// Copyright 2020 The Grin Developers // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. //! Adapters connecting new block, new transaction, and accepted transaction //! events to consumers of those events. use crate::util::RwLock; use std::fs::File; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::{Arc, Weak}; use std::thread; use std::time::Instant; use crate::chain::{ self, BlockStatus, ChainAdapter, Options, SyncState, SyncStatus, TxHashsetDownloadStats, }; use crate::common::hooks::{ChainEvents, NetEvents}; use crate::common::types::{ChainValidationMode, DandelionEpoch, ServerConfig}; use crate::core::core::hash::{Hash, Hashed}; use crate::core::core::transaction::Transaction; use crate::core::core::verifier_cache::VerifierCache; use crate::core::core::{BlockHeader, BlockSums, CompactBlock, Inputs, OutputIdentifier}; use crate::core::pow::Difficulty; use crate::core::ser::ProtocolVersion; use crate::core::{core, global}; use crate::p2p; use crate::p2p::types::PeerInfo; use crate::pool::{self, BlockChain, PoolAdapter}; use crate::util::OneTime; use chrono::prelude::*; use chrono::Duration; use rand::prelude::*; /// Implementation of the NetAdapter for the . Gets notified when new /// blocks and transactions are received and forwards to the chain and pool /// implementations. pub struct NetToChainAdapter where B: BlockChain, P: PoolAdapter, V: VerifierCache + 'static, { sync_state: Arc, chain: Weak, tx_pool: Arc>>, verifier_cache: Arc>, peers: OneTime>, config: ServerConfig, hooks: Vec>, } impl p2p::ChainAdapter for NetToChainAdapter where B: BlockChain, P: PoolAdapter, V: VerifierCache + 'static, { fn total_difficulty(&self) -> Result { Ok(self.chain().head()?.total_difficulty) } fn total_height(&self) -> Result { Ok(self.chain().head()?.height) } fn get_transaction(&self, kernel_hash: Hash) -> Option { self.tx_pool.read().retrieve_tx_by_kernel_hash(kernel_hash) } fn tx_kernel_received( &self, kernel_hash: Hash, peer_info: &PeerInfo, ) -> Result { // nothing much we can do with a new transaction while syncing if self.sync_state.is_syncing() { return Ok(true); } let tx = self.tx_pool.read().retrieve_tx_by_kernel_hash(kernel_hash); if tx.is_none() { self.request_transaction(kernel_hash, peer_info); } Ok(true) } fn transaction_received( &self, tx: core::Transaction, stem: bool, ) -> Result { // nothing much we can do with a new transaction while syncing if self.sync_state.is_syncing() { return Ok(true); } let source = pool::TxSource::Broadcast; let header = self.chain().head_header()?; for hook in &self.hooks { hook.on_transaction_received(&tx); } let tx_hash = tx.hash(); let mut tx_pool = self.tx_pool.write(); match tx_pool.add_to_pool(source, tx, stem, &header) { Ok(_) => Ok(true), Err(e) => { debug!("Transaction {} rejected: {:?}", tx_hash, e); Ok(false) } } } fn block_received( &self, b: core::Block, peer_info: &PeerInfo, opts: chain::Options, ) -> Result { if self.chain().block_exists(b.hash())? { return Ok(true); } debug!( "Received block {} at {} from {} [in/out/kern: {}/{}/{}] going to process.", b.hash(), b.header.height, peer_info.addr, b.inputs().len(), b.outputs().len(), b.kernels().len(), ); self.process_block(b, peer_info, opts) } fn compact_block_received( &self, cb: core::CompactBlock, peer_info: &PeerInfo, ) -> Result { // No need to process this compact block if we have previously accepted the _full block_. if self.chain().block_exists(cb.hash())? { return Ok(true); } let bhash = cb.hash(); debug!( "Received compact_block {} at {} from {} [out/kern/kern_ids: {}/{}/{}] going to process.", bhash, cb.header.height, peer_info.addr, cb.out_full().len(), cb.kern_full().len(), cb.kern_ids().len(), ); let cb_hash = cb.hash(); if cb.kern_ids().is_empty() { // push the freshly hydrated block through the chain pipeline match core::Block::hydrate_from(cb, &[]) { Ok(block) => { debug!( "successfully hydrated (empty) block: {} at {} ({})", block.header.hash(), block.header.height, block.inputs().version_str(), ); if !self.sync_state.is_syncing() { for hook in &self.hooks { hook.on_block_received(&block, &peer_info.addr); } } self.process_block(block, peer_info, chain::Options::NONE) } Err(e) => { debug!("Invalid hydrated block {}: {:?}", cb_hash, e); return Ok(false); } } } else { // check at least the header is valid before hydrating if let Err(e) = self .chain() .process_block_header(&cb.header, chain::Options::NONE) { debug!("Invalid compact block header {}: {:?}", cb_hash, e.kind()); return Ok(!e.is_bad_data()); } let (txs, missing_short_ids) = { self.tx_pool .read() .retrieve_transactions(cb.hash(), cb.nonce, cb.kern_ids()) }; debug!( "compact_block_received: txs from tx pool - {}, (unknown kern_ids: {})", txs.len(), missing_short_ids.len(), ); // If we have missing kernels then we know we cannot hydrate this compact block. if !missing_short_ids.is_empty() { self.request_block(&cb.header, peer_info, chain::Options::NONE); return Ok(true); } let block = match core::Block::hydrate_from(cb.clone(), &txs) { Ok(block) => { if !self.sync_state.is_syncing() { for hook in &self.hooks { hook.on_block_received(&block, &peer_info.addr); } } block } Err(e) => { debug!("Invalid hydrated block {}: {:?}", cb.hash(), e); return Ok(false); } }; if let Ok(prev) = self.chain().get_previous_header(&cb.header) { if block .validate(&prev.total_kernel_offset, self.verifier_cache.clone()) .is_ok() { debug!( "successfully hydrated block: {} at {} ({})", block.header.hash(), block.header.height, block.inputs().version_str(), ); self.process_block(block, peer_info, chain::Options::NONE) } else if self.sync_state.status() == SyncStatus::NoSync { debug!("adapter: block invalid after hydration, requesting full block"); self.request_block(&cb.header, peer_info, chain::Options::NONE); Ok(true) } else { debug!("block invalid after hydration, ignoring it, cause still syncing"); Ok(true) } } else { debug!("failed to retrieve previous block header (still syncing?)"); Ok(true) } } } fn header_received( &self, bh: core::BlockHeader, peer_info: &PeerInfo, ) -> Result { // No need to process this header if we have previously accepted the _full block_. if self.chain().block_exists(bh.hash())? { return Ok(true); } if !self.sync_state.is_syncing() { for hook in &self.hooks { hook.on_header_received(&bh, &peer_info.addr); } } // pushing the new block header through the header chain pipeline // we will go ask for the block if this is a new header let res = self.chain().process_block_header(&bh, chain::Options::NONE); if let Err(e) = res { debug!( "Block header {} refused by chain: {:?}", bh.hash(), e.kind() ); if e.is_bad_data() { return Ok(false); } else { // we got an error when trying to process the block header // but nothing serious enough to need to ban the peer upstream return Err(e); } } // we have successfully processed a block header // so we can go request the block itself self.request_compact_block(&bh, peer_info); // done receiving the header Ok(true) } fn headers_received( &self, bhs: &[core::BlockHeader], peer_info: &PeerInfo, ) -> Result { info!( "Received {} block headers from {}", bhs.len(), peer_info.addr ); if bhs.is_empty() { return Ok(false); } // try to add headers to our header chain match self.chain().sync_block_headers(bhs, chain::Options::SYNC) { Ok(_) => Ok(true), Err(e) => { debug!("Block headers refused by chain: {:?}", e); if e.is_bad_data() { Ok(false) } else { Err(e) } } } } fn locate_headers(&self, locator: &[Hash]) -> Result, chain::Error> { debug!("locator: {:?}", locator); let header = match self.find_common_header(locator) { Some(header) => header, None => return Ok(vec![]), }; let max_height = self.chain().header_head()?.height; let header_pmmr = self.chain().header_pmmr(); let header_pmmr = header_pmmr.read(); // looks like we know one, getting as many following headers as allowed let hh = header.height; let mut headers = vec![]; for h in (hh + 1)..=(hh + (p2p::MAX_BLOCK_HEADERS as u64)) { if h > max_height { break; } if let Ok(hash) = header_pmmr.get_header_hash_by_height(h) { let header = self.chain().get_block_header(&hash)?; headers.push(header); } else { error!("Failed to locate headers successfully."); break; } } debug!("returning headers: {}", headers.len()); Ok(headers) } /// Gets a full block by its hash. /// Will convert to v2 compatibility based on peer protocol version. fn get_block(&self, h: Hash, peer_info: &PeerInfo) -> Option { self.chain() .get_block(&h) .map(|b| match peer_info.version.value() { 0..=2 => self.chain().convert_block_v2(b).ok(), 3..=ProtocolVersion::MAX => Some(b), }) .unwrap_or(None) } /// Provides a reading view into the current txhashset state as well as /// the required indexes for a consumer to rewind to a consistent state /// at the provided block hash. fn txhashset_read(&self, h: Hash) -> Option { match self.chain().txhashset_read(h.clone()) { Ok((out_index, kernel_index, read)) => Some(p2p::TxHashSetRead { output_index: out_index, kernel_index: kernel_index, reader: read, }), Err(e) => { warn!("Couldn't produce txhashset data for block {}: {:?}", h, e); None } } } fn txhashset_archive_header(&self) -> Result { self.chain().txhashset_archive_header() } fn txhashset_receive_ready(&self) -> bool { match self.sync_state.status() { SyncStatus::TxHashsetDownload { .. } => true, _ => false, } } fn txhashset_download_update( &self, start_time: DateTime, downloaded_size: u64, total_size: u64, ) -> bool { match self.sync_state.status() { SyncStatus::TxHashsetDownload(prev) => { self.sync_state .update_txhashset_download(TxHashsetDownloadStats { start_time, prev_update_time: prev.update_time, update_time: Utc::now(), prev_downloaded_size: prev.downloaded_size, downloaded_size, total_size, }); true } _ => false, } } /// Writes a reading view on a txhashset state that's been provided to us. /// If we're willing to accept that new state, the data stream will be /// read as a zip file, unzipped and the resulting state files should be /// rewound to the provided indexes. fn txhashset_write( &self, h: Hash, txhashset_data: File, _peer_info: &PeerInfo, ) -> Result { // check status again after download, in case 2 txhashsets made it somehow if let SyncStatus::TxHashsetDownload { .. } = self.sync_state.status() { } else { return Ok(false); } match self .chain() .txhashset_write(h, txhashset_data, self.sync_state.as_ref()) { Ok(is_bad_data) => { if is_bad_data { self.chain().clean_txhashset_sandbox(); error!("Failed to save txhashset archive: bad data"); self.sync_state.set_sync_error( chain::ErrorKind::TxHashSetErr("bad txhashset data".to_string()).into(), ); } else { info!("Received valid txhashset data for {}.", h); } Ok(is_bad_data) } Err(e) => { self.chain().clean_txhashset_sandbox(); error!("Failed to save txhashset archive: {}", e); self.sync_state.set_sync_error(e); Ok(false) } } } fn get_tmp_dir(&self) -> PathBuf { self.chain().get_tmp_dir() } fn get_tmpfile_pathname(&self, tmpfile_name: String) -> PathBuf { self.chain().get_tmpfile_pathname(tmpfile_name) } } impl NetToChainAdapter where B: BlockChain, P: PoolAdapter, V: VerifierCache + 'static, { /// Construct a new NetToChainAdapter instance pub fn new( sync_state: Arc, chain: Arc, tx_pool: Arc>>, verifier_cache: Arc>, config: ServerConfig, hooks: Vec>, ) -> Self { NetToChainAdapter { sync_state, chain: Arc::downgrade(&chain), tx_pool, verifier_cache, peers: OneTime::new(), config, hooks, } } /// Initialize a NetToChainAdaptor with reference to a Peers object. /// Should only be called once. pub fn init(&self, peers: Arc) { self.peers.init(Arc::downgrade(&peers)); } fn peers(&self) -> Arc { self.peers .borrow() .upgrade() .expect("Failed to upgrade weak ref to our peers.") } fn chain(&self) -> Arc { self.chain .upgrade() .expect("Failed to upgrade weak ref to our chain.") } // Find the first locator hash that refers to a known header on our main chain. fn find_common_header(&self, locator: &[Hash]) -> Option { let header_pmmr = self.chain().header_pmmr(); let header_pmmr = header_pmmr.read(); for hash in locator { if let Ok(header) = self.chain().get_block_header(&hash) { if let Ok(hash_at_height) = header_pmmr.get_header_hash_by_height(header.height) { if let Ok(header_at_height) = self.chain().get_block_header(&hash_at_height) { if header.hash() == header_at_height.hash() { return Some(header); } } } } } None } // pushing the new block through the chain pipeline // remembering to reset the head if we have a bad block fn process_block( &self, b: core::Block, peer_info: &PeerInfo, opts: chain::Options, ) -> Result { // We cannot process blocks earlier than the horizon so check for this here. { let head = self.chain().head()?; let horizon = head .height .saturating_sub(global::cut_through_horizon() as u64); if b.header.height < horizon { return Ok(true); } } let bhash = b.hash(); let previous = self.chain().get_previous_header(&b.header); match self.chain().process_block(b, opts) { Ok(_) => { self.validate_chain(bhash); self.check_compact(); Ok(true) } Err(ref e) if e.is_bad_data() => { self.validate_chain(bhash); Ok(false) } Err(e) => { match e.kind() { chain::ErrorKind::Orphan => { if let Ok(previous) = previous { // make sure we did not miss the parent block if !self.chain().is_orphan(&previous.hash()) && !self.sync_state.is_syncing() { debug!("process_block: received an orphan block, checking the parent: {:}", previous.hash()); self.request_block(&previous, peer_info, chain::Options::NONE) } } Ok(true) } _ => { debug!( "process_block: block {} refused by chain: {}", bhash, e.kind() ); Ok(true) } } } } } fn validate_chain(&self, bhash: Hash) { // If we are running in "validate the full chain every block" then // panic here if validation fails for any reason. // We are out of consensus at this point and want to track the problem // down as soon as possible. // Skip this if we are currently syncing (too slow). if self.config.chain_validation_mode == ChainValidationMode::EveryBlock && self.chain().head().unwrap().height > 0 && !self.sync_state.is_syncing() { let now = Instant::now(); debug!( "process_block: ***** validating full chain state at {}", bhash, ); self.chain() .validate(true) .expect("chain validation failed, hard stop"); debug!( "process_block: ***** done validating full chain state, took {}s", now.elapsed().as_secs(), ); } } fn check_compact(&self) { // Skip compaction if we are syncing. if self.sync_state.is_syncing() { return; } // Roll the dice to trigger compaction at 1/COMPACTION_CHECK chance per block, // uses a different thread to avoid blocking the caller thread (likely a peer) let mut rng = thread_rng(); if 0 == rng.gen_range(0, global::COMPACTION_CHECK) { let chain = self.chain(); let _ = thread::Builder::new() .name("compactor".to_string()) .spawn(move || { if let Err(e) = chain.compact() { error!("Could not compact chain: {:?}", e); } }); } } fn request_transaction(&self, h: Hash, peer_info: &PeerInfo) { self.send_tx_request_to_peer(h, peer_info, |peer, h| peer.send_tx_request(h)) } // After receiving a compact block if we cannot successfully hydrate // it into a full block then fallback to requesting the full block // from the same peer that gave us the compact block // consider additional peers for redundancy? fn request_block(&self, bh: &BlockHeader, peer_info: &PeerInfo, opts: Options) { self.send_block_request_to_peer(bh.hash(), peer_info, |peer, h| { peer.send_block_request(h, opts) }) } // After we have received a block header in "header first" propagation // we need to go request the block (compact representation) from the // same peer that gave us the header (unless we have already accepted the block) fn request_compact_block(&self, bh: &BlockHeader, peer_info: &PeerInfo) { self.send_block_request_to_peer(bh.hash(), peer_info, |peer, h| { peer.send_compact_block_request(h) }) } fn send_tx_request_to_peer(&self, h: Hash, peer_info: &PeerInfo, f: F) where F: Fn(&p2p::Peer, Hash) -> Result<(), p2p::Error>, { match self.peers().get_connected_peer(peer_info.addr) { None => debug!( "send_tx_request_to_peer: can't send request to peer {:?}, not connected", peer_info.addr ), Some(peer) => { if let Err(e) = f(&peer, h) { error!("send_tx_request_to_peer: failed: {:?}", e) } } } } fn send_block_request_to_peer(&self, h: Hash, peer_info: &PeerInfo, f: F) where F: Fn(&p2p::Peer, Hash) -> Result<(), p2p::Error>, { match self.chain().block_exists(h) { Ok(false) => match self.peers().get_connected_peer(peer_info.addr) { None => debug!( "send_block_request_to_peer: can't send request to peer {:?}, not connected", peer_info.addr ), Some(peer) => { if let Err(e) = f(&peer, h) { error!("send_block_request_to_peer: failed: {:?}", e) } } }, Ok(true) => debug!("send_block_request_to_peer: block {} already known", h), Err(e) => error!( "send_block_request_to_peer: failed to check block exists: {:?}", e ), } } } /// Implementation of the ChainAdapter for the network. Gets notified when the /// accepted a new block, asking the pool to update its state and /// the network to broadcast the block pub struct ChainToPoolAndNetAdapter where B: BlockChain, P: PoolAdapter, V: VerifierCache + 'static, { tx_pool: Arc>>, peers: OneTime>, hooks: Vec>, } impl ChainAdapter for ChainToPoolAndNetAdapter where B: BlockChain, P: PoolAdapter, V: VerifierCache + 'static, { fn block_accepted(&self, b: &core::Block, status: BlockStatus, opts: Options) { // Trigger all registered "on_block_accepted" hooks (logging and webhooks). for hook in &self.hooks { hook.on_block_accepted(b, status); } // Suppress broadcast of new blocks received during sync. if !opts.contains(chain::Options::SYNC) { // If we mined the block then we want to broadcast the compact block. // If we received the block from another node then broadcast "header first" // to minimize network traffic. if opts.contains(Options::MINE) { // propagate compact block out if we mined the block let cb: CompactBlock = b.clone().into(); self.peers().broadcast_compact_block(&cb); } else { // "header first" propagation if we are not the originator of this block self.peers().broadcast_header(&b.header); } } // Reconcile the txpool against the new block *after* we have broadcast it too our peers. // This may be slow and we do not want to delay block propagation. // We only want to reconcile the txpool against the new block *if* total work has increased. if status.is_next() || status.is_reorg() { let mut tx_pool = self.tx_pool.write(); let _ = tx_pool.reconcile_block(b); // First "age out" any old txs in the reorg_cache. let cutoff = Utc::now() - Duration::minutes(tx_pool.config.reorg_cache_period as i64); tx_pool.truncate_reorg_cache(cutoff); } if status.is_reorg() { let _ = self.tx_pool.write().reconcile_reorg_cache(&b.header); } } } impl ChainToPoolAndNetAdapter where B: BlockChain, P: PoolAdapter, V: VerifierCache + 'static, { /// Construct a ChainToPoolAndNetAdapter instance. pub fn new( tx_pool: Arc>>, hooks: Vec>, ) -> Self { ChainToPoolAndNetAdapter { tx_pool, peers: OneTime::new(), hooks: hooks, } } /// Initialize a ChainToPoolAndNetAdapter instance with handle to a Peers /// object. Should only be called once. pub fn init(&self, peers: Arc) { self.peers.init(Arc::downgrade(&peers)); } fn peers(&self) -> Arc { self.peers .borrow() .upgrade() .expect("Failed to upgrade weak ref to our peers.") } } /// Adapter between the transaction pool and the network, to relay /// transactions that have been accepted. pub struct PoolToNetAdapter { peers: OneTime>, dandelion_epoch: Arc>, } /// Adapter between the Dandelion monitor and the current Dandelion "epoch". pub trait DandelionAdapter: Send + Sync { /// Is the node stemming (or fluffing) transactions in the current epoch? fn is_stem(&self) -> bool; /// Is the current Dandelion epoch expired? fn is_expired(&self) -> bool; /// Transition to the next Dandelion epoch (new stem/fluff state, select new relay peer). fn next_epoch(&self); } impl DandelionAdapter for PoolToNetAdapter { fn is_stem(&self) -> bool { self.dandelion_epoch.read().is_stem() } fn is_expired(&self) -> bool { self.dandelion_epoch.read().is_expired() } fn next_epoch(&self) { self.dandelion_epoch.write().next_epoch(&self.peers()); } } impl pool::PoolAdapter for PoolToNetAdapter { fn tx_accepted(&self, entry: &pool::PoolEntry) { self.peers().broadcast_transaction(&entry.tx); } fn stem_tx_accepted(&self, entry: &pool::PoolEntry) -> Result<(), pool::PoolError> { // Take write lock on the current epoch. // We need to be able to update the current relay peer if not currently connected. let mut epoch = self.dandelion_epoch.write(); // If "stem" epoch attempt to relay the tx to the next Dandelion relay. // Fallback to immediately fluffing the tx if we cannot stem for any reason. // If "fluff" epoch then nothing to do right now (fluff via Dandelion monitor). // If node is configured to always stem our (pushed via api) txs then do so. if epoch.is_stem() || (entry.src.is_pushed() && epoch.always_stem_our_txs()) { if let Some(peer) = epoch.relay_peer(&self.peers()) { match peer.send_stem_transaction(&entry.tx) { Ok(_) => { info!("Stemming this epoch, relaying to next peer."); Ok(()) } Err(e) => { error!("Stemming tx failed. Fluffing. {:?}", e); Err(pool::PoolError::DandelionError) } } } else { error!("No relay peer. Fluffing."); Err(pool::PoolError::DandelionError) } } else { info!("Fluff epoch. Aggregating stem tx(s). Will fluff via Dandelion monitor."); Ok(()) } } } impl PoolToNetAdapter { /// Create a new pool to net adapter pub fn new(config: pool::DandelionConfig) -> PoolToNetAdapter { PoolToNetAdapter { peers: OneTime::new(), dandelion_epoch: Arc::new(RwLock::new(DandelionEpoch::new(config))), } } /// Setup the p2p server on the adapter pub fn init(&self, peers: Arc) { self.peers.init(Arc::downgrade(&peers)); } fn peers(&self) -> Arc { self.peers .borrow() .upgrade() .expect("Failed to upgrade weak ref to our peers.") } } /// Implements the view of the required by the TransactionPool to /// operate. Mostly needed to break any direct lifecycle or implementation /// dependency between the pool and the chain. #[derive(Clone)] pub struct PoolToChainAdapter { chain: OneTime>, } impl PoolToChainAdapter { /// Create a new pool adapter pub fn new() -> PoolToChainAdapter { PoolToChainAdapter { chain: OneTime::new(), } } /// Set the pool adapter's chain. Should only be called once. pub fn set_chain(&self, chain_ref: Arc) { self.chain.init(Arc::downgrade(&chain_ref)); } fn chain(&self) -> Arc { self.chain .borrow() .upgrade() .expect("Failed to upgrade the weak ref to our chain.") } } impl pool::BlockChain for PoolToChainAdapter { fn chain_head(&self) -> Result { self.chain() .head_header() .map_err(|_| pool::PoolError::Other("failed to get head_header".to_string())) } fn get_block_header(&self, hash: &Hash) -> Result { self.chain() .get_block_header(hash) .map_err(|_| pool::PoolError::Other("failed to get block_header".to_string())) } fn get_block_sums(&self, hash: &Hash) -> Result { self.chain() .get_block_sums(hash) .map_err(|_| pool::PoolError::Other("failed to get block_sums".to_string())) } fn validate_tx(&self, tx: &Transaction) -> Result<(), pool::PoolError> { self.chain() .validate_tx(tx) .map_err(|_| pool::PoolError::Other("failed to validate tx".to_string())) } fn validate_inputs(&self, inputs: &Inputs) -> Result, pool::PoolError> { self.chain() .validate_inputs(inputs) .map(|outputs| outputs.into_iter().map(|(out, _)| out).collect::>()) .map_err(|_| pool::PoolError::Other("failed to validate tx".to_string())) } fn verify_coinbase_maturity(&self, inputs: &Inputs) -> Result<(), pool::PoolError> { self.chain() .verify_coinbase_maturity(inputs) .map_err(|_| pool::PoolError::ImmatureCoinbase) } fn verify_tx_lock_height(&self, tx: &Transaction) -> Result<(), pool::PoolError> { self.chain() .verify_tx_lock_height(tx) .map_err(|_| pool::PoolError::ImmatureTransaction) } }