mirror of
synced 2025-02-08 04:11:08 +03:00
core: move Block and BlockHeader into their own module
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 475 additions and 426 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
// Copyright 2016 The Developers
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! Blocks and blockheaders
use time;
use secp;
use secp::{Secp256k1, Signature, Message};
use secp::key::SecretKey;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use core::Committed;
use core::{Input, Output, Proof, TxProof, Transaction};
use core::merkle_inputs_outputs;
use core::{PROOFSIZE, REWARD};
use core::hash::{Hash, Hashed, ZERO_HASH};
use core::ser::MAX_IN_OUT_LEN;
use ser::{self, Readable, Reader, Writeable, Writer, ser_vec};
/// Block header, fairly standard compared to other blockchains.
pub struct BlockHeader {
pub height: u64,
pub previous: Hash,
pub timestamp: time::Tm,
pub td: u64, // total difficulty up to this block
pub utxo_merkle: Hash,
pub tx_merkle: Hash,
pub total_fees: u64,
pub nonce: u64,
pub pow: Proof,
impl Default for BlockHeader {
fn default() -> BlockHeader {
BlockHeader {
height: 0,
previous: ZERO_HASH,
timestamp: time::at_utc(time::Timespec { sec: 0, nsec: 0 }),
td: 0,
utxo_merkle: ZERO_HASH,
tx_merkle: ZERO_HASH,
total_fees: 0,
nonce: 0,
pow: Proof::zero(),
// Only Writeable implementation is required for hashing, which is part of
// core. Readable is in the ser package.
impl Writeable for BlockHeader {
fn write(&self, writer: &mut Writer) -> Option<ser::Error> {
// make sure to not introduce any variable length data before the nonce to
// avoid complicating PoW
// cuckoo cycle of 42 nodes
for n in 0..42 {
impl Hashed for BlockHeader {
fn bytes(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
// no serialization errors are applicable in this specific case
/// A block as expressed in the MimbleWimble protocol. The reward is
/// non-explicit, assumed to be deductible from block height (similar to
/// bitcoin's schedule) and expressed as a global transaction fee (added v.H),
/// additive to the total of fees ever collected.
pub struct Block {
// hash_mem: Hash,
pub header: BlockHeader,
pub inputs: Vec<Input>,
pub outputs: Vec<Output>,
pub proofs: Vec<TxProof>,
/// Implementation of Writeable for a block, defines how to write the full
/// block as binary.
impl Writeable for Block {
fn write(&self, writer: &mut Writer) -> Option<ser::Error> {
try_m!(writer.write_u64(self.inputs.len() as u64));
try_m!(writer.write_u64(self.outputs.len() as u64));
try_m!(writer.write_u64(self.proofs.len() as u64));
for inp in &self.inputs {
for out in &self.outputs {
for proof in &self.proofs {
/// Implementation of Readable for a block, defines how to read a full block
/// from a binary stream.
impl Readable<Block> for Block {
fn read(reader: &mut Reader) -> Result<Block, ser::Error> {
let height = try!(reader.read_u64());
let previous = try!(reader.read_fixed_bytes(32));
let timestamp = try!(reader.read_i64());
let utxo_merkle = try!(reader.read_fixed_bytes(32));
let tx_merkle = try!(reader.read_fixed_bytes(32));
let total_fees = try!(reader.read_u64());
let nonce = try!(reader.read_u64());
// cuckoo cycle of 42 nodes
let mut pow = [0; PROOFSIZE];
for n in 0..PROOFSIZE {
pow[n] = try!(reader.read_u32());
let td = try!(reader.read_u64());
let input_len = try!(reader.read_u64());
let output_len = try!(reader.read_u64());
let proof_len = try!(reader.read_u64());
if input_len > MAX_IN_OUT_LEN || output_len > MAX_IN_OUT_LEN || proof_len > MAX_IN_OUT_LEN {
return Err(ser::Error::TooLargeReadErr("Too many inputs, outputs or proofs.".to_string()));
let inputs = try!((0..input_len).map(|_| Input::read(reader)).collect());
let outputs = try!((0..output_len).map(|_| Output::read(reader)).collect());
let proofs = try!((0..proof_len).map(|_| TxProof::read(reader)).collect());
Ok(Block {
header: BlockHeader {
height: height,
previous: Hash::from_vec(previous),
timestamp: time::at_utc(time::Timespec {
sec: timestamp,
nsec: 0,
td: td,
utxo_merkle: Hash::from_vec(utxo_merkle),
tx_merkle: Hash::from_vec(tx_merkle),
total_fees: total_fees,
pow: Proof(pow),
nonce: nonce,
inputs: inputs,
outputs: outputs,
proofs: proofs,
/// Provides all information from a block that allows the calculation of total
/// Pedersen commitment.
impl Committed for Block {
fn inputs_committed(&self) -> &Vec<Input> {
fn outputs_committed(&self) -> &Vec<Output> {
fn overage(&self) -> i64 {
(REWARD as i64) - (self.header.total_fees as i64)
/// Default properties for a block, everything zeroed out and empty vectors.
impl Default for Block {
fn default() -> Block {
Block {
header: Default::default(),
inputs: vec![],
outputs: vec![],
proofs: vec![],
impl Block {
/// Builds a new block from the header of the previous block, a vector of
/// transactions and the private key that will receive the reward. Checks
/// that all transactions are valid and calculates the Merkle tree.
pub fn new(prev: BlockHeader,
txs: Vec<&mut Transaction>,
reward_key: SecretKey)
-> Result<Block, secp::Error> {
let secp = Secp256k1::with_caps(secp::ContextFlag::Commit);
let (reward_out, reward_proof) = try!(Block::reward_output(reward_key, &secp));
// note: the following reads easily but may not be the most efficient due to
// repeated iterations, revisit if a problem
// validate each transaction and gather their proofs
let mut proofs = try_map_vec!(txs, |tx| tx.verify_sig(&secp));
// build vectors with all inputs and all outputs, ordering them by hash
// needs to be a fold so we don't end up with a vector of vectors and we
// want to fullt own the refs (not just a pointer like flat_map).
let mut inputs = txs.iter()
.fold(vec![], |mut acc, ref tx| {
let mut inputs = tx.inputs.clone();
acc.append(&mut inputs);
let mut outputs = txs.iter()
.fold(vec![], |mut acc, ref tx| {
let mut outputs = tx.outputs.clone();
acc.append(&mut outputs);
inputs.sort_by_key(|inp| inp.hash());
outputs.sort_by_key(|out| out.hash());
// calculate the overall Merkle tree and fees
let fees = txs.iter().map(|tx| tx.fee).sum();
Ok(Block {
header: BlockHeader {
height: prev.height + 1,
total_fees: fees,
timestamp: time::now(),
inputs: inputs,
outputs: outputs,
proofs: proofs,
pub fn hash(&self) -> Hash {
/// Matches any output with a potential spending input, eliminating them
/// from the block. Provides a simple way to compact the block. The
/// elimination is stable with respect to inputs and outputs order.
pub fn compact(&self) -> Block {
// the chosen ones
let mut new_inputs = vec![];
// build a set of all output hashes
let mut out_set = HashSet::new();
for out in &self.outputs {
// removes from the set any hash referenced by an input, keeps the inputs that
// don't have a match
for inp in &self.inputs {
if !out_set.remove(&inp.output_hash()) {
// we got ourselves a keep list in that set
let new_outputs = self.outputs
.filter(|out| out_set.contains(&(out.hash())))
.map(|&out| out)
let tx_merkle = merkle_inputs_outputs(&new_inputs, &new_outputs);
Block {
header: BlockHeader {
tx_merkle: tx_merkle,
pow: self.header.pow.clone(),
inputs: new_inputs,
outputs: new_outputs,
proofs: self.proofs.clone(),
// Merges the 2 blocks, essentially appending the inputs, outputs and proofs.
// Also performs a compaction on the result.
pub fn merge(&self, other: Block) -> Block {
let mut all_inputs = self.inputs.clone();
all_inputs.append(&mut other.inputs.clone());
let mut all_outputs = self.outputs.clone();
all_outputs.append(&mut other.outputs.clone());
let mut all_proofs = self.proofs.clone();
all_proofs.append(&mut other.proofs.clone());
all_inputs.sort_by_key(|inp| inp.hash());
all_outputs.sort_by_key(|out| out.hash());
Block {
// compact will fix the merkle tree
header: BlockHeader {
total_fees: self.header.total_fees + other.header.total_fees,
pow: self.header.pow.clone(),
inputs: all_inputs,
outputs: all_outputs,
proofs: all_proofs,
/// Checks the block is valid by verifying the overall commitments sums and
/// proofs.
pub fn verify(&self, secp: &Secp256k1) -> Result<(), secp::Error> {
// sum all inputs and outs commitments
let io_sum = try!(self.sum_commitments(secp));
// sum all proofs commitments
let proof_commits = map_vec!(self.proofs, |proof| proof.remainder);
let proof_sum = try!(secp.commit_sum(proof_commits, vec![]));
// both should be the same
if proof_sum != io_sum {
// TODO more specific error
return Err(secp::Error::IncorrectCommitSum);
// verify all signatures with the commitment as pk
let msg = try!(Message::from_slice(&[0; 32]));
for proof in &self.proofs {
let pubk = try!(proof.remainder.to_pubkey(secp));
let sig = try!(Signature::from_der(secp, &proof.sig));
try!(secp.verify(&msg, &sig, &pubk));
// Builds the blinded output and related signature proof for the block reward.
fn reward_output(skey: secp::key::SecretKey,
secp: &Secp256k1)
-> Result<(Output, TxProof), secp::Error> {
let msg = try!(secp::Message::from_slice(&[0; 32]));
let sig = try!(secp.sign(&msg, &skey));
let output = Output::OvertOutput {
value: REWARD,
blindkey: skey,
let over_commit = try!(secp.commit_value(REWARD as u64));
let out_commit = output.commitment().unwrap();
let remainder = try!(secp.commit_sum(vec![over_commit], vec![out_commit]));
let proof = TxProof {
remainder: remainder,
sig: sig.serialize_der(&secp),
Ok((output, proof))
mod test {
use super::*;
use core::{Input, Output, Transaction};
use core::hash::{Hash, Hashed};
use core::test::{tx1i1o, tx2i1o};
use secp::{self, Secp256k1};
use secp::key::SecretKey;
use rand::Rng;
use rand::os::OsRng;
fn new_secp() -> Secp256k1 {
// utility to create a block without worrying about the key or previous header
fn new_block(txs: Vec<&mut Transaction>, secp: &Secp256k1) -> Block {
let mut rng = OsRng::new().unwrap();
let skey = SecretKey::new(secp, &mut rng);
Block::new(BlockHeader::default(), txs, skey).unwrap()
// utility producing a transaction that spends the above
fn txspend1i1o<R: Rng>(secp: &Secp256k1, rng: &mut R, oout: Output, outh: Hash) -> Transaction {
if let Output::OvertOutput { blindkey, value } = oout {
Transaction::new(vec![Input::OvertInput {
output: outh,
value: value,
blindkey: blindkey,
vec![Output::OvertOutput {
value: 3,
blindkey: SecretKey::new(secp, rng),
} else {
// builds a block with a tx spending another and check if merging occurred
fn compactable_block() {
let mut rng = OsRng::new().unwrap();
let ref secp = new_secp();
let tx1 = tx2i1o(secp, &mut rng);
let mut btx1 = tx1.blind(&secp).unwrap();
let tx2 = tx1i1o(secp, &mut rng);
let mut btx2 = tx2.blind(&secp).unwrap();
// spending tx2
let spending = txspend1i1o(secp, &mut rng, tx2.outputs[0], btx2.outputs[0].hash());
let mut btx3 = spending.blind(&secp).unwrap();
let b = new_block(vec![&mut btx1, &mut btx2, &mut btx3], secp);
// block should have been automatically compacted (including reward output) and
// should still be valid
assert_eq!(b.inputs.len(), 3);
assert_eq!(b.outputs.len(), 3);
// builds 2 different blocks with a tx spending another and check if merging
// occurs
fn mergeable_blocks() {
let mut rng = OsRng::new().unwrap();
let ref secp = new_secp();
let tx1 = tx2i1o(secp, &mut rng);
let mut btx1 = tx1.blind(&secp).unwrap();
let tx2 = tx1i1o(secp, &mut rng);
let mut btx2 = tx2.blind(&secp).unwrap();
// spending tx2
let spending = txspend1i1o(secp, &mut rng, tx2.outputs[0], btx2.outputs[0].hash());
let mut btx3 = spending.blind(&secp).unwrap();
let b1 = new_block(vec![&mut btx1, &mut btx2], secp);
let b2 = new_block(vec![&mut btx3], secp);
// block should have been automatically compacted and should still be valid
let b3 = b1.merge(b2);
assert_eq!(b3.inputs.len(), 3);
assert_eq!(b3.outputs.len(), 4);
@ -14,11 +14,13 @@
//! Core types
pub mod block;
pub mod hash;
mod ser;
pub use self::block::{Block, BlockHeader};
use self::hash::{Hash, Hashed, ZERO_HASH};
use ser::{Writeable, Writer, Error, ser_vec};
@ -26,7 +28,6 @@ use time;
use std::fmt;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use secp;
use secp::{Secp256k1, Signature, Message};
@ -157,279 +158,6 @@ impl Proof {
/// Block header, fairly standard compared to other blockchains.
pub struct BlockHeader {
pub height: u64,
pub previous: Hash,
pub timestamp: time::Tm,
pub td: u64, // total difficulty up to this block
pub utxo_merkle: Hash,
pub tx_merkle: Hash,
pub total_fees: u64,
pub nonce: u64,
pub pow: Proof,
impl Default for BlockHeader {
fn default() -> BlockHeader {
BlockHeader {
height: 0,
previous: ZERO_HASH,
timestamp: time::at_utc(time::Timespec { sec: 0, nsec: 0 }),
td: 0,
utxo_merkle: ZERO_HASH,
tx_merkle: ZERO_HASH,
total_fees: 0,
nonce: 0,
pow: Proof::zero(),
// Only Writeable implementation is required for hashing, which is part of
// core. Readable is in the ser package.
impl Writeable for BlockHeader {
fn write(&self, writer: &mut Writer) -> Option<Error> {
// make sure to not introduce any variable length data before the nonce to
// avoid complicating PoW
// cuckoo cycle of 42 nodes
for n in 0..42 {
impl Hashed for BlockHeader {
fn bytes(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
// no serialization errors are applicable in this specific case
/// A block as expressed in the MimbleWimble protocol. The reward is
/// non-explicit, assumed to be deductible from block height (similar to
/// bitcoin's schedule) and expressed as a global transaction fee (added v.H),
/// additive to the total of fees ever collected.
pub struct Block {
// hash_mem: Hash,
pub header: BlockHeader,
pub inputs: Vec<Input>,
pub outputs: Vec<Output>,
pub proofs: Vec<TxProof>,
/// Provides all information from a block that allows the calculation of total
/// Pedersen commitment.
impl Committed for Block {
fn inputs_committed(&self) -> &Vec<Input> {
fn outputs_committed(&self) -> &Vec<Output> {
fn overage(&self) -> i64 {
(REWARD as i64) - (self.header.total_fees as i64)
/// Default properties for a block, everything zeroed out and empty vectors.
impl Default for Block {
fn default() -> Block {
Block {
header: Default::default(),
inputs: vec![],
outputs: vec![],
proofs: vec![],
impl Block {
/// Builds a new block from the header of the previous block, a vector of
/// transactions and the private key that will receive the reward. Checks
/// that all transactions are valid and calculates the Merkle tree.
pub fn new(prev: BlockHeader,
txs: Vec<&mut Transaction>,
reward_key: SecretKey)
-> Result<Block, secp::Error> {
let secp = secp::Secp256k1::with_caps(secp::ContextFlag::Commit);
let (reward_out, reward_proof) = try!(Block::reward_output(reward_key, &secp));
// note: the following reads easily but may not be the most efficient due to
// repeated iterations, revisit if a problem
// validate each transaction and gather their proofs
let mut proofs = try_map_vec!(txs, |tx| tx.verify_sig(&secp));
// build vectors with all inputs and all outputs, ordering them by hash
// needs to be a fold so we don't end up with a vector of vectors and we
// want to fullt own the refs (not just a pointer like flat_map).
let mut inputs = txs.iter()
.fold(vec![], |mut acc, ref tx| {
let mut inputs = tx.inputs.clone();
acc.append(&mut inputs);
let mut outputs = txs.iter()
.fold(vec![], |mut acc, ref tx| {
let mut outputs = tx.outputs.clone();
acc.append(&mut outputs);
inputs.sort_by_key(|inp| inp.hash());
outputs.sort_by_key(|out| out.hash());
// calculate the overall Merkle tree and fees
let fees = txs.iter().map(|tx| tx.fee).sum();
Ok(Block {
header: BlockHeader {
height: prev.height + 1,
total_fees: fees,
timestamp: time::now(),
inputs: inputs,
outputs: outputs,
proofs: proofs,
pub fn hash(&self) -> Hash {
/// Matches any output with a potential spending input, eliminating them
/// from the block. Provides a simple way to compact the block. The
/// elimination is stable with respect to inputs and outputs order.
pub fn compact(&self) -> Block {
// the chosen ones
let mut new_inputs = vec![];
// build a set of all output hashes
let mut out_set = HashSet::new();
for out in &self.outputs {
// removes from the set any hash referenced by an input, keeps the inputs that
// don't have a match
for inp in &self.inputs {
if !out_set.remove(&inp.output_hash()) {
// we got ourselves a keep list in that set
let new_outputs = self.outputs
.filter(|out| out_set.contains(&(out.hash())))
.map(|&out| out)
let tx_merkle = merkle_inputs_outputs(&new_inputs, &new_outputs);
Block {
header: BlockHeader {
tx_merkle: tx_merkle,
pow: self.header.pow.clone(),
inputs: new_inputs,
outputs: new_outputs,
proofs: self.proofs.clone(),
// Merges the 2 blocks, essentially appending the inputs, outputs and proofs.
// Also performs a compaction on the result.
pub fn merge(&self, other: Block) -> Block {
let mut all_inputs = self.inputs.clone();
all_inputs.append(&mut other.inputs.clone());
let mut all_outputs = self.outputs.clone();
all_outputs.append(&mut other.outputs.clone());
let mut all_proofs = self.proofs.clone();
all_proofs.append(&mut other.proofs.clone());
all_inputs.sort_by_key(|inp| inp.hash());
all_outputs.sort_by_key(|out| out.hash());
Block {
// compact will fix the merkle tree
header: BlockHeader {
total_fees: self.header.total_fees + other.header.total_fees,
pow: self.header.pow.clone(),
inputs: all_inputs,
outputs: all_outputs,
proofs: all_proofs,
/// Checks the block is valid by verifying the overall commitments sums and
/// proofs.
pub fn verify(&self, secp: &Secp256k1) -> Result<(), secp::Error> {
// sum all inputs and outs commitments
let io_sum = try!(self.sum_commitments(secp));
// sum all proofs commitments
let proof_commits = map_vec!(self.proofs, |proof| proof.remainder);
let proof_sum = try!(secp.commit_sum(proof_commits, vec![]));
// both should be the same
if proof_sum != io_sum {
// TODO more specific error
return Err(secp::Error::IncorrectCommitSum);
// verify all signatures with the commitment as pk
let msg = try!(Message::from_slice(&[0; 32]));
for proof in &self.proofs {
let pubk = try!(proof.remainder.to_pubkey(secp));
let sig = try!(Signature::from_der(secp, &proof.sig));
try!(secp.verify(&msg, &sig, &pubk));
// Builds the blinded output and related signature proof for the block reward.
fn reward_output(skey: secp::key::SecretKey,
secp: &Secp256k1)
-> Result<(Output, TxProof), secp::Error> {
let msg = try!(secp::Message::from_slice(&[0; 32]));
let sig = try!(secp.sign(&msg, &skey));
let output = Output::OvertOutput {
value: REWARD,
blindkey: skey,
let over_commit = try!(secp.commit_value(REWARD as u64));
let out_commit = output.commitment().unwrap();
let remainder = try!(secp.commit_sum(vec![over_commit], vec![out_commit]));
let proof = TxProof {
remainder: remainder,
sig: sig.serialize_der(&secp),
Ok((output, proof))
pub struct Transaction {
hash_mem: Option<Hash>,
@ -727,13 +455,6 @@ mod test {
// utility to create a block without worrying about the key or previous header
fn new_block(txs: Vec<&mut Transaction>, secp: &Secp256k1) -> Block {
let mut rng = OsRng::new().unwrap();
let skey = SecretKey::new(secp, &mut rng);
Block::new(BlockHeader::default(), txs, skey).unwrap()
fn blind_overt_output() {
let ref secp = new_secp();
@ -890,60 +611,8 @@ mod test {
// builds a block with a tx spending another and check if merging occurred
fn compactable_block() {
let mut rng = OsRng::new().unwrap();
let ref secp = new_secp();
let tx1 = tx2i1o(secp, &mut rng);
let mut btx1 = tx1.blind(&secp).unwrap();
let tx2 = tx1i1o(secp, &mut rng);
let mut btx2 = tx2.blind(&secp).unwrap();
// spending tx2
let spending = txspend1i1o(secp, &mut rng, tx2.outputs[0], btx2.outputs[0].hash());
let mut btx3 = spending.blind(&secp).unwrap();
let b = new_block(vec![&mut btx1, &mut btx2, &mut btx3], secp);
// block should have been automatically compacted (including reward output) and
// should still be valid
assert_eq!(b.inputs.len(), 3);
assert_eq!(b.outputs.len(), 3);
// builds 2 different blocks with a tx spending another and check if merging
// occurs
fn mergeable_blocks() {
let mut rng = OsRng::new().unwrap();
let ref secp = new_secp();
let tx1 = tx2i1o(secp, &mut rng);
let mut btx1 = tx1.blind(&secp).unwrap();
let tx2 = tx1i1o(secp, &mut rng);
let mut btx2 = tx2.blind(&secp).unwrap();
// spending tx2
let spending = txspend1i1o(secp, &mut rng, tx2.outputs[0], btx2.outputs[0].hash());
let mut btx3 = spending.blind(&secp).unwrap();
let b1 = new_block(vec![&mut btx1, &mut btx2], secp);
let b2 = new_block(vec![&mut btx3], secp);
// block should have been automatically compacted and should still be valid
let b3 = b1.merge(b2);
assert_eq!(b3.inputs.len(), 3);
assert_eq!(b3.outputs.len(), 4);
// utility producing a transaction with 2 inputs and a single outputs
fn tx2i1o<R: Rng>(secp: &Secp256k1, rng: &mut R) -> Transaction {
pub fn tx2i1o<R: Rng>(secp: &Secp256k1, rng: &mut R) -> Transaction {
let outh = ZERO_HASH;
Transaction::new(vec![Input::OvertInput {
output: outh,
@ -963,7 +632,7 @@ mod test {
// utility producing a transaction with a single input and output
fn tx1i1o<R: Rng>(secp: &Secp256k1, rng: &mut R) -> Transaction {
pub fn tx1i1o<R: Rng>(secp: &Secp256k1, rng: &mut R) -> Transaction {
let outh = ZERO_HASH;
Transaction::new(vec![Input::OvertInput {
output: outh,
@ -976,22 +645,4 @@ mod test {
// utility producing a transaction that spends the above
fn txspend1i1o<R: Rng>(secp: &Secp256k1, rng: &mut R, oout: Output, outh: Hash) -> Transaction {
if let Output::OvertOutput { blindkey, value } = oout {
Transaction::new(vec![Input::OvertInput {
output: outh,
value: value,
blindkey: blindkey,
vec![Output::OvertOutput {
value: 3,
blindkey: SecretKey::new(secp, rng),
} else {
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ use secp::Signature;
use secp::key::SecretKey;
use secp::pedersen::{Commitment, RangeProof};
const MAX_IN_OUT_LEN: u64 = 50000;
pub const MAX_IN_OUT_LEN: u64 = 50000;
macro_rules! impl_slice_bytes {
($byteable: ty) => {
@ -97,28 +97,6 @@ impl Writeable for core::TxProof {
/// Implementation of Writeable for a block, defines how to write the full
/// block as binary.
impl Writeable for core::Block {
fn write(&self, writer: &mut Writer) -> Option<Error> {
try_m!(writer.write_u64(self.inputs.len() as u64));
try_m!(writer.write_u64(self.outputs.len() as u64));
try_m!(writer.write_u64(self.proofs.len() as u64));
for inp in &self.inputs {
for out in &self.outputs {
for proof in &self.proofs {
/// Implementation of Readable for a transaction Input, defines how to read
/// an Input from a binary stream.
impl Readable<core::Input> for core::Input {
@ -179,56 +157,6 @@ impl Readable<core::TxProof> for core::TxProof {
/// Implementation of Readable for a block, defines how to read a full block
/// from a binary stream.
impl Readable<core::Block> for core::Block {
fn read(reader: &mut Reader) -> Result<core::Block, Error> {
let height = try!(reader.read_u64());
let previous = try!(reader.read_fixed_bytes(32));
let timestamp = try!(reader.read_i64());
let utxo_merkle = try!(reader.read_fixed_bytes(32));
let tx_merkle = try!(reader.read_fixed_bytes(32));
let total_fees = try!(reader.read_u64());
let nonce = try!(reader.read_u64());
// cuckoo cycle of 42 nodes
let mut pow = [0; core::PROOFSIZE];
for n in 0..core::PROOFSIZE {
pow[n] = try!(reader.read_u32());
let td = try!(reader.read_u64());
let input_len = try!(reader.read_u64());
let output_len = try!(reader.read_u64());
let proof_len = try!(reader.read_u64());
if input_len > MAX_IN_OUT_LEN || output_len > MAX_IN_OUT_LEN || proof_len > MAX_IN_OUT_LEN {
return Err(Error::TooLargeReadErr("Too many inputs, outputs or proofs.".to_string()));
let inputs = try!((0..input_len).map(|_| core::Input::read(reader)).collect());
let outputs = try!((0..output_len).map(|_| core::Output::read(reader)).collect());
let proofs = try!((0..proof_len).map(|_| core::TxProof::read(reader)).collect());
Ok(core::Block {
header: core::BlockHeader {
height: height,
previous: hash::Hash::from_vec(previous),
timestamp: time::at_utc(time::Timespec {
sec: timestamp,
nsec: 0,
td: td,
utxo_merkle: hash::Hash::from_vec(utxo_merkle),
tx_merkle: hash::Hash::from_vec(tx_merkle),
total_fees: total_fees,
pow: core::Proof(pow),
nonce: nonce,
inputs: inputs,
outputs: outputs,
proofs: proofs,
mod test {
Reference in a new issue