// Copyright 2021 The Grin Developers // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. use grin_chain as chain; use grin_core as core; use grin_util as util; #[macro_use] extern crate log; use std::path::Path; use std::sync::Arc; use std::{fs, io}; use crate::chain::txhashset::BitmapChunk; use crate::chain::types::{NoopAdapter, Options}; use crate::core::core::{ hash::{Hash, Hashed}, pmmr::segment::{Segment, SegmentIdentifier, SegmentType}, Block, OutputIdentifier, TxKernel, }; use crate::core::{genesis, global, pow}; use crate::util::secp::pedersen::RangeProof; use self::chain_test_helper::clean_output_dir; mod chain_test_helper; fn copy_dir_all(src: impl AsRef, dst: impl AsRef) -> io::Result<()> { fs::create_dir_all(&dst)?; for entry in fs::read_dir(src)? { let entry = entry?; let ty = entry.file_type()?; if ty.is_dir() { copy_dir_all(entry.path(), dst.as_ref().join(entry.file_name()))?; } else { fs::copy(entry.path(), dst.as_ref().join(entry.file_name()))?; } } Ok(()) } // Canned segmenter responder, which will simulate feeding back segments as requested // by the desegmenter struct SegmenterResponder { chain: Arc, } impl SegmenterResponder { pub fn new(chain_src_dir: &str, genesis: Block) -> Self { let dummy_adapter = Arc::new(NoopAdapter {}); debug!( "Reading SegmenterResponder chain, genesis block: {}", genesis.hash() ); // The original chain we're reading from let res = SegmenterResponder { chain: Arc::new( chain::Chain::init( chain_src_dir.into(), dummy_adapter.clone(), genesis, pow::verify_size, false, ) .unwrap(), ), }; let sh = res.chain.get_header_by_height(0).unwrap(); debug!("Source Genesis - {}", sh.hash()); res } pub fn chain(&self) -> Arc { self.chain.clone() } pub fn get_bitmap_segment(&self, seg_id: SegmentIdentifier) -> (Segment, Hash) { let segmenter = self.chain.segmenter().unwrap(); segmenter.bitmap_segment(seg_id).unwrap() } pub fn get_output_segment( &self, seg_id: SegmentIdentifier, ) -> (Segment, Hash) { let segmenter = self.chain.segmenter().unwrap(); segmenter.output_segment(seg_id).unwrap() } pub fn get_rangeproof_segment(&self, seg_id: SegmentIdentifier) -> Segment { let segmenter = self.chain.segmenter().unwrap(); segmenter.rangeproof_segment(seg_id).unwrap() } pub fn get_kernel_segment(&self, seg_id: SegmentIdentifier) -> Segment { let segmenter = self.chain.segmenter().unwrap(); segmenter.kernel_segment(seg_id).unwrap() } } // Canned segmenter 'peer', building up its local chain from requested PIBD segments struct DesegmenterRequestor { chain: Arc, responder: Arc, } impl DesegmenterRequestor { pub fn new(chain_src_dir: &str, genesis: Block, responder: Arc) -> Self { let dummy_adapter = Arc::new(NoopAdapter {}); debug!( "Reading DesegmenterRequestor chain, genesis block: {}", genesis.hash() ); // The original chain we're reading from let res = DesegmenterRequestor { chain: Arc::new( chain::Chain::init( chain_src_dir.into(), dummy_adapter.clone(), genesis, pow::verify_size, false, ) .unwrap(), ), responder, }; let sh = res.chain.get_header_by_height(0).unwrap(); debug!("Dest Genesis - {}", sh.hash()); res } /// Copy headers, hopefully bringing the requestor to a state where PIBD is the next step pub fn copy_headers_from_responder(&mut self) { let src_chain = self.responder.chain(); let tip = src_chain.header_head().unwrap(); let dest_sync_head = self.chain.header_head().unwrap(); let copy_chunk_size = 1000; let mut copied_header_index = 1; let mut src_headers = vec![]; while copied_header_index <= tip.height { let h = src_chain.get_header_by_height(copied_header_index).unwrap(); src_headers.push(h); copied_header_index += 1; if copied_header_index % copy_chunk_size == 0 { debug!( "Copying headers to {} of {}", copied_header_index, tip.height ); self.chain .sync_block_headers(&src_headers, dest_sync_head, Options::SKIP_POW) .unwrap(); src_headers = vec![]; } } if !src_headers.is_empty() { self.chain .sync_block_headers(&src_headers, dest_sync_head, Options::NONE) .unwrap(); } } // Emulate `continue_pibd` function, which would be called from state sync // return whether is complete pub fn continue_pibd(&mut self) -> bool { let archive_header = self.chain.txhashset_archive_header_header_only().unwrap(); let desegmenter = self.chain.desegmenter(&archive_header).unwrap(); // Apply segments... TODO: figure out how this should be called, might // need to be a separate thread. if let Some(mut de) = desegmenter.try_write() { if let Some(d) = de.as_mut() { d.apply_next_segments().unwrap(); } } let mut next_segment_ids = vec![]; let mut is_complete = false; if let Some(d) = desegmenter.write().as_mut() { // Figure out the next segments we need // (12 is divisible by 3, to try and evenly spread the requests among the 3 // main pmmrs. Bitmaps segments will always be requested first) next_segment_ids = d.next_desired_segments(12); is_complete = d.is_complete() } debug!("Next segment IDS: {:?}", next_segment_ids); // For each segment, pick a desirable peer and send message for seg_id in next_segment_ids.iter() { // Perform request and response match seg_id.segment_type { SegmentType::Bitmap => { let (seg, output_root) = self.responder.get_bitmap_segment(seg_id.identifier.clone()); if let Some(d) = desegmenter.write().as_mut() { d.add_bitmap_segment(seg, output_root).unwrap(); } } SegmentType::Output => { let (seg, bitmap_root) = self.responder.get_output_segment(seg_id.identifier.clone()); if let Some(d) = desegmenter.write().as_mut() { d.add_output_segment(seg, Some(bitmap_root)).unwrap(); } } SegmentType::RangeProof => { let seg = self .responder .get_rangeproof_segment(seg_id.identifier.clone()); if let Some(d) = desegmenter.write().as_mut() { d.add_rangeproof_segment(seg).unwrap(); } } SegmentType::Kernel => { let seg = self.responder.get_kernel_segment(seg_id.identifier.clone()); if let Some(d) = desegmenter.write().as_mut() { d.add_kernel_segment(seg).unwrap(); } } }; } is_complete } pub fn check_roots(&self) { let roots = self.chain.txhashset().read().roots(); let archive_header = self.chain.txhashset_archive_header_header_only().unwrap(); debug!("Archive Header is {:?}", archive_header); debug!("TXHashset output root is {:?}", roots); debug!( "TXHashset merged output root is {:?}", roots.output_roots.root(&archive_header) ); assert_eq!(archive_header.range_proof_root, roots.rproof_root); assert_eq!(archive_header.kernel_root, roots.kernel_root); assert_eq!( archive_header.output_root, roots.output_roots.root(&archive_header) ); } } fn test_pibd_copy_impl( is_test_chain: bool, src_root_dir: &str, dest_root_dir: &str, dest_template_dir: Option<&str>, ) { global::set_local_chain_type(global::ChainTypes::Mainnet); let mut genesis = genesis::genesis_main(); if is_test_chain { global::set_local_chain_type(global::ChainTypes::AutomatedTesting); genesis = pow::mine_genesis_block().unwrap(); } // Copy a starting point over for the destination, e.g. a copy of chain // with all headers pre-applied if let Some(td) = dest_template_dir { debug!( "Copying template dir for destination from {} to {}", td, dest_root_dir ); copy_dir_all(td, dest_root_dir).unwrap(); } let src_responder = Arc::new(SegmenterResponder::new(src_root_dir, genesis.clone())); let mut dest_requestor = DesegmenterRequestor::new(dest_root_dir, genesis.clone(), src_responder); // No template provided so copy headers from source if dest_template_dir.is_none() { dest_requestor.copy_headers_from_responder(); if !is_test_chain { return; } } // Perform until desegmenter reports it's done while !dest_requestor.continue_pibd() {} dest_requestor.check_roots(); } #[test] #[ignore] fn test_pibd_copy_sample() { util::init_test_logger(); // Note there is now a 'test' in grin_wallet_controller/build_chain // that can be manually tweaked to create a // small test chain with actual transaction data // Test on uncompacted and non-compacted chains let src_root_dir = format!("./tests/test_data/chain_raw"); let dest_root_dir = format!("./tests/test_output/.segment_copy"); clean_output_dir(&dest_root_dir); test_pibd_copy_impl(true, &src_root_dir, &dest_root_dir, None); let src_root_dir = format!("./tests/test_data/chain_compacted"); clean_output_dir(&dest_root_dir); test_pibd_copy_impl(true, &src_root_dir, &dest_root_dir, None); clean_output_dir(&dest_root_dir); } #[test] #[ignore] // Note this test is intended to be run manually, as testing the copy of an // entire live chain is beyond the capability of current CI // As above, but run on a real instance of a chain pointed where you like fn test_pibd_copy_real() { util::init_test_logger(); // If set, just copy headers from source to target template dir and exit // Used to set up a chain state simulating the start of PIBD to continue manual testing let copy_headers_to_template = false; // if testing against a real chain, insert location here let src_root_dir = format!("/home/yeastplume/Projects/grin-project/servers/sync-1/chain_data"); let dest_template_dir = format!("/home/yeastplume/Projects/grin-project/servers/sync-1/chain_data_headers_applied"); let dest_root_dir = format!("/home/yeastplume/Projects/grin-project/servers/sync-1/chain_data_copy"); if copy_headers_to_template { clean_output_dir(&dest_template_dir); test_pibd_copy_impl(false, &src_root_dir, &dest_template_dir, None); } else { clean_output_dir(&dest_root_dir); test_pibd_copy_impl( false, &src_root_dir, &dest_root_dir, Some(&dest_template_dir), ); } //clean_output_dir(&dest_root_dir); }