# Rolling up our sleeves

Grin is still an infant, much is left to be done and contributions are welcome. Here's a (non exhaustive) list of what's left to implement:

  * Transaction signatures aggregation.
  * Proper API to author transactions.
  * Protocol layer (handshake, send blocks, ask for blocks, send txs, ask for them, sync,  etc.).
  * Maintenance of the UTXO set and its Merkle tree.
  * Transaction pool and related validation.
  * Chain logic and related validation.
  * Efficient miner (as a distinct project).
  * User-friendly wallet (as a distinct project).
  * Figure out if the rangeproofs can be eliminated under some cicrumstances while keeping security guarantees.
  * Website, logo design and all the cool stuff.

Don't worry, we'll get there, with your help.