// Copyright 2016-2018 The Grin Developers // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. //! Message types that transit over the network and related serialization code. use std::io::{self, Read, Write}; use std::net::{TcpStream, Ipv4Addr, Ipv6Addr, SocketAddr, SocketAddrV4, SocketAddrV6}; use std::thread; use std::time; use num::FromPrimitive; use core::consensus::MAX_MSG_LEN; use core::core::BlockHeader; use core::core::hash::Hash; use core::core::target::Difficulty; use core::ser::{self, Readable, Reader, Writeable, Writer}; use types::*; /// Current latest version of the protocol pub const PROTOCOL_VERSION: u32 = 1; /// Grin's user agent with current version (TODO externalize) pub const USER_AGENT: &'static str = "MW/Grin 0.1"; /// Magic number expected in the header of every message const MAGIC: [u8; 2] = [0x1e, 0xc5]; /// Size in bytes of a message header pub const HEADER_LEN: u64 = 11; /// Codes for each error that can be produced reading a message. #[allow(dead_code)] pub enum ErrCodes { UnsupportedVersion = 100, } /// Types of messages enum_from_primitive! { #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)] pub enum Type { Error, Hand, Shake, Ping, Pong, GetPeerAddrs, PeerAddrs, GetHeaders, Header, Headers, GetBlock, Block, GetCompactBlock, CompactBlock, Transaction, } } /// The default implementation of read_exact is useless with async TcpStream as /// it will return as soon as something has been read, regardless of /// whether the buffer has been filled (and then errors). This implementation /// will block until it has read exactly `len` bytes and returns them as a /// `vec`. Except for a timeout, this implementation will never return a /// partially filled buffer. /// /// The timeout in milliseconds aborts the read when it's met. Note that the /// time is not guaranteed to be exact. To support cases where we want to poll /// instead of blocking, a `block_on_empty` boolean, when false, ensures /// `read_exact` returns early with a `io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock` if nothing /// has been read from the socket. pub fn read_exact( conn: &mut TcpStream, mut buf: &mut [u8], timeout: u32, block_on_empty: bool, ) -> io::Result<()> { let sleep_time = time::Duration::from_millis(1); let mut count = 0; let mut read = 0; loop { match conn.read(buf) { Ok(0) => break, Ok(n) => { let tmp = buf; buf = &mut tmp[n..]; read += n; } Err(ref e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::Interrupted => {} Err(ref e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => { if read == 0 && !block_on_empty { return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock, "read_exact")); } } Err(e) => return Err(e), } if !buf.is_empty() { thread::sleep(sleep_time); count += 1; } else { break; } if count > timeout { return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::TimedOut, "reading from tcp stream")); } } Ok(()) } /// Read a header from the provided connection without blocking if the /// underlying stream is async. Typically headers will be polled for, so /// we do not want to block. pub fn read_header(conn: &mut TcpStream) -> Result { let mut head = vec![0u8; HEADER_LEN as usize]; read_exact(conn, &mut head, 10000, false)?; let header = ser::deserialize::(&mut &head[..])?; if header.msg_len > MAX_MSG_LEN { // TODO additional restrictions for each msg type to avoid 20MB pings... return Err(Error::Serialization(ser::Error::TooLargeReadErr)); } Ok(header) } /// Read a message body from the provided connection, always blocking /// until we have a result (or timeout). pub fn read_body(h: &MsgHeader, conn: &mut TcpStream) -> Result where T: Readable, { let mut body = vec![0u8; h.msg_len as usize]; read_exact(conn, &mut body, 20000, true)?; ser::deserialize(&mut &body[..]).map_err(From::from) } /// Reads a full message from the underlying connection. pub fn read_message(conn: &mut TcpStream, msg_type: Type) -> Result where T: Readable, { let header = read_header(conn)?; if header.msg_type != msg_type { return Err(Error::BadMessage); } read_body(&header, conn) } pub fn write_to_buf( msg: T, msg_type: Type, ) -> Vec where T: Writeable, { // prepare the body first so we know its serialized length let mut body_buf = vec![]; ser::serialize(&mut body_buf, &msg).unwrap(); // build and serialize the header using the body size let mut msg_buf = vec![]; let blen = body_buf.len() as u64; ser::serialize(&mut msg_buf, &MsgHeader::new(msg_type, blen)).unwrap(); msg_buf.append(&mut body_buf); msg_buf } pub fn write_message( conn: &mut TcpStream, msg: T, msg_type: Type, ) -> Result<(), Error> where T: Writeable + 'static, { let buf = write_to_buf(msg, msg_type); // send the whole thing conn.write_all(&buf[..])?; Ok(()) } /// Header of any protocol message, used to identify incoming messages. pub struct MsgHeader { magic: [u8; 2], /// Type of the message. pub msg_type: Type, /// Total length of the message in bytes. pub msg_len: u64, } impl MsgHeader { /// Creates a new message header. pub fn new(msg_type: Type, len: u64) -> MsgHeader { MsgHeader { magic: MAGIC, msg_type: msg_type, msg_len: len, } } /// Serialized length of the header in bytes pub fn serialized_len(&self) -> u64 { HEADER_LEN } } impl Writeable for MsgHeader { fn write(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), ser::Error> { ser_multiwrite!( writer, [write_u8, self.magic[0]], [write_u8, self.magic[1]], [write_u8, self.msg_type as u8], [write_u64, self.msg_len] ); Ok(()) } } impl Readable for MsgHeader { fn read(reader: &mut Reader) -> Result { try!(reader.expect_u8(MAGIC[0])); try!(reader.expect_u8(MAGIC[1])); let (t, len) = ser_multiread!(reader, read_u8, read_u64); match Type::from_u8(t) { Some(ty) => Ok(MsgHeader { magic: MAGIC, msg_type: ty, msg_len: len, }), None => Err(ser::Error::CorruptedData), } } } /// First part of a handshake, sender advertises its version and /// characteristics. pub struct Hand { /// protocol version of the sender pub version: u32, /// capabilities of the sender pub capabilities: Capabilities, /// randomly generated for each handshake, helps detect self pub nonce: u64, /// genesis block of our chain, only connect to peers on the same chain pub genesis: Hash, /// total difficulty accumulated by the sender, used to check whether sync /// may be needed pub total_difficulty: Difficulty, /// network address of the sender pub sender_addr: SockAddr, /// network address of the receiver pub receiver_addr: SockAddr, /// name of version of the software pub user_agent: String, } impl Writeable for Hand { fn write(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), ser::Error> { ser_multiwrite!( writer, [write_u32, self.version], [write_u32, self.capabilities.bits()], [write_u64, self.nonce] ); self.total_difficulty.write(writer).unwrap(); self.sender_addr.write(writer).unwrap(); self.receiver_addr.write(writer).unwrap(); writer.write_bytes(&self.user_agent).unwrap(); self.genesis.write(writer).unwrap(); Ok(()) } } impl Readable for Hand { fn read(reader: &mut Reader) -> Result { let (version, capab, nonce) = ser_multiread!(reader, read_u32, read_u32, read_u64); let capabilities = try!(Capabilities::from_bits(capab).ok_or(ser::Error::CorruptedData,)); let total_diff = try!(Difficulty::read(reader)); let sender_addr = try!(SockAddr::read(reader)); let receiver_addr = try!(SockAddr::read(reader)); let ua = try!(reader.read_vec()); let user_agent = try!(String::from_utf8(ua).map_err(|_| ser::Error::CorruptedData)); let genesis = try!(Hash::read(reader)); Ok(Hand { version: version, capabilities: capabilities, nonce: nonce, genesis: genesis, total_difficulty: total_diff, sender_addr: sender_addr, receiver_addr: receiver_addr, user_agent: user_agent, }) } } /// Second part of a handshake, receiver of the first part replies with its own /// version and characteristics. pub struct Shake { /// sender version pub version: u32, /// sender capabilities pub capabilities: Capabilities, /// genesis block of our chain, only connect to peers on the same chain pub genesis: Hash, /// total difficulty accumulated by the sender, used to check whether sync /// may be needed pub total_difficulty: Difficulty, /// name of version of the software pub user_agent: String, } impl Writeable for Shake { fn write(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), ser::Error> { ser_multiwrite!( writer, [write_u32, self.version], [write_u32, self.capabilities.bits()] ); self.total_difficulty.write(writer).unwrap(); writer.write_bytes(&self.user_agent).unwrap(); self.genesis.write(writer).unwrap(); Ok(()) } } impl Readable for Shake { fn read(reader: &mut Reader) -> Result { let (version, capab) = ser_multiread!(reader, read_u32, read_u32); let capabilities = try!(Capabilities::from_bits(capab).ok_or(ser::Error::CorruptedData,)); let total_diff = try!(Difficulty::read(reader)); let ua = try!(reader.read_vec()); let user_agent = try!(String::from_utf8(ua).map_err(|_| ser::Error::CorruptedData)); let genesis = try!(Hash::read(reader)); Ok(Shake { version: version, capabilities: capabilities, genesis: genesis, total_difficulty: total_diff, user_agent: user_agent, }) } } /// Ask for other peers addresses, required for network discovery. pub struct GetPeerAddrs { /// Filters on the capabilities we'd like the peers to have pub capabilities: Capabilities, } impl Writeable for GetPeerAddrs { fn write(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), ser::Error> { writer.write_u32(self.capabilities.bits()) } } impl Readable for GetPeerAddrs { fn read(reader: &mut Reader) -> Result { let capab = try!(reader.read_u32()); let capabilities = try!(Capabilities::from_bits(capab).ok_or(ser::Error::CorruptedData,)); Ok(GetPeerAddrs { capabilities: capabilities, }) } } /// Peer addresses we know of that are fresh enough, in response to /// GetPeerAddrs. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct PeerAddrs { pub peers: Vec, } impl Writeable for PeerAddrs { fn write(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), ser::Error> { try!(writer.write_u32(self.peers.len() as u32)); for p in &self.peers { p.write(writer).unwrap(); } Ok(()) } } impl Readable for PeerAddrs { fn read(reader: &mut Reader) -> Result { let peer_count = try!(reader.read_u32()); if peer_count > MAX_PEER_ADDRS { return Err(ser::Error::TooLargeReadErr); } else if peer_count == 0 { return Ok(PeerAddrs { peers: vec![] }); } // let peers = try_map_vec!([0..peer_count], |_| SockAddr::read(reader)); let mut peers = Vec::with_capacity(peer_count as usize); for _ in 0..peer_count { peers.push(SockAddr::read(reader)?); } Ok(PeerAddrs { peers: peers }) } } /// We found some issue in the communication, sending an error back, usually /// followed by closing the connection. pub struct PeerError { /// error code pub code: u32, /// slightly more user friendly message pub message: String, } impl Writeable for PeerError { fn write(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), ser::Error> { ser_multiwrite!(writer, [write_u32, self.code], [write_bytes, &self.message]); Ok(()) } } impl Readable for PeerError { fn read(reader: &mut Reader) -> Result { let (code, msg) = ser_multiread!(reader, read_u32, read_vec); let message = try!(String::from_utf8(msg).map_err(|_| ser::Error::CorruptedData,)); Ok(PeerError { code: code, message: message, }) } } /// Only necessary so we can implement Readable and Writeable. Rust disallows /// implementing traits when both types are outside of this crate (which is the /// case for SocketAddr and Readable/Writeable). #[derive(Debug)] pub struct SockAddr(pub SocketAddr); impl Writeable for SockAddr { fn write(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), ser::Error> { match self.0 { SocketAddr::V4(sav4) => { ser_multiwrite!( writer, [write_u8, 0], [write_fixed_bytes, &sav4.ip().octets().to_vec()], [write_u16, sav4.port()] ); } SocketAddr::V6(sav6) => { try!(writer.write_u8(1)); for seg in &sav6.ip().segments() { try!(writer.write_u16(*seg)); } try!(writer.write_u16(sav6.port())); } } Ok(()) } } impl Readable for SockAddr { fn read(reader: &mut Reader) -> Result { let v4_or_v6 = try!(reader.read_u8()); if v4_or_v6 == 0 { let ip = try!(reader.read_fixed_bytes(4)); let port = try!(reader.read_u16()); Ok(SockAddr(SocketAddr::V4(SocketAddrV4::new( Ipv4Addr::new(ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3]), port, )))) } else { let ip = try_map_vec!([0..8], |_| reader.read_u16()); let port = try!(reader.read_u16()); Ok(SockAddr(SocketAddr::V6(SocketAddrV6::new( Ipv6Addr::new(ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3], ip[4], ip[5], ip[6], ip[7]), port, 0, 0, )))) } } } /// Serializable wrapper for the block locator. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Locator { pub hashes: Vec, } impl Writeable for Locator { fn write(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), ser::Error> { writer.write_u8(self.hashes.len() as u8)?; for h in &self.hashes { h.write(writer)? } Ok(()) } } impl Readable for Locator { fn read(reader: &mut Reader) -> Result { let len = reader.read_u8()?; let mut hashes = Vec::with_capacity(len as usize); for _ in 0..len { hashes.push(Hash::read(reader)?); } Ok(Locator { hashes: hashes }) } } /// Serializable wrapper for a list of block headers. pub struct Headers { pub headers: Vec, } impl Writeable for Headers { fn write(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), ser::Error> { writer.write_u16(self.headers.len() as u16)?; for h in &self.headers { h.write(writer)? } Ok(()) } } impl Readable for Headers { fn read(reader: &mut Reader) -> Result { let len = reader.read_u16()?; let mut headers = Vec::with_capacity(len as usize); for _ in 0..len { headers.push(BlockHeader::read(reader)?); } Ok(Headers { headers: headers }) } } pub struct Ping { /// total difficulty accumulated by the sender, used to check whether sync /// may be needed pub total_difficulty: Difficulty, /// total height pub height: u64, } impl Writeable for Ping { fn write(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), ser::Error> { self.total_difficulty.write(writer).unwrap(); self.height.write(writer).unwrap(); Ok(()) } } impl Readable for Ping { fn read(reader: &mut Reader) -> Result { // TODO - once everyone is sending total_difficulty we can clean this up let total_difficulty = match Difficulty::read(reader) { Ok(diff) => diff, Err(_) => Difficulty::zero(), }; let height = match reader.read_u64(){ Ok(h) => h, Err(_) => 0, }; Ok(Ping { total_difficulty, height }) } } pub struct Pong { /// total difficulty accumulated by the sender, used to check whether sync /// may be needed pub total_difficulty: Difficulty, /// height accumulated by sender pub height: u64 } impl Writeable for Pong { fn write(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), ser::Error> { self.total_difficulty.write(writer).unwrap(); self.height.write(writer).unwrap(); Ok(()) } } impl Readable for Pong { fn read(reader: &mut Reader) -> Result { // TODO - once everyone is sending total_difficulty we can clean this up let total_difficulty = match Difficulty::read(reader) { Ok(diff) => diff, Err(_) => Difficulty::zero(), }; let height = match reader.read_u64() { Ok(h) => h, Err(_) => 0, }; Ok(Pong { total_difficulty, height }) } }