// Copyright 2018 The Grin Developers // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. //! Controller for wallet.. instantiates and handles listeners (or single-run //! invocations) as needed. //! Still experimental use api::ApiServer; use std::marker::PhantomData; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; use bodyparser; use iron::Handler; use iron::prelude::*; use iron::status; use serde::Serialize; use serde_json; use failure::Fail; use keychain::Keychain; use libtx::slate::Slate; use libwallet::api::{APIForeign, APIOwner}; use libwallet::types::{BlockFees, CbData, OutputData, WalletBackend, WalletClient, WalletInfo}; use libwallet::{Error, ErrorKind}; use util::LOGGER; /// Instantiate wallet Owner API for a single-use (command line) call /// Return a function containing a loaded API context to call pub fn owner_single_use<F, T, K>(wallet: &mut T, f: F) -> Result<(), Error> where T: WalletBackend<K> + WalletClient, F: FnOnce(&mut APIOwner<T, K>) -> Result<(), Error>, K: Keychain, { wallet.open_with_credentials()?; f(&mut APIOwner::new(wallet))?; wallet.close()?; Ok(()) } /// Instantiate wallet Foreign API for a single-use (command line) call /// Return a function containing a loaded API context to call pub fn foreign_single_use<F, T, K>(wallet: &mut T, f: F) -> Result<(), Error> where T: WalletBackend<K> + WalletClient, F: FnOnce(&mut APIForeign<T, K>) -> Result<(), Error>, K: Keychain, { wallet.open_with_credentials()?; f(&mut APIForeign::new(wallet))?; wallet.close()?; Ok(()) } /// Listener version, providing same API but listening for requests on a /// port and wrapping the calls pub fn owner_listener<T, K>(wallet: T, addr: &str) -> Result<(), Error> where T: WalletBackend<K> + WalletClient, OwnerAPIHandler<T, K>: Handler, K: Keychain, { let api_handler = OwnerAPIHandler::new(Arc::new(Mutex::new(wallet))); let router = router!( receive_tx: get "/wallet/owner/*" => api_handler, ); let mut apis = ApiServer::new("/v1".to_string()); apis.register_handler(router); match apis.start(addr) { Err(e) => error!( LOGGER, "Failed to start Grin wallet owner API listener: {}.", e ), Ok(_) => info!(LOGGER, "Grin wallet owner API listener started at {}", addr), }; Ok(()) } /// Listener version, providing same API but listening for requests on a /// port and wrapping the calls pub fn foreign_listener<T, K>(wallet: T, addr: &str) -> Result<(), Error> where T: WalletBackend<K> + WalletClient, ForeignAPIHandler<T, K>: Handler, K: Keychain, { let api_handler = ForeignAPIHandler::new(Arc::new(Mutex::new(wallet))); let router = router!( receive_tx: post "/wallet/foreign/*" => api_handler, ); let mut apis = ApiServer::new("/v1".to_string()); apis.register_handler(router); match apis.start(addr) { Err(e) => error!( LOGGER, "Failed to start Grin wallet foreign listener: {}.", e ), Ok(_) => info!(LOGGER, "Grin wallet foreign listener started at {}", addr), }; Ok(()) } /// API Handler/Wrapper for owner functions pub struct OwnerAPIHandler<T, K> where T: WalletBackend<K>, K: Keychain, { /// Wallet instance pub wallet: Arc<Mutex<T>>, phantom: PhantomData<K>, } impl<T, K> OwnerAPIHandler<T, K> where T: WalletBackend<K> + WalletClient, K: Keychain, { pub fn new(wallet: Arc<Mutex<T>>) -> OwnerAPIHandler<T, K> { OwnerAPIHandler { wallet, phantom: PhantomData, } } fn retrieve_outputs( &self, req: &mut Request, api: &mut APIOwner<T, K>, ) -> Result<Vec<OutputData>, Error> { let res = api.retrieve_outputs(false)?; Ok(res.1) } fn retrieve_summary_info( &self, req: &mut Request, api: &mut APIOwner<T, K>, ) -> Result<WalletInfo, Error> { let res = api.retrieve_summary_info()?; Ok(res.1) } fn issue_send_tx(&self, req: &mut Request, api: &mut APIOwner<T, K>) -> Result<(), Error> { // TODO: Args api.issue_send_tx(60, 10, "", 1000, true, true) } fn issue_burn_tx(&self, req: &mut Request, api: &mut APIOwner<T, K>) -> Result<(), Error> { // TODO: Args api.issue_burn_tx(60, 10, 1000) } fn handle_request(&self, req: &mut Request, api: &mut APIOwner<T, K>) -> IronResult<Response> { let url = req.url.clone(); let path_elems = url.path(); match *path_elems.last().unwrap() { "retrieve_outputs" => json_response_pretty(&self.retrieve_outputs(req, api) .map_err(|e| IronError::new(Fail::compat(e), status::BadRequest))?), "retrieve_summary_info" => json_response_pretty(&self.retrieve_summary_info(req, api) .map_err(|e| IronError::new(Fail::compat(e), status::BadRequest))?), "issue_send_tx" => json_response_pretty(&self.issue_send_tx(req, api) .map_err(|e| IronError::new(Fail::compat(e), status::BadRequest))?), "issue_burn_tx" => json_response_pretty(&self.issue_burn_tx(req, api) .map_err(|e| IronError::new(Fail::compat(e), status::BadRequest))?), _ => Err(IronError::new( Fail::compat(ErrorKind::Hyper), status::BadRequest, )), } } } impl<T, K> Handler for OwnerAPIHandler<T, K> where T: WalletBackend<K> + WalletClient + Send + Sync + 'static, K: Keychain + 'static, { fn handle(&self, req: &mut Request) -> IronResult<Response> { // every request should open with stored credentials, // do its thing and then de-init whatever secrets have been // stored let mut wallet = self.wallet.lock().unwrap(); wallet.open_with_credentials().map_err(|e| { error!(LOGGER, "Error opening wallet: {:?}", e); IronError::new(Fail::compat(e), status::BadRequest) })?; let mut api = APIOwner::new(&mut *wallet); let resp_json = self.handle_request(req, &mut api); api.wallet .close() .map_err(|e| IronError::new(Fail::compat(e), status::BadRequest))?; resp_json } } /// API Handler/Wrapper for foreign functions pub struct ForeignAPIHandler<T, K> where T: WalletBackend<K> + WalletClient, K: Keychain, { /// Wallet instance pub wallet: Arc<Mutex<T>>, phantom: PhantomData<K>, } impl<T, K> ForeignAPIHandler<T, K> where T: WalletBackend<K> + WalletClient, K: Keychain, { pub fn new(wallet: Arc<Mutex<T>>) -> ForeignAPIHandler<T, K> { ForeignAPIHandler { wallet, phantom: PhantomData, } } fn build_coinbase( &self, req: &mut Request, api: &mut APIForeign<T, K>, ) -> Result<CbData, Error> { let struct_body = req.get::<bodyparser::Struct<BlockFees>>(); match struct_body { Ok(Some(block_fees)) => api.build_coinbase(&block_fees), Ok(None) => { error!(LOGGER, "Missing request body: build_coinbase"); Err(ErrorKind::GenericError( "Invalid request body: build_coinbase", ))? } Err(e) => { error!(LOGGER, "Invalid request body: build_coinbase: {:?}", e); Err(ErrorKind::GenericError( "Invalid request body: build_coinbase", ))? } } } fn receive_tx(&self, req: &mut Request, api: &mut APIForeign<T, K>) -> Result<Slate, Error> { let struct_body = req.get::<bodyparser::Struct<Slate>>(); if let Ok(Some(mut slate)) = struct_body { api.receive_tx(&mut slate)?; Ok(slate.clone()) } else { Err(ErrorKind::GenericError("Invalid request body: receive_tx"))? } } fn handle_request( &self, req: &mut Request, api: &mut APIForeign<T, K>, ) -> IronResult<Response> { let url = req.url.clone(); let path_elems = url.path(); match *path_elems.last().unwrap() { "build_coinbase" => json_response(&self.build_coinbase(req, api) .map_err(|e| IronError::new(Fail::compat(e), status::BadRequest))?), "receive_tx" => json_response(&self.receive_tx(req, api) .map_err(|e| IronError::new(Fail::compat(e), status::BadRequest))?), _ => Err(IronError::new( Fail::compat(ErrorKind::Hyper), status::BadRequest, )), } } } impl<T, K> Handler for ForeignAPIHandler<T, K> where T: WalletBackend<K> + WalletClient + Send + Sync + 'static, K: Keychain + 'static, { fn handle(&self, req: &mut Request) -> IronResult<Response> { // every request should open with stored credentials, // do its thing and then de-init whatever secrets have been // stored let mut wallet = self.wallet.lock().unwrap(); wallet.open_with_credentials().map_err(|e| { error!(LOGGER, "Error opening wallet: {:?}", e); IronError::new(Fail::compat(e), status::BadRequest) })?; let mut api = APIForeign::new(&mut *wallet); let resp_json = self.handle_request(req, &mut api); api.wallet .close() .map_err(|e| IronError::new(Fail::compat(e), status::BadRequest))?; resp_json } } // Utility to serialize a struct into JSON and produce a sensible IronResult // out of it. fn json_response<T>(s: &T) -> IronResult<Response> where T: Serialize, { match serde_json::to_string(s) { Ok(json) => Ok(Response::with((status::Ok, json))), Err(_) => Ok(Response::with((status::InternalServerError, ""))), } } // pretty-printed version of above fn json_response_pretty<T>(s: &T) -> IronResult<Response> where T: Serialize, { match serde_json::to_string_pretty(s) { Ok(json) => Ok(Response::with((status::Ok, json))), Err(_) => Ok(Response::with((status::InternalServerError, ""))), } }