// Copyright 2018 The Grin Developers // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. extern crate chrono; extern crate failure; extern crate grin_api as api; extern crate grin_chain as chain; extern crate grin_core as core; extern crate grin_keychain as keychain; extern crate grin_wallet as wallet; extern crate serde_json; use chrono::Duration; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; use chain::Chain; use core::core::{OutputFeatures, OutputIdentifier, Transaction}; use core::{consensus, global, pow, ser}; use wallet::file_wallet::FileWallet; use wallet::libwallet; use wallet::libwallet::types::{BlockFees, CbData, WalletClient, WalletInst}; use wallet::lmdb_wallet::LMDBBackend; use wallet::WalletConfig; use util; use util::secp::pedersen; pub mod testclient; /// types of backends tests should iterate through #[derive(Clone)] pub enum BackendType { /// File FileBackend, /// LMDB LMDBBackend, } /// Get an output from the chain locally and present it back as an API output fn get_output_local(chain: &chain::Chain, commit: &pedersen::Commitment) -> Option<api::Output> { let outputs = [ OutputIdentifier::new(OutputFeatures::DEFAULT_OUTPUT, commit), OutputIdentifier::new(OutputFeatures::COINBASE_OUTPUT, commit), ]; for x in outputs.iter() { if let Ok(_) = chain.is_unspent(&x) { let block_height = chain.get_header_for_output(&x).unwrap().height; return Some(api::Output::new(&commit, block_height)); } } None } /// get output listing traversing pmmr from local fn get_outputs_by_pmmr_index_local( chain: Arc<chain::Chain>, start_index: u64, max: u64, ) -> api::OutputListing { let outputs = chain .unspent_outputs_by_insertion_index(start_index, max) .unwrap(); api::OutputListing { last_retrieved_index: outputs.0, highest_index: outputs.1, outputs: outputs .2 .iter() .map(|x| api::OutputPrintable::from_output(x, chain.clone(), None, true)) .collect(), } } /// Adds a block with a given reward to the chain and mines it pub fn add_block_with_reward(chain: &Chain, txs: Vec<&Transaction>, reward: CbData) { let prev = chain.head_header().unwrap(); let difficulty = consensus::next_difficulty(chain.difficulty_iter()).unwrap(); let out_bin = util::from_hex(reward.output).unwrap(); let kern_bin = util::from_hex(reward.kernel).unwrap(); let output = ser::deserialize(&mut &out_bin[..]).unwrap(); let kernel = ser::deserialize(&mut &kern_bin[..]).unwrap(); let mut b = core::core::Block::new( &prev, txs.into_iter().cloned().collect(), difficulty.clone(), (output, kernel), ).unwrap(); b.header.timestamp = prev.timestamp + Duration::seconds(60); chain.set_txhashset_roots(&mut b, false).unwrap(); pow::pow_size( &mut b.header, difficulty, global::proofsize(), global::min_sizeshift(), ).unwrap(); chain.process_block(b, chain::Options::MINE).unwrap(); chain.validate(false).unwrap(); } /// adds a reward output to a wallet, includes that reward in a block, mines /// the block and adds it to the chain, with option transactions included. /// Helpful for building up precise wallet balances for testing. pub fn award_block_to_wallet<C, K>( chain: &Chain, txs: Vec<&Transaction>, wallet: Arc<Mutex<Box<WalletInst<C, K>>>>, ) -> Result<(), libwallet::Error> where C: WalletClient, K: keychain::Keychain, { // build block fees let prev = chain.head_header().unwrap(); let fee_amt = txs.iter().map(|tx| tx.fee()).sum(); let block_fees = BlockFees { fees: fee_amt, key_id: None, height: prev.height + 1, }; // build coinbase (via api) and add block libwallet::controller::foreign_single_use(wallet.clone(), |api| { let coinbase_tx = api.build_coinbase(&block_fees)?; add_block_with_reward(chain, txs, coinbase_tx.clone()); Ok(()) })?; Ok(()) } /// Award a blocks to a wallet directly pub fn award_blocks_to_wallet<C, K>( chain: &Chain, wallet: Arc<Mutex<Box<WalletInst<C, K>>>>, number: usize, ) -> Result<(), libwallet::Error> where C: WalletClient, K: keychain::Keychain, { for _ in 0..number { award_block_to_wallet(chain, vec![], wallet.clone())?; } Ok(()) } /// dispatch a wallet (extend later to optionally dispatch a db wallet) pub fn create_wallet<C, K>( dir: &str, client: C, backend_type: BackendType, ) -> Arc<Mutex<Box<WalletInst<C, K>>>> where C: WalletClient + 'static, K: keychain::Keychain + 'static, { let mut wallet_config = WalletConfig::default(); wallet_config.data_file_dir = String::from(dir); let _ = wallet::WalletSeed::init_file(&wallet_config); let mut wallet: Box<WalletInst<C, K>> = match backend_type { BackendType::FileBackend => { let mut wallet: FileWallet<C, K> = FileWallet::new(wallet_config.clone(), "", client) .unwrap_or_else(|e| { panic!("Error creating wallet: {:?} Config: {:?}", e, wallet_config) }); Box::new(wallet) } BackendType::LMDBBackend => { let mut wallet: LMDBBackend<C, K> = LMDBBackend::new(wallet_config.clone(), "", client) .unwrap_or_else(|e| { panic!("Error creating wallet: {:?} Config: {:?}", e, wallet_config) }); Box::new(wallet) } }; wallet.open_with_credentials().unwrap_or_else(|e| { panic!( "Error initializing wallet: {:?} Config: {:?}", e, wallet_config ) }); Arc::new(Mutex::new(wallet)) }