// Copyright 2020 The Grin Developers // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. //! core consensus mainnet tests (separated to de-clutter consensus_mainnet) //! Setting global::mining_mode() changes global shared state so automated tests should only use one //! mining mode/chain type per test file to avoid non-deterministic behaviour. use grin_core as core; use self::core::consensus::*; use self::core::core::block::HeaderVersion; use self::core::global; use self::core::pow::Difficulty; use chrono::prelude::Utc; use std::fmt::{self, Display}; /// Last n blocks for difficulty calculation purposes /// (copied from stats in server crate) #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct DiffBlock { /// Block number (can be negative for a new chain) pub block_number: i64, /// Block network difficulty pub difficulty: u64, /// Time block was found (epoch seconds) pub time: u64, /// Duration since previous block (epoch seconds) pub duration: u64, } /// Stats on the last WINDOW blocks and the difficulty calculation /// (Copied from stats in server crate) #[derive(Clone)] pub struct DiffStats { /// latest height pub height: u64, /// Last WINDOW block data pub last_blocks: Vec<DiffBlock>, /// Average block time for last WINDOW blocks pub average_block_time: u64, /// Average WINDOW difficulty pub average_difficulty: u64, /// WINDOW size pub window_size: u64, /// Block time sum pub block_time_sum: u64, /// Block diff sum pub block_diff_sum: u64, /// latest ts pub latest_ts: u64, /// earliest ts pub earliest_ts: u64, /// ts delta pub ts_delta: u64, } impl Display for DiffBlock { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { let output = format!( "Block Number: {} Difficulty: {}, Time: {}, Duration: {}", self.block_number, self.difficulty, self.time, self.duration ); Display::fmt(&output, f) } } // Creates a new chain with a genesis at a simulated difficulty fn create_chain_sim(diff: u64) -> Vec<(HeaderInfo, DiffStats)> { println!( "adding create: {}, {}", Utc::now().timestamp(), Difficulty::from_num(diff) ); let return_vec = vec![HeaderInfo::from_ts_diff( Utc::now().timestamp() as u64, Difficulty::from_num(diff), )]; let diff_stats = get_diff_stats(&return_vec); vec![( HeaderInfo::from_ts_diff(Utc::now().timestamp() as u64, Difficulty::from_num(diff)), diff_stats, )] } fn get_diff_stats(chain_sim: &[HeaderInfo]) -> DiffStats { // Fill out some difficulty stats for convenience let diff_iter = chain_sim.to_vec(); let last_blocks: Vec<HeaderInfo> = global::difficulty_data_to_vector(diff_iter.iter().cloned()); let mut last_time = last_blocks[0].timestamp; let tip_height = chain_sim.len(); let earliest_block_height = tip_height as i64 - last_blocks.len() as i64; let earliest_ts = last_blocks[0].timestamp; let latest_ts = last_blocks[last_blocks.len() - 1].timestamp; let mut i = 1; let sum_blocks: Vec<HeaderInfo> = global::difficulty_data_to_vector(diff_iter.iter().cloned()) .into_iter() .take(DMA_WINDOW as usize) .collect(); let sum_entries: Vec<DiffBlock> = sum_blocks .iter() //.skip(1) .map(|n| { let dur = n.timestamp - last_time; let height = earliest_block_height + i + 1; i += 1; last_time = n.timestamp; DiffBlock { block_number: height, difficulty: n.difficulty.to_num(), time: n.timestamp, duration: dur, } }) .collect(); let block_time_sum = sum_entries.iter().fold(0, |sum, t| sum + t.duration); let block_diff_sum = sum_entries.iter().fold(0, |sum, d| sum + d.difficulty); i = 1; last_time = last_blocks[0].clone().timestamp; let diff_entries: Vec<DiffBlock> = last_blocks .iter() .skip(1) .map(|n| { let dur = n.timestamp - last_time; let height = earliest_block_height + i; i += 1; last_time = n.timestamp; DiffBlock { block_number: height, difficulty: n.difficulty.to_num(), time: n.timestamp, duration: dur, } }) .collect(); DiffStats { height: tip_height as u64, last_blocks: diff_entries, average_block_time: block_time_sum / DMA_WINDOW, average_difficulty: block_diff_sum / DMA_WINDOW, window_size: DMA_WINDOW, block_time_sum: block_time_sum, block_diff_sum: block_diff_sum, latest_ts: latest_ts, earliest_ts: earliest_ts, ts_delta: latest_ts - earliest_ts, } } // Adds another 'block' to the iterator, so to speak, with difficulty calculated // from the difficulty adjustment at interval seconds from the previous block fn add_block( interval: u64, chain_sim: Vec<(HeaderInfo, DiffStats)>, ) -> Vec<(HeaderInfo, DiffStats)> { let mut ret_chain_sim = chain_sim.clone(); let mut return_chain: Vec<HeaderInfo> = chain_sim.clone().iter().map(|e| e.0.clone()).collect(); // get last interval let diff = next_difficulty(1, return_chain.clone()); let last_elem = chain_sim.first().unwrap().clone().0; let time = last_elem.timestamp + interval; return_chain.insert(0, HeaderInfo::from_ts_diff(time, diff.difficulty)); let diff_stats = get_diff_stats(&return_chain); ret_chain_sim.insert( 0, (HeaderInfo::from_ts_diff(time, diff.difficulty), diff_stats), ); ret_chain_sim } // Adds another n 'blocks' to the iterator, with difficulty calculated fn add_block_repeated( interval: u64, chain_sim: Vec<(HeaderInfo, DiffStats)>, iterations: usize, ) -> Vec<(HeaderInfo, DiffStats)> { let mut return_chain = chain_sim; for _ in 0..iterations { return_chain = add_block(interval, return_chain.clone()); } return_chain } // Prints the contents of the iterator and its difficulties.. useful for // tweaking fn print_chain_sim(chain_sim: Vec<(HeaderInfo, DiffStats)>) { let mut chain_sim = chain_sim; chain_sim.reverse(); let mut last_time = 0; let mut first = true; println!("Constants"); println!("DIFFICULTY_ADJUST_WINDOW: {}", DMA_WINDOW); println!("BLOCK_TIME_WINDOW: {}", BLOCK_TIME_WINDOW); println!("CLAMP_FACTOR: {}", CLAMP_FACTOR); println!("DAMP_FACTOR: {}", DMA_DAMP_FACTOR); chain_sim.iter().enumerate().for_each(|(i, b)| { let block = b.0.clone(); let stats = b.1.clone(); if first { last_time = block.timestamp; first = false; } println!( "Height: {}, Time: {}, Interval: {}, Network difficulty:{}, Average Block Time: {}, Average Difficulty {}, Block Time Sum: {}, Block Diff Sum: {}, Latest Timestamp: {}, Earliest Timestamp: {}, Timestamp Delta: {}", i, block.timestamp, block.timestamp - last_time, block.difficulty, stats.average_block_time, stats.average_difficulty, stats.block_time_sum, stats.block_diff_sum, stats.latest_ts, stats.earliest_ts, stats.ts_delta, ); let mut sb = stats.last_blocks; sb.reverse(); for i in sb { println!(" {}", i); } last_time = block.timestamp; }); } /// Checks different next_target adjustments and difficulty boundaries #[test] fn adjustment_scenarios() { global::set_local_chain_type(global::ChainTypes::Mainnet); // Genesis block with initial diff let chain_sim = create_chain_sim(global::initial_block_difficulty()); // Scenario 1) Hash power is massively over estimated, first block takes an hour let chain_sim = add_block_repeated(3600, chain_sim, 2); let chain_sim = add_block_repeated(1800, chain_sim, 2); let chain_sim = add_block_repeated(900, chain_sim, 10); let chain_sim = add_block_repeated(450, chain_sim, 30); let chain_sim = add_block_repeated(400, chain_sim, 30); let chain_sim = add_block_repeated(300, chain_sim, 30); println!("*********************************************************"); println!("Scenario 1) Grossly over-estimated genesis difficulty "); println!("*********************************************************"); print_chain_sim(chain_sim); println!("*********************************************************"); // Under-estimated difficulty let chain_sim = create_chain_sim(global::initial_block_difficulty()); let chain_sim = add_block_repeated(1, chain_sim, 5); let chain_sim = add_block_repeated(20, chain_sim, 5); let chain_sim = add_block_repeated(30, chain_sim, 20); println!("*********************************************************"); println!("Scenario 2) Grossly under-estimated genesis difficulty "); println!("*********************************************************"); print_chain_sim(chain_sim); println!("*********************************************************"); let just_enough = DMA_WINDOW as usize; // Steady difficulty for a good while, then a sudden drop let chain_sim = create_chain_sim(global::initial_block_difficulty()); let chain_sim = add_block_repeated(60, chain_sim, just_enough as usize); let chain_sim = add_block_repeated(600, chain_sim, 60); println!(); println!("*********************************************************"); println!("Scenario 3) Sudden drop in hashpower"); println!("*********************************************************"); print_chain_sim(chain_sim); println!("*********************************************************"); // Sudden increase let chain_sim = create_chain_sim(global::initial_block_difficulty()); let chain_sim = add_block_repeated(60, chain_sim, just_enough as usize); let chain_sim = add_block_repeated(10, chain_sim, 10); println!(); println!("*********************************************************"); println!("Scenario 4) Sudden increase in hashpower"); println!("*********************************************************"); print_chain_sim(chain_sim); println!("*********************************************************"); // Oscillations let chain_sim = create_chain_sim(global::initial_block_difficulty()); let chain_sim = add_block_repeated(60, chain_sim, just_enough as usize); let chain_sim = add_block_repeated(10, chain_sim, 10); let chain_sim = add_block_repeated(60, chain_sim, 20); let chain_sim = add_block_repeated(10, chain_sim, 10); println!(); println!("*********************************************************"); println!("Scenario 5) Oscillations in hashpower"); println!("*********************************************************"); print_chain_sim(chain_sim); println!("*********************************************************"); } #[test] fn test_secondary_pow_ratio() { global::set_local_chain_type(global::ChainTypes::Mainnet); assert_eq!(secondary_pow_ratio(1), 90); assert_eq!(secondary_pow_ratio(89), 90); assert_eq!(secondary_pow_ratio(90), 90); assert_eq!(secondary_pow_ratio(91), 90); assert_eq!(secondary_pow_ratio(179), 90); assert_eq!(secondary_pow_ratio(180), 90); assert_eq!(secondary_pow_ratio(181), 90); let one_week = 60 * 24 * 7; assert_eq!(secondary_pow_ratio(one_week - 1), 90); assert_eq!(secondary_pow_ratio(one_week), 90); assert_eq!(secondary_pow_ratio(one_week + 1), 90); let two_weeks = one_week * 2; assert_eq!(secondary_pow_ratio(two_weeks - 1), 89); assert_eq!(secondary_pow_ratio(two_weeks), 89); assert_eq!(secondary_pow_ratio(two_weeks + 1), 89); let t4_fork_height = 64_000; assert_eq!(secondary_pow_ratio(t4_fork_height - 1), 85); assert_eq!(secondary_pow_ratio(t4_fork_height), 85); assert_eq!(secondary_pow_ratio(t4_fork_height + 1), 85); let one_year = one_week * 52; assert_eq!(secondary_pow_ratio(one_year), 45); let ninety_one_weeks = one_week * 91; assert_eq!(secondary_pow_ratio(ninety_one_weeks - 1), 12); assert_eq!(secondary_pow_ratio(ninety_one_weeks), 12); assert_eq!(secondary_pow_ratio(ninety_one_weeks + 1), 12); let two_year = one_year * 2; assert_eq!(secondary_pow_ratio(two_year - 1), 1); assert_eq!(secondary_pow_ratio(two_year), 0); assert_eq!(secondary_pow_ratio(two_year + 1), 0); } #[test] fn test_secondary_pow_scale() { global::set_local_chain_type(global::ChainTypes::Mainnet); let window = DMA_WINDOW; let mut hi = HeaderInfo::from_diff_scaling(Difficulty::from_num(10), 100); // all primary, factor should increase so it becomes easier to find a high // difficulty block hi.is_secondary = false; assert_eq!( secondary_pow_scaling(1, &(0..window).map(|_| hi.clone()).collect::<Vec<_>>()), 108 ); // all secondary on 90%, factor should go down a bit hi.is_secondary = true; assert_eq!( secondary_pow_scaling(1, &(0..window).map(|_| hi.clone()).collect::<Vec<_>>()), 99 ); // all secondary on 1%, factor should go down to bound (divide by 2) assert_eq!( secondary_pow_scaling( 2 * YEAR_HEIGHT * 83 / 90, &(0..window).map(|_| hi.clone()).collect::<Vec<_>>() ), 50 ); // same as above, testing lowest bound let mut low_hi = HeaderInfo::from_diff_scaling(Difficulty::from_num(10), MIN_AR_SCALE as u32); low_hi.is_secondary = true; assert_eq!( secondary_pow_scaling( 2 * YEAR_HEIGHT, &(0..window).map(|_| low_hi.clone()).collect::<Vec<_>>() ), MIN_AR_SCALE as u32 ); // the right ratio of 95% secondary let mut primary_hi = HeaderInfo::from_diff_scaling(Difficulty::from_num(10), 50); primary_hi.is_secondary = false; assert_eq!( secondary_pow_scaling( 1, &(0..(window / 10)) .map(|_| primary_hi.clone()) .chain((0..(window * 9 / 10)).map(|_| hi.clone())) .collect::<Vec<_>>() ), 95, // avg ar_scale of 10% * 50 + 90% * 100 ); // 95% secondary, should come down based on 97.5 average assert_eq!( secondary_pow_scaling( 1, &(0..(window / 20)) .map(|_| primary_hi.clone()) .chain((0..(window * 95 / 100)).map(|_| hi.clone())) .collect::<Vec<_>>() ), 97 ); // 40% secondary, should come up based on 70 average assert_eq!( secondary_pow_scaling( 1, &(0..(window * 6 / 10)) .map(|_| primary_hi.clone()) .chain((0..(window * 4 / 10)).map(|_| hi.clone())) .collect::<Vec<_>>() ), 73 ); } #[test] fn hard_forks() { global::set_local_chain_type(global::ChainTypes::Mainnet); assert_eq!(header_version(0), HeaderVersion(1)); assert_eq!(header_version(10), HeaderVersion(1)); assert_eq!(header_version(HARD_FORK_INTERVAL - 1), HeaderVersion(1)); assert_eq!(header_version(HARD_FORK_INTERVAL), HeaderVersion(2)); assert_eq!(header_version(HARD_FORK_INTERVAL + 1), HeaderVersion(2)); assert_eq!(header_version(HARD_FORK_INTERVAL * 2 - 1), HeaderVersion(2)); assert_eq!(header_version(HARD_FORK_INTERVAL * 2), HeaderVersion(3)); assert_eq!(header_version(HARD_FORK_INTERVAL * 2 + 1), HeaderVersion(3)); assert_eq!(header_version(HARD_FORK_INTERVAL * 3 - 1), HeaderVersion(3)); assert_eq!(header_version(HARD_FORK_INTERVAL * 3), HeaderVersion(4)); assert_eq!(header_version(HARD_FORK_INTERVAL * 3 + 1), HeaderVersion(4)); assert_eq!(header_version(HARD_FORK_INTERVAL * 4 - 1), HeaderVersion(4)); assert_eq!(header_version(HARD_FORK_INTERVAL * 4), HeaderVersion(5)); assert_eq!(header_version(HARD_FORK_INTERVAL * 4 + 1), HeaderVersion(5)); }