* Make Get coinbase via wallet API error more self-help friendly. Also show the wallet API URL that failed to respond.
* spelling and rustfmt nit
* more informational output from `grin server stop`
* newcomer friendly error when wallet.seed isn't found
* grin wallet (info|outputs): better error message
* beginning to add wallet restore... api endpoints and basic restore
* basic restore working, still missing features
* rustfmt
* large speed up to output search, should be more or less working
* properly mark coinbase status
* allow selecting a commit while providing a key index
* misnamed variable
* added static reference to libsecp that can be called throughout
* don't serialise rangeproof to json if it's not desired
* forgotten new file
* amounts input and displayed in wallet are now in full grins, with optional decimal place
* rustfmt
* merge branch
* better acknowledgement of transaction being sent
* allow selecting a commit while providing a key index
* added static reference to libsecp that can be called throughout
* don't serialise rangeproof to json if it's not desired
* default wallet receive to listen on, optional flag on wallet command to listen on
* fix simulnet for new wallet port/interface config
Moved the HTTP APIs away from the REST endpoint abstraction and
to simpler Hyper handlers. Re-established all routes as v1.
Changed wallet receiver port to 13415 to avoid a gap in port
Finally, rustfmt seems to have ignored specific files arguments,
running on everything.
* mount v2 router for flexibility, wallet checker now refreshes multiple outputs via single api call
* fix the api router
* wallet api handlers, miner uses wallet_client
* retry logic via tokio_retry, miner creates new coinbase output via wallet API (retries several times)
* move wallet client into wallet crateand rework the lock acquisition logic to use tokio_retry
* mount v2 router for flexibility, wallet checker now refreshes multiple outputs via single api call
* add read_wallet so we can read without acquiring the lock
* fix the api router
* read wallet without acquiring or holding lock, only acquire the write lock for wallet when updating or adding outputs
* "wallet init" to create the initial wallet.seed file
* cleanup and better error msgs
* add some basic wallet docs
* cleanup and make passphrase optional
* refactor burn key into key_overrides on keychain
* introduce UnconfirmedChange output status, we can potentially spend these with zero confirmations
* pass in burn_key_id for the burn enabled keychain, spend *all* coins when spending from a wallet, spend UnconfirmedChange coins also
* add comment about simplifying wallet_data.select logic
* replace UnconfirmedChange output status with a more flexible zero_ok, flag on the output data
* rename pubkey -> key_id, these are key identifiers, not public keys
* reduce identifier seize to 10 bytes, get rid of fingerprints (identifiers are now small enough to use as-is)
* add FeeDispute error for when sender and recipient disagre on fee calculation (should never happen)
* does not need to be mut
* cleaned up some warnings
* added global slog instance, changed all logging macro formats to include logger instance
* adding configuration to logging, allowing for multiple log outputs
* updates to test, changes to build docs
* rustfmt
* moving logging functions into util crate
* add lock_height to Transaction and TxKernel, sign msg including both fee and lock_height in kernel
* make the order of the fields in tx and kernel more consistent
* rename to kernel_sig_msg
* add test to cover adding timelocked tx to pool, where tx is invalid based on current height of the blockchain
* add tests for adding timelocked txs to blocks (valid and otherwise)
* store wallet output data in hashmap
* cleanup up commented out code
* pass pubkey/identifier and not derivation around to miner etc.
* fix failing tests
Update coinbase building and block summation to account for half of
the fees going to the coinbase. Forcing fees to be even as a
consequence. Now that we can't build the coinbase independently
from the block (because fees), had to update the miner to keep the
key derivation so a new derivation isn't made any time a new block
gets worked on.
Minor doc and warning cleanups.
* introduce grin_keychain, encapsulate derivation of secret_keys
* core compiles against keychain, tests don't run yet
* core tests are now passing against keychain
* wip - getting wallet working with keychain
* add util and keychain to travis test matrix
* basic test around key derivation
* wallet key fingerprint as hex string
* use lowercase hex in util::to_hex for consistency with various crypto libs, add some tests for util::to_hex and util::from_hex
* filter wallet info based on ext_key fingerprint
* cleanup format for fingerprints and output status
* minor cleanup - unused imports
* cleanup build warnings - unused vars
* make structs pub to get rid of the private_in_public lint warning
* missing docs on RangeProof
* add missing docs to store delete function
* cleaned up deprecation warning -
tokio_core -> tokio_io
complete() -> send()
* addition of configuration file to grin executable, instructions on how it's picked up are in grin.toml
* Starting to add a configuration file, and change some elements of configuration structures to make them more consistent
* Starting to refactor test, adding http post to wallet sender
* Implemented ability to run servers on different ports (mostly for testing), and implemented ability to post http requests directly to receiving wallets
* Adding detailed instructions on running multiple servers on the same machine
* Changes to build.doc to outline server running process
* Removed unwanted debug statements
* WIP Local server testing framework evolution
* More refactoring of server pool, checked in because there's a problem
* Added server reference structure, and ability to return server references from tests cleanly
* Added simulate_parallel_mining test, which puts some artificial slowdown into test mining loops, and the difficulty can currently be watched in the log
* Removing the ServerRef structure placed in earlier and replaced with a ServerStats structure, that just returns relevant info about the Server state without exposing it to the world
* Beginning to refactor server tests
* Extended test framework to include running wallet servers and miners. Also some changes to the wallet reciever api to include a wallet config and set the data directly for the wallet file explicitly rather than assuming it's always in the working dir.
* Adding wallet config to main executable
* Adding ability to select wallet server while mining
* Configurable wallet receiver url
Operations on the wallet data file are now fenced by a lock to
avoid potentially messy concurrent modifications by multiple
processes (i.e. the wallet receiver and a send command). The lock
is done using a create-only lock file, which is an atomic
Fixes a few loose ends in the full cycle of sending coins,
accepting them, pushing that transaction to the pool and having it
mined. More specifically:
* The API output endpoint needs to be a UTXO endpoint, as the
server can't make any guarantee about having a spent output.
* Bubbling up HTTP not found errors.
* Wallet output status checker now handles spent outputs.
* Transaction pool validates the transaction before accepting it.
* Fixed the operation API routes.
* Fixed too greedy wallet coin selection loop.
* Transactions coming from the network are now pushed to the pool
through the net adapter.
* New blocks accepted by the chain are sent to the pool for
* The miner requests transactions from the pool to build its
* The push API adds to the pool, removing the mock.
* Implementation of the adapter to the chain required by the pool
to get consistent UTXOs. Grossly unoptimized until we have the UTXO
MMR ready.
Once the wallet transaction is fully built, serializing it and
sending the push request to a node. Implemented the push node
API, mocked up for now (until the tx pool is integrated).
Parse the partial transaction encoded in JSON, adding a new output
and finalizing. Should push the final tx to a grin node for
broadcast once that's fleshed out. Should also add an endpoint for
the http receiver.
Most of the logic to build a transaction that sends coin to
another party. Still requires more debugging and clean up.
Main changes and additions are:
* Update to serde 1.0
* API endpoint to retrieve an Output
* Output is now Serialize and Deserialize
* Wallet configuration
* Command line for the send operation
* Wallet data checker to update created outputs into confirmed
* Wallet-specific configuration
With the coinbase receiver daemon in place, when starting a Grin
server in mining mode, the miner will now ask the receiver for a
coinbase output. The output is then used to insert in a block when
successfully mined.
Beginning of a first pass at simple wallet functionalities so
Grin can be used to author transactions. We introduce a
receiving server, to be at least able to build coinbase outputs
that can be used by the mining daemon.
* Coinbase receiving API.
* Command to start the receiving server.
* Beginning of a transaction sending command.
* Improvements to the REST API abstractions to support the above.
Still to do:
* Change to the miner daemon to use the receiving server.
* A command line sender.
* API to receive any transaction (not just coinbase).
* A command line receiver.
Beyond that, HD derivation and seed generation are very simple
so far and almost certainly insecure. Just for testing for now.
The wallet library will be used to manage the keys of the user. Currenty it only contains a minimal implementation of the extended keys. The format of the extended keys is subject to change