# Contributing

Find an area you can help with and do it. Open source is about collaboration and open participation. Try to make your code look like what already exists and submit a pull request.

The [list of issues](https://github.com/ignopeverell/grin/issues) is a good place to start, especially the ones tagged as "help wanted" (but don't let that stop you from looking at others). If you're looking for additional ideas, the code includes `TODO` comments for minor to major improvements. Grep is your friend.

Additional tests are rewarded with an immense amount of positive karma. So is documentation.

Find us:

* Chat: [Gitter](https://gitter.im/grin_community/Lobby).
* Mailing list: join the [~MimbleWimble team](https://launchpad.net/~mimblewimble) and subscribe on Launchpad.

## Style Guide

For info on the Grin style guide, see the [style docs](doc/style.md).

Grin leverages `rustfmt` to maintain consistent formatting (and a [git commit hook](doc/style.md) to run it).