// Copyright 2018 The Grin Developers // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. //! Test client that acts against a local instance of a node //! so that wallet API can be fully exercised //! Operates directly on a chain instance use std::collections::HashMap; use std::marker::PhantomData; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}; use std::sync::mpsc::{channel, Receiver, Sender}; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, RwLock}; use std::thread; use std::time::Duration; use common::api; use common::serde_json; use store; use util::secp::pedersen::Commitment; use util::{self, LOGGER}; use common::failure::ResultExt; use chain::types::NoopAdapter; use chain::Chain; use core::core::verifier_cache::LruVerifierCache; use core::core::Transaction; use core::global::{set_mining_mode, ChainTypes}; use core::{pow, ser}; use keychain::Keychain; use util::secp::pedersen; use wallet::libtx::slate::Slate; use wallet::libwallet; use wallet::libwallet::types::*; use common; /// Messages to simulate wallet requests/responses #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct WalletProxyMessage { /// sender ID pub sender_id: String, /// destination wallet (or server) pub dest: String, /// method (like a GET url) pub method: String, /// payload (json body) pub body: String, } /// communicates with a chain instance or other wallet /// listener APIs via message queues pub struct WalletProxy<C, K> where C: WalletClient, K: Keychain, { /// directory to create the chain in pub chain_dir: String, /// handle to chain itself pub chain: Arc<Chain>, /// list of interested wallets pub wallets: HashMap< String, ( Sender<WalletProxyMessage>, Arc<Mutex<Box<WalletInst<LocalWalletClient, K>>>>, ), >, /// simulate json send to another client /// address, method, payload (simulate HTTP request) pub tx: Sender<WalletProxyMessage>, /// simulate json receiving pub rx: Receiver<WalletProxyMessage>, /// queue control pub running: Arc<AtomicBool>, /// Phantom phantom_c: PhantomData<C>, /// Phantom phantom_k: PhantomData<K>, } impl<C, K> WalletProxy<C, K> where C: WalletClient, K: Keychain, { /// Create a new client that will communicate with the given grin node pub fn new(chain_dir: &str) -> Self { set_mining_mode(ChainTypes::AutomatedTesting); let genesis_block = pow::mine_genesis_block().unwrap(); let verifier_cache = Arc::new(RwLock::new(LruVerifierCache::new())); let dir_name = format!("{}/.grin", chain_dir); let db_env = Arc::new(store::new_env(dir_name.to_string())); let c = Chain::init( dir_name.to_string(), db_env, Arc::new(NoopAdapter {}), genesis_block, pow::verify_size, verifier_cache, false, ).unwrap(); let (tx, rx) = channel(); let retval = WalletProxy { chain_dir: chain_dir.to_owned(), chain: Arc::new(c), tx: tx, rx: rx, wallets: HashMap::new(), running: Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)), phantom_c: PhantomData, phantom_k: PhantomData, }; retval } /// Add wallet with a given "address" pub fn add_wallet( &mut self, addr: &str, tx: Sender<WalletProxyMessage>, wallet: Arc<Mutex<Box<WalletInst<LocalWalletClient, K>>>>, ) { self.wallets.insert(addr.to_owned(), (tx, wallet)); } /// Run the incoming message queue and respond more or less /// synchronously pub fn run(&mut self) -> Result<(), libwallet::Error> { self.running.store(true, Ordering::Relaxed); loop { thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(10)); // read queue let m = self.rx.recv().unwrap(); trace!(LOGGER, "Wallet Client Proxy Received: {:?}", m); let resp = match m.method.as_ref() { "get_chain_height" => self.get_chain_height(m)?, "get_outputs_from_node" => self.get_outputs_from_node(m)?, "get_outputs_by_pmmr_index" => self.get_outputs_by_pmmr_index(m)?, "send_tx_slate" => self.send_tx_slate(m)?, "post_tx" => self.post_tx(m)?, _ => panic!("Unknown Wallet Proxy Message"), }; self.respond(resp); if !self.running.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { return Ok(()); } } } /// Return a message to a given wallet client fn respond(&mut self, m: WalletProxyMessage) { if let Some(s) = self.wallets.get_mut(&m.dest) { if let Err(e) = s.0.send(m.clone()) { panic!("Error sending response from proxy: {:?}, {}", m, e); } } else { panic!("Unknown wallet recipient for response message: {:?}", m); } } /// post transaction to the chain (and mine it, taking the reward) fn post_tx(&mut self, m: WalletProxyMessage) -> Result<WalletProxyMessage, libwallet::Error> { let dest_wallet = self.wallets.get_mut(&m.sender_id).unwrap().1.clone(); let wrapper: TxWrapper = serde_json::from_str(&m.body).context( libwallet::ErrorKind::ClientCallback("Error parsing TxWrapper"), )?; let tx_bin = util::from_hex(wrapper.tx_hex).context(libwallet::ErrorKind::ClientCallback( "Error parsing TxWrapper: tx_bin", ))?; let tx: Transaction = ser::deserialize(&mut &tx_bin[..]).context( libwallet::ErrorKind::ClientCallback("Error parsing TxWrapper: tx"), )?; common::award_block_to_wallet(&self.chain, vec![&tx], dest_wallet)?; Ok(WalletProxyMessage { sender_id: "node".to_owned(), dest: m.sender_id, method: m.method, body: "".to_owned(), }) } /// send tx slate fn send_tx_slate( &mut self, m: WalletProxyMessage, ) -> Result<WalletProxyMessage, libwallet::Error> { let dest_wallet = self.wallets.get_mut(&m.dest); if let None = dest_wallet { panic!("Unknown wallet destination for send_tx_slate: {:?}", m); } let w = dest_wallet.unwrap().1.clone(); let mut slate = serde_json::from_str(&m.body).unwrap(); libwallet::controller::foreign_single_use(w.clone(), |listener_api| { listener_api.receive_tx(&mut slate)?; Ok(()) })?; Ok(WalletProxyMessage { sender_id: m.dest, dest: m.sender_id, method: m.method, body: serde_json::to_string(&slate).unwrap(), }) } /// get chain height fn get_chain_height( &mut self, m: WalletProxyMessage, ) -> Result<WalletProxyMessage, libwallet::Error> { Ok(WalletProxyMessage { sender_id: "node".to_owned(), dest: m.sender_id, method: m.method, body: format!("{}", self.chain.head().unwrap().height).to_owned(), }) } /// get api outputs fn get_outputs_from_node( &mut self, m: WalletProxyMessage, ) -> Result<WalletProxyMessage, libwallet::Error> { let split = m.body.split(","); //let mut api_outputs: HashMap<pedersen::Commitment, String> = HashMap::new(); let mut outputs: Vec<api::Output> = vec![]; for o in split { let o_str = String::from(o); if o_str.len() == 0 { continue; } let c = util::from_hex(o_str).unwrap(); let commit = Commitment::from_vec(c); let out = common::get_output_local(&self.chain.clone(), &commit); if let Some(o) = out { outputs.push(o); } } Ok(WalletProxyMessage { sender_id: "node".to_owned(), dest: m.sender_id, method: m.method, body: serde_json::to_string(&outputs).unwrap(), }) } /// get api outputs fn get_outputs_by_pmmr_index( &mut self, m: WalletProxyMessage, ) -> Result<WalletProxyMessage, libwallet::Error> { let split = m.body.split(",").collect::<Vec<&str>>(); let start_index = split[0].parse::<u64>().unwrap(); let max = split[1].parse::<u64>().unwrap(); let ol = common::get_outputs_by_pmmr_index_local(self.chain.clone(), start_index, max); Ok(WalletProxyMessage { sender_id: "node".to_owned(), dest: m.sender_id, method: m.method, body: serde_json::to_string(&ol).unwrap(), }) } } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct LocalWalletClient { /// wallet identifier for the proxy queue pub id: String, /// proxy's tx queue (receive messages from other wallets or node pub proxy_tx: Arc<Mutex<Sender<WalletProxyMessage>>>, /// my rx queue pub rx: Arc<Mutex<Receiver<WalletProxyMessage>>>, /// my tx queue pub tx: Arc<Mutex<Sender<WalletProxyMessage>>>, } impl LocalWalletClient { /// new pub fn new(id: &str, proxy_rx: Sender<WalletProxyMessage>) -> Self { let (tx, rx) = channel(); LocalWalletClient { id: id.to_owned(), proxy_tx: Arc::new(Mutex::new(proxy_rx)), rx: Arc::new(Mutex::new(rx)), tx: Arc::new(Mutex::new(tx)), } } /// get an instance of the send queue for other senders pub fn get_send_instance(&self) -> Sender<WalletProxyMessage> { self.tx.lock().unwrap().clone() } } impl WalletClient for LocalWalletClient { fn node_url(&self) -> &str { "node" } /// Call the wallet API to create a coinbase output for the given /// block_fees. Will retry based on default "retry forever with backoff" /// behavior. fn create_coinbase( &self, _dest: &str, _block_fees: &BlockFees, ) -> Result<CbData, libwallet::Error> { unimplemented!(); } /// Send the slate to a listening wallet instance fn send_tx_slate(&self, dest: &str, slate: &Slate) -> Result<Slate, libwallet::Error> { let m = WalletProxyMessage { sender_id: self.id.clone(), dest: dest.to_owned(), method: "send_tx_slate".to_owned(), body: serde_json::to_string(slate).unwrap(), }; { let p = self.proxy_tx.lock().unwrap(); p.send(m) .context(libwallet::ErrorKind::ClientCallback("Send TX Slate"))?; } let r = self.rx.lock().unwrap(); let m = r.recv().unwrap(); trace!(LOGGER, "Received send_tx_slate response: {:?}", m.clone()); Ok( serde_json::from_str(&m.body).context(libwallet::ErrorKind::ClientCallback( "Parsing send_tx_slate response", ))?, ) } /// Posts a transaction to a grin node /// In this case it will create a new block with award rewarded to fn post_tx(&self, tx: &TxWrapper, _fluff: bool) -> Result<(), libwallet::Error> { let m = WalletProxyMessage { sender_id: self.id.clone(), dest: self.node_url().to_owned(), method: "post_tx".to_owned(), body: serde_json::to_string(tx).unwrap(), }; { let p = self.proxy_tx.lock().unwrap(); p.send(m) .context(libwallet::ErrorKind::ClientCallback("post_tx send"))?; } let r = self.rx.lock().unwrap(); let m = r.recv().unwrap(); trace!(LOGGER, "Received post_tx response: {:?}", m.clone()); Ok(()) } /// Return the chain tip from a given node fn get_chain_height(&self) -> Result<u64, libwallet::Error> { let m = WalletProxyMessage { sender_id: self.id.clone(), dest: self.node_url().to_owned(), method: "get_chain_height".to_owned(), body: "".to_owned(), }; { let p = self.proxy_tx.lock().unwrap(); p.send(m).context(libwallet::ErrorKind::ClientCallback( "Get chain height send", ))?; } let r = self.rx.lock().unwrap(); let m = r.recv().unwrap(); trace!( LOGGER, "Received get_chain_height response: {:?}", m.clone() ); Ok(m.body .parse::<u64>() .context(libwallet::ErrorKind::ClientCallback( "Parsing get_height response", ))?) } /// Retrieve outputs from node fn get_outputs_from_node( &self, wallet_outputs: Vec<pedersen::Commitment>, ) -> Result<HashMap<pedersen::Commitment, (String, u64)>, libwallet::Error> { let query_params: Vec<String> = wallet_outputs .iter() .map(|commit| format!("{}", util::to_hex(commit.as_ref().to_vec()))) .collect(); let query_str = query_params.join(","); let m = WalletProxyMessage { sender_id: self.id.clone(), dest: self.node_url().to_owned(), method: "get_outputs_from_node".to_owned(), body: query_str, }; { let p = self.proxy_tx.lock().unwrap(); p.send(m).context(libwallet::ErrorKind::ClientCallback( "Get outputs from node send", ))?; } let r = self.rx.lock().unwrap(); let m = r.recv().unwrap(); let outputs: Vec<api::Output> = serde_json::from_str(&m.body).unwrap(); let mut api_outputs: HashMap<pedersen::Commitment, (String, u64)> = HashMap::new(); for out in outputs { api_outputs.insert( out.commit.commit(), (util::to_hex(out.commit.to_vec()), out.height), ); } Ok(api_outputs) } fn get_outputs_by_pmmr_index( &self, start_height: u64, max_outputs: u64, ) -> Result< ( u64, u64, Vec<(pedersen::Commitment, pedersen::RangeProof, bool, u64)>, ), libwallet::Error, > { // start index, max let query_str = format!("{},{}", start_height, max_outputs); let m = WalletProxyMessage { sender_id: self.id.clone(), dest: self.node_url().to_owned(), method: "get_outputs_by_pmmr_index".to_owned(), body: query_str, }; { let p = self.proxy_tx.lock().unwrap(); p.send(m).context(libwallet::ErrorKind::ClientCallback( "Get outputs from node by PMMR index send", ))?; } let r = self.rx.lock().unwrap(); let m = r.recv().unwrap(); let o: api::OutputListing = serde_json::from_str(&m.body).unwrap(); let mut api_outputs: Vec<(pedersen::Commitment, pedersen::RangeProof, bool, u64)> = Vec::new(); for out in o.outputs { let is_coinbase = match out.output_type { api::OutputType::Coinbase => true, api::OutputType::Transaction => false, }; api_outputs.push(( out.commit, out.range_proof().unwrap(), is_coinbase, out.block_height.unwrap(), )); } Ok((o.highest_index, o.last_retrieved_index, api_outputs)) } }