// Copyright 2018 The Grin Developers // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. //! Comments for configuration + injection into output .toml use std::collections::HashMap; /// maps entries to Comments that should precede them fn comments() -> HashMap<String, String> { let mut retval = HashMap::new(); retval.insert( "[server]".to_string(), " # Generated Server Configuration File for Grin # # When running the grin executable without specifying any command line # arguments, it will look for this file in two places, in the following # order: # # -The working directory # -[user home]/.grin # ######################################### ### SERVER CONFIGURATION ### ######################################### #Server connection details " .to_string(), ); retval.insert( "api_http_addr".to_string(), " #path of TLS certificate file, self-signed certificates are not supported #tls_certificate_file = \"\" #private key for the TLS certificate #tls_certificate_key = \"\" #the address on which services will listen, e.g. Transaction Pool " .to_string(), ); retval.insert( "api_secret_path".to_string(), " #path of the secret token used by the API to authenticate the calls #comment the it to disable basic auth " .to_string(), ); retval.insert( "db_root".to_string(), " #the directory, relative to current, in which the grin blockchain #is stored " .to_string(), ); retval.insert( "chain_type".to_string(), " #The chain type, which defines the genesis block and the set of cuckoo #parameters used for mining as well as wallet output coinbase maturity. Can be: #AutomatedTesting - For CI builds and instant blockchain creation #UserTesting - For regular user testing (cuckoo 16) #Floonet - For the long term floonet test network #Mainnet - For mainnet " .to_string(), ); retval.insert( "chain_validation_mode".to_string(), " #the chain validation mode, defines how often (if at all) we #want to run a full chain validation. Can be: #\"EveryBlock\" - run full chain validation when processing each block (except during sync) #\"Disabled\" - disable full chain validation (just run regular block validation) " .to_string(), ); retval.insert( "archive_mode".to_string(), " #run the node in \"full archive\" mode (default is fast-sync, pruned node) " .to_string(), ); retval.insert( "skip_sync_wait".to_string(), " #skip waiting for sync on startup, (optional param, mostly for testing) " .to_string(), ); retval.insert( "run_tui".to_string(), " #whether to run the ncurses TUI. Ncurses must be installed and this #will also disable logging to stdout " .to_string(), ); retval.insert( "run_test_miner".to_string(), " #Whether to run a test miner. This is only for developer testing (chaintype #usertesting) at cuckoo 16, and will only mine into the default wallet port. #real mining should use the standalone grin-miner " .to_string(), ); retval.insert( "[server.webhook_config]".to_string(), " ######################################### ### WEBHOOK CONFIGURATION ### ######################################### " .to_string(), ); retval.insert( "nthreads".to_string(), " #The url where a POST request will be sent when a new block is accepted by our node. #block_accepted_url = \"\" #The url where a POST request will be sent when a new transaction is received by a peer. #tx_received_url = \"\" #The url where a POST request will be sent when a new header is received by a peer. #header_received_url = \"\" #The url where a POST request will be sent when a new block is received by a peer. #block_received_url = \"\" #The number of worker threads that will be assigned to making the http requests. " .to_string(), ); retval.insert( "timeout".to_string(), " #The timeout of the http request in seconds. " .to_string(), ); retval.insert( "[server.dandelion_config]".to_string(), " ######################################### ### DANDELION CONFIGURATION ### ######################################### " .to_string(), ); retval.insert( "epoch_secs".to_string(), " #dandelion epoch duration " .to_string(), ); retval.insert( "aggregation_secs".to_string(), " #dandelion aggregation period in secs " .to_string(), ); retval.insert( "embargo_secs".to_string(), " #fluff and broadcast after embargo expires if tx not seen on network " .to_string(), ); retval.insert( "stem_probability".to_string(), " #dandelion stem probability (stem 90% of the time, fluff 10% of the time) " .to_string(), ); retval.insert( "[server.p2p_config]".to_string(), "#test miner wallet URL (burns if this doesn't exist) #test_miner_wallet_url = \"\" ######################################### ### SERVER P2P CONFIGURATION ### ######################################### #The P2P server details (i.e. the server that communicates with other " .to_string(), ); retval.insert( "host".to_string(), " #The interface on which to listen. # will listen on all interfaces, allowing others to interact # will listen on the local machine only " .to_string(), ); retval.insert( "port".to_string(), " #The port on which to listen. " .to_string(), ); retval.insert( "seeding_type".to_string(), " #how to seed this server, can be None, List or DNSSeed " .to_string(), ); retval.insert( "[server.p2p_config.capabilities]".to_string(), "#If the seeding type is List, the list of peers to connect to can #be specified as follows: #seeds = [\"\",\"\"] #hardcoded peer lists for allow/deny #will *only* connect to peers in allow list #peers_allow = [\"\", \"\"] #will *never* connect to peers in deny list #peers_deny = [\"\", \"\"] #a list of preferred peers to connect to #peers_preferred = [\"\",\"\"] #how long a banned peer should stay banned #ban_window = 10800 #maximum number of peers #peer_max_count = 125 #preferred minimum number of peers (we'll actively keep trying to add peers #until we get to at least this number #peer_min_preferred_count = 8 # 15 = Bit flags for FULL_NODE #This structure needs to be changed internally, to make it more configurable # A preferred dandelion_peer, mainly used for testing dandelion # dandelion_peer = \"\" " .to_string(), ); retval.insert( "[server.pool_config]".to_string(), " ######################################### ### MEMPOOL CONFIGURATION ### ######################################### " .to_string(), ); retval.insert( "accept_fee_base".to_string(), " #base fee that's accepted into the pool " .to_string(), ); retval.insert( "max_pool_size".to_string(), " #maximum number of transactions allowed in the pool " .to_string(), ); retval.insert( "max_stempool_size".to_string(), " #maximum number of transactions allowed in the stempool " .to_string(), ); retval.insert( "mineable_max_weight".to_string(), " #maximum total weight of transactions that can get selected to build a block " .to_string(), ); retval.insert( "[server.stratum_mining_config]".to_string(), " ################################################ ### STRATUM MINING SERVER CONFIGURATION ### ################################################ " .to_string(), ); retval.insert( "enable_stratum_server".to_string(), " #whether stratum server is enabled " .to_string(), ); retval.insert( "stratum_server_addr".to_string(), " #what port and address for the stratum server to listen on " .to_string(), ); retval.insert( "attempt_time_per_block".to_string(), " #the amount of time, in seconds, to attempt to mine on a particular #header before stopping and re-collecting transactions from the pool " .to_string(), ); retval.insert( "minimum_share_difficulty".to_string(), " #the minimum acceptable share difficulty to request from miners " .to_string(), ); retval.insert( "wallet_listener_url".to_string(), " #the wallet receiver to which coinbase rewards will be sent " .to_string(), ); retval.insert( "burn_reward".to_string(), " #whether to ignore the reward (mostly for testing) " .to_string(), ); retval.insert( "[logging]".to_string(), " ######################################### ### LOGGING CONFIGURATION ### ######################################### " .to_string(), ); retval.insert( "log_to_stdout".to_string(), " #whether to log to stdout " .to_string(), ); retval.insert( "stdout_log_level".to_string(), " #log level for stdout: Error, Warning, Info, Debug, Trace " .to_string(), ); retval.insert( "log_to_file".to_string(), " #whether to log to a file " .to_string(), ); retval.insert( "file_log_level".to_string(), " #log level for file: Error, Warning, Info, Debug, Trace " .to_string(), ); retval.insert( "log_file_path".to_string(), " #log file path " .to_string(), ); retval.insert( "log_file_append".to_string(), " #whether to append to the log file (true), or replace it on every run (false) " .to_string(), ); retval.insert( "log_max_size".to_string(), " #maximum log file size in bytes before performing log rotation #comment it to disable log rotation " .to_string(), ); retval.insert( "log_max_files".to_string(), " #maximum count of the log files to rotate over " .to_string(), ); retval } fn get_key(line: &str) -> String { if line.contains("[") && line.contains("]") { return line.to_owned(); } else if line.contains("=") { return line.split("=").collect::<Vec<&str>>()[0].trim().to_owned(); } else { return "NOT_FOUND".to_owned(); } } pub fn insert_comments(orig: String) -> String { let comments = comments(); let lines: Vec<&str> = orig.split("\n").collect(); let mut out_lines = vec![]; for l in lines { let key = get_key(l); if let Some(v) = comments.get(&key) { out_lines.push(v.to_owned()); } out_lines.push(l.to_owned()); out_lines.push("\n".to_owned()); } let mut ret_val = String::from(""); for l in out_lines { ret_val.push_str(&l); } ret_val.to_owned() }