// Copyright 2018 The Grin Developers // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. //! Error types for chain use failure::{Backtrace, Context, Fail}; use std::fmt::{self, Display}; use std::io; use core::core::{block, committed, transaction}; use core::ser; use grin_store as store; use keychain; use util::secp; use util::secp::pedersen::Commitment; /// Error definition #[derive(Debug, Fail)] pub struct Error { inner: Context<ErrorKind>, } /// Chain error definitions #[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Fail)] pub enum ErrorKind { /// The block doesn't fit anywhere in our chain #[fail(display = "Block is unfit: {}", _0)] Unfit(String), /// Special case of orphan blocks #[fail(display = "Orphan")] Orphan, /// Difficulty is too low either compared to ours or the block PoW hash #[fail(display = "Difficulty is too low compared to ours or the block PoW hash")] DifficultyTooLow, /// Addition of difficulties on all previous block is wrong #[fail(display = "Addition of difficulties on all previous blocks is wrong")] WrongTotalDifficulty, /// Block header edge_bits is lower than our min #[fail(display = "Cuckoo Size too small")] LowEdgebits, /// Scaling factor between primary and secondary PoW is invalid #[fail(display = "Wrong scaling factor")] InvalidScaling, /// The proof of work is invalid #[fail(display = "Invalid PoW")] InvalidPow, /// Peer abusively sending us an old block we already have #[fail(display = "Old Block")] OldBlock, /// The block doesn't sum correctly or a tx signature is invalid #[fail(display = "Invalid Block Proof")] InvalidBlockProof(block::Error), /// Block time is too old #[fail(display = "Invalid Block Time")] InvalidBlockTime, /// Block height is invalid (not previous + 1) #[fail(display = "Invalid Block Height")] InvalidBlockHeight, /// One of the root hashes in the block is invalid #[fail(display = "Invalid Root")] InvalidRoot, /// One of the MMR sizes in the block header is invalid #[fail(display = "Invalid MMR Size")] InvalidMMRSize, /// Error from underlying keychain impl #[fail(display = "Keychain Error")] Keychain(keychain::Error), /// Error from underlying secp lib #[fail(display = "Secp Lib Error")] Secp(secp::Error), /// One of the inputs in the block has already been spent #[fail(display = "Already Spent: {:?}", _0)] AlreadySpent(Commitment), /// An output with that commitment already exists (should be unique) #[fail(display = "Duplicate Commitment: {:?}", _0)] DuplicateCommitment(Commitment), /// Attempt to spend a coinbase output before it sufficiently matures. #[fail(display = "Attempt to spend immature coinbase")] ImmatureCoinbase, /// Error validating a Merkle proof (coinbase output) #[fail(display = "Error validating merkle proof")] MerkleProof, /// output not found #[fail(display = "Output not found")] OutputNotFound, /// output spent #[fail(display = "Output is spent")] OutputSpent, /// Invalid block version, either a mistake or outdated software #[fail(display = "Invalid Block Version: {}", _0)] InvalidBlockVersion(u16), /// We've been provided a bad txhashset #[fail(display = "Invalid TxHashSet: {}", _0)] InvalidTxHashSet(String), /// Internal issue when trying to save or load data from store #[fail(display = "Store Error: {}", _1)] StoreErr(store::Error, String), /// Internal issue when trying to save or load data from append only files #[fail(display = "File Read Error: {}", _0)] FileReadErr(String), /// Error serializing or deserializing a type #[fail(display = "Serialization Error")] SerErr(ser::Error), /// Error with the txhashset #[fail(display = "TxHashSetErr: {}", _0)] TxHashSetErr(String), /// Tx not valid based on lock_height. #[fail(display = "Transaction Lock Height")] TxLockHeight, /// No chain exists and genesis block is required #[fail(display = "Genesis Block Required")] GenesisBlockRequired, /// Error from underlying tx handling #[fail(display = "Transaction Error")] Transaction(transaction::Error), /// Anything else #[fail(display = "Other Error: {}", _0)] Other(String), /// Error from summing and verifying kernel sums via committed trait. #[fail(display = "Committed Trait: Error summing and verifying kernel sums")] Committed(committed::Error), } impl Display for Error { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { let cause = match self.cause() { Some(c) => format!("{}", c), None => String::from("Unknown"), }; let backtrace = match self.backtrace() { Some(b) => format!("{}", b), None => String::from("Unknown"), }; let output = format!( "{} \n Cause: {} \n Backtrace: {}", self.inner, cause, backtrace ); Display::fmt(&output, f) } } impl Error { /// get kind pub fn kind(&self) -> ErrorKind { self.inner.get_context().clone() } /// get cause pub fn cause(&self) -> Option<&Fail> { self.inner.cause() } /// get backtrace pub fn backtrace(&self) -> Option<&Backtrace> { self.inner.backtrace() } /// Whether the error is due to a block that was intrinsically wrong pub fn is_bad_data(&self) -> bool { // shorter to match on all the "not the block's fault" errors match self.kind() { ErrorKind::Unfit(_) | ErrorKind::Orphan | ErrorKind::StoreErr(_, _) | ErrorKind::SerErr(_) | ErrorKind::TxHashSetErr(_) | ErrorKind::GenesisBlockRequired | ErrorKind::Other(_) => false, _ => true, } } } impl From<ErrorKind> for Error { fn from(kind: ErrorKind) -> Error { Error { inner: Context::new(kind), } } } impl From<Context<ErrorKind>> for Error { fn from(inner: Context<ErrorKind>) -> Error { Error { inner: inner } } } impl From<block::Error> for Error { fn from(error: block::Error) -> Error { let ec = error.clone(); Error { inner: error.context(ErrorKind::InvalidBlockProof(ec)), } } } impl From<store::Error> for Error { fn from(error: store::Error) -> Error { let ec = error.clone(); Error { //inner: error.context();Context::new(ErrorKind::StoreErr(error.clone(), // format!("{:?}", error))), inner: error.context(ErrorKind::StoreErr(ec.clone(), format!("{:?}", ec))), } } } impl From<keychain::Error> for Error { fn from(error: keychain::Error) -> Error { Error { inner: Context::new(ErrorKind::Keychain(error)), } } } impl From<transaction::Error> for Error { fn from(error: transaction::Error) -> Error { Error { inner: Context::new(ErrorKind::Transaction(error)), } } } impl From<committed::Error> for Error { fn from(error: committed::Error) -> Error { Error { inner: Context::new(ErrorKind::Committed(error)), } } } impl From<io::Error> for Error { fn from(e: io::Error) -> Error { Error { inner: Context::new(ErrorKind::TxHashSetErr(e.to_string())), } } } impl From<secp::Error> for Error { fn from(e: secp::Error) -> Error { Error { inner: Context::new(ErrorKind::Secp(e)), } } }