empty_chain() { let chain = setup(".grin"); let keychain = Keychain::from_random_seed().unwrap(); for n in 1..4 { let prev = chain.head_header().unwrap(); let difficulty = consensus::next_difficulty(chain.difficulty_iter()).unwrap(); let pk = keychain.derive_key_id(n as u32).unwrap(); let reward = libtx::reward::output(&keychain, &pk, 0, prev.height).unwrap(); let mut b = core::core::Block::new(&prev, vec![], difficulty.clone(), reward).unwrap(); b.header.timestamp = prev.timestamp + time::Duration::seconds(60); chain.set_txhashset_roots(&mut b, false).unwrap(); pow::pow_size( &mut b.header, difficulty, global::proofsize(), global::sizeshift(), ).unwrap(); let bhash = b.hash(); chain.process_block(b, chain::Options::MINE).unwrap(); // checking our new head let head = chain.head().unwrap(); assert_eq!(head.height, n); assert_eq!(head.last_block_h, bhash); // now check the block_header of the head let header = chain.head_header().unwrap(); assert_eq!(header.height, n); assert_eq!(header.hash(), bhash); // now check the block itself let block = chain.get_block(&header.hash()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(block.header.height, n); assert_eq!(block.hash(), bhash); assert_eq!(block.outputs.len(), 1); // now check the block height index let header_by_height = chain.get_header_by_height(n).unwrap(); assert_eq!(header_by_height.hash(), bhash); chain.validate(false).unwrap(); } } #[test] fn mine_forks() { let chain = setup(".grin2"); let kc = Keychain::from_random_seed().unwrap(); // add a first block to not fork genesis let prev = chain.head_header().unwrap(); let b = prepare_block(&kc, &prev, &chain, 2); chain.process_block(b, chain::Options::SKIP_POW).unwrap(); // mine and add a few blocks for n in 1..4 { // first block for one branch let prev = chain.head_header().unwrap(); let b1 = prepare_block(&kc, &prev, &chain, 3 * n); // 2nd block with higher difficulty for other branch let b2 = prepare_block(&kc, &prev, &chain, 3 * n + 1); // process the first block to extend the chain let bhash = b1.hash(); chain.process_block(b1, chain::Options::SKIP_POW).unwrap(); // checking our new head let head = chain.head().unwrap(); assert_eq!(head.height, (n + 1) as u64); assert_eq!(head.last_block_h, bhash); assert_eq!(head.prev_block_h, prev.hash()); // process the 2nd block to build a fork with more work let bhash = b2.hash(); chain.process_block(b2, chain::Options::SKIP_POW).unwrap(); // checking head switch let head = chain.head().unwrap(); assert_eq!(head.height, (n + 1) as u64); assert_eq!(head.last_block_h, bhash); assert_eq!(head.prev_block_h, prev.hash()); } } #[test] fn mine_losing_fork() { let kc = Keychain::from_random_seed().unwrap(); let chain = setup(".grin3"); // add a first block we'll be forking from let prev = chain.head_header().unwrap(); let b1 = prepare_block(&kc, &prev, &chain, 2); let b1head = b1.header.clone(); chain.process_block(b1, chain::Options::SKIP_POW).unwrap(); // prepare the 2 successor, sibling blocks, one with lower diff let b2 = prepare_block(&kc, &b1head, &chain, 4); let b2head = b2.header.clone(); let bfork = prepare_block(&kc, &b1head, &chain, 3); // add higher difficulty first, prepare its successor, then fork // with lower diff chain.process_block(b2, chain::Options::SKIP_POW).unwrap(); assert_eq!(chain.head_header().unwrap().hash(), b2head.hash()); let b3 = prepare_block(&kc, &b2head, &chain, 5); chain .process_block(bfork, chain::Options::SKIP_POW) .unwrap(); // adding the successor let b3head = b3.header.clone(); chain.process_block(b3, chain::Options::SKIP_POW).unwrap(); assert_eq!(chain.head_header().unwrap().hash(), b3head.hash()); } #[test] fn longer_fork() { let kc = Keychain::from_random_seed().unwrap(); // to make it easier to compute the txhashset roots in the test, we // prepare 2 chains, the 2nd will be have the forked blocks we can // then send back on the 1st let chain = setup(".grin4"); let chain_fork = setup(".grin5"); // add blocks to both chains, 20 on the main one, only the first 5 // for the forked chain let mut prev = chain.head_header().unwrap(); for n in 0..10 { let b = prepare_block(&kc, &prev, &chain, 2 * n + 2); let bh = b.header.clone(); if n < 5 { let b_fork = b.clone(); chain_fork .process_block(b_fork, chain::Options::SKIP_POW) .unwrap(); } chain.process_block(b, chain::Options::SKIP_POW).unwrap(); prev = bh; } // check both chains are in the expected state let head = chain.head_header().unwrap(); assert_eq!(head.height, 10); assert_eq!(head.hash(), prev.hash()); let head_fork = chain_fork.head_header().unwrap(); assert_eq!(head_fork.height, 5); let mut prev_fork = head_fork.clone(); for n in 0..7 { let b_fork = prepare_block(&kc, &prev_fork, &chain_fork, 2 * n + 11); let bh_fork = b_fork.header.clone(); let b = b_fork.clone(); chain.process_block(b, chain::Options::SKIP_POW).unwrap(); chain_fork .process_block(b_fork, chain::Options::SKIP_POW) .unwrap(); prev_fork = bh_fork; } } #[test] fn spend_in_fork_and_compact() { util::init_test_logger(); let chain = setup(".grin6"); let prev = chain.head_header().unwrap(); let kc = Keychain::from_random_seed().unwrap(); let mut fork_head = prev; // mine the first block and keep track of the block_hash // so we can spend the coinbase later let b = prepare_block(&kc, &fork_head, &chain, 2); let block_hash = b.hash(); let out_id = OutputIdentifier::from_output(&b.outputs[0]); assert!(out_id.features.contains(OutputFeatures::COINBASE_OUTPUT)); fork_head = b.header.clone(); chain .process_block(b.clone(), chain::Options::SKIP_POW) .unwrap(); let merkle_proof = chain.get_merkle_proof(&out_id, &b.header).unwrap(); println!("First block"); // now mine three further blocks for n in 3..6 { let b = prepare_block(&kc, &fork_head, &chain, n); fork_head = b.header.clone(); chain.process_block(b, chain::Options::SKIP_POW).unwrap(); } let lock_height = 1 + global::coinbase_maturity(); assert_eq!(lock_height, 4); println!("3 Further Blocks: should have 4 blocks or 264 bytes in file "); let tx1 = build::transaction( vec![ build::coinbase_input( consensus::REWARD, block_hash, merkle_proof, kc.derive_key_id(2).unwrap(), ), build::output(consensus::REWARD - 20000, kc.derive_key_id(30).unwrap()), build::with_fee(20000), ], &kc, ).unwrap(); println!("Built coinbase input and output"); let next = prepare_block_tx(&kc, &fork_head, &chain, 7, vec![&tx1]); let prev_main = next.header.clone(); chain .process_block(next.clone(), chain::Options::SKIP_POW) .unwrap(); chain.validate(false).unwrap(); println!("tx 1 processed, should have 6 outputs or 396 bytes in file, first skipped"); let tx2 = build::transaction( vec![ build::input(consensus::REWARD - 20000, kc.derive_key_id(30).unwrap()), build::output(consensus::REWARD - 40000, kc.derive_key_id(31).unwrap()), build::with_fee(20000), ], &kc, ).unwrap(); let next = prepare_block_tx(&kc, &prev_main, &chain, 9, vec![&tx2]); let prev_main = next.header.clone(); chain.process_block(next, chain::Options::SKIP_POW).unwrap(); chain.validate(false).unwrap(); println!("tx 2 processed"); /* panic!("Stop"); */ // mine 2 forked blocks from the first let fork = prepare_fork_block_tx(&kc, &fork_head, &chain, 6, vec![&tx1]); let prev_fork = fork.header.clone(); chain.process_block(fork, chain::Options::SKIP_POW).unwrap(); let fork_next = prepare_fork_block_tx(&kc, &prev_fork, &chain, 8, vec![&tx2]); let prev_fork = fork_next.header.clone(); chain .process_block(fork_next, chain::Options::SKIP_POW) .unwrap(); chain.validate(false).unwrap(); // check state let head = chain.head_header().unwrap(); assert_eq!(head.height, 6); assert_eq!(head.hash(), prev_main.hash()); assert!( chain .is_unspent(&OutputIdentifier::from_output(&tx2.outputs[0])) .is_ok() ); assert!( chain .is_unspent(&OutputIdentifier::from_output(&tx1.outputs[0])) .is_err() ); // make the fork win let fork_next = prepare_fork_block(&kc, &prev_fork, &chain, 10); let prev_fork = fork_next.header.clone(); chain .process_block(fork_next, chain::Options::SKIP_POW) .unwrap(); chain.validate(false).unwrap(); // check state let head = chain.head_header().unwrap(); assert_eq!(head.height, 7); assert_eq!(head.hash(), prev_fork.hash()); assert!( chain .is_unspent(&OutputIdentifier::from_output(&tx2.outputs[0])) .is_ok() ); assert!( chain .is_unspent(&OutputIdentifier::from_output(&tx1.outputs[0])) .is_err() ); // add 20 blocks to go past the test horizon let mut prev = prev_fork; for n in 0..20 { let next = prepare_block(&kc, &prev, &chain, 11 + n); prev = next.header.clone(); chain.process_block(next, chain::Options::SKIP_POW).unwrap(); } chain.validate(false).unwrap(); chain.compact().unwrap(); chain.validate(false).unwrap(); } fn prepare_block(kc: &Keychain, prev: &BlockHeader, chain: &Chain, diff: u64) -> Block { let mut b = prepare_block_nosum(kc, prev, diff, vec![]); chain.set_txhashset_roots(&mut b, false).unwrap(); b } fn prepare_block_tx( kc: &Keychain, prev: &BlockHeader, chain: &Chain, diff: u64, txs: Vec<&Transaction>, ) -> Block { let mut b = prepare_block_nosum(kc, prev, diff, txs); chain.set_txhashset_roots(&mut b, false).unwrap(); b } fn prepare_fork_block(kc: &Keychain, prev: &BlockHeader, chain: &Chain, diff: u64) -> Block { let mut b = prepare_block_nosum(kc, prev, diff, vec![]); chain.set_txhashset_roots(&mut b, true).unwrap(); b } fn prepare_fork_block_tx( kc: &Keychain, prev: &BlockHeader, chain: &Chain, diff: u64, txs: Vec<&Transaction>, ) -> Block { let mut b = prepare_block_nosum(kc, prev, diff, txs); chain.set_txhashset_roots(&mut b, true).unwrap(); b } fn prepare_block_nosum( kc: &Keychain, prev: &BlockHeader, diff: u64, txs: Vec<&Transaction>, ) -> Block { let proof_size = global::proofsize(); let key_id = kc.derive_key_id(diff as u32).unwrap(); let fees = txs.iter().map(|tx| tx.fee()).sum(); let reward = libtx::reward::output(&kc, &key_id, fees, prev.height).unwrap(); let mut b = match core::core::Block::new(prev, txs, Difficulty::from_num(diff), reward) { Err(e) => panic!("{:?}", e), Ok(b) => b, }; b.header.timestamp = prev.timestamp + time::Duration::seconds(60); b.header.total_difficulty = prev.total_difficulty.clone() + Difficulty::from_num(diff); b.header.pow = core::core::Proof::random(proof_size); b } #[test] #[ignore] fn actual_diff_iter_output() { global::set_mining_mode(ChainTypes::AutomatedTesting); let genesis_block = pow::mine_genesis_block().unwrap(); let chain = chain::Chain::init( "../.grin".to_string(), Arc::new(NoopAdapter {}), genesis_block, pow::verify_size, ).unwrap(); let iter = chain.difficulty_iter(); let mut last_time = 0; let mut first = true; for i in iter.into_iter() { let elem = i.unwrap(); if first { last_time = elem.0; first = false; } println!( "next_difficulty time: {}, diff: {}, duration: {} ", elem.0, elem.1.into_num(), last_time - elem.0 ); last_time = elem.0; } }