// Copyright 2021 The Grin Developers // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. use rand; use chrono::prelude::Utc; use croaring::{Bitmap, Portable}; use rand::Rng; // We can use "andnot" to rewind easily by passing in a "bitmask" of // all the subsequent pos we want to rewind. #[test] fn test_andnot_bitmap() { // bitmap: 10010011 // bitmask: ....1111 (i.e. rewind to leave first 4 pos in place) // result: 1001.... let bitmap: Bitmap = vec![1, 4, 7, 8].into_iter().collect(); let bitmask: Bitmap = vec![5, 6, 7, 8].into_iter().collect(); let res = bitmap.andnot(&bitmask); assert_eq!(res.to_vec(), vec![1, 4]); } // Alternatively we can use "and" to rewind easily by passing in a // "bitmask" of all the pos we want to keep. #[test] fn test_and_bitmap() { // bitmap: 10010011 // bitmask: 1111.... (i.e. rewind to leave first 4 pos in place) // result: 1001.... let bitmap: Bitmap = vec![1, 4, 7, 8].into_iter().collect(); let bitmask: Bitmap = vec![1, 2, 3, 4].into_iter().collect(); let res = bitmap.and(&bitmask); assert_eq!(res.to_vec(), vec![1, 4]); } #[test] fn test_flip_bitmap() { let bitmap: Bitmap = vec![1, 2, 4].into_iter().collect(); let res = bitmap.flip(2..4); assert_eq!(res.to_vec(), vec![1, 3, 4]); } #[test] fn test_a_small_bitmap() { let bitmap: Bitmap = vec![1, 99, 1_000].into_iter().collect(); let serialized_buffer = bitmap.serialize::<Portable>(); // we can store 3 pos in a roaring bitmap in 22 bytes // this is compared to storing them as a vec of u32 values which would be 4 * 3 // = 12 bytes assert_eq!(serialized_buffer.len(), 22); } #[test] fn test_1000_inputs() { let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); let mut bitmap = Bitmap::new(); for _ in 1..1_000 { let n = rng.gen_range(0, 1_000_000); bitmap.add(n); } let serialized_buffer = bitmap.serialize::<Portable>(); println!( "bitmap with 1,000 (out of 1,000,000) values in it: {}", serialized_buffer.len() ); bitmap.run_optimize(); let serialized_buffer = bitmap.serialize::<Portable>(); println!( "bitmap with 1,000 (out of 1,000,000) values in it (optimized): {}", serialized_buffer.len() ); } #[test] fn test_a_big_bitmap() { let mut bitmap: Bitmap = (1..1_000_000).collect(); let serialized_buffer = bitmap.serialize::<Portable>(); // we can also store 1,000,000 pos in 131,208 bytes // a vec of u32s here would be 4,000,000 bytes assert_eq!(serialized_buffer.len(), 131_208); // but note we can optimize this heavily to get down to 230 bytes... assert!(bitmap.run_optimize()); let serialized_buffer = bitmap.serialize::<Portable>(); assert_eq!(serialized_buffer.len(), 230); } #[ignore] #[test] fn bench_fast_or() { let nano_to_millis = 1.0 / 1_000_000.0; let bitmaps_number = 256; let size_of_each_bitmap = 1_000; let init_bitmaps = || -> Vec<Bitmap> { let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); let mut bitmaps = vec![]; for _ in 0..bitmaps_number { let mut bitmap = Bitmap::new(); for _ in 0..size_of_each_bitmap { let n = rng.gen_range(0, 1_000_000); bitmap.add(n); } bitmaps.push(bitmap); } bitmaps }; let mut bitmaps = init_bitmaps(); let mut bitmap = Bitmap::new(); let start = Utc::now().timestamp_nanos_opt().unwrap(); for _ in 0..bitmaps_number { bitmap.or_inplace(&bitmaps.pop().unwrap()); } let fin = Utc::now().timestamp_nanos_opt().unwrap(); let dur_ms = (fin - start) as f64 * nano_to_millis; println!( " or_inplace(): {:9.3?}ms. bitmap cardinality: {}", dur_ms, bitmap.cardinality() ); let bitmaps = init_bitmaps(); let start = Utc::now().timestamp_nanos_opt().unwrap(); let bitmap = Bitmap::fast_or(&bitmaps.iter().map(|x| x).collect::<Vec<&Bitmap>>()); let fin = Utc::now().timestamp_nanos_opt().unwrap(); let dur_ms = (fin - start) as f64 * nano_to_millis; println!( " fast_or(): {:9.3?}ms. bitmap cardinality: {}", dur_ms, bitmap.cardinality() ); let bitmaps = init_bitmaps(); let start = Utc::now().timestamp_nanos_opt().unwrap(); let bitmap = Bitmap::fast_or_heap(&bitmaps.iter().map(|x| x).collect::<Vec<&Bitmap>>()); let fin = Utc::now().timestamp_nanos_opt().unwrap(); let dur_ms = (fin - start) as f64 * nano_to_millis; println!( "fast_or_heap(): {:9.3?}ms. bitmap cardinality: {}", dur_ms, bitmap.cardinality() ); }