// Copyright 2020 The Grin Developers // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. use std::fs::File; use std::io; use std::net::{IpAddr, Shutdown, SocketAddr, SocketAddrV4, TcpListener, TcpStream}; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::Arc; use std::thread; use std::time::Duration; use crate::chain; use crate::core::core; use crate::core::core::hash::Hash; use crate::core::global; use crate::core::pow::Difficulty; use crate::handshake::Handshake; use crate::peer::Peer; use crate::peers::Peers; use crate::store::PeerStore; use crate::types::{ Capabilities, ChainAdapter, Error, NetAdapter, P2PConfig, PeerAddr, PeerInfo, ReasonForBan, TxHashSetRead, }; use crate::util::StopState; use chrono::prelude::{DateTime, Utc}; /// P2P server implementation, handling bootstrapping to find and connect to /// peers, receiving connections from other peers and keep track of all of them. pub struct Server { pub config: P2PConfig, capabilities: Capabilities, handshake: Arc, pub peers: Arc, stop_state: Arc, } // TODO TLS impl Server { /// Creates a new idle p2p server with no peers pub fn new( db_root: &str, capabilities: Capabilities, config: P2PConfig, adapter: Arc, genesis: Hash, stop_state: Arc, ) -> Result { Ok(Server { config: config.clone(), capabilities, handshake: Arc::new(Handshake::new(genesis, config.clone())), peers: Arc::new(Peers::new(PeerStore::new(db_root)?, adapter, config)), stop_state, }) } /// Starts a new TCP server and listen to incoming connections. This is a /// blocking call until the TCP server stops. pub fn listen(&self) -> Result<(), Error> { // start TCP listener and handle incoming connections let addr = SocketAddr::new(self.config.host, self.config.port); let listener = TcpListener::bind(addr)?; listener.set_nonblocking(true)?; let sleep_time = Duration::from_millis(5); loop { // Pause peer ingress connection request. Only for tests. if self.stop_state.is_paused() { thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)); continue; } match listener.accept() { Ok((stream, peer_addr)) => { // We want out TCP stream to be in blocking mode. // The TCP listener is in nonblocking mode so we *must* explicitly // move the accepted TCP stream into blocking mode (or all kinds of // bad things can and will happen). // A nonblocking TCP listener will accept nonblocking TCP streams which // we do not want. stream.set_nonblocking(false)?; let mut peer_addr = PeerAddr(peer_addr); // attempt to see if it an ipv4-mapped ipv6 // if yes convert to ipv4 if peer_addr.0.is_ipv6() { if let IpAddr::V6(ipv6) = peer_addr.0.ip() { if let Some(ipv4) = ipv6.to_ipv4() { peer_addr = PeerAddr(SocketAddr::V4(SocketAddrV4::new( ipv4, peer_addr.0.port(), ))) } } } if self.check_undesirable(&stream) { // Shutdown the incoming TCP connection if it is not desired if let Err(e) = stream.shutdown(Shutdown::Both) { debug!("Error shutting down conn: {:?}", e); } continue; } match self.handle_new_peer(stream) { Err(Error::ConnectionClose) => debug!("shutting down, ignoring a new peer"), Err(e) => { debug!("Error accepting peer {}: {:?}", peer_addr.to_string(), e); let _ = self.peers.add_banned(peer_addr, ReasonForBan::BadHandshake); } Ok(_) => {} } } Err(ref e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => { // nothing to do, will retry in next iteration } Err(e) => { debug!("Couldn't establish new client connection: {:?}", e); } } if self.stop_state.is_stopped() { break; } thread::sleep(sleep_time); } Ok(()) } /// Asks the server to connect to a new peer. Directly returns the peer if /// we're already connected to the provided address. pub fn connect(&self, addr: PeerAddr) -> Result, Error> { if self.stop_state.is_stopped() { return Err(Error::ConnectionClose); } if Peer::is_denied(&self.config, addr) { debug!("connect_peer: peer {} denied, not connecting.", addr); return Err(Error::ConnectionClose); } if global::is_production_mode() { let hs = self.handshake.clone(); let addrs = hs.addrs.read(); if addrs.contains(&addr) { debug!("connect: ignore connecting to PeerWithSelf, addr: {}", addr); return Err(Error::PeerWithSelf); } } if let Some(p) = self.peers.get_connected_peer(addr) { // if we're already connected to the addr, just return the peer trace!("connect_peer: already connected {}", addr); return Ok(p); } trace!( "connect_peer: on {}:{}. connecting to {}", self.config.host, self.config.port, addr ); match TcpStream::connect_timeout(&addr.0, Duration::from_secs(10)) { Ok(stream) => { let addr = SocketAddr::new(self.config.host, self.config.port); let total_diff = self.peers.total_difficulty()?; let peer = Peer::connect( stream, self.capabilities, total_diff, PeerAddr(addr), &self.handshake, self.peers.clone(), )?; let peer = Arc::new(peer); self.peers.add_connected(peer.clone())?; Ok(peer) } Err(e) => { trace!( "connect_peer: on {}:{}. Could not connect to {}: {:?}", self.config.host, self.config.port, addr, e ); Err(Error::Connection(e)) } } } fn handle_new_peer(&self, stream: TcpStream) -> Result<(), Error> { if self.stop_state.is_stopped() { return Err(Error::ConnectionClose); } let total_diff = self.peers.total_difficulty()?; // accept the peer and add it to the server map let peer = Peer::accept( stream, self.capabilities, total_diff, &self.handshake, self.peers.clone(), )?; self.peers.add_connected(Arc::new(peer))?; Ok(()) } /// Checks whether there's any reason we don't want to accept an incoming peer /// connection. There can be a few of them: /// 1. Accepting the peer connection would exceed the configured maximum allowed /// inbound peer count. Note that seed nodes may wish to increase the default /// value for PEER_LISTENER_BUFFER_COUNT to help with network bootstrapping. /// A default buffer of 8 peers is allowed to help with network growth. /// 2. The peer has been previously banned and the ban period hasn't /// expired yet. /// 3. We're already connected to a peer at the same IP. While there are /// many reasons multiple peers can legitimately share identical IP /// addresses (NAT), network distribution is improved if they choose /// different sets of peers themselves. In addition, it prevent potential /// duplicate connections, malicious or not. fn check_undesirable(&self, stream: &TcpStream) -> bool { if self.peers.iter().inbound().connected().count() as u32 >= self.config.peer_max_inbound_count() + self.config.peer_listener_buffer_count() { debug!("Accepting new connection will exceed peer limit, refusing connection."); return true; } if let Ok(peer_addr) = stream.peer_addr() { let peer_addr = PeerAddr(peer_addr); if self.peers.is_banned(peer_addr) { debug!("Peer {} banned, refusing connection.", peer_addr); return true; } // The call to is_known() can fail due to contention on the peers map. // If it fails we want to default to refusing the connection. match self.peers.is_known(peer_addr) { Ok(true) => { debug!("Peer {} already known, refusing connection.", peer_addr); return true; } Err(_) => { error!( "Peer {} is_known check failed, refusing connection.", peer_addr ); return true; } _ => (), } } false } pub fn stop(&self) { self.stop_state.stop(); self.peers.stop(); } /// Pause means: stop all the current peers connection, only for tests. /// Note: /// 1. must pause the 'seed' thread also, to avoid the new egress peer connection /// 2. must pause the 'p2p-server' thread also, to avoid the new ingress peer connection. pub fn pause(&self) { self.peers.stop(); } } /// A no-op network adapter used for testing. pub struct DummyAdapter {} impl ChainAdapter for DummyAdapter { fn total_difficulty(&self) -> Result { Ok(Difficulty::min_dma()) } fn total_height(&self) -> Result { Ok(0) } fn get_transaction(&self, _h: Hash) -> Option { None } fn tx_kernel_received(&self, _h: Hash, _peer_info: &PeerInfo) -> Result { Ok(true) } fn transaction_received( &self, _: core::Transaction, _stem: bool, ) -> Result { Ok(true) } fn compact_block_received( &self, _cb: core::CompactBlock, _peer_info: &PeerInfo, ) -> Result { Ok(true) } fn header_received( &self, _bh: core::BlockHeader, _peer_info: &PeerInfo, ) -> Result { Ok(true) } fn block_received( &self, _: core::Block, _: &PeerInfo, _: chain::Options, ) -> Result { Ok(true) } fn headers_received( &self, _: &[core::BlockHeader], _: &PeerInfo, ) -> Result { Ok(true) } fn locate_headers(&self, _: &[Hash]) -> Result, chain::Error> { Ok(vec![]) } fn get_block(&self, _: Hash, _: &PeerInfo) -> Option { None } fn txhashset_read(&self, _h: Hash) -> Option { unimplemented!() } fn txhashset_archive_header(&self) -> Result { unimplemented!() } fn txhashset_receive_ready(&self) -> bool { false } fn txhashset_write( &self, _h: Hash, _txhashset_data: File, _peer_info: &PeerInfo, ) -> Result { Ok(false) } fn txhashset_download_update( &self, _start_time: DateTime, _downloaded_size: u64, _total_size: u64, ) -> bool { false } fn get_tmp_dir(&self) -> PathBuf { unimplemented!() } fn get_tmpfile_pathname(&self, _tmpfile_name: String) -> PathBuf { unimplemented!() } } impl NetAdapter for DummyAdapter { fn find_peer_addrs(&self, _: Capabilities) -> Vec { vec![] } fn peer_addrs_received(&self, _: Vec) {} fn peer_difficulty(&self, _: PeerAddr, _: Difficulty, _: u64) {} fn is_banned(&self, _: PeerAddr) -> bool { false } }