// Copyright 2018 The Grin Developers // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. //! Implements storage primitives required by the chain use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock}; use croaring::Bitmap; use lmdb; use lru_cache::LruCache; use util::secp::pedersen::Commitment; use core::consensus::TargetError; use core::core::hash::{Hash, Hashed}; use core::core::{Block, BlockHeader, BlockSums}; use core::pow::Difficulty; use grin_store as store; use grin_store::{option_to_not_found, to_key, u64_to_key, Error}; use types::Tip; const STORE_SUBPATH: &'static str = "chain"; const BLOCK_HEADER_PREFIX: u8 = 'h' as u8; const BLOCK_PREFIX: u8 = 'b' as u8; const HEAD_PREFIX: u8 = 'H' as u8; const HEADER_HEAD_PREFIX: u8 = 'I' as u8; const SYNC_HEAD_PREFIX: u8 = 's' as u8; const HEADER_HEIGHT_PREFIX: u8 = '8' as u8; const COMMIT_POS_PREFIX: u8 = 'c' as u8; const BLOCK_INPUT_BITMAP_PREFIX: u8 = 'B' as u8; const BLOCK_SUMS_PREFIX: u8 = 'M' as u8; /// All chain-related database operations pub struct ChainStore { db: store::Store, header_cache: Arc<RwLock<LruCache<Hash, BlockHeader>>>, block_input_bitmap_cache: Arc<RwLock<LruCache<Hash, Vec<u8>>>>, } impl ChainStore { /// Create new chain store pub fn new(db_env: Arc<lmdb::Environment>) -> Result<ChainStore, Error> { let db = store::Store::open(db_env, STORE_SUBPATH); Ok(ChainStore { db, header_cache: Arc::new(RwLock::new(LruCache::new(1_000))), block_input_bitmap_cache: Arc::new(RwLock::new(LruCache::new(1_000))), }) } } #[allow(missing_docs)] impl ChainStore { pub fn head(&self) -> Result<Tip, Error> { option_to_not_found(self.db.get_ser(&vec![HEAD_PREFIX]), "HEAD") } pub fn head_header(&self) -> Result<BlockHeader, Error> { self.get_block_header(&self.head()?.last_block_h) } pub fn get_header_head(&self) -> Result<Tip, Error> { option_to_not_found(self.db.get_ser(&vec![HEADER_HEAD_PREFIX]), "HEADER_HEAD") } pub fn get_sync_head(&self) -> Result<Tip, Error> { option_to_not_found(self.db.get_ser(&vec![SYNC_HEAD_PREFIX]), "SYNC_HEAD") } pub fn get_block(&self, h: &Hash) -> Result<Block, Error> { option_to_not_found( self.db.get_ser(&to_key(BLOCK_PREFIX, &mut h.to_vec())), &format!("BLOCK: {}", h), ) } pub fn block_exists(&self, h: &Hash) -> Result<bool, Error> { self.db.exists(&to_key(BLOCK_PREFIX, &mut h.to_vec())) } pub fn get_block_sums(&self, bh: &Hash) -> Result<BlockSums, Error> { option_to_not_found( self.db .get_ser(&to_key(BLOCK_SUMS_PREFIX, &mut bh.to_vec())), &format!("Block sums for block: {}", bh), ) } pub fn get_block_header(&self, h: &Hash) -> Result<BlockHeader, Error> { { let mut header_cache = self.header_cache.write().unwrap(); // cache hit - return the value from the cache if let Some(header) = header_cache.get_mut(h) { return Ok(header.clone()); } } let header: Result<BlockHeader, Error> = option_to_not_found( self.db .get_ser(&to_key(BLOCK_HEADER_PREFIX, &mut h.to_vec())), &format!("BLOCK HEADER: {}", h), ); // cache miss - so adding to the cache for next time if let Ok(header) = header { { let mut header_cache = self.header_cache.write().unwrap(); header_cache.insert(*h, header.clone()); } Ok(header) } else { header } } pub fn get_hash_by_height(&self, height: u64) -> Result<Hash, Error> { option_to_not_found( self.db.get_ser(&u64_to_key(HEADER_HEIGHT_PREFIX, height)), &format!("Hash at height: {}", height), ) } pub fn get_header_by_height(&self, height: u64) -> Result<BlockHeader, Error> { option_to_not_found( self.db.get_ser(&u64_to_key(HEADER_HEIGHT_PREFIX, height)), &format!("Header at height: {}", height), ).and_then(|hash| self.get_block_header(&hash)) } pub fn get_output_pos(&self, commit: &Commitment) -> Result<u64, Error> { option_to_not_found( self.db .get_ser(&to_key(COMMIT_POS_PREFIX, &mut commit.as_ref().to_vec())), &format!("Output position for: {:?}", commit), ) } /// Builds a new batch to be used with this store. pub fn batch(&self) -> Result<Batch, Error> { Ok(Batch { store: self, db: self.db.batch()?, }) } } /// An atomic batch in which all changes can be committed all at once or /// discarded on error. pub struct Batch<'a> { store: &'a ChainStore, db: store::Batch<'a>, } #[allow(missing_docs)] impl<'a> Batch<'a> { pub fn head(&self) -> Result<Tip, Error> { option_to_not_found(self.db.get_ser(&vec![HEAD_PREFIX]), "HEAD") } pub fn head_header(&self) -> Result<BlockHeader, Error> { self.get_block_header(&self.head()?.last_block_h) } pub fn get_header_head(&self) -> Result<Tip, Error> { option_to_not_found(self.db.get_ser(&vec![HEADER_HEAD_PREFIX]), "HEADER_HEAD") } pub fn save_head(&self, t: &Tip) -> Result<(), Error> { self.db.put_ser(&vec![HEAD_PREFIX], t)?; self.db.put_ser(&vec![HEADER_HEAD_PREFIX], t) } pub fn save_body_head(&self, t: &Tip) -> Result<(), Error> { self.db.put_ser(&vec![HEAD_PREFIX], t) } pub fn save_header_head(&self, t: &Tip) -> Result<(), Error> { self.db.put_ser(&vec![HEADER_HEAD_PREFIX], t) } pub fn get_hash_by_height(&self, height: u64) -> Result<Hash, Error> { option_to_not_found( self.db.get_ser(&u64_to_key(HEADER_HEIGHT_PREFIX, height)), &format!("Hash at height: {}", height), ) } pub fn save_sync_head(&self, t: &Tip) -> Result<(), Error> { self.db.put_ser(&vec![SYNC_HEAD_PREFIX], t) } pub fn init_sync_head(&self, t: &Tip) -> Result<(), Error> { let header_tip = match self.store.get_header_head() { Ok(hh) => hh, Err(store::Error::NotFoundErr(_)) => { self.save_header_head(t)?; t.clone() } Err(e) => return Err(e), }; self.save_sync_head(&header_tip) } // Reset both header_head and sync_head to the current head of the body chain pub fn reset_head(&self) -> Result<(), Error> { let tip = self.store.head()?; self.save_header_head(&tip)?; self.save_sync_head(&tip) } /// get block pub fn get_block(&self, h: &Hash) -> Result<Block, Error> { option_to_not_found( self.db.get_ser(&to_key(BLOCK_PREFIX, &mut h.to_vec())), &format!("Block with hash: {}", h), ) } pub fn block_exists(&self, h: &Hash) -> Result<bool, Error> { self.db.exists(&to_key(BLOCK_PREFIX, &mut h.to_vec())) } /// Save the block and its header pub fn save_block(&self, b: &Block) -> Result<(), Error> { self.db .put_ser(&to_key(BLOCK_PREFIX, &mut b.hash().to_vec())[..], b)?; self.db.put_ser( &to_key(BLOCK_HEADER_PREFIX, &mut b.hash().to_vec())[..], &b.header, ) } /// Delete a full block. Does not delete any record associated with a block /// header. pub fn delete_block(&self, bh: &Hash) -> Result<(), Error> { self.db.delete(&to_key(BLOCK_PREFIX, &mut bh.to_vec())[..]) } pub fn save_block_header(&self, bh: &BlockHeader) -> Result<(), Error> { let hash = bh.hash(); self.db .put_ser(&to_key(BLOCK_HEADER_PREFIX, &mut hash.to_vec())[..], bh)?; Ok(()) } pub fn save_header_height(&self, bh: &BlockHeader) -> Result<(), Error> { self.db .put_ser(&u64_to_key(HEADER_HEIGHT_PREFIX, bh.height), &bh.hash()) } pub fn delete_header_by_height(&self, height: u64) -> Result<(), Error> { self.db.delete(&u64_to_key(HEADER_HEIGHT_PREFIX, height)) } pub fn save_output_pos(&self, commit: &Commitment, pos: u64) -> Result<(), Error> { self.db.put_ser( &to_key(COMMIT_POS_PREFIX, &mut commit.as_ref().to_vec())[..], &pos, ) } pub fn get_output_pos(&self, commit: &Commitment) -> Result<u64, Error> { option_to_not_found( self.db .get_ser(&to_key(COMMIT_POS_PREFIX, &mut commit.as_ref().to_vec())), &format!("Output position for commit: {:?}", commit), ) } pub fn delete_output_pos(&self, commit: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error> { self.db .delete(&to_key(COMMIT_POS_PREFIX, &mut commit.to_vec())) } pub fn get_block_header(&self, h: &Hash) -> Result<BlockHeader, Error> { option_to_not_found( self.db .get_ser(&to_key(BLOCK_HEADER_PREFIX, &mut h.to_vec())), &format!("Block header for block: {}", h), ) } fn save_block_input_bitmap(&self, bh: &Hash, bm: &Bitmap) -> Result<(), Error> { self.db.put( &to_key(BLOCK_INPUT_BITMAP_PREFIX, &mut bh.to_vec())[..], bm.serialize(), ) } pub fn delete_block_input_bitmap(&self, bh: &Hash) -> Result<(), Error> { self.db .delete(&to_key(BLOCK_INPUT_BITMAP_PREFIX, &mut bh.to_vec())) } pub fn save_block_sums(&self, bh: &Hash, sums: &BlockSums) -> Result<(), Error> { self.db .put_ser(&to_key(BLOCK_SUMS_PREFIX, &mut bh.to_vec())[..], &sums) } pub fn get_block_sums(&self, bh: &Hash) -> Result<BlockSums, Error> { option_to_not_found( self.db .get_ser(&to_key(BLOCK_SUMS_PREFIX, &mut bh.to_vec())), &format!("Block sums for block: {}", bh), ) } pub fn delete_block_sums(&self, bh: &Hash) -> Result<(), Error> { self.db.delete(&to_key(BLOCK_SUMS_PREFIX, &mut bh.to_vec())) } // We are on the current chain if - // * the header by height index matches the header, and // * we are not ahead of the current head pub fn is_on_current_chain(&self, header: &BlockHeader) -> Result<(), Error> { let head = self.head()?; // check we are not out ahead of the current head if header.height > head.height { return Err(Error::NotFoundErr(String::from( "header.height > head.height", ))); } let header_at_height = self.get_header_by_height(header.height)?; if header.hash() == header_at_height.hash() { Ok(()) } else { Err(Error::NotFoundErr(String::from( "header.hash == header_at_height.hash", ))) } } pub fn get_header_by_height(&self, height: u64) -> Result<BlockHeader, Error> { option_to_not_found( self.db.get_ser(&u64_to_key(HEADER_HEIGHT_PREFIX, height)), &format!("Header at height: {}", height), ).and_then(|hash| self.get_block_header(&hash)) } /// Maintain consistency of the "header_by_height" index by traversing back /// through the current chain and updating "header_by_height" until we reach /// a block_header that is consistent with its height (everything prior to /// this will be consistent). /// We need to handle the case where we have no index entry for a given /// height to account for the case where we just switched to a new fork and /// the height jumped beyond current chain height. pub fn setup_height(&self, header: &BlockHeader, old_tip: &Tip) -> Result<(), Error> { // remove headers ahead if we backtracked for n in header.height..old_tip.height { self.delete_header_by_height(n + 1)?; } self.build_by_height_index(header, false) } pub fn build_by_height_index(&self, header: &BlockHeader, force: bool) -> Result<(), Error> { self.save_header_height(&header)?; if header.height > 0 { let mut prev_header = self.store.get_block_header(&header.previous)?; while prev_header.height > 0 { if !force { if let Ok(_) = self.is_on_current_chain(&prev_header) { break; } } self.save_header_height(&prev_header)?; prev_header = self.store.get_block_header(&prev_header.previous)?; } } Ok(()) } fn build_block_input_bitmap(&self, block: &Block) -> Result<Bitmap, Error> { let bitmap = block .inputs() .iter() .filter_map(|x| self.get_output_pos(&x.commitment()).ok()) .map(|x| x as u32) .collect(); Ok(bitmap) } pub fn build_and_cache_block_input_bitmap(&self, block: &Block) -> Result<Bitmap, Error> { // Build the bitmap. let bitmap = self.build_block_input_bitmap(block)?; // Save the bitmap to the db (via the batch). self.save_block_input_bitmap(&block.hash(), &bitmap)?; // Finally cache it locally for use later. let mut cache = self.store.block_input_bitmap_cache.write().unwrap(); cache.insert(block.hash(), bitmap.serialize()); Ok(bitmap) } pub fn get_block_input_bitmap(&self, bh: &Hash) -> Result<Bitmap, Error> { { let mut cache = self.store.block_input_bitmap_cache.write().unwrap(); // cache hit - return the value from the cache if let Some(bytes) = cache.get_mut(bh) { return Ok(Bitmap::deserialize(&bytes)); } } // cache miss - get it from db (build it, store it and cache it as necessary) self.get_block_input_bitmap_db(bh) } // Get the block input bitmap from the db or build the bitmap from // the full block from the db (if the block is found). // (bool, Bitmap) : (false if bitmap was built and not found in db) fn get_block_input_bitmap_db(&self, bh: &Hash) -> Result<Bitmap, Error> { if let Ok(Some(bytes)) = self .db .get(&to_key(BLOCK_INPUT_BITMAP_PREFIX, &mut bh.to_vec())) { Ok(Bitmap::deserialize(&bytes)) } else { match self.get_block(bh) { Ok(block) => { let bitmap = self.build_and_cache_block_input_bitmap(&block)?; Ok(bitmap) } Err(e) => Err(e), } } } /// Commits this batch. If it's a child batch, it will be merged with the /// parent, otherwise the batch is written to db. pub fn commit(self) -> Result<(), Error> { self.db.commit() } /// Creates a child of this batch. It will be merged with its parent on /// commit, abandoned otherwise. pub fn child(&mut self) -> Result<Batch, Error> { Ok(Batch { store: self.store, db: self.db.child()?, }) } } /// An iterator on blocks, from latest to earliest, specialized to return /// information pertaining to block difficulty calculation (timestamp and /// previous difficulties). Mostly used by the consensus next difficulty /// calculation. pub struct DifficultyIter<'a> { start: Hash, batch: Batch<'a>, // maintain state for both the "next" header in this iteration // and its previous header in the chain ("next next" in the iteration) // so we effectively read-ahead as we iterate through the chain back // toward the genesis block (while maintaining current state) header: Option<BlockHeader>, prev_header: Option<BlockHeader>, } impl<'a> DifficultyIter<'a> { /// Build a new iterator using the provided chain store and starting from /// the provided block hash. pub fn from(start: Hash, batch: Batch) -> DifficultyIter { DifficultyIter { start, batch, header: None, prev_header: None, } } } impl<'a> Iterator for DifficultyIter<'a> { type Item = Result<(u64, Difficulty), TargetError>; fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> { // Get both header and previous_header if this is the initial iteration. // Otherwise move prev_header to header and get the next prev_header. self.header = if self.header.is_none() { self.batch.get_block_header(&self.start).ok() } else { self.prev_header.clone() }; // If we have a header we can do this iteration. // Otherwise we are done. if let Some(header) = self.header.clone() { self.prev_header = self.batch.get_block_header(&header.previous).ok(); let prev_difficulty = self .prev_header .clone() .map_or(Difficulty::zero(), |x| x.total_difficulty()); let difficulty = header.total_difficulty() - prev_difficulty; Some(Ok((header.timestamp.timestamp() as u64, difficulty))) } else { return None; } } }