// Copyright 2018 The Grin Developers
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

//! PMMR tests
extern crate grin_core as core;
extern crate croaring;

mod vec_backend;

use core::core::hash::Hash;
use core::core::pmmr::{self, PMMR};
use core::ser::PMMRIndexHashable;
use vec_backend::{TestElem, VecBackend};

fn some_all_ones() {
	for n in vec![1, 7, 255] {
		assert!(pmmr::all_ones(n), "{} should be all ones", n);
	for n in vec![0, 6, 9, 128] {
		assert!(!pmmr::all_ones(n), "{} should not be all ones", n);

fn some_most_signif() {
	assert_eq!(pmmr::most_significant_pos(0), 0);
	assert_eq!(pmmr::most_significant_pos(1), 1);
	assert_eq!(pmmr::most_significant_pos(6), 3);
	assert_eq!(pmmr::most_significant_pos(7), 3);
	assert_eq!(pmmr::most_significant_pos(8), 4);
	assert_eq!(pmmr::most_significant_pos(128), 8);

fn first_100_mmr_heights() {
	let first_100_str = "0 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 3 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 \
	                     0 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 3 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 \
	                     0 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 3 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 0 0 1 0 0";
	let first_100 = first_100_str.split(' ').map(|n| n.parse::<u64>().unwrap());
	let mut count = 1;
	for n in first_100 {
			"expected {}, got {}",
		count += 1;

fn test_n_leaves() {
	// make sure we handle an empty MMR correctly
	assert_eq!(pmmr::n_leaves(0), 0);

	// and various sizes on non-empty MMRs
	assert_eq!(pmmr::n_leaves(1), 1);
	assert_eq!(pmmr::n_leaves(2), 2);
	assert_eq!(pmmr::n_leaves(3), 2);
	assert_eq!(pmmr::n_leaves(4), 3);
	assert_eq!(pmmr::n_leaves(5), 4);
	assert_eq!(pmmr::n_leaves(6), 4);
	assert_eq!(pmmr::n_leaves(7), 4);
	assert_eq!(pmmr::n_leaves(8), 5);
	assert_eq!(pmmr::n_leaves(9), 6);
	assert_eq!(pmmr::n_leaves(10), 6);

/// Find parent and sibling positions for various node positions.
fn various_families() {
	// 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 3
	assert_eq!(pmmr::family(1), (3, 2));
	assert_eq!(pmmr::family(2), (3, 1));
	assert_eq!(pmmr::family(3), (7, 6));
	assert_eq!(pmmr::family(4), (6, 5));
	assert_eq!(pmmr::family(5), (6, 4));
	assert_eq!(pmmr::family(6), (7, 3));
	assert_eq!(pmmr::family(7), (15, 14));
	assert_eq!(pmmr::family(1_000), (1_001, 997));

fn test_paths() {
	assert_eq!(pmmr::path(1, 1), [1]);
	assert_eq!(pmmr::path(1, 3), [1, 3]);
	assert_eq!(pmmr::path(2, 3), [2, 3]);
	assert_eq!(pmmr::path(4, 16), [4, 6, 7, 15]);

fn test_is_left_sibling() {
	assert_eq!(pmmr::is_left_sibling(1), true);
	assert_eq!(pmmr::is_left_sibling(2), false);
	assert_eq!(pmmr::is_left_sibling(3), true);

fn various_branches() {
	// the two leaf nodes in a 3 node tree (height 1)
	assert_eq!(pmmr::family_branch(1, 3), [(3, 2)]);
	assert_eq!(pmmr::family_branch(2, 3), [(3, 1)]);

	// the root node in a 3 node tree
	assert_eq!(pmmr::family_branch(3, 3), []);

	// leaf node in a larger tree of 7 nodes (height 2)
	assert_eq!(pmmr::family_branch(1, 7), [(3, 2), (7, 6)]);

	// note these only go as far up as the local peak, not necessarily the single
	// root
	assert_eq!(pmmr::family_branch(1, 4), [(3, 2)]);
	// pos 4 in a tree of size 4 is a local peak
	assert_eq!(pmmr::family_branch(4, 4), []);
	// pos 4 in a tree of size 5 is also still a local peak
	assert_eq!(pmmr::family_branch(4, 5), []);
	// pos 4 in a tree of size 6 has a parent and a sibling
	assert_eq!(pmmr::family_branch(4, 6), [(6, 5)]);
	// a tree of size 7 is all under a single root
	assert_eq!(pmmr::family_branch(4, 7), [(6, 5), (7, 3)]);

	// ok now for a more realistic one, a tree with over a million nodes in it
	// find the "family path" back up the tree from a leaf node at 0
	// Note: the first two entries in the branch are consistent with a small 7 node
	// tree Note: each sibling is on the left branch, this is an example of the
	// largest possible list of peaks before we start combining them into larger
	// peaks.
		pmmr::family_branch(1, 1_049_000),
			(3, 2),
			(7, 6),
			(15, 14),
			(31, 30),
			(63, 62),
			(127, 126),
			(255, 254),
			(511, 510),
			(1023, 1022),
			(2047, 2046),
			(4095, 4094),
			(8191, 8190),
			(16383, 16382),
			(32767, 32766),
			(65535, 65534),
			(131071, 131070),
			(262143, 262142),
			(524287, 524286),
			(1048575, 1048574),

fn some_peaks() {
	// 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 3

	let empty: Vec<u64> = vec![];

	// make sure we handle an empty MMR correctly
	assert_eq!(pmmr::peaks(0), empty);

	// and various non-empty MMRs
	assert_eq!(pmmr::peaks(1), [1]);
	assert_eq!(pmmr::peaks(2), empty);
	assert_eq!(pmmr::peaks(3), [3]);
	assert_eq!(pmmr::peaks(4), [3, 4]);
	assert_eq!(pmmr::peaks(5), empty);
	assert_eq!(pmmr::peaks(6), empty);
	assert_eq!(pmmr::peaks(7), [7]);
	assert_eq!(pmmr::peaks(8), [7, 8]);
	assert_eq!(pmmr::peaks(9), empty);
	assert_eq!(pmmr::peaks(10), [7, 10]);
	assert_eq!(pmmr::peaks(11), [7, 10, 11]);
	assert_eq!(pmmr::peaks(22), [15, 22]);
	assert_eq!(pmmr::peaks(32), [31, 32]);
	assert_eq!(pmmr::peaks(35), [31, 34, 35]);
	assert_eq!(pmmr::peaks(42), [31, 38, 41, 42]);

	// large realistic example with almost 1.5 million nodes
	// note the distance between peaks decreases toward the right (trees get
	// smaller)
			524287, 786430, 917501, 983036, 1015803, 1032186, 1040377, 1044472, 1046519, 1047542,
			1048053, 1048308, 1048435, 1048498, 1048529, 1048544, 1048551, 1048554, 1048555,

fn pmmr_push_root() {
	let elems = [
		TestElem([0, 0, 0, 1]),
		TestElem([0, 0, 0, 2]),
		TestElem([0, 0, 0, 3]),
		TestElem([0, 0, 0, 4]),
		TestElem([0, 0, 0, 5]),
		TestElem([0, 0, 0, 6]),
		TestElem([0, 0, 0, 7]),
		TestElem([0, 0, 0, 8]),
		TestElem([1, 0, 0, 0]),

	let mut ba = VecBackend::new();
	let mut pmmr = PMMR::new(&mut ba);

	// one element
	let pos_0 = elems[0].hash_with_index(0);
	assert_eq!(pmmr.peaks(), vec![pos_0]);
	assert_eq!(pmmr.root(), pos_0);
	assert_eq!(pmmr.unpruned_size(), 1);

	// two elements
	let pos_1 = elems[1].hash_with_index(1);
	let pos_2 = (pos_0, pos_1).hash_with_index(2);
	assert_eq!(pmmr.peaks(), vec![pos_2]);
	assert_eq!(pmmr.root(), pos_2);
	assert_eq!(pmmr.unpruned_size(), 3);

	// three elements
	let pos_3 = elems[2].hash_with_index(3);
	assert_eq!(pmmr.peaks(), vec![pos_2, pos_3]);
	assert_eq!(pmmr.root(), (pos_2, pos_3).hash_with_index(4));
	assert_eq!(pmmr.unpruned_size(), 4);

	// four elements
	let pos_4 = elems[3].hash_with_index(4);
	let pos_5 = (pos_3, pos_4).hash_with_index(5);
	let pos_6 = (pos_2, pos_5).hash_with_index(6);
	assert_eq!(pmmr.peaks(), vec![pos_6]);
	assert_eq!(pmmr.root(), pos_6);
	assert_eq!(pmmr.unpruned_size(), 7);

	// five elements
	let pos_7 = elems[4].hash_with_index(7);
	assert_eq!(pmmr.peaks(), vec![pos_6, pos_7]);
	assert_eq!(pmmr.root(), (pos_6, pos_7).hash_with_index(8));
	assert_eq!(pmmr.unpruned_size(), 8);

	// six elements
	let pos_8 = elems[5].hash_with_index(8);
	let pos_9 = (pos_7, pos_8).hash_with_index(9);
	assert_eq!(pmmr.peaks(), vec![pos_6, pos_9]);
	assert_eq!(pmmr.root(), (pos_6, pos_9).hash_with_index(10));
	assert_eq!(pmmr.unpruned_size(), 10);

	// seven elements
	let pos_10 = elems[6].hash_with_index(10);
	assert_eq!(pmmr.peaks(), vec![pos_6, pos_9, pos_10]);
		(pos_6, (pos_9, pos_10).hash_with_index(11)).hash_with_index(11)
	assert_eq!(pmmr.unpruned_size(), 11);

	// 001001200100123
	// eight elements
	let pos_11 = elems[7].hash_with_index(11);
	let pos_12 = (pos_10, pos_11).hash_with_index(12);
	let pos_13 = (pos_9, pos_12).hash_with_index(13);
	let pos_14 = (pos_6, pos_13).hash_with_index(14);
	assert_eq!(pmmr.peaks(), vec![pos_14]);
	assert_eq!(pmmr.root(), pos_14);
	assert_eq!(pmmr.unpruned_size(), 15);

	// nine elements
	let pos_15 = elems[8].hash_with_index(15);
	assert_eq!(pmmr.peaks(), vec![pos_14, pos_15]);
	assert_eq!(pmmr.root(), (pos_14, pos_15).hash_with_index(16));
	assert_eq!(pmmr.unpruned_size(), 16);

fn pmmr_get_last_n_insertions() {
	let elems = [
		TestElem([0, 0, 0, 1]),
		TestElem([0, 0, 0, 2]),
		TestElem([0, 0, 0, 3]),
		TestElem([0, 0, 0, 4]),
		TestElem([0, 0, 0, 5]),
		TestElem([0, 0, 0, 6]),
		TestElem([0, 0, 0, 7]),
		TestElem([0, 0, 0, 8]),
		TestElem([1, 0, 0, 0]),

	let mut ba = VecBackend::new();
	let mut pmmr = PMMR::new(&mut ba);

	// test when empty
	let res = pmmr.get_last_n_insertions(19);
	assert!(res.len() == 0);

	let res = pmmr.get_last_n_insertions(19);
	assert!(res.len() == 1);


	let res = pmmr.get_last_n_insertions(12);
	assert!(res.len() == 2);


	let res = pmmr.get_last_n_insertions(2);
	assert!(res.len() == 2);


	let res = pmmr.get_last_n_insertions(19);
	assert!(res.len() == 4);


	let res = pmmr.get_last_n_insertions(7);
	assert!(res.len() == 7);

fn pmmr_prune() {
	let elems = [
		TestElem([0, 0, 0, 1]),
		TestElem([0, 0, 0, 2]),
		TestElem([0, 0, 0, 3]),
		TestElem([0, 0, 0, 4]),
		TestElem([0, 0, 0, 5]),
		TestElem([0, 0, 0, 6]),
		TestElem([0, 0, 0, 7]),
		TestElem([0, 0, 0, 8]),
		TestElem([1, 0, 0, 0]),

	let orig_root: Hash;
	let sz: u64;
	let mut ba = VecBackend::new();
		let mut pmmr = PMMR::new(&mut ba);
		for elem in &elems[..] {
		orig_root = pmmr.root();
		sz = pmmr.unpruned_size();

	// First check the initial numbers of elements.
	assert_eq!(ba.elems.len(), 16);
	assert_eq!(ba.remove_list.len(), 0);

	// pruning a leaf with no parent should do nothing
		let mut pmmr: PMMR<TestElem, _> = PMMR::at(&mut ba, sz);
		assert_eq!(orig_root, pmmr.root());
	assert_eq!(ba.elems.len(), 16);
	assert_eq!(ba.remove_list.len(), 1);

	// pruning leaves with no shared parent just removes 1 element
		let mut pmmr: PMMR<TestElem, _> = PMMR::at(&mut ba, sz);
		assert_eq!(orig_root, pmmr.root());
	assert_eq!(ba.elems.len(), 16);
	assert_eq!(ba.remove_list.len(), 2);

		let mut pmmr: PMMR<TestElem, _> = PMMR::at(&mut ba, sz);
		assert_eq!(orig_root, pmmr.root());
	assert_eq!(ba.elems.len(), 16);
	assert_eq!(ba.remove_list.len(), 3);

	// pruning a non-leaf node has no effect
		let mut pmmr: PMMR<TestElem, _> = PMMR::at(&mut ba, sz);
		assert_eq!(orig_root, pmmr.root());
	assert_eq!(ba.elems.len(), 16);
	assert_eq!(ba.remove_list.len(), 3);

	// TODO - no longer true (leaves only now) - pruning sibling removes subtree
		let mut pmmr: PMMR<TestElem, _> = PMMR::at(&mut ba, sz);
		assert_eq!(orig_root, pmmr.root());
	assert_eq!(ba.elems.len(), 16);
	assert_eq!(ba.remove_list.len(), 4);

	// TODO - no longeer true (leaves only now) - pruning all leaves under level >1
	// removes all subtree
		let mut pmmr: PMMR<TestElem, _> = PMMR::at(&mut ba, sz);
		assert_eq!(orig_root, pmmr.root());
	assert_eq!(ba.elems.len(), 16);
	assert_eq!(ba.remove_list.len(), 5);

	// pruning everything should only leave us with a single peak
		let mut pmmr: PMMR<TestElem, _> = PMMR::at(&mut ba, sz);
		for n in 1..16 {
			let _ = pmmr.prune(n);
		assert_eq!(orig_root, pmmr.root());
	assert_eq!(ba.elems.len(), 16);
	assert_eq!(ba.remove_list.len(), 9);

fn check_all_ones() {
	for i in 0..1000000 {
		assert_eq!(old_all_ones(i), pmmr::all_ones(i));

// Check if the binary representation of a number is all ones.
fn old_all_ones(num: u64) -> bool {
	if num == 0 {
		return false;
	let mut bit = 1;
	while num >= bit {
		if num & bit == 0 {
			return false;
		bit = bit << 1;

fn check_most_significant_pos() {
	for i in 0u64..1000000 {
		assert_eq!(old_most_significant_pos(i), pmmr::most_significant_pos(i));

// Get the position of the most significant bit in a number.
fn old_most_significant_pos(num: u64) -> u64 {
	let mut pos = 0;
	let mut bit = 1;
	while num >= bit {
		bit = bit << 1;
		pos += 1;

fn check_insertion_to_pmmr_index() {
	assert_eq!(pmmr::insertion_to_pmmr_index(1), 1);
	assert_eq!(pmmr::insertion_to_pmmr_index(2), 2);
	assert_eq!(pmmr::insertion_to_pmmr_index(3), 4);
	assert_eq!(pmmr::insertion_to_pmmr_index(4), 5);
	assert_eq!(pmmr::insertion_to_pmmr_index(5), 8);
	assert_eq!(pmmr::insertion_to_pmmr_index(6), 9);
	assert_eq!(pmmr::insertion_to_pmmr_index(7), 11);
	assert_eq!(pmmr::insertion_to_pmmr_index(8), 12);

fn check_elements_from_insertion_index() {
	let mut ba = VecBackend::new();
	let mut pmmr = PMMR::new(&mut ba);
	for x in 1..1000 {
		pmmr.push(TestElem([0, 0, 0, x])).unwrap();
	// Normal case
	let res = pmmr.elements_from_insertion_index(1, 100);
	assert_eq!(res.0, 100);
	assert_eq!(res.1.len(), 100);
	assert_eq!(res.1[0].0[3], 1);
	assert_eq!(res.1[99].0[3], 100);

	// middle of pack
	let res = pmmr.elements_from_insertion_index(351, 70);
	assert_eq!(res.0, 420);
	assert_eq!(res.1.len(), 70);
	assert_eq!(res.1[0].0[3], 351);
	assert_eq!(res.1[69].0[3], 420);

	// past the end
	let res = pmmr.elements_from_insertion_index(650, 1000);
	assert_eq!(res.0, 999);
	assert_eq!(res.1.len(), 350);
	assert_eq!(res.1[0].0[3], 650);
	assert_eq!(res.1[349].0[3], 999);

	// pruning a few nodes should get consistent results
	let res = pmmr.elements_from_insertion_index(650, 1000);
	assert_eq!(res.0, 999);
	assert_eq!(res.1.len(), 345);
	assert_eq!(res.1[0].0[3], 652);
	assert_eq!(res.1[344].0[3], 999);