// Copyright 2018 The Grin Developers // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. //! Test coverage for block building at the limit of max_block_weight. pub mod common; use self::core::core::hash::Hashed; use self::core::core::verifier_cache::LruVerifierCache; use self::core::core::{Block, BlockHeader, Transaction}; use self::core::global; use self::core::libtx; use self::core::pow::Difficulty; use self::keychain::{ExtKeychain, Keychain}; use self::util::RwLock; use crate::common::*; use grin_core as core; use grin_keychain as keychain; use grin_util as util; use std::sync::Arc; #[test] fn test_block_building_max_weight() { util::init_test_logger(); global::set_mining_mode(global::ChainTypes::AutomatedTesting); let keychain: ExtKeychain = Keychain::from_random_seed(false).unwrap(); let db_root = ".grin_block_building_max_weight".to_string(); clean_output_dir(db_root.clone()); let mut chain = ChainAdapter::init(db_root.clone()).unwrap(); let verifier_cache = Arc::new(RwLock::new(LruVerifierCache::new())); // Convenient was to add a new block to the chain. let add_block = |prev_header: BlockHeader, txs: Vec<Transaction>, chain: &mut ChainAdapter| { let height = prev_header.height + 1; let key_id = ExtKeychain::derive_key_id(1, height as u32, 0, 0, 0); let fee = txs.iter().map(|x| x.fee()).sum(); let reward = libtx::reward::output(&keychain, &key_id, fee).unwrap(); let mut block = Block::new(&prev_header, txs, Difficulty::min(), reward).unwrap(); // Set the prev_root to the prev hash for testing purposes (no MMR to obtain a root from). block.header.prev_root = prev_header.hash(); chain.update_db_for_block(&block); block }; // Initialize the chain/txhashset with an initial block // so we have a non-empty UTXO set. let block = add_block(BlockHeader::default(), vec![], &mut chain); let header = block.header; // Now create tx to spend that first coinbase (now matured). // Provides us with some useful outputs to test with. let initial_tx = test_transaction_spending_coinbase(&keychain, &header, vec![100, 200, 300]); // Mine that initial tx so we can spend it with multiple txs let block = add_block(header, vec![initial_tx], &mut chain); let header = block.header; // Initialize a new pool with our chain adapter. let pool = RwLock::new(test_setup(Arc::new(chain.clone()), verifier_cache)); // Build some dependent txs to add to the txpool. // We will build a block from a subset of these. let txs = vec![ test_transaction(&keychain, vec![100], vec![90, 1]), test_transaction(&keychain, vec![90], vec![80, 2]), test_transaction(&keychain, vec![200], vec![199]), test_transaction(&keychain, vec![300], vec![290, 3]), test_transaction(&keychain, vec![290], vec![280, 4]), ]; // Populate our txpool with the txs. { let mut write_pool = pool.write(); for tx in txs { write_pool .add_to_pool(test_source(), tx, false, &header) .unwrap(); } } // Check we added them all to the txpool successfully. assert_eq!(pool.read().total_size(), 5); // Prepare some "mineable txs" from the txpool. // Note: We cannot fit all the txs from the txpool into a block. let txs = pool.read().prepare_mineable_transactions().unwrap(); // Check resulting tx aggregation is what we expect. // We expect to produce 2 aggregated txs based on txpool contents. assert_eq!(txs.len(), 2); // Check the tx we built is the aggregation of the correct set of underlying txs. // We included 4 out of the 5 txs here. assert_eq!(txs[0].kernels().len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[1].kernels().len(), 2); // Check our weights after aggregation. assert_eq!(txs[0].inputs().len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[0].outputs().len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[0].kernels().len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[0].tx_weight_as_block(), 25); assert_eq!(txs[1].inputs().len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[1].outputs().len(), 3); assert_eq!(txs[1].kernels().len(), 2); assert_eq!(txs[1].tx_weight_as_block(), 70); let block = add_block(header, txs, &mut chain); // Check contents of the block itself (including coinbase reward). assert_eq!(block.inputs().len(), 2); assert_eq!(block.outputs().len(), 5); assert_eq!(block.kernels().len(), 4); // Now reconcile the transaction pool with the new block // and check the resulting contents of the pool are what we expect. { let mut write_pool = pool.write(); write_pool.reconcile_block(&block).unwrap(); // We should still have 2 tx in the pool after accepting the new block. // This one exceeded the max block weight when building the block so // remained in the txpool. assert_eq!(write_pool.total_size(), 2); } }