// Copyright 2020 The Grin Developers
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

//! Message types that transit over the network and related serialization code.

use crate::conn::Tracker;
use crate::core::core::hash::Hash;
use crate::core::core::BlockHeader;
use crate::core::pow::Difficulty;
use crate::core::ser::{
	self, ProtocolVersion, Readable, Reader, StreamingReader, Writeable, Writer,
use crate::core::{consensus, global};
use crate::types::{
	Capabilities, Error, PeerAddr, ReasonForBan, MAX_BLOCK_HEADERS, MAX_LOCATORS, MAX_PEER_ADDRS,
use num::FromPrimitive;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{Read, Write};
use std::sync::Arc;

/// Grin's user agent with current version
pub const USER_AGENT: &str = concat!("MW/Grin ", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"));

/// Magic numbers expected in the header of every message
const OTHER_MAGIC: [u8; 2] = [73, 43];
const FLOONET_MAGIC: [u8; 2] = [83, 59];
const MAINNET_MAGIC: [u8; 2] = [97, 61];

// Types of messages.
// Note: Values here are *important* so we should only add new values at the
// end.
enum_from_primitive! {
	#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
	pub enum Type {
		Error = 0,
		Hand = 1,
		Shake = 2,
		Ping = 3,
		Pong = 4,
		GetPeerAddrs = 5,
		PeerAddrs = 6,
		GetHeaders = 7,
		Header = 8,
		Headers = 9,
		GetBlock = 10,
		Block = 11,
		GetCompactBlock = 12,
		CompactBlock = 13,
		StemTransaction = 14,
		Transaction = 15,
		TxHashSetRequest = 16,
		TxHashSetArchive = 17,
		BanReason = 18,
		GetTransaction = 19,
		TransactionKernel = 20,
		KernelDataRequest = 21,
		KernelDataResponse = 22,

/// Max theoretical size of a block filled with outputs.
fn max_block_size() -> u64 {
	(global::max_block_weight() / consensus::BLOCK_OUTPUT_WEIGHT * 708) as u64

// Max msg size when msg type is unknown.
fn default_max_msg_size() -> u64 {

// Max msg size for each msg type.
fn max_msg_size(msg_type: Type) -> u64 {
	match msg_type {
		Type::Error => 0,
		Type::Hand => 128,
		Type::Shake => 88,
		Type::Ping => 16,
		Type::Pong => 16,
		Type::GetPeerAddrs => 4,
		Type::PeerAddrs => 4 + (1 + 16 + 2) * MAX_PEER_ADDRS as u64,
		Type::GetHeaders => 1 + 32 * MAX_LOCATORS as u64,
		Type::Header => 365,
		Type::Headers => 2 + 365 * MAX_BLOCK_HEADERS as u64,
		Type::GetBlock => 32,
		Type::Block => max_block_size(),
		Type::GetCompactBlock => 32,
		Type::CompactBlock => max_block_size() / 10,
		Type::StemTransaction => max_block_size(),
		Type::Transaction => max_block_size(),
		Type::TxHashSetRequest => 40,
		Type::TxHashSetArchive => 64,
		Type::BanReason => 64,
		Type::GetTransaction => 32,
		Type::TransactionKernel => 32,
		Type::KernelDataRequest => 0,
		Type::KernelDataResponse => 8,

fn magic() -> [u8; 2] {
	match *global::CHAIN_TYPE.read() {
		global::ChainTypes::Floonet => FLOONET_MAGIC,
		global::ChainTypes::Mainnet => MAINNET_MAGIC,

pub struct Msg {
	header: MsgHeader,
	body: Vec<u8>,
	attachment: Option<File>,
	version: ProtocolVersion,

impl Msg {
	pub fn new<T: Writeable>(
		msg_type: Type,
		msg: T,
		version: ProtocolVersion,
	) -> Result<Msg, Error> {
		let body = ser::ser_vec(&msg, version)?;
		Ok(Msg {
			header: MsgHeader::new(msg_type, body.len() as u64),
			attachment: None,

	pub fn add_attachment(&mut self, attachment: File) {
		self.attachment = Some(attachment)

/// Read a header from the provided stream without blocking if the
/// underlying stream is async. Typically headers will be polled for, so
/// we do not want to block.
/// Note: We return a MsgHeaderWrapper here as we may encounter an unknown msg type.
pub fn read_header(
	stream: &mut dyn Read,
	version: ProtocolVersion,
) -> Result<MsgHeaderWrapper, Error> {
	let mut head = vec![0u8; MsgHeader::LEN];
	stream.read_exact(&mut head)?;
	let header = ser::deserialize::<MsgHeaderWrapper>(&mut &head[..], version)?;

/// Read a single item from the provided stream, always blocking until we
/// have a result (or timeout).
/// Returns the item and the total bytes read.
pub fn read_item<T: Readable>(
	stream: &mut dyn Read,
	version: ProtocolVersion,
) -> Result<(T, u64), Error> {
	let mut reader = StreamingReader::new(stream, version);
	let res = T::read(&mut reader)?;
	Ok((res, reader.total_bytes_read()))

/// Read a message body from the provided stream, always blocking
/// until we have a result (or timeout).
pub fn read_body<T: Readable>(
	h: &MsgHeader,
	stream: &mut dyn Read,
	version: ProtocolVersion,
) -> Result<T, Error> {
	let mut body = vec![0u8; h.msg_len as usize];
	stream.read_exact(&mut body)?;
	ser::deserialize(&mut &body[..], version).map_err(From::from)

/// Read (an unknown) message from the provided stream and discard it.
pub fn read_discard(msg_len: u64, stream: &mut dyn Read) -> Result<(), Error> {
	let mut buffer = vec![0u8; msg_len as usize];
	stream.read_exact(&mut buffer)?;

/// Reads a full message from the underlying stream.
pub fn read_message<T: Readable>(
	stream: &mut dyn Read,
	version: ProtocolVersion,
	msg_type: Type,
) -> Result<T, Error> {
	match read_header(stream, version)? {
		MsgHeaderWrapper::Known(header) => {
			if header.msg_type == msg_type {
				read_body(&header, stream, version)
			} else {
		MsgHeaderWrapper::Unknown(msg_len, _) => {
			read_discard(msg_len, stream)?;

pub fn write_message(
	stream: &mut dyn Write,
	msg: &Msg,
	tracker: Arc<Tracker>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
	let mut buf = ser::ser_vec(&msg.header, msg.version)?;
	tracker.inc_sent(buf.len() as u64);
	if let Some(file) = &msg.attachment {
		let mut file = file.try_clone()?;
		let mut buf = [0u8; 8000];
		loop {
			match file.read(&mut buf[..]) {
				Ok(0) => break,
				Ok(n) => {
					// Increase sent bytes "quietly" without incrementing the counter.
					// (In a loop here for the single attachment).
					tracker.inc_quiet_sent(n as u64);
				Err(e) => return Err(From::from(e)),

/// A wrapper around a message header. If the header is for an unknown msg type
/// then we will be unable to parse the msg itself (just a bunch of random bytes).
/// But we need to know how many bytes to discard to discard the full message.
pub enum MsgHeaderWrapper {
	/// A "known" msg type with deserialized msg header.
	/// An unknown msg type with corresponding msg size in bytes.
	Unknown(u64, u8),

/// Header of any protocol message, used to identify incoming messages.
pub struct MsgHeader {
	magic: [u8; 2],
	/// Type of the message.
	pub msg_type: Type,
	/// Total length of the message in bytes.
	pub msg_len: u64,

impl MsgHeader {
	// 2 magic bytes + 1 type byte + 8 bytes (msg_len)
	pub const LEN: usize = 2 + 1 + 8;

	/// Creates a new message header.
	pub fn new(msg_type: Type, len: u64) -> MsgHeader {
		MsgHeader {
			magic: magic(),
			msg_type: msg_type,
			msg_len: len,

impl Writeable for MsgHeader {
	fn write<W: Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), ser::Error> {
			[write_u8, self.magic[0]],
			[write_u8, self.magic[1]],
			[write_u8, self.msg_type as u8],
			[write_u64, self.msg_len]

impl Readable for MsgHeaderWrapper {
	fn read(reader: &mut dyn Reader) -> Result<MsgHeaderWrapper, ser::Error> {
		let m = magic();

		// Read the msg header.
		// We do not yet know if the msg type is one we support locally.
		let (t, msg_len) = ser_multiread!(reader, read_u8, read_u64);

		// Attempt to convert the msg type byte into one of our known msg type enum variants.
		// Check the msg_len while we are at it.
		match Type::from_u8(t) {
			Some(msg_type) => {
				// TODO 4x the limits for now to leave ourselves space to change things.
				let max_len = max_msg_size(msg_type) * 4;
				if msg_len > max_len {
						"Too large read {:?}, max_len: {}, msg_len: {}.",
						msg_type, max_len, msg_len
					return Err(ser::Error::TooLargeReadErr);

				Ok(MsgHeaderWrapper::Known(MsgHeader {
					magic: m,
			None => {
				// Unknown msg type, but we still want to limit how big the msg is.
				let max_len = default_max_msg_size() * 4;
				if msg_len > max_len {
						"Too large read (unknown msg type) {:?}, max_len: {}, msg_len: {}.",
						t, max_len, msg_len
					return Err(ser::Error::TooLargeReadErr);

				Ok(MsgHeaderWrapper::Unknown(msg_len, t))

/// First part of a handshake, sender advertises its version and
/// characteristics.
pub struct Hand {
	/// protocol version of the sender
	pub version: ProtocolVersion,
	/// capabilities of the sender
	pub capabilities: Capabilities,
	/// randomly generated for each handshake, helps detect self
	pub nonce: u64,
	/// genesis block of our chain, only connect to peers on the same chain
	pub genesis: Hash,
	/// total difficulty accumulated by the sender, used to check whether sync
	/// may be needed
	pub total_difficulty: Difficulty,
	/// network address of the sender
	pub sender_addr: PeerAddr,
	/// network address of the receiver
	pub receiver_addr: PeerAddr,
	/// name of version of the software
	pub user_agent: String,

impl Writeable for Hand {
	fn write<W: Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), ser::Error> {
			[write_u32, self.capabilities.bits()],
			[write_u64, self.nonce]

impl Readable for Hand {
	fn read(reader: &mut dyn Reader) -> Result<Hand, ser::Error> {
		let version = ProtocolVersion::read(reader)?;
		let (capab, nonce) = ser_multiread!(reader, read_u32, read_u64);
		let capabilities = Capabilities::from_bits_truncate(capab);
		let total_difficulty = Difficulty::read(reader)?;
		let sender_addr = PeerAddr::read(reader)?;
		let receiver_addr = PeerAddr::read(reader)?;
		let ua = reader.read_bytes_len_prefix()?;
		let user_agent = String::from_utf8(ua).map_err(|_| ser::Error::CorruptedData)?;
		let genesis = Hash::read(reader)?;
		Ok(Hand {

/// Second part of a handshake, receiver of the first part replies with its own
/// version and characteristics.
pub struct Shake {
	/// sender version
	pub version: ProtocolVersion,
	/// sender capabilities
	pub capabilities: Capabilities,
	/// genesis block of our chain, only connect to peers on the same chain
	pub genesis: Hash,
	/// total difficulty accumulated by the sender, used to check whether sync
	/// may be needed
	pub total_difficulty: Difficulty,
	/// name of version of the software
	pub user_agent: String,

impl Writeable for Shake {
	fn write<W: Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), ser::Error> {

impl Readable for Shake {
	fn read(reader: &mut dyn Reader) -> Result<Shake, ser::Error> {
		let version = ProtocolVersion::read(reader)?;
		let capab = reader.read_u32()?;
		let capabilities = Capabilities::from_bits_truncate(capab);
		let total_difficulty = Difficulty::read(reader)?;
		let ua = reader.read_bytes_len_prefix()?;
		let user_agent = String::from_utf8(ua).map_err(|_| ser::Error::CorruptedData)?;
		let genesis = Hash::read(reader)?;
		Ok(Shake {

/// Ask for other peers addresses, required for network discovery.
pub struct GetPeerAddrs {
	/// Filters on the capabilities we'd like the peers to have
	pub capabilities: Capabilities,

impl Writeable for GetPeerAddrs {
	fn write<W: Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), ser::Error> {

impl Readable for GetPeerAddrs {
	fn read(reader: &mut dyn Reader) -> Result<GetPeerAddrs, ser::Error> {
		let capab = reader.read_u32()?;
		let capabilities = Capabilities::from_bits_truncate(capab);
		Ok(GetPeerAddrs { capabilities })

/// Peer addresses we know of that are fresh enough, in response to
/// GetPeerAddrs.
pub struct PeerAddrs {
	pub peers: Vec<PeerAddr>,

impl Writeable for PeerAddrs {
	fn write<W: Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), ser::Error> {
		writer.write_u32(self.peers.len() as u32)?;
		for p in &self.peers {

impl Readable for PeerAddrs {
	fn read(reader: &mut dyn Reader) -> Result<PeerAddrs, ser::Error> {
		let peer_count = reader.read_u32()?;
		if peer_count > MAX_PEER_ADDRS {
			return Err(ser::Error::TooLargeReadErr);
		} else if peer_count == 0 {
			return Ok(PeerAddrs { peers: vec![] });
		let mut peers = Vec::with_capacity(peer_count as usize);
		for _ in 0..peer_count {
		Ok(PeerAddrs { peers: peers })

/// We found some issue in the communication, sending an error back, usually
/// followed by closing the connection.
pub struct PeerError {
	/// error code
	pub code: u32,
	/// slightly more user friendly message
	pub message: String,

impl Writeable for PeerError {
	fn write<W: Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), ser::Error> {
		ser_multiwrite!(writer, [write_u32, self.code], [write_bytes, &self.message]);

impl Readable for PeerError {
	fn read(reader: &mut dyn Reader) -> Result<PeerError, ser::Error> {
		let code = reader.read_u32()?;
		let msg = reader.read_bytes_len_prefix()?;
		let message = String::from_utf8(msg).map_err(|_| ser::Error::CorruptedData)?;
		Ok(PeerError {
			code: code,
			message: message,

/// Serializable wrapper for the block locator.
pub struct Locator {
	pub hashes: Vec<Hash>,

impl Writeable for Locator {
	fn write<W: Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), ser::Error> {
		writer.write_u8(self.hashes.len() as u8)?;
		for h in &self.hashes {

impl Readable for Locator {
	fn read(reader: &mut dyn Reader) -> Result<Locator, ser::Error> {
		let len = reader.read_u8()?;
		if len > (MAX_LOCATORS as u8) {
			return Err(ser::Error::TooLargeReadErr);
		let mut hashes = Vec::with_capacity(len as usize);
		for _ in 0..len {
		Ok(Locator { hashes: hashes })

/// Serializable wrapper for a list of block headers.
pub struct Headers {
	pub headers: Vec<BlockHeader>,

impl Writeable for Headers {
	fn write<W: Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), ser::Error> {
		writer.write_u16(self.headers.len() as u16)?;
		for h in &self.headers {

pub struct Ping {
	/// total difficulty accumulated by the sender, used to check whether sync
	/// may be needed
	pub total_difficulty: Difficulty,
	/// total height
	pub height: u64,

impl Writeable for Ping {
	fn write<W: Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), ser::Error> {

impl Readable for Ping {
	fn read(reader: &mut dyn Reader) -> Result<Ping, ser::Error> {
		let total_difficulty = Difficulty::read(reader)?;
		let height = reader.read_u64()?;
		Ok(Ping {

pub struct Pong {
	/// total difficulty accumulated by the sender, used to check whether sync
	/// may be needed
	pub total_difficulty: Difficulty,
	/// height accumulated by sender
	pub height: u64,

impl Writeable for Pong {
	fn write<W: Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), ser::Error> {

impl Readable for Pong {
	fn read(reader: &mut dyn Reader) -> Result<Pong, ser::Error> {
		let total_difficulty = Difficulty::read(reader)?;
		let height = reader.read_u64()?;
		Ok(Pong {

pub struct BanReason {
	/// the reason for the ban
	pub ban_reason: ReasonForBan,

impl Writeable for BanReason {
	fn write<W: Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), ser::Error> {
		let ban_reason_i32 = self.ban_reason as i32;

impl Readable for BanReason {
	fn read(reader: &mut dyn Reader) -> Result<BanReason, ser::Error> {
		let ban_reason_i32 = match reader.read_i32() {
			Ok(h) => h,
			Err(_) => 0,

		let ban_reason = ReasonForBan::from_i32(ban_reason_i32).ok_or(ser::Error::CorruptedData)?;

		Ok(BanReason { ban_reason })

/// Request to get an archive of the full txhashset store, required to sync
/// a new node.
pub struct TxHashSetRequest {
	/// Hash of the block for which the txhashset should be provided
	pub hash: Hash,
	/// Height of the corresponding block
	pub height: u64,

impl Writeable for TxHashSetRequest {
	fn write<W: Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), ser::Error> {

impl Readable for TxHashSetRequest {
	fn read(reader: &mut dyn Reader) -> Result<TxHashSetRequest, ser::Error> {
		Ok(TxHashSetRequest {
			hash: Hash::read(reader)?,
			height: reader.read_u64()?,

/// Response to a txhashset archive request, must include a zip stream of the
/// archive after the message body.
pub struct TxHashSetArchive {
	/// Hash of the block for which the txhashset are provided
	pub hash: Hash,
	/// Height of the corresponding block
	pub height: u64,
	/// Size in bytes of the archive
	pub bytes: u64,

impl Writeable for TxHashSetArchive {
	fn write<W: Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), ser::Error> {
		ser_multiwrite!(writer, [write_u64, self.height], [write_u64, self.bytes]);

impl Readable for TxHashSetArchive {
	fn read(reader: &mut dyn Reader) -> Result<TxHashSetArchive, ser::Error> {
		let hash = Hash::read(reader)?;
		let (height, bytes) = ser_multiread!(reader, read_u64, read_u64);

		Ok(TxHashSetArchive {

pub struct KernelDataRequest {}

impl Writeable for KernelDataRequest {
	fn write<W: Writer>(&self, _writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), ser::Error> {

pub struct KernelDataResponse {
	/// Size in bytes of the attached kernel data file.
	pub bytes: u64,

impl Writeable for KernelDataResponse {
	fn write<W: Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), ser::Error> {

impl Readable for KernelDataResponse {
	fn read(reader: &mut dyn Reader) -> Result<KernelDataResponse, ser::Error> {
		let bytes = reader.read_u64()?;
		Ok(KernelDataResponse { bytes })