// Copyright 2021 The Grin Developers // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. //! Common test functions use self::chain::types::{NoopAdapter, Options}; use self::chain::Chain; use self::core::consensus; use self::core::core::hash::Hash; use self::core::core::verifier_cache::{LruVerifierCache, VerifierCache}; use self::core::core::{Block, BlockHeader, BlockSums, KernelFeatures, Transaction}; use self::core::genesis; use self::core::global; use self::core::libtx::{build, reward, ProofBuilder, DEFAULT_BASE_FEE}; use self::core::pow; use self::keychain::{ExtKeychain, ExtKeychainPath, Keychain}; use self::pool::types::*; use self::pool::TransactionPool; use self::util::RwLock; use chrono::Duration; use grin_chain as chain; use grin_core as core; use grin_keychain as keychain; use grin_pool as pool; use grin_util as util; use std::fs; use std::sync::Arc; /// Build genesis block with reward (non-empty, like we have in mainnet). // Same as from pool/tests/common.rs pub fn genesis_block<K>(keychain: &K) -> Block where K: Keychain, { let key_id = keychain::ExtKeychain::derive_key_id(1, 0, 0, 0, 0); let reward = reward::output(keychain, &ProofBuilder::new(keychain), &key_id, 0, false).unwrap(); genesis::genesis_dev().with_reward(reward.0, reward.1) } pub fn fuzz_tx_source(nonce: u8) -> TxSource { if nonce < 51 { TxSource::PushApi } else if nonce < 102 { TxSource::Broadcast } else if nonce < 153 { TxSource::Fluff } else if nonce < 204 { TxSource::EmbargoExpired } else { TxSource::Deaggregate } } // Same as from pool/tests/common.rs #[derive(Clone)] pub struct ChainAdapter { pub chain: Arc<Chain>, } // Same as from pool/tests/common.rs impl BlockChain for ChainAdapter { fn chain_head(&self) -> Result<BlockHeader, PoolError> { self.chain .head_header() .map_err(|_| PoolError::Other("failed to get chain head".into())) } fn get_block_header(&self, hash: &Hash) -> Result<BlockHeader, PoolError> { self.chain .get_block_header(hash) .map_err(|_| PoolError::Other("failed to get block header".into())) } fn get_block_sums(&self, hash: &Hash) -> Result<BlockSums, PoolError> { self.chain .get_block_sums(hash) .map_err(|_| PoolError::Other("failed to get block sums".into())) } fn validate_tx(&self, tx: &Transaction) -> Result<(), pool::PoolError> { self.chain.validate_tx(tx).map_err(|e| match e.kind() { chain::ErrorKind::Transaction(txe) => txe.into(), chain::ErrorKind::NRDRelativeHeight => PoolError::NRDKernelRelativeHeight, _ => PoolError::Other("failed to validate tx".into()), }) } fn verify_coinbase_maturity(&self, tx: &Transaction) -> Result<(), PoolError> { self.chain .verify_coinbase_maturity(tx) .map_err(|_| PoolError::ImmatureCoinbase) } fn verify_tx_lock_height(&self, tx: &Transaction) -> Result<(), PoolError> { self.chain .verify_tx_lock_height(tx) .map_err(|_| PoolError::ImmatureTransaction) } } // Same as from pool/tests/common.rs pub fn clean_output_dir(db_root: String) { if let Err(e) = fs::remove_dir_all(db_root) { println!("cleaning output dir failed - {:?}", e) } } pub struct PoolFuzzer { pub chain: Arc<Chain>, pub keychain: ExtKeychain, pub pool: TransactionPool<ChainAdapter, NoopPoolAdapter, LruVerifierCache>, } impl PoolFuzzer { pub fn new(db_root: &str) -> Self { let keychain: ExtKeychain = Keychain::from_random_seed(false).unwrap(); clean_output_dir(db_root.into()); let genesis = genesis_block(&keychain); let chain = Arc::new(Self::init_chain(db_root, genesis)); let verifier_cache = Arc::new(RwLock::new(LruVerifierCache::new())); // Initialize a new pool with our chain adapter. let pool = Self::init_transaction_pool( Arc::new(ChainAdapter { chain: chain.clone(), }), verifier_cache.clone(), ); let ret = Self { chain, keychain, pool, }; ret.add_some_blocks(3); ret } // Same as from pool/tests/common.rs, with interface change pub fn test_transaction_spending_coinbase(&self, output_values: Vec<u64>) -> Transaction { let header = self.chain.get_header_by_height(1).unwrap(); let mut output_sum = 0u64; for &s in output_values.iter() { output_sum = output_sum.overflowing_add(s).0; } let coinbase_reward: u64 = 60_000_000_000; let fees = coinbase_reward.overflowing_sub(output_sum).0; let mut tx_elements = Vec::new(); // single input spending a single coinbase (deterministic key_id aka height) { let key_id = ExtKeychain::derive_key_id(1, header.height as u32, 0, 0, 0); tx_elements.push(build::coinbase_input(coinbase_reward, key_id)); } for output_value in output_values { let key_id = ExtKeychain::derive_key_id(1, output_value as u32, 0, 0, 0); tx_elements.push(build::output(output_value, key_id)); } build::transaction( KernelFeatures::Plain { fee: fees }, tx_elements, &self.keychain, &ProofBuilder::new(&self.keychain), ) .unwrap() } // Same as from pool/tests/common.rs, // with changes for summing inputs and outputs pub fn test_transaction(&self, input_values: Vec<u64>, output_values: Vec<u64>) -> Transaction { let mut input_sum = 0u64; for &s in input_values.iter() { input_sum = input_sum.overflowing_add(s).0; } let mut output_sum = 0u64; for &s in output_values.iter() { output_sum = output_sum.overflowing_add(s).0; } let fees = input_sum.overflowing_sub(output_sum).0; self.test_transaction_with_kernel_features( input_values, output_values, KernelFeatures::Plain { fee: fees }, ) } pub fn test_transaction_with_kernel_features( &self, input_values: Vec<u64>, output_values: Vec<u64>, kernel_features: KernelFeatures, ) -> Transaction { let mut tx_elements = Vec::new(); for input_value in input_values { let key_id = ExtKeychain::derive_key_id(1, input_value as u32, 0, 0, 0); tx_elements.push(build::input(input_value, key_id)); } for output_value in output_values { let key_id = ExtKeychain::derive_key_id(1, output_value as u32, 0, 0, 0); tx_elements.push(build::output(output_value, key_id)); } let keychain = &self.keychain; build::transaction( kernel_features, tx_elements, keychain, &ProofBuilder::new(keychain), ) .unwrap() } fn init_chain(dir_name: &str, genesis: Block) -> Chain { let verifier_cache = Arc::new(RwLock::new(LruVerifierCache::new())); Chain::init( dir_name.to_string(), Arc::new(NoopAdapter {}), genesis, pow::verify_size, verifier_cache, false, ) .unwrap() } // Same as from pool/tests/common.rs fn init_transaction_pool<B, V>( chain: Arc<B>, verifier_cache: Arc<RwLock<V>>, ) -> TransactionPool<B, NoopPoolAdapter, V> where B: BlockChain, V: VerifierCache + 'static, { TransactionPool::new( PoolConfig { accept_fee_base: DEFAULT_BASE_FEE, max_pool_size: 50, max_stempool_size: 50, mineable_max_weight: 10_000, }, chain.clone(), verifier_cache.clone(), Arc::new(NoopPoolAdapter {}), ) } // Same as from pool/tests/common.rs, with interface change pub fn add_some_blocks(&self, count: u64) { for _ in 0..count { self.add_block(vec![]); } } // Same as from pool/tests/common.rs, with interface change pub fn add_block(&self, txs: Vec<Transaction>) { let chain = &self.chain; let keychain = &self.keychain; let prev = chain.head_header().unwrap(); let height = prev.height + 1; let next_header_info = consensus::next_difficulty(height, chain.difficulty_iter().unwrap()); let fee = txs.iter().map(|x| x.fee()).sum(); let key_id = ExtKeychainPath::new(1, height as u32, 0, 0, 0).to_identifier(); let reward = reward::output(keychain, &ProofBuilder::new(keychain), &key_id, fee, false).unwrap(); let mut block = Block::new(&prev, txs, next_header_info.clone().difficulty, reward).unwrap(); block.header.timestamp = prev.timestamp + Duration::seconds(60); block.header.pow.secondary_scaling = next_header_info.secondary_scaling; chain.set_txhashset_roots(&mut block).unwrap(); let edge_bits = global::min_edge_bits(); block.header.pow.proof.edge_bits = edge_bits; pow::pow_size( &mut block.header, next_header_info.difficulty, global::proofsize(), edge_bits, ) .unwrap(); chain.process_block(block, Options::NONE).unwrap(); } }