// Copyright 2017 The Grin Developers
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

//! Top-level Pool type, methods, and tests

use types::{Pool, BlockChain, Orphans, Parent, PoolError, TxSource, TransactionGraphContainer};
pub use graph;

use core::core::transaction;
use core::core::block;
use core::core::hash;
use core::consensus;

use secp;
use secp::pedersen::Commitment;

use std::sync::Arc;
use std::collections::HashMap;

/// The pool itself.
/// The transactions HashMap holds ownership of all transactions in the pool,
/// keyed by their transaction hash.
pub struct TransactionPool<T> {
    /// All transactions in the pool
    pub transactions: HashMap<hash::Hash, Box<transaction::Transaction>>,
    /// The pool itself
    pub pool : Pool,
    /// Orphans in the pool
    pub orphans: Orphans,

    // blockchain is a DummyChain, for now, which mimics what the future
    // chain will offer to the pool
    blockchain: Arc<T>,

impl<T> TransactionPool<T> where T: BlockChain {
    /// Create a new transaction pool
    pub fn new(chain: Arc<T>) -> TransactionPool<T> {
            transactions: HashMap::new(),
            pool: Pool::empty(),
            orphans: Orphans::empty(),
            blockchain: chain,

    /// Searches for an output, designated by its commitment, from the current
    /// best UTXO view, presented by taking the best blockchain UTXO set (as
    /// determined by the blockchain component) and rectifying pool spent and
    /// unspents.
    /// Detects double spends and unknown references from the pool and
    /// blockchain only; any conflicts with entries in the orphans set must
    /// be accounted for separately, if relevant.
    pub fn search_for_best_output(&self, output_commitment: &Commitment) -> Parent {
        // The current best unspent set is:
        //   Pool unspent + (blockchain unspent - pool->blockchain spent)
        // Pool unspents are unconditional so we check those first
            map(|x| Parent::PoolTransaction{tx_ref: x.source_hash().unwrap()}).

    // search_blockchain_unspents searches the current view of the blockchain
    // unspent set, represented by blockchain unspents - pool spents, for an
    // output designated by output_commitment.
    fn search_blockchain_unspents(&self, output_commitment: &Commitment) -> Option<Parent> {
            map(|output| match self.pool.get_blockchain_spent(output_commitment) {
                Some(x) => Parent::AlreadySpent{other_tx: x.destination_hash().unwrap()},
                None => Parent::BlockTransaction{output},

    // search_pool_spents is the second half of pool input detection, after the
    // available_outputs have been checked. This returns either a
    // Parent::AlreadySpent or None.
    fn search_pool_spents(&self, output_commitment: &Commitment) -> Option<Parent> {
            map(|x| Parent::AlreadySpent{other_tx: x.destination_hash().unwrap()})


    /// Get the number of transactions in the pool
    pub fn pool_size(&self) -> usize {

    /// Get the number of orphans in the pool
    pub fn orphans_size(&self) -> usize {

    /// Get the total size (transactions + orphans) of the pool
    pub fn total_size(&self) -> usize {
        self.pool.num_transactions() + self.orphans.num_transactions()

    /// Attempts to add a transaction to the pool.
    /// Adds a transaction to the memory pool, deferring to the orphans pool
    /// if necessary, and performing any connection-related validity checks.
    /// Happens under an exclusive mutable reference gated by the write portion
    /// of a RWLock.
    pub fn add_to_memory_pool(&mut self, _: TxSource, tx: transaction::Transaction) -> Result<(), PoolError> {
        // Making sure the transaction is valid before anything else.
        let secp = secp::Secp256k1::with_caps(secp::ContextFlag::Commit);
        tx.validate(&secp).map_err(|_| PoolError::Invalid)?;

        // The first check involves ensuring that an identical transaction is
        // not already in the pool's transaction set.
        // A non-authoritative similar check should be performed under the
        // pool's read lock before we get to this point, which would catch the
        // majority of duplicate cases. The race condition is caught here.
        // TODO: When the transaction identifier is finalized, the assumptions
        // here may change depending on the exact coverage of the identifier.
        // The current tx.hash() method, for example, does not cover changes
        // to fees or other elements of the signature preimage.
        let tx_hash = graph::transaction_identifier(&tx);
        if self.transactions.contains_key(&tx_hash) {
            return Err(PoolError::AlreadyInPool)

        // The next issue is to identify all unspent outputs that
        // this transaction will consume and make sure they exist in the set.
        let mut pool_refs: Vec<graph::Edge> = Vec::new();
        let mut orphan_refs: Vec<graph::Edge> = Vec::new();
        let mut blockchain_refs: Vec<graph::Edge> = Vec::new();

        for input in &tx.inputs {
            let base = graph::Edge::new(None, Some(tx_hash), input.commitment());

            // Note that search_for_best_output does not examine orphans, by
            // design. If an incoming transaction consumes pool outputs already
            // spent by the orphans set, this does not preclude its inclusion
            // into the pool.
            match self.search_for_best_output(&input.commitment()) {
                Parent::PoolTransaction{tx_ref: x} => pool_refs.push(base.with_source(Some(x))),
                Parent::BlockTransaction{output} => {
                    // TODO - pull this out into a separate function?
                    if output.features.contains(transaction::COINBASE_OUTPUT) {
                        if let Ok(out_header) = self.blockchain.get_block_header_by_output_commit(&output.commitment()) {
                            if let Ok(head_header) = self.blockchain.head_header() {
                                if head_header.height <= out_header.height + consensus::COINBASE_MATURITY {
                                    return Err(PoolError::ImmatureCoinbase{
                                        header: out_header,
                                        output: output.commitment()
                Parent::Unknown => orphan_refs.push(base),
                Parent::AlreadySpent{other_tx: x} => return Err(PoolError::DoubleSpend{other_tx: x, spent_output: input.commitment()}),

        let is_orphan = orphan_refs.len() > 0;

        // Next we examine the outputs this transaction creates and ensure
        // that they do not already exist.
        // I believe its worth preventing duplicate outputs from being
        // accepted, even though it is possible for them to be mined
        // with strict ordering. In the future, if desirable, this could
        // be node policy config or more intelligent.
        for output in &tx.outputs {
            self.check_duplicate_outputs(output, is_orphan)?

        // Assertion: we have exactly as many resolved spending references as
        // inputs to the transaction.
            blockchain_refs.len() + pool_refs.len() + orphan_refs.len());

        // At this point we know if we're spending all known unspents and not
        // creating any duplicate unspents.
        let pool_entry = graph::PoolEntry::new(&tx);
        let new_unspents = tx.outputs.iter().
            map(|x| graph::Edge::new(Some(tx_hash), None, x.commitment())).

        if !is_orphan {
            // In the non-orphan (pool) case, we've ensured that every input
            // maps one-to-one with an unspent (available) output, and each
            // output is unique. No further checks are necessary.
            self.pool.add_pool_transaction(pool_entry, blockchain_refs,
                pool_refs, new_unspents);

            self.transactions.insert(tx_hash, Box::new(tx));

        } else {
            // At this point, we're pretty sure the transaction is an orphan,
            // but we have to explicitly check for double spends against the
            // orphans set; we do not check this as part of the connectivity
            // checking above.
            // First, any references resolved to the pool need to be compared
            // against active orphan pool_connections.
            // Note that pool_connections here also does double duty to
            // account for blockchain connections.
            for pool_ref in pool_refs.iter().chain(blockchain_refs.iter()) {
                match self.orphans.get_external_spent_output(&pool_ref.output_commitment()){
                    // Should the below err be subtyped to orphans somehow?
                    Some(x) => return Err(PoolError::DoubleSpend{other_tx: x.destination_hash().unwrap(), spent_output: x.output_commitment()}),
                    None => {},

            // Next, we have to consider the possibility of double spends
            // within the orphans set.
            // We also have to distinguish now between missing and internal
            // references.
            let missing_refs = self.resolve_orphan_refs(tx_hash, &mut orphan_refs)?;

            // We have passed all failure modes.
            pool_refs.append(&mut blockchain_refs);
                pool_refs, orphan_refs, missing_refs, new_unspents);



    /// Check the output for a conflict with an existing output.
    /// Checks the output (by commitment) against outputs in the blockchain
    /// or in the pool. If the transaction is destined for orphans, the
    /// orphans set is checked as well.
    fn check_duplicate_outputs(&self, output : &transaction::Output, is_orphan: bool) -> Result<(), PoolError> {
        // Checking against current blockchain unspent outputs
        // We want outputs even if they're spent by pool txs, so we ignore
        // consumed_blockchain_outputs
        if self.blockchain.get_unspent(&output.commitment()).is_ok() {
            return Err(PoolError::DuplicateOutput{
                other_tx: None,
                in_chain: true,
                output: output.commitment()})

        // Check for existence of this output in the pool
        match self.pool.find_output(&output.commitment()) {
            Some(x) => {
                return Err(PoolError::DuplicateOutput{
                other_tx: Some(x),
                in_chain: false,
                output: output.commitment()})
            None => {},

        // If the transaction might go into orphans, perform the same
        // checks as above but against the orphan set instead.
        if is_orphan {
            // Checking against orphan outputs
            match self.orphans.find_output(&output.commitment()){
                Some(x) => {
                return Err(PoolError::DuplicateOutput{
                    other_tx: Some(x),
                    in_chain: false,
                    output: output.commitment()})
                None => {},
            // No need to check pool connections since those are covered
            // by pool unspents and blockchain connections.

    /// Distinguish between missing, unspent, and spent orphan refs.
    /// Takes the set of orphans_refs produced during transaction connectivity
    /// validation, which do not point at valid unspents in the blockchain or
    /// pool. These references point at either a missing (orphaned) commitment,
    /// an unspent output of the orphans set, or a spent output either within
    /// the orphans set or externally from orphans to the pool or blockchain.
    /// The last case results in a failure condition and transaction acceptance
    /// is aborted.
    fn resolve_orphan_refs(&self, tx_hash: hash::Hash, orphan_refs: &mut Vec<graph::Edge>) -> Result<HashMap<usize, ()>, PoolError> {
        let mut missing_refs: HashMap<usize, ()> = HashMap::new();
        for (i, orphan_ref) in orphan_refs.iter_mut().enumerate() {
            let orphan_commitment = &orphan_ref.output_commitment();
            match self.orphans.get_available_output(&orphan_commitment) {
                // If the edge is an available output of orphans,
                // update the prepared edge
                Some(x) => *orphan_ref = x.with_destination(Some(tx_hash)),
                // If the edge is not an available output, it is either
                // already consumed or it belongs in missing_refs.
                None => {
                    match self.orphans.get_internal_spent(&orphan_commitment) {
                        Some(x) => return Err(PoolError::DoubleSpend{
                            other_tx: x.destination_hash().unwrap(),
                            spent_output: x.output_commitment()}),
                        None => {
                            // The reference does not resolve to anything.
                            // Make sure this missing_output has not already
                            // been claimed, then add this entry to
                            // missing_refs
                            match self.orphans.get_unknown_output(&orphan_commitment) {
                                Some(x) => return Err(PoolError::DoubleSpend{
                                    other_tx: x.destination_hash().unwrap(),
                                    spent_output: x.output_commitment()}),
                                None => missing_refs.insert(i, ()),

    /// The primary goal of the reconcile_orphans method is to eliminate any
    /// orphans who conflict with the recently accepted pool transaction.
    /// TODO: How do we handle fishing orphans out that look like they could
    /// be freed? Current thought is to do so under a different lock domain
    /// so that we don't have the potential for long recursion under the write
    /// lock.
    pub fn reconcile_orphans(&self)-> Result<(),PoolError> {

    /// Updates the pool with the details of a new block.
    /// Along with add_to_memory_pool, reconcile_block is the other major entry
    /// point for the transaction pool. This method reconciles the records in
    /// the transaction pool with the updated view presented by the incoming
    /// block. This involves removing any transactions which appear to conflict
    /// with inputs and outputs consumed in the block, and invalidating any
    /// descendents or parents of the removed transaction, where relevant.
    /// Returns a list of transactions which have been evicted from the pool
    /// due to the recent block. Because transaction association information is
    /// irreversibly lost in the blockchain, we must keep track of these
    /// evicted transactions elsewhere so that we can make a best effort at
    /// returning them to the pool in the event of a reorg that invalidates
    /// this block.
    pub fn reconcile_block(&mut self, block: &block::Block) -> Result<Vec<Box<transaction::Transaction>>, PoolError> {
        // If this pool has been kept in sync correctly, serializing all
        // updates, then the inputs must consume only members of the blockchain
        // utxo set.
        // If the block has been resolved properly and reduced fully to its
        // canonical form, no inputs may consume outputs generated by previous
        // transactions in the block; they would be cut-through. TODO: If this
        // is not consensus enforced, then logic must be added here to account
        // for that.
        // Based on this, we operate under the following algorithm:
        // For each block input, we examine the pool transaction, if any, that
        // consumes the same blockchain output.
        // If one exists, we mark the transaction and then examine its
        // children. Recursively, we mark each child until a child is
        // fully satisfied by outputs in the updated utxo view (after
        // reconciliation of the block), or there are no more children.
        // Additionally, to protect our invariant dictating no duplicate
        // outputs, each output generated by the new utxo set is checked
        // against outputs generated by the pool and the corresponding
        // transactions are also marked.
        // After marking concludes, sweeping begins. In order, the marked
        // transactions are removed, the vertexes corresponding to the
        // transactions are removed, all the marked transactions' outputs are
        // removed, and all remaining non-blockchain inputs are returned to the
        // unspent_outputs set.
        // After the pool has been successfully processed, an orphans
        // reconciliation job is triggered.
        let mut marked_transactions: HashMap<hash::Hash, ()> = HashMap::new();
            let mut conflicting_txs: Vec<hash::Hash> = block.inputs.iter().
                map(|x| x.destination_hash().unwrap()).

            let mut conflicting_outputs: Vec<hash::Hash> = block.outputs.iter().
                filter_map(|x: &transaction::Output|
                map(|x| x.source_hash().unwrap()).

            conflicting_txs.append(&mut conflicting_outputs);

            for txh in conflicting_txs {
                self.mark_transaction(txh, &mut marked_transactions);
        let freed_txs = self.sweep_transactions(marked_transactions);



    /// The mark portion of our mark-and-sweep pool cleanup.
    /// The transaction designated by conflicting_tx is immediately marked.
    /// Each output of this transaction is then examined; if a transaction in
    /// the pool spends this output and the output is not replaced by an
    /// identical output included in the updated UTXO set, the child is marked
    /// as well and the process continues recursively.
    /// Marked transactions are added to the mutable marked_txs HashMap which
    /// is supplied by the calling function.
    fn mark_transaction(&self, conflicting_tx: hash::Hash,
        marked_txs: &mut HashMap<hash::Hash, ()>) {

        marked_txs.insert(conflicting_tx, ());

        let tx_ref = self.transactions.get(&conflicting_tx);

        for output in &tx_ref.unwrap().outputs {
            match self.pool.get_internal_spent_output(&output.commitment()) {
                Some(x) => {
                    if self.blockchain.get_unspent(&x.output_commitment()).is_err() {
                        self.mark_transaction(x.destination_hash().unwrap(), marked_txs);
                None => {},
    /// The sweep portion of mark-and-sweep pool cleanup.
    /// The transactions that exist in the hashmap are removed from the
    /// heap storage as well as the vertex set. Any incoming edges are removed
    /// and added to a list of freed edges. Any outbound edges are removed from
    /// both the graph and the list of freed edges. It is the responsibility of
    /// this method to ensure that the list of freed edges (inputs) are
    /// consistent.
    /// TODO: There's some iteration overlap between this and the mark step.
    /// Additional bookkeeping in the mark step could optimize that away.
    fn sweep_transactions(&mut self,
        marked_transactions: HashMap<hash::Hash, ()>,)
        ->Vec<Box<transaction::Transaction>> {

        let mut removed_txs = Vec::new();

        for tx_hash in marked_transactions.keys() {
            let removed_tx = self.transactions.remove(tx_hash).unwrap();



    /// Fetch mineable transactions.
    /// Select a set of mineable transactions for block building.
    pub fn prepare_mineable_transactions(&self, num_to_fetch: u32) -> Vec<Box<transaction::Transaction>>{
            map(|x| self.transactions.get(x).unwrap().clone()).collect()

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use types::*;
    use secp::{Secp256k1, ContextFlag, constants};
    use secp::key;
    use core::core::build;
    use blockchain::{DummyChain, DummyChainImpl, DummyUtxoSet};
    use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};

    macro_rules! expect_output_parent {
        ($pool:expr, $expected:pat, $( $output:expr ),+ ) => {
                match $pool.search_for_best_output(&test_output($output).commitment()) {
                    $expected => {},
                    x => panic!("Unexpected result from output search for {:?}, got {:?}", $output,  x),

    /// A basic test; add a pair of transactions to the pool.
    fn test_basic_pool_add() {
        let mut dummy_chain = DummyChainImpl::new();

        let parent_transaction = test_transaction(vec![5,6,7], vec![11,4]);
        // We want this transaction to be rooted in the blockchain.
        let new_utxo = DummyUtxoSet::empty().

        // Prepare a second transaction, connected to the first.
        let child_transaction = test_transaction(vec![11,4], vec![12]);


        // To mirror how this construction is intended to be used, the pool
        // is placed inside a RwLock.
        let pool = RwLock::new(test_setup(&Arc::new(dummy_chain)));

        // Take the write lock and add a pool entry
            let mut write_pool = pool.write().unwrap();
            assert_eq!(write_pool.total_size(), 0);

            // First, add the transaction rooted in the blockchain
            let result = write_pool.add_to_memory_pool(test_source(),
            if result.is_err() {
                panic!("got an error adding parent tx: {:?}",

            // Now, add the transaction connected as a child to the first
            let child_result = write_pool.add_to_memory_pool(test_source(),

            if child_result.is_err() {
                panic!("got an error adding child tx: {:?}",


       // Now take the read lock and use a few exposed methods to check
       // consistency
            let read_pool = pool.read().unwrap();
            assert_eq!(read_pool.total_size(), 2);

                Parent::PoolTransaction{tx_ref: _}, 12);
                Parent::AlreadySpent{other_tx: _}, 11, 5);
                Parent::BlockTransaction{output: _}, 8);
                Parent::Unknown, 20);


    /// Testing various expected error conditions
    pub fn test_pool_add_error() {
        let mut dummy_chain = DummyChainImpl::new();

        let new_utxo = DummyUtxoSet::empty().


        let pool = RwLock::new(test_setup(&Arc::new(dummy_chain)));
            let mut write_pool = pool.write().unwrap();
            assert_eq!(write_pool.total_size(), 0);

            // First expected failure: duplicate output
            let duplicate_tx = test_transaction(vec![5,6], vec![7]);

            match write_pool.add_to_memory_pool(test_source(),
                duplicate_tx) {
                Ok(_) => panic!("Got OK from add_to_memory_pool when dup was expected"),
                Err(x) =>{ match x {
                    PoolError::DuplicateOutput{other_tx, in_chain, output} => {
                        if other_tx.is_some() || !in_chain || output != test_output(7).commitment() {
                            panic!("Unexpected parameter in DuplicateOutput: {:?}", x);

                    _ => panic!("Unexpected error when adding duplicate output transaction: {:?}", x),

            // To test DoubleSpend and AlreadyInPool conditions, we need to add
            // a valid transaction.
            let valid_transaction = test_transaction(vec![5,6], vec![8]);

            match write_pool.add_to_memory_pool(test_source(),
                valid_transaction) {
                Ok(_) => {},
                Err(x) => panic!("Unexpected error while adding a valid transaction: {:?}", x),

            // Now, test a DoubleSpend by consuming the same blockchain unspent
            // as valid_transaction:
            let double_spend_transaction = test_transaction(vec![6], vec![2]);

            match write_pool.add_to_memory_pool(test_source(),
                double_spend_transaction) {
                Ok(_) => panic!("Expected error when adding double spend, got Ok"),
                Err(x) => {
                    match x {
                        PoolError::DoubleSpend{other_tx: _, spent_output} => {
                            if spent_output != test_output(6).commitment() {
                                panic!("Unexpected parameter in DoubleSpend: {:?}", x);
                        _ => panic!("Unexpected error when adding double spend transaction: {:?}", x),

            let already_in_pool = test_transaction(vec![5,6], vec![8]);

            match write_pool.add_to_memory_pool(test_source(),
                already_in_pool) {
                Ok(_) => panic!("Expected error when adding already in pool, got Ok"),
                Err(x) => {
                    match x {
                        PoolError::AlreadyInPool => {},
                        _ => panic!("Unexpected error when adding already in pool tx: {:?}",


            assert_eq!(write_pool.total_size(), 1);

    fn test_immature_coinbase() {
        let mut dummy_chain = DummyChainImpl::new();
        let coinbase_output = test_coinbase_output(15);

        let chain_ref = Arc::new(dummy_chain);
        let pool = RwLock::new(test_setup(&chain_ref));

            let mut write_pool = pool.write().unwrap();

            let coinbase_header = block::BlockHeader {height: 1, ..block::BlockHeader::default()};
            chain_ref.store_header_by_output_commitment(coinbase_output.commitment(), &coinbase_header);

            let head_header = block::BlockHeader {height: 2, ..block::BlockHeader::default()};

            let txn = test_transaction(vec![15], vec![10, 4]);
            let result = write_pool.add_to_memory_pool(test_source(), txn);
            match result {
                Err(PoolError::ImmatureCoinbase{header: _, output: out}) => {
                    assert_eq!(out, coinbase_output.commitment());
                _ => panic!("expected ImmatureCoinbase error here"),

            let head_header = block::BlockHeader {height: 4, ..block::BlockHeader::default()};

            let txn = test_transaction(vec![15], vec![10, 4]);
            let result = write_pool.add_to_memory_pool(test_source(), txn);
            match result {
                Err(PoolError::ImmatureCoinbase{header: _, output: out}) => {
                    assert_eq!(out, coinbase_output.commitment());
                _ => panic!("expected ImmatureCoinbase error here"),

            let head_header = block::BlockHeader {height: 5, ..block::BlockHeader::default()};

            let txn = test_transaction(vec![15], vec![10, 4]);
            let result = write_pool.add_to_memory_pool(test_source(), txn);
            match result {
                Ok(_) => {},
                Err(_) => panic!("this should not return an error here"),

    /// Testing an expected orphan
    fn test_add_orphan() {
        // TODO we need a test here

    /// Testing block reconciliation
    fn test_block_reconciliation() {
        let mut dummy_chain = DummyChainImpl::new();

        let new_utxo = DummyUtxoSet::empty().


        let chain_ref = Arc::new(dummy_chain);

        let pool = RwLock::new(test_setup(&chain_ref));

        // Preparation: We will introduce a three root pool transactions.
        // 1. A transaction that should be invalidated because it is exactly
        //  contained in the block.
        // 2. A transaction that should be invalidated because the input is
        //  consumed in the block, although it is not exactly consumed.
        // 3. A transaction that should remain after block reconciliation.
        let block_transaction = test_transaction(vec![10], vec![8]);
        let conflict_transaction = test_transaction(vec![20], vec![12,7]);
        let valid_transaction = test_transaction(vec![30], vec![14,15]);

        // We will also introduce a few children:
        // 4. A transaction that descends from transaction 1, that is in
        //  turn exactly contained in the block.
        let block_child = test_transaction(vec![8], vec![4,3]);
        // 5. A transaction that descends from transaction 4, that is not
        //  contained in the block at all and should be valid after
        //  reconciliation.
        let pool_child = test_transaction(vec![4], vec![1]);
        // 6. A transaction that descends from transaction 2 that does not
        //  conflict with anything in the block in any way, but should be
        //  invalidated (orphaned).
        let conflict_child = test_transaction(vec![12], vec![11]);
        // 7. A transaction that descends from transaction 2 that should be
        //  valid due to its inputs being satisfied by the block.
        let conflict_valid_child = test_transaction(vec![7], vec![5]);
        // 8. A transaction that descends from transaction 3 that should be
        //  invalidated due to an output conflict.
        let valid_child_conflict = test_transaction(vec![14], vec![9]);
        // 9. A transaction that descends from transaction 3 that should remain
        //  valid after reconciliation.
        let valid_child_valid = test_transaction(vec![15], vec![13]);
        // 10. A transaction that descends from both transaction 6 and
        //  transaction 9
        let mixed_child = test_transaction(vec![11,13], vec![2]);

        // Add transactions.
        // Note: There are some ordering constraints that must be followed here
        // until orphans is 100% implemented. Once the orphans process has
        // stabilized, we can mix these up to exercise that path a bit.
        let mut txs_to_add = vec![block_transaction, conflict_transaction,
            valid_transaction, block_child, pool_child, conflict_child,
            conflict_valid_child, valid_child_conflict, valid_child_valid,

        let expected_pool_size = txs_to_add.len();

        // First we add the above transactions to the pool; all should be
        // accepted.
            let mut write_pool = pool.write().unwrap();
            assert_eq!(write_pool.total_size(), 0);

            for tx in txs_to_add.drain(..) {

            assert_eq!(write_pool.total_size(), expected_pool_size);
        // Now we prepare the block that will cause the above condition.
        // First, the transactions we want in the block:
        // - Copy of 1
        let block_tx_1 = test_transaction(vec![10], vec![8]);
        // - Conflict w/ 2, satisfies 7
        let block_tx_2 = test_transaction(vec![20], vec![7]);
        // - Copy of 4
        let block_tx_3 = test_transaction(vec![8], vec![4,3]);
        // - Output conflict w/ 8
        let block_tx_4 = test_transaction(vec![40], vec![9]);
        let block_transactions = vec![&block_tx_1, &block_tx_2, &block_tx_3,

        let block = block::Block::new(&block::BlockHeader::default(),
            block_transactions, key::ONE_KEY).unwrap();


        // Block reconciliation
            let mut write_pool = pool.write().unwrap();

            let evicted_transactions = write_pool.reconcile_block(&block);


            assert_eq!(evicted_transactions.unwrap().len(), 6);

            // TODO: Txids are not yet deterministic. When they are, we should
            // check the specific transactions that were evicted.

        // Using the pool's methods to validate a few end conditions.
            let read_pool = pool.read().unwrap();

            assert_eq!(read_pool.total_size(), 4);

            // We should have available blockchain outputs at 9 and 3
            expect_output_parent!(read_pool, Parent::BlockTransaction{output: _}, 9, 3);

            // We should have spent blockchain outputs at 4 and 7
                Parent::AlreadySpent{other_tx: _}, 4, 7);

            // We should have spent pool references at 15
                Parent::AlreadySpent{other_tx: _}, 15);

            // We should have unspent pool references at 1, 13, 14
                Parent::PoolTransaction{tx_ref: _}, 1, 13, 14);

            // References internal to the block should be unknown
            expect_output_parent!(read_pool, Parent::Unknown, 8);

            // Evicted transactions should have unknown outputs
            expect_output_parent!(read_pool, Parent::Unknown, 2, 11);

    /// Test transaction selection and block building.
    fn test_block_building() {
        // Add a handful of transactions
        let mut dummy_chain = DummyChainImpl::new();

        let new_utxo = DummyUtxoSet::empty().


        let chain_ref = Arc::new(dummy_chain);

        let pool = RwLock::new(test_setup(&chain_ref));

        let root_tx_1 = test_transaction(vec![10,20], vec![25]);
        let root_tx_2 = test_transaction(vec![30], vec![28]);
        let root_tx_3 = test_transaction(vec![40], vec![38]);

        let child_tx_1 = test_transaction(vec![25],vec![23]);
        let child_tx_2 = test_transaction(vec![38],vec![32]);

            let mut write_pool = pool.write().unwrap();
            assert_eq!(write_pool.total_size(), 0);


            assert_eq!(write_pool.total_size(), 5);

        // Request blocks
        let block: block::Block;
        let mut txs: Vec<Box<transaction::Transaction>>;
            let read_pool = pool.read().unwrap();
            txs = read_pool.prepare_mineable_transactions(3);
            assert_eq!(txs.len(), 3);
            // TODO: This is ugly, either make block::new take owned
            // txs instead of mut refs, or change
            // prepare_mineable_transactions to return mut refs
            let block_txs: Vec<transaction::Transaction> = txs.drain(..).map(|x| *x).collect();
            let tx_refs = block_txs.iter().collect();
            block = block::Block::new(&block::BlockHeader::default(),
                tx_refs, key::ONE_KEY).unwrap();

        // Reconcile block
            let mut write_pool = pool.write().unwrap();

            let evicted_transactions = write_pool.reconcile_block(&block);


            assert_eq!(evicted_transactions.unwrap().len(), 3);
            assert_eq!(write_pool.total_size(), 2);


    fn test_setup(dummy_chain: &Arc<DummyChainImpl>) -> TransactionPool<DummyChainImpl> {
            transactions: HashMap::new(),
            pool: Pool::empty(),
            orphans: Orphans::empty(),
            blockchain: dummy_chain.clone(),

    /// Cobble together a test transaction for testing the transaction pool.
    /// Connectivity here is the most important element.
    /// Every output is given a blinding key equal to its value, so that the
    /// entire commitment can be derived deterministically from just the value.
    /// Fees are the remainder between input and output values, so the numbers
    /// should make sense.
    fn test_transaction(input_values: Vec<u64>, output_values: Vec<u64>) -> transaction::Transaction {
        let fees: i64 = input_values.iter().sum::<u64>() as i64 - output_values.iter().sum::<u64>() as i64;
        assert!(fees >= 0);

        let mut tx_elements = Vec::new();

        for input_value in input_values {
            tx_elements.push(build::input(input_value, test_key(input_value)));

        for output_value in output_values {
            tx_elements.push(build::output(output_value, test_key(output_value)));
        tx_elements.push(build::with_fee(fees as u64));

        let (tx, _) = build::transaction(tx_elements).unwrap();

    /// Deterministically generate an output defined by our test scheme
    fn test_output(value: u64) -> transaction::Output {
        let ec = Secp256k1::with_caps(ContextFlag::Commit);
        let output_key = test_key(value);
        let output_commitment = ec.commit(value, output_key).unwrap();
            features: transaction::DEFAULT_OUTPUT,
            commit: output_commitment,
            proof: ec.range_proof(0, value, output_key, output_commitment, ec.nonce())}

    /// Deterministically generate a coinbase output defined by our test scheme
    fn test_coinbase_output(value: u64) -> transaction::Output {
        let ec = Secp256k1::with_caps(ContextFlag::Commit);
        let output_key = test_key(value);
        let output_commitment = ec.commit(value, output_key).unwrap();
            features: transaction::COINBASE_OUTPUT,
            commit: output_commitment,
            proof: ec.range_proof(0, value, output_key, output_commitment, ec.nonce())}

    /// Makes a SecretKey from a single u64
    fn test_key(value: u64) -> key::SecretKey {
        let ec = Secp256k1::with_caps(ContextFlag::Commit);
        // SecretKey takes a SECRET_KEY_SIZE slice of u8.
        assert!(constants::SECRET_KEY_SIZE > 8);

        // (SECRET_KEY_SIZE - 8) zeros, followed by value as a big-endian byte
        // sequence
        let mut key_slice = vec![0;constants::SECRET_KEY_SIZE - 8];

        key_slice.push((value >> 56) as u8);
        key_slice.push((value >> 48) as u8);
        key_slice.push((value >> 40) as u8);
        key_slice.push((value >> 32) as u8);
        key_slice.push((value >> 24) as u8);
        key_slice.push((value >> 16) as u8);
        key_slice.push((value >> 8) as u8);
        key_slice.push(value as u8);

        key::SecretKey::from_slice(&ec, &key_slice).unwrap()

    /// A generic TxSource representing a test
    fn test_source() -> TxSource{
            debug_name: "test".to_string(),
            identifier: "".to_string(),