# Grin Stratum RPC Protocol This document describes the current Stratum RPC protocol implemented in Grin. ## Table of Contents 1. [Messages](#messages) 1. [getjobtemplate](#getjobtemplate) 2. [job](#job) 3. [keepalive](#keepalive) 4. [login](#login) 5. [status](#status) 6. [submit](#submit) 1. [Error Messages](#errormessages) 1. [Miner Behavior](#minerbehavior) 1. [Reference Implementation](#referenceimplementation) ## Messages <a name="messages"></a> In this section, we detail each message and the potential response. At any point, if miner the tries to do one of the following request (except login) and login is required, the miner will receive the following error message. | Field | Content | | ------------- |:---------------------------------------:| | id | ID of the request | | jsonrpc | "2.0" | | method | method sent by the miner | | error | {"code":-32500,"message":"login first"} | Example: ```JSON { "id":"10", "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"getjobtemplate", "error":{ "code":-32500, "message":"login first" } } ``` if the request is not one of the following, the stratum server will give this error response: | Field | Content | | ------------- |:--------------------------------------------:| | id | ID of the request | | jsonrpc | "2.0" | | method | method sent by the miner | | error | {"code":-32601,"message":"Method not found"} | Example: ```JSON { "id":"10", "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"getgrins", "error":{ "code":-32601, "message":"Method not found" } } ``` ### ```getjobtemplate``` <a name="getjobtemplate"></a> A message initiated by the miner. Miner can request a job with this message. #### Request | Field | Content | | ------------- |:------------------------------:| | id | ID of the request | | jsonrpc | "2.0" | | method | "getjobtemplate" | | params | null | Example: ``` JSON { "id":"2", "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"getjobtemplate", "params":null } ``` #### Response The response can be of two types: ##### OK response Example: ``` JSON { "id":"0", "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"getjobtemplate", "result":{ "difficulty":1, "height":13726, "job_id":4, "pre_pow":"00010000000000003c4d0171369781424b39c81eb39de10cdf4a7cc27bbc6769203c7c9bc02cc6a1dfc6000000005b50f8210000000000395f123c6856055aab2369fe325c3d709b129dee5c96f2db60cdbc0dc123a80cb0b89e883ae2614f8dbd169888a95c0513b1ac7e069de82e5d479cf838281f7838b4bf75ea7c9222a1ad7406a4cab29af4e018c402f70dc8e9ef3d085169391c78741c656ec0f11f62d41b463c82737970afaa431c5cabb9b759cdfa52d761ac451276084366d1ba9efff2db9ed07eec1bcd8da352b32227f452dfa987ad249f689d9780000000000000b9e00000000000009954" } } ``` ##### Error response If the node is syncing, it will send the following message: | Field | Content | | ------------- |:---------------------------------------------------------:| | id | ID of the request | | jsonrpc | "2.0" | | method | "getjobtemplate" | | error | {"code":-32701,"message":"Node is syncing - Please wait"} | Example: ```JSON { "id":"10", "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"getjobtemplate", "error":{ "code":-32000, "message":"Node is syncing - Please wait" } } ``` ### ```job``` <a name="job"></a> A message initiated by the Stratum server. Stratum server will send job automatically to connected miners. #### Request | Field | Content | | ------------- |:-------------------------------------------------------------------------:| | id | ID of the request | | jsonrpc | "2.0" | | method | "job" | | params | Int ```difficulty```, ```height```, ```job_id``` and string ```pre_pow``` | Example: ``` JSON { "id":"Stratum", "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"job", "params":{ "difficulty":1, "height":16375, "job_id":5, "pre_pow":"00010000000000003ff723bc8c987b0c594794a0487e52260c5343288749c7e288de95a80afa558c5fb8000000005b51f15f00000000003cadef6a45edf92d2520bf45cbd4f36b5ef283c53d8266bbe9aa1b8daaa1458ce5578fcb0978b3995dd00e3bfc5a9277190bb9407a30d66aec26ff55a2b50214b22cdc1f3894f27374f568b2fe94d857b6b3808124888dd5eff7e8de7e451ac805a4ebd6551fa7a529a1b9f35f761719ed41bfef6ab081defc45a64a374dfd8321feac083741f29207b044071d93904986fa322df610e210c543c2f95522c9bdaef5f598000000000000c184000000000000a0cf" } } ``` #### Response No response is required for this message. ### ```keepalive``` <a name="keepalive"></a> A message initiated by the miner in order to keep the connection alive. #### Request | Field | Content | | ------------- |:----------------------:| | id | ID of the request | | jsonrpc | "2.0" | | method | "keepalive" | | params | null | Example: ``` JSON { "id":"2", "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"keepalive", "params":null } ``` #### Response | Field | Content | | ------------- |:------------------------------:| | id | ID of the request | | jsonrpc | "2.0" | | method | "keepalive" | | result | "ok" | | error | null | Example: ``` JSON { "id":"2", "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"keepalive", "result":"ok", "error":null } ``` ### ```login``` <a name="login"></a> *** A message initiated by the miner. Miner can log in on a Grin Stratum server with a login, password and agent (usually statically set by the miner program). #### Request | Field | Content | | ------------- |:------------------------------:| | id | ID of the request | | jsonrpc | "2.0" | | method | "login" | | params | Strings: login, pass and agent | Example: ``` JSON { "id":"0", "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"login", "params":{ "login":"login", "pass":"password", "agent":"grin-miner" } } ``` #### Response The response can be of two types: ##### OK response | Field | Content | | ------------- |:------------------------------:| | id | ID of the request | | jsonrpc | "2.0" | | method | "login" | | result | "ok" | | error | null | Example: ``` JSON { "id":"1", "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"login", "result":"ok", "error":null } ``` ##### Error response Not yet implemented. Should return error -32500 "Login first". ### ```status``` <a name="status"></a> A message initiated by the miner. This message allows a miner to get the status of its current worker and the network. #### Request | Field | Content | | ------------- |:----------------------:| | id | ID of the request | | jsonrpc | "2.0" | | method | "status" | | params | null | Example: ``` JSON { "id":"2", "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"status", "params":null } ``` #### Response The response is the following: | Field | Content | | ------------- |:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:| | id | ID of the request | | jsonrpc | "2.0" | | method | "status" | | result | String ```id```. Integers ```height```, ```difficulty```, ```accepted```, ```rejected``` and ```stale``` | | error | null | Example: ```JSON { "id":"5", "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"status", "result":{ "id":"5", "height":13726, "difficulty":1, "accepted":0, "rejected":0, "stale":0 }, "error":null } ``` ### ```submit``` <a name="submit"></a> A message initiated by the miner. When a miner find a share, it will submit it to the node. #### Request The miner submit a solution to a job to the Stratum server. | Field | Content | | ------------- |:---------------------------------------------------------------------------:| | id | ID of the request | | jsonrpc | "2.0" | | method | "submit" | | params | Int ```nonce```, ```height```, ```job_id``` and array of integers ```pow``` | Example: ``` JSON { "id":"0", "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"submit", "params":{ "height":16419, "job_id":0, "nonce":8895699060858340771, "pow":[ 4210040,10141596,13269632,24291934,28079062,84254573,84493890,100560174,100657333,120128285,130518226,140371663,142109188,159800646,163323737,171019100,176840047,191220010,192245584,198941444,209276164,216952635,217795152,225662613,230166736,231315079,248639876,263910393,293995691,298361937,326412694,330363619,414572127,424798984,426489226,466671748,466924466,490048497,495035248,496623057,502828197, 532838434 ] } } ``` #### Response The response can be of three types. ##### OK response The share is accepted by the Stratum but is not a valid cuckoo solution at the network target difficulty. | Field | Content | | ------------- |:------------------------------:| | id | ID of the request | | jsonrpc | "2.0" | | method | "submit" | | result | "ok" | | error | null | Example: ``` JSON { "id":"2", "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"submit", "result":"ok", "error":null } ``` ##### Blockfound response The share is accepted by the Stratum and is a valid cuckoo solution at the network target difficulty. | Field | Content | | ------------- |:------------------------------:| | id | ID of the request | | jsonrpc | "2.0" | | method | "submit" | | result | "block - " + hash of the block | | error | null | Example: ``` JSON { "id":"6", "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"submit", "result":"blockfound - 23025af9032de812d15228121d5e4b0e977d30ad8036ab07131104787b9dcf10", "error":null } ``` ##### Error response The error response can be of two types: stale and rejected. ##### Stale share error response The share is a valid solution to a previous job not the current one. | Field | Content | | ------------- |:---------------------------------------------------------:| | id | ID of the request | | jsonrpc | "2.0" | | method | "submit" | | error | {"code":-32503,"message":"Solution submitted too late"} | Example: ```JSON { "id":"5", "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"submit", "error":{ "code":-32503, "message":"Solution submitted too late" } } ``` ##### Rejected share error responses Two possibilities: the solution cannot be validated or the solution is of too low difficulty. ###### Failed to validate solution error The submitted solution cannot be validated. | Field | Content | | ------------- |:---------------------------------------------------------:| | id | ID of the request | | jsonrpc | "2.0" | | method | "submit" | | error | {"code":-32502,"message":"Failed to validate solution"} | Example: ```JSON { "id":"5", "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"submit", "error":{ "code":-32502, "message":"Failed to validate solution" } } ``` ###### Share rejected due to low difficulty error The submitted solution is of too low difficulty. | Field | Content | | ------------- |:----------------------------------------------------------------:| | id | ID of the request | | jsonrpc | "2.0" | | method | "submit" | | error | {"code":-32501,"message":"Share rejected due to low difficulty"} | Example: ```JSON { "id":"5", "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"submit", "error":{ "code":-32501, "message":"Share rejected due to low difficulty" } } ``` ## Error Messages <a name="errormessages"></a> Grin Stratum protocol implementation contains the following error message: | Error code | Error Message | | ----------- |:--------------------------------------:| | -32000 | Node is syncing - please wait | | -32500 | Login first | | -32501 | Share rejected due to low difficulty | | -32502 | Failed to validate solution | | -32503 | Solution Submitted too late | | -32600 | Invalid Request | | -32601 | Method not found | ## Miner behavior <a name="minerbehavior"></a> Miners SHOULD, MAY or MUST respect the following rules: - Miners SHOULD randomize the job nonce before starting (not the way it is now, the way it should be) - Miners MUST continue mining the same job until the server sends a new one, though a miner MAY request a new job at any time - Miners MUST NOT send an rpc response to a job request from the server - Miners MAY set the RPC "id" and expect responses to have that same id - Miners MAY send a keepalive message - Miners MAY send a login request (to identify which miner finds shares / solutions in the logs), the login request MUST have all 3 params. - Miners MUST return the supplied job_id with submit messages. ## Reference Implementation <a name="referenceimplementation"></a> The current reference implementation is available at [mimblewimble/grin-miner](https://github.com/mimblewimble/grin-miner/blob/master/src/bin/client.rs).