// Copyright 2020 The Grin Developers // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. //! Transaction pool implementation. //! Used for both the txpool and stempool layers in the pool. use self::core::core::hash::{Hash, Hashed}; use self::core::core::id::{ShortId, ShortIdentifiable}; use self::core::core::transaction; use self::core::core::verifier_cache::VerifierCache; use self::core::core::{ Block, BlockHeader, BlockSums, Committed, Transaction, TxKernel, Weighting, }; use self::util::RwLock; use crate::types::{BlockChain, PoolEntry, PoolError}; use grin_core as core; use grin_util as util; use std::cmp::Reverse; use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet}; use std::sync::Arc; pub struct Pool<B, V> where B: BlockChain, V: VerifierCache, { /// Entries in the pool (tx + info + timer) in simple insertion order. pub entries: Vec<PoolEntry>, /// The blockchain pub blockchain: Arc<B>, pub verifier_cache: Arc<RwLock<V>>, pub name: String, } impl<B, V> Pool<B, V> where B: BlockChain, V: VerifierCache + 'static, { pub fn new(chain: Arc<B>, verifier_cache: Arc<RwLock<V>>, name: String) -> Self { Pool { entries: vec![], blockchain: chain, verifier_cache, name, } } /// Does the transaction pool contain an entry for the given transaction? pub fn contains_tx(&self, hash: Hash) -> bool { self.entries.iter().any(|x| x.tx.hash() == hash) } pub fn get_tx(&self, hash: Hash) -> Option<Transaction> { self.entries .iter() .find(|x| x.tx.hash() == hash) .map(|x| x.tx.clone()) } /// Query the tx pool for an individual tx matching the given kernel hash. pub fn retrieve_tx_by_kernel_hash(&self, hash: Hash) -> Option<Transaction> { for x in &self.entries { for k in x.tx.kernels() { if k.hash() == hash { return Some(x.tx.clone()); } } } None } /// Query the tx pool for all known txs based on kernel short_ids /// from the provided compact_block. /// Note: does not validate that we return the full set of required txs. /// The caller will need to validate that themselves. pub fn retrieve_transactions( &self, hash: Hash, nonce: u64, kern_ids: &[ShortId], ) -> (Vec<Transaction>, Vec<ShortId>) { let mut txs = vec![]; let mut found_ids = vec![]; // Rehash all entries in the pool using short_ids based on provided hash and nonce. 'outer: for x in &self.entries { for k in x.tx.kernels() { // rehash each kernel to calculate the block specific short_id let short_id = k.short_id(&hash, nonce); if kern_ids.contains(&short_id) { txs.push(x.tx.clone()); found_ids.push(short_id); } if found_ids.len() == kern_ids.len() { break 'outer; } } } txs.dedup(); ( txs, kern_ids .iter() .filter(|id| !found_ids.contains(id)) .cloned() .collect(), ) } /// Take pool transactions, filtering and ordering them in a way that's /// appropriate to put in a mined block. Aggregates chains of dependent /// transactions, orders by fee over weight and ensures the total weight /// does not exceed the provided max_weight (miner defined block weight). pub fn prepare_mineable_transactions( &self, max_weight: usize, ) -> Result<Vec<Transaction>, PoolError> { let weighting = Weighting::AsLimitedTransaction(max_weight); // Sort the txs in the pool via the "bucket" logic to - // * maintain dependency ordering // * maximize cut-through // * maximize overall fees let txs = self.bucket_transactions(weighting); // Iteratively apply the txs to the current chain state, // rejecting any that do not result in a valid state. // Verify these txs produce an aggregated tx below max_weight. // Return a vec of all the valid txs. let header = self.blockchain.chain_head()?; let valid_txs = self.validate_raw_txs(&txs, None, &header, weighting)?; Ok(valid_txs) } pub fn all_transactions(&self) -> Vec<Transaction> { self.entries.iter().map(|x| x.tx.clone()).collect() } /// Return a single aggregate tx representing all txs in the txpool. /// Returns None if the txpool is empty. pub fn all_transactions_aggregate(&self) -> Result<Option<Transaction>, PoolError> { let txs = self.all_transactions(); if txs.is_empty() { return Ok(None); } let tx = transaction::aggregate(txs)?; // Validate the single aggregate transaction "as pool", not subject to tx weight limits. tx.validate(Weighting::NoLimit, self.verifier_cache.clone())?; Ok(Some(tx)) } // Aggregate this new tx with all existing txs in the pool. // If we can validate the aggregated tx against the current chain state // then we can safely add the tx to the pool. pub fn add_to_pool( &mut self, entry: PoolEntry, extra_txs: Vec<Transaction>, header: &BlockHeader, ) -> Result<(), PoolError> { // Combine all the txs from the pool with any extra txs provided. let mut txs = self.all_transactions(); // Quick check to see if we have seen this tx before. if txs.contains(&entry.tx) { return Err(PoolError::DuplicateTx); } txs.extend(extra_txs); let agg_tx = if txs.is_empty() { // If we have nothing to aggregate then simply return the tx itself. entry.tx.clone() } else { // Create a single aggregated tx from the existing pool txs and the // new entry txs.push(entry.tx.clone()); transaction::aggregate(txs)? }; // Validate aggregated tx (existing pool + new tx), ignoring tx weight limits. // Validate against known chain state at the provided header. self.validate_raw_tx(&agg_tx, header, Weighting::NoLimit)?; // If we get here successfully then we can safely add the entry to the pool. self.log_pool_add(&entry, header); self.entries.push(entry); Ok(()) } fn log_pool_add(&self, entry: &PoolEntry, header: &BlockHeader) { debug!( "add_to_pool [{}]: {} ({:?}) [in/out/kern: {}/{}/{}] pool: {} (at block {})", self.name, entry.tx.hash(), entry.src, entry.tx.inputs().len(), entry.tx.outputs().len(), entry.tx.kernels().len(), self.size(), header.hash(), ); } fn validate_raw_tx( &self, tx: &Transaction, header: &BlockHeader, weighting: Weighting, ) -> Result<BlockSums, PoolError> { // Validate the tx, conditionally checking against weight limits, // based on weight verification type. tx.validate(weighting, self.verifier_cache.clone())?; // Validate the tx against current chain state. // Check all inputs are in the current UTXO set. // Check all outputs are unique in current UTXO set. self.blockchain.validate_tx(tx)?; let new_sums = self.apply_tx_to_block_sums(tx, header)?; Ok(new_sums) } pub fn validate_raw_txs( &self, txs: &[Transaction], extra_tx: Option<Transaction>, header: &BlockHeader, weighting: Weighting, ) -> Result<Vec<Transaction>, PoolError> { let mut valid_txs = vec![]; for tx in txs { let mut candidate_txs = vec![]; if let Some(extra_tx) = extra_tx.clone() { candidate_txs.push(extra_tx); }; candidate_txs.extend(valid_txs.clone()); candidate_txs.push(tx.clone()); // Build a single aggregate tx from candidate txs. let agg_tx = transaction::aggregate(candidate_txs)?; // We know the tx is valid if the entire aggregate tx is valid. if self.validate_raw_tx(&agg_tx, header, weighting).is_ok() { valid_txs.push(tx.clone()); } } Ok(valid_txs) } fn apply_tx_to_block_sums( &self, tx: &Transaction, header: &BlockHeader, ) -> Result<BlockSums, PoolError> { let overage = tx.overage(); let offset = (header.total_kernel_offset() + tx.offset.clone())?; let block_sums = self.blockchain.get_block_sums(&header.hash())?; // Verify the kernel sums for the block_sums with the new tx applied, // accounting for overage and offset. let (utxo_sum, kernel_sum) = (block_sums, tx as &dyn Committed).verify_kernel_sums(overage, offset)?; Ok(BlockSums { utxo_sum, kernel_sum, }) } pub fn reconcile( &mut self, extra_tx: Option<Transaction>, header: &BlockHeader, ) -> Result<(), PoolError> { let existing_entries = self.entries.clone(); self.entries.clear(); let mut extra_txs = vec![]; if let Some(extra_tx) = extra_tx { extra_txs.push(extra_tx); } for x in existing_entries { let _ = self.add_to_pool(x, extra_txs.clone(), header); } Ok(()) } // Use our bucket logic to identify the best transaction for eviction and evict it. // We want to avoid evicting a transaction where another transaction depends on it. // We want to evict a transaction with low fee_to_weight. pub fn evict_transaction(&mut self) { if let Some(evictable_transaction) = self.bucket_transactions(Weighting::NoLimit).last() { self.entries.retain(|x| x.tx != *evictable_transaction); }; } /// Buckets consist of a vec of txs and track the aggregate fee_to_weight. /// We aggregate (cut-through) dependent transactions within a bucket *unless* adding a tx /// would reduce the aggregate fee_to_weight, in which case we start a new bucket. /// Note this new bucket will by definition have a lower fee_to_weight than the bucket /// containing the tx it depends on. /// Sorting the buckets by fee_to_weight will therefore preserve dependency ordering, /// maximizing both cut-through and overall fees. fn bucket_transactions(&self, weighting: Weighting) -> Vec<Transaction> { let mut tx_buckets: Vec<Bucket> = Vec::new(); let mut output_commits = HashMap::new(); let mut rejected = HashSet::new(); for entry in &self.entries { // check the commits index to find parents and their position // if single parent then we are good, we can bucket it with its parent // if multiple parents then we need to combine buckets, but for now simply reject it (rare case) let mut insert_pos = None; let mut is_rejected = false; for input in entry.tx.inputs() { if rejected.contains(&input.commitment()) { // Depends on a rejected tx, so reject this one. is_rejected = true; continue; } else if let Some(pos) = output_commits.get(&input.commitment()) { if insert_pos.is_some() { // Multiple dependencies so reject this tx (pick it up in next block). is_rejected = true; continue; } else { // Track the pos of the bucket we fall into. insert_pos = Some(*pos); } } } // If this tx is rejected then store all output commitments in our rejected set. if is_rejected { for out in entry.tx.outputs() { rejected.insert(out.commitment()); } // Done with this entry (rejected), continue to next entry. continue; } match insert_pos { None => { // No parent tx, just add to the end in its own bucket. // This is the common case for non 0-conf txs in the txpool. // We assume the tx is valid here as we validated it on the way into the txpool. insert_pos = Some(tx_buckets.len()); tx_buckets.push(Bucket::new(entry.tx.clone(), tx_buckets.len())); } Some(pos) => { // We found a single parent tx, so aggregate in the bucket // if the aggregate tx is a valid tx. // Otherwise discard and let the next block pick this tx up. let bucket = &tx_buckets[pos]; if let Ok(new_bucket) = bucket.aggregate_with_tx( entry.tx.clone(), weighting, self.verifier_cache.clone(), ) { if new_bucket.fee_to_weight >= bucket.fee_to_weight { // Only aggregate if it would not reduce the fee_to_weight ratio. tx_buckets[pos] = new_bucket; } else { // Otherwise put it in its own bucket at the end. // Note: This bucket will have a lower fee_to_weight // than the bucket it depends on. tx_buckets.push(Bucket::new(entry.tx.clone(), tx_buckets.len())); } } else { // Aggregation failed so discard this new tx. is_rejected = true; } } } if is_rejected { for out in entry.tx.outputs() { rejected.insert(out.commitment()); } } else if let Some(insert_pos) = insert_pos { // We successfully added this tx to our set of buckets. // Update commits index for subsequent txs. for out in entry.tx.outputs() { output_commits.insert(out.commitment(), insert_pos); } } } // Sort buckets by fee_to_weight (descending) and age (oldest first). // Txs with highest fee_to_weight will be prioritied. // Aggregation that increases the fee_to_weight of a bucket will prioritize the bucket. // Oldest (based on pool insertion time) will then be prioritized. tx_buckets.sort_unstable_by_key(|x| (Reverse(x.fee_to_weight), x.age_idx)); tx_buckets.into_iter().flat_map(|x| x.raw_txs).collect() } pub fn find_matching_transactions(&self, kernels: &[TxKernel]) -> Vec<Transaction> { // While the inputs outputs can be cut-through the kernel will stay intact // In order to deaggregate tx we look for tx with the same kernel let mut found_txs = vec![]; // Gather all the kernels of the multi-kernel transaction in one set let kernel_set = kernels.iter().collect::<HashSet<_>>(); // Check each transaction in the pool for entry in &self.entries { let entry_kernel_set = entry.tx.kernels().iter().collect::<HashSet<_>>(); if entry_kernel_set.is_subset(&kernel_set) { found_txs.push(entry.tx.clone()); } } found_txs } /// Quick reconciliation step - we can evict any txs in the pool where /// inputs or kernels intersect with the block. pub fn reconcile_block(&mut self, block: &Block) { // Filter txs in the pool based on the latest block. // Reject any txs where we see a matching tx kernel in the block. // Also reject any txs where we see a conflicting tx, // where an input is spent in a different tx. self.entries.retain(|x| { !x.tx.kernels().iter().any(|y| block.kernels().contains(y)) && !x.tx.inputs().iter().any(|y| block.inputs().contains(y)) }); } /// Size of the pool. pub fn size(&self) -> usize { self.entries.len() } /// Number of transaction kernels in the pool. /// This may differ from the size (number of transactions) due to tx aggregation. pub fn kernel_count(&self) -> usize { self.entries.iter().map(|x| x.tx.kernels().len()).sum() } /// Is the pool empty? pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.entries.is_empty() } } struct Bucket { raw_txs: Vec<Transaction>, fee_to_weight: u64, age_idx: usize, } impl Bucket { /// Construct a new bucket with the given tx. /// also specifies an "age_idx" so we can sort buckets by age /// as well as fee_to_weight. Txs are maintainedin the pool in insert order /// so buckets with low age_idx contain oldest txs. fn new(tx: Transaction, age_idx: usize) -> Bucket { Bucket { fee_to_weight: tx.fee_to_weight(), raw_txs: vec![tx], age_idx, } } fn aggregate_with_tx( &self, new_tx: Transaction, weighting: Weighting, verifier_cache: Arc<RwLock<dyn VerifierCache>>, ) -> Result<Bucket, PoolError> { let mut raw_txs = self.raw_txs.clone(); raw_txs.push(new_tx); let agg_tx = transaction::aggregate(raw_txs.clone())?; agg_tx.validate(weighting, verifier_cache)?; Ok(Bucket { fee_to_weight: agg_tx.fee_to_weight(), raw_txs: raw_txs, age_idx: self.age_idx, }) } }