// Copyright 2020 The Grin Developers // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. //! Implements storage primitives required by the chain use crate::core::consensus::HeaderInfo; use crate::core::core::hash::{Hash, Hashed}; use crate::core::core::{Block, BlockHeader, BlockSums}; use crate::core::pow::Difficulty; use crate::core::ser::{ProtocolVersion, Readable, Writeable}; use crate::linked_list::MultiIndex; use crate::types::{CommitPos, Tip}; use crate::util::secp::pedersen::Commitment; use croaring::Bitmap; use grin_core::ser; use grin_store as store; use grin_store::{option_to_not_found, to_key, Error}; use std::convert::TryInto; use std::sync::Arc; const STORE_SUBPATH: &str = "chain"; const BLOCK_HEADER_PREFIX: u8 = b'h'; const BLOCK_PREFIX: u8 = b'b'; const HEAD_PREFIX: u8 = b'H'; const TAIL_PREFIX: u8 = b'T'; const HEADER_HEAD_PREFIX: u8 = b'G'; const OUTPUT_POS_PREFIX: u8 = b'p'; /// Prefix for NRD kernel pos index lists. pub const NRD_KERNEL_LIST_PREFIX: u8 = b'K'; /// Prefix for NRD kernel pos index entries. pub const NRD_KERNEL_ENTRY_PREFIX: u8 = b'k'; const BLOCK_SUMS_PREFIX: u8 = b'M'; const BLOCK_SPENT_PREFIX: u8 = b'S'; /// All chain-related database operations pub struct ChainStore { db: store::Store, } impl ChainStore { /// Create new chain store pub fn new(db_root: &str) -> Result<ChainStore, Error> { let db = store::Store::new(db_root, None, Some(STORE_SUBPATH), None)?; Ok(ChainStore { db }) } /// The current chain head. pub fn head(&self) -> Result<Tip, Error> { option_to_not_found(self.db.get_ser(&[HEAD_PREFIX]), || "HEAD".to_owned()) } /// The current header head (may differ from chain head). pub fn header_head(&self) -> Result<Tip, Error> { option_to_not_found(self.db.get_ser(&[HEADER_HEAD_PREFIX]), || { "HEADER_HEAD".to_owned() }) } /// The current chain "tail" (earliest block in the store). pub fn tail(&self) -> Result<Tip, Error> { option_to_not_found(self.db.get_ser(&[TAIL_PREFIX]), || "TAIL".to_owned()) } /// Header of the block at the head of the block chain (not the same thing as header_head). pub fn head_header(&self) -> Result<BlockHeader, Error> { self.get_block_header(&self.head()?.last_block_h) } /// Get full block. pub fn get_block(&self, h: &Hash) -> Result<Block, Error> { option_to_not_found(self.db.get_ser(&to_key(BLOCK_PREFIX, h)), || { format!("BLOCK: {}", h) }) } /// Does this full block exist? pub fn block_exists(&self, h: &Hash) -> Result<bool, Error> { self.db.exists(&to_key(BLOCK_PREFIX, h)) } /// Get block_sums for the block hash. pub fn get_block_sums(&self, h: &Hash) -> Result<BlockSums, Error> { option_to_not_found(self.db.get_ser(&to_key(BLOCK_SUMS_PREFIX, h)), || { format!("Block sums for block: {}", h) }) } /// Get previous header. pub fn get_previous_header(&self, header: &BlockHeader) -> Result<BlockHeader, Error> { self.get_block_header(&header.prev_hash) } /// Get block header. pub fn get_block_header(&self, h: &Hash) -> Result<BlockHeader, Error> { option_to_not_found(self.db.get_ser(&to_key(BLOCK_HEADER_PREFIX, h)), || { format!("BLOCK HEADER: {}", h) }) } /// Get PMMR pos for the given output commitment. pub fn get_output_pos(&self, commit: &Commitment) -> Result<u64, Error> { match self.get_output_pos_height(commit)? { Some(pos) => Ok(pos.pos), None => Err(Error::NotFoundErr(format!( "Output position for: {:?}", commit ))), } } /// Get PMMR pos and block height for the given output commitment. pub fn get_output_pos_height(&self, commit: &Commitment) -> Result<Option<CommitPos>, Error> { self.db.get_ser(&to_key(OUTPUT_POS_PREFIX, commit)) } /// Builds a new batch to be used with this store. pub fn batch(&self) -> Result<Batch<'_>, Error> { Ok(Batch { db: self.db.batch()?, }) } } /// An atomic batch in which all changes can be committed all at once or /// discarded on error. pub struct Batch<'a> { /// The underlying db instance. pub db: store::Batch<'a>, } impl<'a> Batch<'a> { /// The head. pub fn head(&self) -> Result<Tip, Error> { option_to_not_found(self.db.get_ser(&[HEAD_PREFIX]), || "HEAD".to_owned()) } /// The tail. pub fn tail(&self) -> Result<Tip, Error> { option_to_not_found(self.db.get_ser(&[TAIL_PREFIX]), || "TAIL".to_owned()) } /// The current header head (may differ from chain head). pub fn header_head(&self) -> Result<Tip, Error> { option_to_not_found(self.db.get_ser(&[HEADER_HEAD_PREFIX]), || { "HEADER_HEAD".to_owned() }) } /// Header of the block at the head of the block chain (not the same thing as header_head). pub fn head_header(&self) -> Result<BlockHeader, Error> { self.get_block_header(&self.head()?.last_block_h) } /// Save body head to db. pub fn save_body_head(&self, t: &Tip) -> Result<(), Error> { self.db.put_ser(&[HEAD_PREFIX], t) } /// Save body "tail" to db. pub fn save_body_tail(&self, t: &Tip) -> Result<(), Error> { self.db.put_ser(&[TAIL_PREFIX], t) } /// Save header head to db. pub fn save_header_head(&self, t: &Tip) -> Result<(), Error> { self.db.put_ser(&[HEADER_HEAD_PREFIX], t) } /// get block pub fn get_block(&self, h: &Hash) -> Result<Block, Error> { option_to_not_found(self.db.get_ser(&to_key(BLOCK_PREFIX, h)), || { format!("Block with hash: {}", h) }) } /// Does the block exist? pub fn block_exists(&self, h: &Hash) -> Result<bool, Error> { self.db.exists(&to_key(BLOCK_PREFIX, h)) } /// Save the block to the db. /// Note: the block header is not saved to the db here, assumes this has already been done. pub fn save_block(&self, b: &Block) -> Result<(), Error> { debug!( "save_block: {} at {} ({} -> v{})", b.header.hash(), b.header.height, b.inputs().version_str(), self.db.protocol_version(), ); self.db.put_ser(&to_key(BLOCK_PREFIX, b.hash())[..], b)?; Ok(()) } /// We maintain a "spent" index for each full block to allow the output_pos /// to be easily reverted during rewind. pub fn save_spent_index(&self, h: &Hash, spent: &[CommitPos]) -> Result<(), Error> { self.db .put_ser(&to_key(BLOCK_SPENT_PREFIX, h)[..], &spent.to_vec())?; Ok(()) } /// Low level function to delete directly by raw key. pub fn delete(&self, key: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error> { self.db.delete(key) } /// Delete a full block. Does not delete any record associated with a block /// header. pub fn delete_block(&self, bh: &Hash) -> Result<(), Error> { self.db.delete(&to_key(BLOCK_PREFIX, bh)[..])?; // Best effort at deleting associated data for this block. // Not an error if these fail. { let _ = self.delete_block_sums(bh); let _ = self.delete_spent_index(bh); } Ok(()) } /// Save block header to db. pub fn save_block_header(&self, header: &BlockHeader) -> Result<(), Error> { let hash = header.hash(); // Store the header itself indexed by hash. self.db .put_ser(&to_key(BLOCK_HEADER_PREFIX, hash)[..], header)?; Ok(()) } /// Save output_pos and block height to index. pub fn save_output_pos_height(&self, commit: &Commitment, pos: CommitPos) -> Result<(), Error> { self.db .put_ser(&to_key(OUTPUT_POS_PREFIX, commit)[..], &pos) } /// Delete the output_pos index entry for a spent output. pub fn delete_output_pos_height(&self, commit: &Commitment) -> Result<(), Error> { self.db.delete(&to_key(OUTPUT_POS_PREFIX, commit)) } /// When using the output_pos iterator we have access to the index keys but not the /// original commitment that the key is constructed from. So we need a way of comparing /// a key with another commitment without reconstructing the commitment from the key bytes. pub fn is_match_output_pos_key(&self, key: &[u8], commit: &Commitment) -> bool { let commit_key = to_key(OUTPUT_POS_PREFIX, commit); commit_key == key } /// Iterator over the output_pos index. pub fn output_pos_iter(&self) -> Result<impl Iterator<Item = (Vec<u8>, CommitPos)>, Error> { let key = to_key(OUTPUT_POS_PREFIX, ""); let protocol_version = self.db.protocol_version(); self.db.iter(&key, move |k, mut v| { ser::deserialize(&mut v, protocol_version) .map(|pos| (k.to_vec(), pos)) .map_err(From::from) }) } /// Get output_pos from index. pub fn get_output_pos(&self, commit: &Commitment) -> Result<u64, Error> { match self.get_output_pos_height(commit)? { Some(pos) => Ok(pos.pos), None => Err(Error::NotFoundErr(format!( "Output position for: {:?}", commit ))), } } /// Get output_pos and block height from index. pub fn get_output_pos_height(&self, commit: &Commitment) -> Result<Option<CommitPos>, Error> { self.db.get_ser(&to_key(OUTPUT_POS_PREFIX, commit)) } /// Get the previous header. pub fn get_previous_header(&self, header: &BlockHeader) -> Result<BlockHeader, Error> { self.get_block_header(&header.prev_hash) } /// Get block header. pub fn get_block_header(&self, h: &Hash) -> Result<BlockHeader, Error> { option_to_not_found(self.db.get_ser(&to_key(BLOCK_HEADER_PREFIX, h)), || { format!("BLOCK HEADER: {}", h) }) } /// Delete the block spent index. fn delete_spent_index(&self, bh: &Hash) -> Result<(), Error> { self.db.delete(&to_key(BLOCK_SPENT_PREFIX, bh)) } /// Save block_sums for the block. pub fn save_block_sums(&self, h: &Hash, sums: BlockSums) -> Result<(), Error> { self.db.put_ser(&to_key(BLOCK_SUMS_PREFIX, h)[..], &sums) } /// Get block_sums for the block. pub fn get_block_sums(&self, h: &Hash) -> Result<BlockSums, Error> { option_to_not_found(self.db.get_ser(&to_key(BLOCK_SUMS_PREFIX, h)), || { format!("Block sums for block: {}", h) }) } /// Delete the block_sums for the block. fn delete_block_sums(&self, bh: &Hash) -> Result<(), Error> { self.db.delete(&to_key(BLOCK_SUMS_PREFIX, bh)) } /// Get the block input bitmap based on our spent index. /// Fallback to legacy block input bitmap from the db. pub fn get_block_input_bitmap(&self, bh: &Hash) -> Result<Bitmap, Error> { let bitmap = self .get_spent_index(bh)? .into_iter() .map(|x| x.pos.try_into().unwrap()) .collect(); Ok(bitmap) } /// Get the "spent index" from the db for the specified block. /// If we need to rewind a block then we use this to "unspend" the spent outputs. pub fn get_spent_index(&self, bh: &Hash) -> Result<Vec<CommitPos>, Error> { option_to_not_found(self.db.get_ser(&to_key(BLOCK_SPENT_PREFIX, bh)), || { format!("spent index: {}", bh) }) } /// Commits this batch. If it's a child batch, it will be merged with the /// parent, otherwise the batch is written to db. pub fn commit(self) -> Result<(), Error> { self.db.commit() } /// Creates a child of this batch. It will be merged with its parent on /// commit, abandoned otherwise. pub fn child(&mut self) -> Result<Batch<'_>, Error> { Ok(Batch { db: self.db.child()?, }) } /// Iterator over all full blocks in the db. /// Uses default db serialization strategy via db protocol version. pub fn blocks_iter(&self) -> Result<impl Iterator<Item = Block>, Error> { let key = to_key(BLOCK_PREFIX, ""); let protocol_version = self.db.protocol_version(); self.db.iter(&key, move |_, mut v| { ser::deserialize(&mut v, protocol_version).map_err(From::from) }) } /// Iterator over raw data for full blocks in the db. /// Used during block migration (we need flexibility around deserialization). pub fn blocks_raw_iter(&self) -> Result<impl Iterator<Item = (Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>)>, Error> { let key = to_key(BLOCK_PREFIX, ""); self.db.iter(&key, |k, v| Ok((k.to_vec(), v.to_vec()))) } /// Protocol version of our underlying db. pub fn protocol_version(&self) -> ProtocolVersion { self.db.protocol_version() } } /// An iterator on blocks, from latest to earliest, specialized to return /// information pertaining to block difficulty calculation (timestamp and /// previous difficulties). Mostly used by the consensus next difficulty /// calculation. pub struct DifficultyIter<'a> { start: Hash, store: Option<Arc<ChainStore>>, batch: Option<Batch<'a>>, // maintain state for both the "next" header in this iteration // and its previous header in the chain ("next next" in the iteration) // so we effectively read-ahead as we iterate through the chain back // toward the genesis block (while maintaining current state) header: Option<BlockHeader>, prev_header: Option<BlockHeader>, } impl<'a> DifficultyIter<'a> { /// Build a new iterator using the provided chain store and starting from /// the provided block hash. pub fn from<'b>(start: Hash, store: Arc<ChainStore>) -> DifficultyIter<'b> { DifficultyIter { start, store: Some(store), batch: None, header: None, prev_header: None, } } /// Build a new iterator using the provided chain store batch and starting from /// the provided block hash. pub fn from_batch(start: Hash, batch: Batch<'_>) -> DifficultyIter<'_> { DifficultyIter { start, store: None, batch: Some(batch), header: None, prev_header: None, } } } impl<'a> Iterator for DifficultyIter<'a> { type Item = HeaderInfo; fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> { // Get both header and previous_header if this is the initial iteration. // Otherwise move prev_header to header and get the next prev_header. self.header = if self.header.is_none() { if let Some(ref batch) = self.batch { batch.get_block_header(&self.start).ok() } else if let Some(ref store) = self.store { store.get_block_header(&self.start).ok() } else { None } } else { self.prev_header.clone() }; // If we have a header we can do this iteration. // Otherwise we are done. if let Some(header) = self.header.clone() { if let Some(ref batch) = self.batch { self.prev_header = batch.get_previous_header(&header).ok(); } else if let Some(ref store) = self.store { self.prev_header = store.get_previous_header(&header).ok(); } else { self.prev_header = None; } let prev_difficulty = self .prev_header .clone() .map_or(Difficulty::zero(), |x| x.total_difficulty()); let difficulty = header.total_difficulty() - prev_difficulty; let scaling = header.pow.secondary_scaling; Some(HeaderInfo::new( header.hash(), header.timestamp.timestamp() as u64, difficulty, scaling, header.pow.is_secondary(), )) } else { None } } } /// Init the NRD "recent history" kernel index backed by the underlying db. /// List index supports multiple entries per key, maintaining insertion order. /// Allows for fast lookup of the most recent entry per excess commitment. pub fn nrd_recent_kernel_index() -> MultiIndex<CommitPos> { MultiIndex::init(NRD_KERNEL_LIST_PREFIX, NRD_KERNEL_ENTRY_PREFIX) } struct BoolFlag(bool); impl From<BoolFlag> for bool { fn from(b: BoolFlag) -> Self { b.0 } } impl Readable for BoolFlag { fn read<R: ser::Reader>(reader: &mut R) -> Result<Self, ser::Error> { let x = reader.read_u8()?; Ok(BoolFlag(1 & x == 1)) } } impl Writeable for BoolFlag { fn write<W: ser::Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), ser::Error> { writer.write_u8(self.0.into())?; Ok(()) } }