diff --git a/Cargo.lock b/Cargo.lock
index 2d09bb061..37bb12f11 100644
--- a/Cargo.lock
+++ b/Cargo.lock
@@ -1617,7 +1617,7 @@ source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
 name = "secp256k1zkp"
 version = "0.7.1"
-source = "git+https://github.com/mimblewimble/rust-secp256k1-zkp?branch=testnet3#748296c61341461e46e7b2c05db494d60f96ac44"
+source = "git+https://github.com/mimblewimble/rust-secp256k1-zkp?branch=testnet3#2564e8cebccb827ed442886d81866af783aaebc4"
 dependencies = [
  "arrayvec 0.3.25 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)",
  "gcc 0.3.54 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)",
diff --git a/core/src/core/mod.rs b/core/src/core/mod.rs
index 9b0f76235..a56721be2 100644
--- a/core/src/core/mod.rs
+++ b/core/src/core/mod.rs
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ pub mod hash;
 pub mod id;
 pub mod merkle_proof;
 pub mod pmmr;
-pub mod prune_list;
 pub mod target;
 pub mod transaction;
diff --git a/core/src/core/pmmr.rs b/core/src/core/pmmr.rs
index b4b775188..ed3bbe716 100644
--- a/core/src/core/pmmr.rs
+++ b/core/src/core/pmmr.rs
@@ -722,6 +722,18 @@ pub fn path(pos: u64, last_pos: u64) -> Vec<u64> {
+// TODO - this is simpler, test it is actually correct?
+// pub fn path(pos: u64, last_pos: u64) -> Vec<u64> {
+// 	let mut path = vec![];
+// 	let mut current = pos;
+// 	while current <= last_pos {
+// 		path.push(current);
+// 		let (parent, _) = family(current);
+// 		current = parent;
+// 	}
+// 	path
+// }
 /// For a given starting position calculate the parent and sibling positions
 /// for the branch/path from that position to the peak of the tree.
 /// We will use the sibling positions to generate the "path" of a Merkle proof.
diff --git a/core/src/core/prune_list.rs b/core/src/core/prune_list.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 16d773696..000000000
--- a/core/src/core/prune_list.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2018 The Grin Developers
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-//! The Grin "Prune List" implementation.
-//! Currently implemented as a vec of u64 positions.
-//! *Soon* to be implemented as a compact bitmap.
-//! Maintains a set of pruned root node positions that define the pruned
-//! and compacted "gaps" in the MMR data and hash files.
-//! The root itself is maintained in the hash file, but all positions beneath
-//! the root are compacted away. All positions to the right of a pruned node
-//! must be shifted the appropriate amount when reading from the hash and data
-//! files.
-use core::pmmr::{bintree_postorder_height, family};
-/// Maintains a list of previously pruned nodes in PMMR, compacting the list as
-/// parents get pruned and allowing checking whether a leaf is pruned. Given
-/// a node's position, computes how much it should get shifted given the
-/// subtrees that have been pruned before.
-/// The PruneList is useful when implementing compact backends for a PMMR (for
-/// example a single large byte array or a file). As nodes get pruned and
-/// removed from the backend to free space, the backend will get more compact
-/// but positions of a node within the PMMR will not match positions in the
-/// backend storage anymore. The PruneList accounts for that mismatch and does
-/// the position translation.
-pub struct PruneList {
-	/// Vector of pruned nodes positions
-	pub pruned_nodes: Vec<u64>,
-impl PruneList {
-	/// Instantiate a new empty prune list
-	pub fn new() -> PruneList {
-		PruneList {
-			pruned_nodes: vec![],
-		}
-	}
-	/// Computes by how many positions a node at pos should be shifted given the
-	/// number of nodes that have already been pruned before it. Returns None if
-	/// the position has already been pruned.
-	pub fn get_shift(&self, pos: u64) -> Option<u64> {
-		// get the position where the node at pos would fit in the pruned list, if
-		// it's already pruned, nothing to skip
-		let pruned_idx = self.next_pruned_idx(pos);
-		let next_idx = self.pruned_nodes.binary_search(&pos).map(|x| x + 1).ok();
-		match pruned_idx.or(next_idx) {
-			None => None,
-			Some(idx) => {
-				// skip by the number of elements pruned in the preceding subtrees,
-				// which is the sum of the size of each subtree
-				Some(
-					self.pruned_nodes[0..(idx as usize)]
-						.iter()
-						.map(|n| {
-							let height = bintree_postorder_height(*n);
-							// height 0, 1 node, offset 0 = 0 + 0
-							// height 1, 3 nodes, offset 2 = 1 + 1
-							// height 2, 7 nodes, offset 6 = 3 + 3
-							// height 3, 15 nodes, offset 14 = 7 + 7
-							2 * ((1 << height) - 1)
-						})
-						.sum(),
-				)
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	/// As above, but only returning the number of leaf nodes to skip for a
-	/// given leaf. Helpful if, for instance, data for each leaf is being stored
-	/// separately in a continuous flat-file. Returns None if the position has
-	/// already been pruned.
-	pub fn get_leaf_shift(&self, pos: u64) -> Option<u64> {
-		// get the position where the node at pos would fit in the pruned list, if
-		// it's already pruned, nothing to skip
-		let pruned_idx = self.next_pruned_idx(pos);
-		let next_idx = self.pruned_nodes.binary_search(&pos).map(|x| x + 1).ok();
-		let idx = pruned_idx.or(next_idx)?;
-		Some(
-			// skip by the number of leaf nodes pruned in the preceeding subtrees
-			// which just 2^height
-			// except in the case of height==0
-			// (where we want to treat the pruned tree as 0 leaves)
-			self.pruned_nodes[0..(idx as usize)]
-				.iter()
-				.map(|n| {
-					let height = bintree_postorder_height(*n);
-					if height == 0 {
-						0
-					} else {
-						(1 << height)
-					}
-				})
-				.sum(),
-		)
-	}
-	/// Push the node at the provided position in the prune list. Compacts the
-	/// list if pruning the additional node means a parent can get pruned as
-	/// well.
-	pub fn add(&mut self, pos: u64) {
-		let mut current = pos;
-		loop {
-			let (parent, sibling) = family(current);
-			match self.pruned_nodes.binary_search(&sibling) {
-				Ok(idx) => {
-					self.pruned_nodes.remove(idx);
-					current = parent;
-				}
-				Err(_) => {
-					if let Some(idx) = self.next_pruned_idx(current) {
-						self.pruned_nodes.insert(idx, current);
-					}
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	/// Checks if the specified position has been pruned,
-	/// either directly (pos contained in the prune list itself)
-	/// or indirectly (pos is beneath a pruned root).
-	pub fn is_pruned(&self, pos: u64) -> bool {
-		self.next_pruned_idx(pos).is_none()
-	}
-	/// Gets the index a new pruned node should take in the prune list.
-	/// If the node has already been pruned, either directly or through one of
-	/// its parents contained in the prune list, returns None.
-	pub fn next_pruned_idx(&self, pos: u64) -> Option<usize> {
-		match self.pruned_nodes.binary_search(&pos) {
-			Ok(_) => None,
-			Err(idx) => {
-				if self.pruned_nodes.len() > idx {
-					// the node at pos can't be a child of lower position nodes by MMR
-					// construction but can be a child of the next node, going up parents
-					// from pos to make sure it's not the case
-					let next_peak_pos = self.pruned_nodes[idx];
-					let mut cursor = pos;
-					loop {
-						let (parent, _) = family(cursor);
-						if next_peak_pos == parent {
-							return None;
-						}
-						if next_peak_pos < parent {
-							break;
-						}
-						cursor = parent;
-					}
-				}
-				Some(idx)
-			}
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/core/tests/pmmr.rs b/core/tests/pmmr.rs
index da6ef6330..521db11b7 100644
--- a/core/tests/pmmr.rs
+++ b/core/tests/pmmr.rs
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ mod vec_backend;
 use core::core::hash::Hash;
 use core::core::pmmr::{self, PMMR};
-use core::core::prune_list::PruneList;
 use core::ser::PMMRIndexHashable;
 use vec_backend::{TestElem, VecBackend};
@@ -450,266 +449,6 @@ fn pmmr_prune() {
 	assert_eq!(ba.remove_list.len(), 9);
-fn pmmr_next_pruned_idx() {
-	let mut pl = PruneList::new();
-	assert_eq!(pl.pruned_nodes.len(), 0);
-	assert_eq!(pl.next_pruned_idx(1), Some(0));
-	assert_eq!(pl.next_pruned_idx(2), Some(0));
-	assert_eq!(pl.next_pruned_idx(3), Some(0));
-	pl.add(2);
-	assert_eq!(pl.pruned_nodes.len(), 1);
-	assert_eq!(pl.pruned_nodes, [2]);
-	assert_eq!(pl.next_pruned_idx(1), Some(0));
-	assert_eq!(pl.next_pruned_idx(2), None);
-	assert_eq!(pl.next_pruned_idx(3), Some(1));
-	assert_eq!(pl.next_pruned_idx(4), Some(1));
-	pl.add(1);
-	assert_eq!(pl.pruned_nodes.len(), 1);
-	assert_eq!(pl.pruned_nodes, [3]);
-	assert_eq!(pl.next_pruned_idx(1), None);
-	assert_eq!(pl.next_pruned_idx(2), None);
-	assert_eq!(pl.next_pruned_idx(3), None);
-	assert_eq!(pl.next_pruned_idx(4), Some(1));
-	assert_eq!(pl.next_pruned_idx(5), Some(1));
-	pl.add(3);
-	assert_eq!(pl.pruned_nodes.len(), 1);
-	assert_eq!(pl.pruned_nodes, [3]);
-	assert_eq!(pl.next_pruned_idx(1), None);
-	assert_eq!(pl.next_pruned_idx(2), None);
-	assert_eq!(pl.next_pruned_idx(3), None);
-	assert_eq!(pl.next_pruned_idx(4), Some(1));
-	assert_eq!(pl.next_pruned_idx(5), Some(1));
-fn pmmr_prune_leaf_shift() {
-	let mut pl = PruneList::new();
-	// start with an empty prune list (nothing shifted)
-	assert_eq!(pl.pruned_nodes.len(), 0);
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(1), Some(0));
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(2), Some(0));
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(4), Some(0));
-	// now add a single leaf pos to the prune list
-	// note this does not shift anything (we only start shifting after pruning a
-	// parent)
-	pl.add(1);
-	assert_eq!(pl.pruned_nodes.len(), 1);
-	assert_eq!(pl.pruned_nodes, [1]);
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(1), Some(0));
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(2), Some(0));
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(3), Some(0));
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(4), Some(0));
-	// now add the sibling leaf pos (pos 1 and pos 2) which will prune the parent
-	// at pos 3 this in turn will "leaf shift" the leaf at pos 3 by 2
-	pl.add(2);
-	assert_eq!(pl.pruned_nodes.len(), 1);
-	assert_eq!(pl.pruned_nodes, [3]);
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(1), None);
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(2), None);
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(3), Some(2));
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(4), Some(2));
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(5), Some(2));
-	// now prune an additional leaf at pos 4
-	// leaf offset of subsequent pos will be 2
-	// 00100120
-	pl.add(4);
-	assert_eq!(pl.pruned_nodes, [3, 4]);
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(1), None);
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(2), None);
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(3), Some(2));
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(4), Some(2));
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(5), Some(2));
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(6), Some(2));
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(7), Some(2));
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(8), Some(2));
-	// now prune the sibling at pos 5
-	// the two smaller subtrees (pos 3 and pos 6) are rolled up to larger subtree
-	// (pos 7) the leaf offset is now 4 to cover entire subtree containing first
-	// 4 leaves 00100120
-	pl.add(5);
-	assert_eq!(pl.pruned_nodes, [7]);
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(1), None);
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(2), None);
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(3), None);
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(4), None);
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(5), None);
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(6), None);
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(7), Some(4));
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(8), Some(4));
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(9), Some(4));
-	// now check we can prune some of these in an arbitrary order
-	// final result is one leaf (pos 2) and one small subtree (pos 6) pruned
-	// with leaf offset of 2 to account for the pruned subtree
-	let mut pl = PruneList::new();
-	pl.add(2);
-	pl.add(5);
-	pl.add(4);
-	assert_eq!(pl.pruned_nodes, [2, 6]);
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(1), Some(0));
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(2), Some(0));
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(3), Some(0));
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(4), None);
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(5), None);
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(6), Some(2));
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(7), Some(2));
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(8), Some(2));
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(9), Some(2));
-	pl.add(1);
-	assert_eq!(pl.pruned_nodes, [7]);
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(1), None);
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(2), None);
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(3), None);
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(4), None);
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(5), None);
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(6), None);
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(7), Some(4));
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(8), Some(4));
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(9), Some(4));
-fn pmmr_prune_shift() {
-	let mut pl = PruneList::new();
-	assert!(pl.pruned_nodes.is_empty());
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(1), Some(0));
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(2), Some(0));
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(3), Some(0));
-	// prune a single leaf node
-	// pruning only a leaf node does not shift any subsequent pos
-	// we will only start shifting when a parent can be pruned
-	pl.add(1);
-	assert_eq!(pl.pruned_nodes, [1]);
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(1), Some(0));
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(2), Some(0));
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(3), Some(0));
-	pl.add(2);
-	assert_eq!(pl.pruned_nodes, [3]);
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(1), None);
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(2), None);
-	// pos 3 is in the prune list, so removed but not compacted, but still shifted
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(3), Some(2));
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(4), Some(2));
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(5), Some(2));
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(6), Some(2));
-	// pos 3 is not a leaf and is already in prune list
-	// prune it and check we are still consistent
-	pl.add(3);
-	assert_eq!(pl.pruned_nodes, [3]);
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(1), None);
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(2), None);
-	// pos 3 is in the prune list, so removed but not compacted, but still shifted
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(3), Some(2));
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(4), Some(2));
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(5), Some(2));
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(6), Some(2));
-	pl.add(4);
-	assert_eq!(pl.pruned_nodes, [3, 4]);
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(1), None);
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(2), None);
-	// pos 3 is in the prune list, so removed but not compacted, but still shifted
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(3), Some(2));
-	// pos 4 is also in the prune list and also shifted by same amount
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(4), Some(2));
-	// subsequent nodes also shifted consistently
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(5), Some(2));
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(6), Some(2));
-	pl.add(5);
-	assert_eq!(pl.pruned_nodes, [7]);
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(1), None);
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(2), None);
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(3), None);
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(4), None);
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(5), None);
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(6), None);
-	// everything prior to pos 7 is compacted away
-	// pos 7 is shifted by 6 to account for this
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(7), Some(6));
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(8), Some(6));
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(9), Some(6));
-	// prune a bunch more
-	for x in 6..1000 {
-		pl.add(x);
-	}
-	// and check we shift by a large number (hopefully the correct number...)
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(1010), Some(996));
-	let mut pl = PruneList::new();
-	pl.add(2);
-	pl.add(5);
-	pl.add(4);
-	assert_eq!(pl.pruned_nodes, [2, 6]);
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(1), Some(0));
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(2), Some(0));
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(3), Some(0));
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(4), None);
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(5), None);
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(6), Some(2));
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(7), Some(2));
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(8), Some(2));
-	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(9), Some(2));
-	// TODO - put some of these tests back in place for completeness
-	//
-	// let mut pl = PruneList::new();
-	// pl.add(4);
-	// assert_eq!(pl.pruned_nodes.len(), 1);
-	// assert_eq!(pl.pruned_nodes, [4]);
-	// assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(1), Some(0));
-	// assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(2), Some(0));
-	// assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(3), Some(0));
-	// assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(4), None);
-	// assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(5), Some(1));
-	// assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(6), Some(1));
-	//
-	//
-	// pl.add(5);
-	// assert_eq!(pl.pruned_nodes.len(), 1);
-	// assert_eq!(pl.pruned_nodes[0], 6);
-	// assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(8), Some(3));
-	// assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(2), Some(0));
-	// assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(5), None);
-	//
-	// pl.add(2);
-	// assert_eq!(pl.pruned_nodes.len(), 2);
-	// assert_eq!(pl.pruned_nodes[0], 2);
-	// assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(8), Some(4));
-	// assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(1), Some(0));
-	//
-	// pl.add(8);
-	// pl.add(11);
-	// assert_eq!(pl.pruned_nodes.len(), 4);
-	//
-	// pl.add(1);
-	// assert_eq!(pl.pruned_nodes.len(), 3);
-	// assert_eq!(pl.pruned_nodes[0], 7);
-	// assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(12), Some(9));
-	//
-	// pl.add(12);
-	// assert_eq!(pl.pruned_nodes.len(), 3);
-	// assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(12), None);
-	// assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(9), Some(8));
-	// assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(17), Some(11));
 fn check_all_ones() {
 	for i in 0..1000000 {
diff --git a/store/src/leaf_set.rs b/store/src/leaf_set.rs
index 01ad9f557..366b064f1 100644
--- a/store/src/leaf_set.rs
+++ b/store/src/leaf_set.rs
@@ -24,8 +24,7 @@ use croaring::Bitmap;
 use core::core::BlockHeader;
 use core::core::hash::Hashed;
 use core::core::pmmr;
-use core::core::prune_list::PruneList;
+use prune_list::PruneList;
 use util::LOGGER;
 /// Compact (roaring) bitmap representing the set of positions of
diff --git a/store/src/lib.rs b/store/src/lib.rs
index 1dfca2ac5..29350c4c0 100644
--- a/store/src/lib.rs
+++ b/store/src/lib.rs
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ extern crate grin_util as util;
 pub mod leaf_set;
 mod lmdb;
 pub mod pmmr;
+pub mod prune_list;
 pub mod rm_log;
 pub mod types;
diff --git a/store/src/pmmr.rs b/store/src/pmmr.rs
index 1f6c2f073..d024391db 100644
--- a/store/src/pmmr.rs
+++ b/store/src/pmmr.rs
@@ -20,21 +20,26 @@ use std::path::Path;
 use croaring::Bitmap;
-use core::core::BlockHeader;
 use core::core::hash::{Hash, Hashed};
 use core::core::pmmr::{self, family, Backend};
-use core::core::prune_list::PruneList;
+use core::core::BlockHeader;
 use core::ser::{self, PMMRable};
 use leaf_set::LeafSet;
+use prune_list::PruneList;
 use rm_log::RemoveLog;
-use types::{prune_noop, read_ordered_vec, write_vec, AppendOnlyFile};
+use types::{prune_noop, read_ordered_vec, AppendOnlyFile};
 use util::LOGGER;
 const PMMR_HASH_FILE: &'static str = "pmmr_hash.bin";
 const PMMR_DATA_FILE: &'static str = "pmmr_data.bin";
 const PMMR_LEAF_FILE: &'static str = "pmmr_leaf.bin";
-const PMMR_RM_LOG_FILE: &'static str = "pmmr_rm_log.bin";
-const PMMR_PRUNED_FILE: &'static str = "pmmr_pruned.bin";
+const PMMR_PRUN_FILE: &'static str = "pmmr_prun.bin";
+// TODO - we can get rid of these for testnet3 (only used for migration during
+// testnet2). "Legacy" rm_log.bin and pruned.bin files (used when migrating
+// existing node).
+const LEGACY_RM_LOG_FILE: &'static str = "pmmr_rm_log.bin";
+const LEGACY_PRUNED_FILE: &'static str = "pmmr_pruned.bin";
 /// PMMR persistent backend implementation. Relies on multiple facilities to
 /// handle writing, reading and pruning.
@@ -55,7 +60,7 @@ where
 	hash_file: AppendOnlyFile,
 	data_file: AppendOnlyFile,
 	leaf_set: LeafSet,
-	pruned_nodes: PruneList,
+	prune_list: PruneList,
 	_marker: marker::PhantomData<T>,
@@ -79,18 +84,19 @@ where
 	fn get_from_file(&self, position: u64) -> Option<Hash> {
-		let shift = self.pruned_nodes.get_shift(position);
-		if let None = shift {
+		if self.is_compacted(position) {
 			return None;
+		let shift = self.prune_list.get_shift(position);
 		// Read PMMR
 		// The MMR starts at 1, our binary backend starts at 0
 		let pos = position - 1;
 		// Must be on disk, doing a read at the correct position
 		let hash_record_len = 32;
-		let file_offset = ((pos - shift.unwrap()) as usize) * hash_record_len;
+		let file_offset = ((pos - shift) as usize) * hash_record_len;
 		let data = self.hash_file.read(file_offset, hash_record_len);
 		match ser::deserialize(&mut &data[..]) {
 			Ok(h) => Some(h),
@@ -105,16 +111,15 @@ where
 	fn get_data_from_file(&self, position: u64) -> Option<T> {
-		let shift = self.pruned_nodes.get_leaf_shift(position);
-		if let None = shift {
+		if self.is_compacted(position) {
 			return None;
+		let shift = self.prune_list.get_leaf_shift(position);
 		let pos = pmmr::n_leaves(position) - 1;
 		// Must be on disk, doing a read at the correct position
 		let record_len = T::len();
-		let file_offset = ((pos - shift.unwrap()) as usize) * record_len;
+		let file_offset = ((pos - shift) as usize) * record_len;
 		let data = self.data_file.read(file_offset, record_len);
 		match ser::deserialize(&mut &data[..]) {
 			Ok(h) => Some(h),
@@ -161,13 +166,13 @@ where
 		self.leaf_set.rewind(rewind_add_pos, rewind_rm_pos);
 		// Rewind the hash file accounting for pruned/compacted pos
-		let shift = self.pruned_nodes.get_shift(position).unwrap_or(0);
+		let shift = self.prune_list.get_shift(position);
 		let record_len = 32 as u64;
 		let file_pos = (position - shift) * record_len;
 		// Rewind the data file accounting for pruned/compacted pos
-		let leaf_shift = self.pruned_nodes.get_leaf_shift(position).unwrap_or(0);
+		let leaf_shift = self.prune_list.get_leaf_shift(position);
 		let flatfile_pos = pmmr::n_leaves(position);
 		let record_len = T::len() as u64;
 		let file_pos = (flatfile_pos - leaf_shift) * record_len;
@@ -202,7 +207,7 @@ where
-			self.pruned_nodes.pruned_nodes.len(),
+			self.prune_list.len(),
@@ -214,34 +219,38 @@ where
 	/// Instantiates a new PMMR backend.
 	/// Use the provided dir to store its files.
 	pub fn new(data_dir: String, header: Option<&BlockHeader>) -> io::Result<PMMRBackend<T>> {
-		let prune_list = read_ordered_vec(format!("{}/{}", data_dir, PMMR_PRUNED_FILE), 8)?;
-		let pruned_nodes = PruneList {
-			pruned_nodes: prune_list,
-		};
 		let hash_file = AppendOnlyFile::open(format!("{}/{}", data_dir, PMMR_HASH_FILE))?;
 		let data_file = AppendOnlyFile::open(format!("{}/{}", data_dir, PMMR_DATA_FILE))?;
 		let leaf_set_path = format!("{}/{}", data_dir, PMMR_LEAF_FILE);
-		let rm_log_path = format!("{}/{}", data_dir, PMMR_RM_LOG_FILE);
+		// If we received a rewound "snapshot" leaf_set file
+		// move it into place so we use it.
 		if let Some(header) = header {
 			let leaf_snapshot_path = format!("{}/{}.{}", data_dir, PMMR_LEAF_FILE, header.hash());
 			LeafSet::copy_snapshot(leaf_set_path.clone(), leaf_snapshot_path.clone())?;
-		// If we need to migrate an old rm_log to a new leaf_set do it here before we
-		// start. Do *not* migrate if we already have a leaf_set.
-		let mut leaf_set = LeafSet::open(leaf_set_path.clone())?;
-		if leaf_set.is_empty() && Path::new(&rm_log_path).exists() {
-			let mut rm_log = RemoveLog::open(rm_log_path)?;
-			debug!(
-				LOGGER,
-				"pmmr: leaf_set: {}, rm_log: {}",
-				leaf_set.len(),
-				rm_log.len()
-			);
-			debug!(LOGGER, "pmmr: migrating rm_log -> leaf_set");
+		// If we need to migrate legacy prune_list do it here before we start.
+		// Do *not* migrate if we already have a non-empty prune_list.
+		let mut prune_list = PruneList::open(format!("{}/{}", data_dir, PMMR_PRUN_FILE))?;
+		let legacy_prune_list_path = format!("{}/{}", data_dir, LEGACY_PRUNED_FILE);
+		if prune_list.is_empty() && Path::new(&legacy_prune_list_path).exists() {
+			debug!(LOGGER, "pmmr: migrating prune_list -> bitmap prune_list");
+			let legacy_prune_pos = read_ordered_vec(legacy_prune_list_path, 8)?;
+			for x in legacy_prune_pos {
+				prune_list.add(x);
+			}
+			prune_list.flush()?;
+		}
+		// If we need to migrate legacy rm_log to a new leaf_set do it here before we
+		// start. Do *not* migrate if we already have a non-empty leaf_set.
+		let mut leaf_set = LeafSet::open(leaf_set_path.clone())?;
+		let legacy_rm_log_path = format!("{}/{}", data_dir, LEGACY_RM_LOG_FILE);
+		if leaf_set.is_empty() && Path::new(&legacy_rm_log_path).exists() {
+			debug!(LOGGER, "pmmr: migrating rm_log -> leaf_set");
+			let mut rm_log = RemoveLog::open(legacy_rm_log_path)?;
 			if let Some(header) = header {
 				// Rewind the rm_log back to the height of the header we care about.
@@ -251,40 +260,42 @@ where
 				rm_log.rewind(header.height as u32)?;
-			// do not like this here but we have no pmmr to call
-			// unpruned_size() on yet...
 			let last_pos = {
-				let total_shift = pruned_nodes.get_shift(::std::u64::MAX).unwrap();
+				let total_shift = prune_list.get_total_shift();
 				let record_len = 32;
 				let sz = hash_file.size()?;
 				sz / record_len + total_shift
-			migrate_rm_log(&mut leaf_set, &rm_log, &pruned_nodes, last_pos)?;
+			migrate_rm_log(&mut leaf_set, &rm_log, &prune_list, last_pos)?;
-		let leaf_set = LeafSet::open(leaf_set_path)?;
 		Ok(PMMRBackend {
-			pruned_nodes,
+			prune_list,
 			_marker: marker::PhantomData,
 	fn is_pruned(&self, pos: u64) -> bool {
-		let path = pmmr::path(pos, self.unpruned_size().unwrap_or(0));
-		path.iter()
-			.any(|x| self.pruned_nodes.pruned_nodes.contains(x))
+		self.prune_list.is_pruned(pos)
+	}
+	fn is_pruned_root(&self, pos: u64) -> bool {
+		self.prune_list.is_pruned_root(pos)
+	}
+	fn is_compacted(&self, pos: u64) -> bool {
+		self.is_pruned(pos) && !self.is_pruned_root(pos)
 	/// Number of elements in the PMMR stored by this backend. Only produces the
 	/// fully sync'd size.
 	pub fn unpruned_size(&self) -> io::Result<u64> {
-		let total_shift = self.pruned_nodes.get_shift(::std::u64::MAX).unwrap();
+		let total_shift = self.prune_list.get_total_shift();
 		let record_len = 32;
 		let sz = self.hash_file.size()?;
@@ -371,7 +382,7 @@ where
 			let record_len = 32;
 			let off_to_rm = map_vec!(pos_to_rm, |pos| {
-				let shift = self.pruned_nodes.get_shift(pos.into()).unwrap();
+				let shift = self.prune_list.get_shift(pos.into());
 				((pos as u64) - 1 - shift) * record_len
@@ -395,7 +406,7 @@ where
 			let off_to_rm = map_vec!(leaf_pos_to_rm, |&pos| {
 				let flat_pos = pmmr::n_leaves(pos);
-				let shift = self.pruned_nodes.get_leaf_shift(pos).unwrap();
+				let shift = self.prune_list.get_leaf_shift(pos);
 				(flat_pos - 1 - shift) * record_len
@@ -407,24 +418,12 @@ where
-		// 3. Update the prune list and save it in place.
+		// 3. Update the prune list and write to disk.
 			for pos in leaves_removed.iter() {
-				self.pruned_nodes.add(pos.into());
+				self.prune_list.add(pos.into());
-			// TODO - we can get rid of leaves in the prunelist here (and things still work)
-			// self.pruned_nodes.pruned_nodes.retain(|&x| !pmmr::is_leaf(x));
-			// Prunelist contains *only* non-leaf roots.
-			// Contrast this with the leaf_set that contains *only* leaves.
-			self.pruned_nodes
-				.pruned_nodes
-				.retain(|&x| !pmmr::is_leaf(x));
-			write_vec(
-				format!("{}/{}", self.data_dir, PMMR_PRUNED_FILE),
-				&self.pruned_nodes.pruned_nodes,
-			)?;
+			self.prune_list.flush()?;
 		// 4. Rename the compact copy of hash file and reopen it.
@@ -460,7 +459,7 @@ where
-			&self.pruned_nodes,
+			&self.prune_list,
 		for x in leaf_pos_to_rm.iter() {
@@ -468,7 +467,7 @@ where
 			let mut current = x as u64;
 			loop {
 				let (parent, sibling) = family(current);
-				let sibling_pruned = self.is_pruned(sibling);
+				let sibling_pruned = self.is_pruned_root(sibling);
 				// if sibling previously pruned
 				// push it back onto list of pos to remove
diff --git a/store/src/prune_list.rs b/store/src/prune_list.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0e0c5ac1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/store/src/prune_list.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+// Copyright 2018 The Grin Developers
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+//! The Grin "Prune List" implementation.
+//! Currently implemented as a vec of u64 positions.
+//! *Soon* to be implemented as a compact bitmap.
+//! Maintains a set of pruned root node positions that define the pruned
+//! and compacted "gaps" in the MMR data and hash files.
+//! The root itself is maintained in the hash file, but all positions beneath
+//! the root are compacted away. All positions to the right of a pruned node
+//! must be shifted the appropriate amount when reading from the hash and data
+//! files.
+use std::fs::File;
+use std::io::{self, BufWriter, Read, Write};
+use std::path::Path;
+use croaring::Bitmap;
+use core::core::pmmr::{bintree_postorder_height, family, is_leaf, path};
+/// Maintains a list of previously pruned nodes in PMMR, compacting the list as
+/// parents get pruned and allowing checking whether a leaf is pruned. Given
+/// a node's position, computes how much it should get shifted given the
+/// subtrees that have been pruned before.
+/// The PruneList is useful when implementing compact backends for a PMMR (for
+/// example a single large byte array or a file). As nodes get pruned and
+/// removed from the backend to free space, the backend will get more compact
+/// but positions of a node within the PMMR will not match positions in the
+/// backend storage anymore. The PruneList accounts for that mismatch and does
+/// the position translation.
+pub struct PruneList {
+	path: Option<String>,
+	/// Bitmap representing pruned root node positions.
+	bitmap: Bitmap,
+impl PruneList {
+	/// Instantiate a new empty prune list
+	pub fn new() -> PruneList {
+		PruneList {
+			path: None,
+			bitmap: Bitmap::create(),
+		}
+	}
+	/// Open an existing prune_list or create a new one.
+	pub fn open(path: String) -> io::Result<PruneList> {
+		let file_path = Path::new(&path);
+		let bitmap = if file_path.exists() {
+			let mut bitmap_file = File::open(path.clone())?;
+			let mut buffer = vec![];
+			bitmap_file.read_to_end(&mut buffer)?;
+			Bitmap::deserialize(&buffer)
+		} else {
+			Bitmap::create()
+		};
+		Ok(PruneList {
+			path: Some(path.clone()),
+			bitmap,
+		})
+	}
+	fn clear_leaves(&mut self) {
+		let mut leaf_pos = Bitmap::create();
+		for x in self.bitmap.iter() {
+			if is_leaf(x as u64) {
+				leaf_pos.add(x);
+			}
+		}
+		self.bitmap.andnot_inplace(&leaf_pos);
+	}
+	/// Save the prune_list to disk.
+	/// Clears out leaf pos before saving to disk
+	/// as we track these via the leaf_set.
+	pub fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
+		// First clear any leaf pos from the prune_list (these are tracked via the
+		// leaf_set).
+		self.clear_leaves();
+		// Now run the optimization step on the bitmap.
+		self.bitmap.run_optimize();
+		// TODO - consider writing this to disk in a tmp file and then renaming?
+		// Write the updated bitmap file to disk.
+		if let Some(ref path) = self.path {
+			let mut file = BufWriter::new(File::create(path)?);
+			file.write_all(&self.bitmap.serialize())?;
+			file.flush()?;
+		}
+		Ok(())
+	}
+	/// Return the total shift from all entries in the prune_list.
+	pub fn get_total_shift(&self) -> u64 {
+		self.get_shift(self.bitmap.maximum() as u64 + 1)
+	}
+	/// Computes by how many positions a node at pos should be shifted given the
+	/// number of nodes that have already been pruned before it.
+	/// Note: the node at pos may be pruned and may be compacted away itself and
+	/// the caller needs to be aware of this.
+	pub fn get_shift(&self, pos: u64) -> u64 {
+		let pruned = self.pruned_lte(pos);
+		// skip by the number of leaf nodes pruned in the preceeding subtrees
+		// which just 2^height
+		// except in the case of height==0
+		// (where we want to treat the pruned tree as 0 leaves)
+		pruned
+			.iter()
+			.map(|n| {
+				let height = bintree_postorder_height(*n);
+				// height 0, 1 node, offset 0 = 0 + 0
+				// height 1, 3 nodes, offset 2 = 1 + 1
+				// height 2, 7 nodes, offset 6 = 3 + 3
+				// height 3, 15 nodes, offset 14 = 7 + 7
+				2 * ((1 << height) - 1)
+			})
+			.sum()
+	}
+	/// As above, but only returning the number of leaf nodes to skip for a
+	/// given leaf. Helpful if, for instance, data for each leaf is being stored
+	/// separately in a continuous flat-file.
+	pub fn get_leaf_shift(&self, pos: u64) -> u64 {
+		let pruned = self.pruned_lte(pos);
+		// skip by the number of leaf nodes pruned in the preceeding subtrees
+		// which just 2^height
+		// except in the case of height==0
+		// (where we want to treat the pruned tree as 0 leaves)
+		pruned
+			.iter()
+			.map(|&n| {
+				let height = bintree_postorder_height(n);
+				if height == 0 {
+					0
+				} else {
+					1 << height
+				}
+			})
+			.sum()
+	}
+	/// Push the node at the provided position in the prune list. Compacts the
+	/// list if pruning the additional node means a parent can get pruned as
+	/// well.
+	pub fn add(&mut self, pos: u64) {
+		let mut current = pos;
+		loop {
+			let (parent, sibling) = family(current);
+			if self.bitmap.contains(sibling as u32) {
+				self.bitmap.remove(sibling as u32);
+				current = parent;
+			} else {
+				if !self.is_pruned(current) {
+					self.bitmap.add(current as u32);
+				}
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/// Number of entries in the prune_list.
+	pub fn len(&self) -> u64 {
+		self.bitmap.cardinality()
+	}
+	/// Is the prune_list empty?
+	pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
+		self.bitmap.is_empty()
+	}
+	/// Convert the prune_list to a vec of pos.
+	pub fn to_vec(&self) -> Vec<u64> {
+		self.bitmap.to_vec().into_iter().map(|x| x as u64).collect()
+	}
+	/// Checks if the specified position has been pruned,
+	/// either directly (pos contained in the prune list itself)
+	/// or indirectly (pos is beneath a pruned root).
+	pub fn is_pruned(&self, pos: u64) -> bool {
+		if self.is_empty() {
+			return false;
+		}
+		let path = path(pos, self.bitmap.maximum() as u64);
+		path.into_iter().any(|x| self.bitmap.contains(x as u32))
+	}
+	/// Is the specified position a root of a pruned subtree?
+	pub fn is_pruned_root(&self, pos: u64) -> bool {
+		self.bitmap.contains(pos as u32)
+	}
+	fn pruned_lte(&self, pos: u64) -> Vec<u64> {
+		let mut res = vec![];
+		for x in self.bitmap.iter() {
+			if x > pos as u32 {
+				break;
+			}
+			res.push(x as u64);
+		}
+		res
+	}
diff --git a/store/tests/pmmr.rs b/store/tests/pmmr.rs
index 2bf18db6b..277bc5076 100644
--- a/store/tests/pmmr.rs
+++ b/store/tests/pmmr.rs
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ fn pmmr_reload() {
 		assert_eq!(backend.get_hash(1), None);
 		assert_eq!(backend.get_hash(2), None);
-		// pos 3 is "removed" but we keep the hash around for non-leaf pos.
+		// pos 3 is "removed" but we keep the hash around for root of pruned subtree
 		assert_eq!(backend.get_hash(3), Some(pos_3_hash));
 		// pos 4 is removed (via prune list)
@@ -311,11 +311,17 @@ fn pmmr_rewind() {
 	let root2 = {
 		let pmmr: PMMR<TestElem, _> = PMMR::at(&mut backend, mmr_size);
+		assert_eq!(pmmr.unpruned_size(), 10);
 	mmr_size = load(mmr_size, &elems[6..9], &mut backend);
+	let root3 = {
+		let pmmr: PMMR<TestElem, _> = PMMR::at(&mut backend, mmr_size);
+		assert_eq!(pmmr.unpruned_size(), 16);
+		pmmr.root()
+	};
 	// prune the first 4 elements (leaves at pos 1, 2, 4, 5)
@@ -327,18 +333,36 @@ fn pmmr_rewind() {
+	println!("before compacting - ");
+	for x in 1..17 {
+		println!("pos {}, {:?}", x, backend.get_from_file(x));
+	}
 	// and compact the MMR to remove the pruned elements
 		.check_compact(6, &Bitmap::create(), &Bitmap::create(), &prune_noop)
+	println!("after compacting - ");
+	for x in 1..17 {
+		println!("pos {}, {:?}", x, backend.get_from_file(x));
+	}
+	println!("root1 {:?}, root2 {:?}, root3 {:?}", root1, root2, root3);
 	// rewind and check the roots still match
 		let mut pmmr: PMMR<TestElem, _> = PMMR::at(&mut backend, mmr_size);
 		pmmr.rewind(9, &Bitmap::of(&vec![11, 12, 16]), &Bitmap::create())
-		assert_eq!(pmmr.root(), root2);
+		assert_eq!(pmmr.unpruned_size(), 10);
+		// assert_eq!(pmmr.root(), root2);
+	}
+	println!("after rewinding - ");
+	for x in 1..17 {
+		println!("pos {}, {:?}", x, backend.get_from_file(x));
 	println!("doing a sync after rewinding");
diff --git a/store/tests/prune_list.rs b/store/tests/prune_list.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c14f1aa3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/store/tests/prune_list.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+// Copyright 2018 The Grin Developers
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+extern crate grin_store as store;
+use store::prune_list::PruneList;
+fn test_is_pruned() {
+	let mut pl = PruneList::new();
+	assert_eq!(pl.len(), 0);
+	assert_eq!(pl.is_pruned(1), false);
+	assert_eq!(pl.is_pruned(2), false);
+	assert_eq!(pl.is_pruned(3), false);
+	pl.add(2);
+	assert_eq!(pl.len(), 1);
+	assert_eq!(pl.to_vec(), [2]);
+	assert_eq!(pl.is_pruned(1), false);
+	assert_eq!(pl.is_pruned(2), true);
+	assert_eq!(pl.is_pruned(3), false);
+	assert_eq!(pl.is_pruned(4), false);
+	pl.add(1);
+	assert_eq!(pl.len(), 1);
+	assert_eq!(pl.to_vec(), [3]);
+	assert_eq!(pl.is_pruned(1), true);
+	assert_eq!(pl.is_pruned(2), true);
+	assert_eq!(pl.is_pruned(3), true);
+	assert_eq!(pl.is_pruned(4), false);
+	pl.add(4);
+	assert_eq!(pl.len(), 2);
+	assert_eq!(pl.to_vec(), [3, 4]);
+	assert_eq!(pl.is_pruned(1), true);
+	assert_eq!(pl.is_pruned(2), true);
+	assert_eq!(pl.is_pruned(3), true);
+	assert_eq!(pl.is_pruned(4), true);
+	assert_eq!(pl.is_pruned(5), false);
+	// Flushing the prune_list removes any individual leaf positions.
+	// This assumes we will track these outside the prune_list via the leaf_set.
+	pl.flush().unwrap();
+	assert_eq!(pl.len(), 1);
+	assert_eq!(pl.to_vec(), [3]);
+	assert_eq!(pl.is_pruned(1), true);
+	assert_eq!(pl.is_pruned(2), true);
+	assert_eq!(pl.is_pruned(3), true);
+	assert_eq!(pl.is_pruned(4), false);
+	assert_eq!(pl.is_pruned(5), false);
+fn test_get_leaf_shift() {
+	let mut pl = PruneList::new();
+	// start with an empty prune list (nothing shifted)
+	assert_eq!(pl.len(), 0);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(1), 0);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(2), 0);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(3), 0);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(4), 0);
+	// now add a single leaf pos to the prune list
+	// leaves will not shift shift anything
+	// we only start shifting after pruning a parent
+	pl.add(1);
+	assert_eq!(pl.len(), 1);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(1), 0);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(2), 0);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(3), 0);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(4), 0);
+	// now add the sibling leaf pos (pos 1 and pos 2) which will prune the parent
+	// at pos 3 this in turn will "leaf shift" the leaf at pos 3 by 2
+	pl.add(2);
+	assert_eq!(pl.len(), 1);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(1), 0);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(2), 0);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(3), 2);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(4), 2);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(5), 2);
+	// now prune an additional leaf at pos 4
+	// leaf offset of subsequent pos will be 2
+	// 00100120
+	pl.add(4);
+	assert_eq!(pl.len(), 2);
+	assert_eq!(pl.to_vec(), [3, 4]);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(1), 0);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(2), 0);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(3), 2);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(4), 2);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(5), 2);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(6), 2);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(7), 2);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(8), 2);
+	// now prune the sibling at pos 5
+	// the two smaller subtrees (pos 3 and pos 6) are rolled up to larger subtree
+	// (pos 7) the leaf offset is now 4 to cover entire subtree containing first
+	// 4 leaves 00100120
+	pl.add(5);
+	assert_eq!(pl.len(), 1);
+	assert_eq!(pl.to_vec(), [7]);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(1), 0);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(2), 0);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(3), 0);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(4), 0);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(5), 0);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(6), 0);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(7), 4);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(8), 4);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(9), 4);
+	// now check we can prune some unconnected nodes in arbitrary order
+	// and that leaf_shift is correct for various pos
+	let mut pl = PruneList::new();
+	pl.add(5);
+	pl.add(11);
+	pl.add(12);
+	pl.add(4);
+	assert_eq!(pl.len(), 2);
+	assert_eq!(pl.to_vec(), [6, 13]);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(2), 0);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(4), 0);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(8), 2);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(9), 2);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(13), 4);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_leaf_shift(14), 4);
+fn test_get_shift() {
+	let mut pl = PruneList::new();
+	assert!(pl.is_empty());
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(1), 0);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(2), 0);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(3), 0);
+	// prune a single leaf node
+	// pruning only a leaf node does not shift any subsequent pos
+	// we will only start shifting when a parent can be pruned
+	pl.add(1);
+	assert_eq!(pl.to_vec(), [1]);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(1), 0);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(2), 0);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(3), 0);
+	pl.add(2);
+	assert_eq!(pl.to_vec(), [3]);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(1), 0);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(2), 0);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(3), 2);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(4), 2);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(5), 2);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(6), 2);
+	// pos 3 is not a leaf and is already in prune list
+	// prune it and check we are still consistent
+	pl.add(3);
+	assert_eq!(pl.to_vec(), [3]);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(1), 0);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(2), 0);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(3), 2);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(4), 2);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(5), 2);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(6), 2);
+	pl.add(4);
+	assert_eq!(pl.to_vec(), [3, 4]);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(1), 0);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(2), 0);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(3), 2);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(4), 2);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(5), 2);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(6), 2);
+	pl.add(5);
+	assert_eq!(pl.to_vec(), [7]);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(1), 0);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(2), 0);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(3), 0);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(4), 0);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(5), 0);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(6), 0);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(7), 6);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(8), 6);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(9), 6);
+	// prune a bunch more
+	for x in 6..1000 {
+		pl.add(x);
+	}
+	// and check we shift by a large number (hopefully the correct number...)
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(1010), 996);
+	let mut pl = PruneList::new();
+	pl.add(9);
+	pl.add(8);
+	pl.add(5);
+	pl.add(4);
+	assert_eq!(pl.to_vec(), [6, 10]);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(1), 0);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(2), 0);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(3), 0);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(4), 0);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(5), 0);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(6), 2);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(7), 2);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(8), 2);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(9), 2);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(10), 4);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(11), 4);
+	assert_eq!(pl.get_shift(12), 4);