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// Copyright 2021 The Grin Developers
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! Provides a connection wrapper that handles the lower level tasks in sending
//! or receiving data from the TCP socket, as well as dealing with timeouts.
//! Because of a few idiosyncracies in the Rust `TcpStream`, this has to use
//! async I/O to be able to both read *and* write on the connection. Which
//! forces us to go through some additional gymnastic to loop over the async
//! stream and make sure we get the right number of bytes out.
use crate::codec::{Codec, BODY_IO_TIMEOUT};
use crate::core::ser::ProtocolVersion;
use crate::msg::{write_message, Consumed, Message, Msg};
use crate::types::Error;
use crate::util::{RateCounter, RwLock};
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{self, Write};
use std::net::{Shutdown, TcpStream};
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
use std::sync::mpsc::RecvTimeoutError;
use std::sync::{mpsc, Arc};
use std::thread::{self, JoinHandle};
use std::time::Duration;
pub const SEND_CHANNEL_CAP: usize = 100;
const CHANNEL_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_millis(1000);
[WIP] Abridged sync (#440) * Util to zip and unzip directories * First pass at sumtree request/response. Add message types, implement the exchange in the protocol, zip up the sumtree directory and stream the file over, with necessary adapter hooks. * Implement the sumtree archive receive logicGets the sumtree archive data stream from the network and write it to a file. Unzip the file, place it at the right spot and reconstruct the sumtree data structure, rewinding where to the right spot. * Sumtree hash structure validation * Simplify sumtree backend buffering logic. The backend for a sumtree has to implement some in-memory buffering logic to provide a commit/rollback interface. The backend itself is an aggregate of 3 underlying storages (an append only file, a remove log and a skip list). The buffering was previously implemented both by the backend and some of the underlying storages. Now pushing back all buffering logic to the storages to keep the backend simpler. * Add kernel append only store file to sumtrees. The chain sumtrees structure now also saves all kernels to a dedicated file. As that storage is implemented by the append only file wrapper, it's also rewind-aware. * Full state validation. Checks that: - MMRs are sane (hash and sum each node) - Tree roots match the corresponding header - Kernel signatures are valid - Sum of all kernel excesses equals the sum of UTXO commitments minus the supply * Fast sync handoff to body sync. Once the fast-sync state is fully setup, get bacj in body sync mode to get the full bodies of the last blocks we're missing. * First fully working fast sync * Facility in p2p conn to deal with attachments (raw binary after message). * Re-introduced sumtree send and receive message handling using the above. * Fixed test and finished updating all required db state after sumtree validation. * Massaged a little bit the pipeline orphan check to still work after the new sumtrees have been setup. * Various cleanup. Consolidated fast sync and full sync into a single function as they're very similar. Proper conditions to trigger a sumtree request and some checks on receiving it.
2018-02-10 01:32:16 +03:00
/// A trait to be implemented in order to receive messages from the
/// connection. Allows providing an optional response.
pub trait MessageHandler: Send + 'static {
fn consume(&self, message: Message) -> Result<Consumed, Error>;
// Macro to simplify the boilerplate around I/O and Grin error handling
macro_rules! try_break {
($inner:expr) => {
match $inner {
Ok(v) => Some(v),
Err(Error::Connection(ref e)) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::TimedOut => None,
Err(Error::Connection(ref e)) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => {
// to avoid the heavy polling which will consume CPU 100%
| Err(Error::Chain(_))
| Err(Error::Internal)
| Err(Error::NoDandelionRelay) => None,
Err(ref e) => {
debug!("try_break: exit the loop: {:?}", e);
pub struct StopHandle {
/// Channel to close the connection
stopped: Arc<AtomicBool>,
// we need Option to take ownhership of the handle in stop()
reader_thread: Option<JoinHandle<()>>,
writer_thread: Option<JoinHandle<()>>,
impl StopHandle {
/// Schedule this connection to safely close via the async close_channel.
pub fn stop(&self) {, Ordering::Relaxed);
pub fn wait(&mut self) {
if let Some(reader_thread) = self.reader_thread.take() {
if let Some(writer_thread) = self.writer_thread.take() {
fn join_thread(&self, peer_thread: JoinHandle<()>) {
// wait only if other thread is calling us, eg shutdown
if thread::current().id() != peer_thread.thread().id() {
debug!("waiting for thread {:?} exit", peer_thread.thread().id());
if let Err(e) = peer_thread.join() {
error!("failed to stop peer thread: {:?}", e);
} else {
"attempt to stop thread {:?} from itself",
pub struct ConnHandle {
/// Channel to allow sending data through the connection
pub send_channel: mpsc::SyncSender<Msg>,
impl ConnHandle {
/// Send msg via the synchronous, bounded channel (sync_sender).
/// Two possible failure cases -
/// * Disconnected: Propagate this up to the caller so the peer connection can be closed.
/// * Full: Our internal msg buffer is full. This is not a problem with the peer connection
/// and we do not want to close the connection. We drop the msg rather than blocking here.
/// If the buffer is full because there is an underlying issue with the peer
/// and potentially the peer connection. We assume this will be handled at the peer level.
pub fn send(&self, msg: Msg) -> Result<(), Error> {
match self.send_channel.try_send(msg) {
Ok(()) => Ok(()),
Err(mpsc::TrySendError::Disconnected(_)) => {
Err(Error::Send("try_send disconnected".to_owned()))
Err(mpsc::TrySendError::Full(_)) => {
debug!("conn_handle: try_send but buffer is full, dropping msg");
pub struct Tracker {
/// Bytes we've sent.
pub sent_bytes: Arc<RwLock<RateCounter>>,
/// Bytes we've received.
pub received_bytes: Arc<RwLock<RateCounter>>,
impl Tracker {
pub fn new() -> Tracker {
let received_bytes = Arc::new(RwLock::new(RateCounter::new()));
let sent_bytes = Arc::new(RwLock::new(RateCounter::new()));
Tracker {
pub fn inc_received(&self, size: u64) {
pub fn inc_sent(&self, size: u64) {
pub fn inc_quiet_received(&self, size: u64) {
pub fn inc_quiet_sent(&self, size: u64) {
/// Start listening on the provided connection and wraps it. Does not hang
/// the current thread, instead just returns a future and the Connection
/// itself.
pub fn listen<H>(
stream: TcpStream,
version: ProtocolVersion,
tracker: Arc<Tracker>,
handler: H,
) -> io::Result<(ConnHandle, StopHandle)>
H: MessageHandler,
let (send_tx, send_rx) = mpsc::sync_channel(SEND_CHANNEL_CAP);
let stopped = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false));
let conn_handle = ConnHandle {
send_channel: send_tx,
let (reader_thread, writer_thread) = poll(
StopHandle {
reader_thread: Some(reader_thread),
writer_thread: Some(writer_thread),
fn poll<H>(
conn: TcpStream,
conn_handle: ConnHandle,
version: ProtocolVersion,
handler: H,
send_rx: mpsc::Receiver<Msg>,
stopped: Arc<AtomicBool>,
tracker: Arc<Tracker>,
) -> io::Result<(JoinHandle<()>, JoinHandle<()>)>
H: MessageHandler,
// Split out tcp stream out into separate reader/writer halves.
let reader = conn.try_clone().expect("clone conn for reader failed");
let mut writer = conn.try_clone().expect("clone conn for writer failed");
let reader_stopped = stopped.clone();
let reader_tracker = tracker.clone();
let writer_tracker = tracker;
let reader_thread = thread::Builder::new()
2018-03-04 03:19:54 +03:00
.spawn(move || {
let peer_addr = reader
.map(|a| a.to_string())
.unwrap_or_else(|_| "?".to_owned());
let mut codec = Codec::new(version, reader);
let mut attachment: Option<File> = None;
2018-03-04 03:19:54 +03:00
loop {
// check the close channel
if reader_stopped.load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
2018-03-04 03:19:54 +03:00
// check the read end
let (next, bytes_read) =;
// increase the appropriate counter
match &next {
Ok(Message::Attachment(_, _)) => reader_tracker.inc_quiet_received(bytes_read),
Ok(Message::Headers(data)) => {
// We process a full 512 headers locally in smaller 32 header batches.
// We only want to increment the msg count once for the full 512 headers.
if data.remaining == 0 {
} else {
_ => reader_tracker.inc_received(bytes_read),
let message = match try_break!(next) {
Some(Message::Unknown(type_byte)) => {
"Received unknown message, type {:?}, len {}.",
type_byte, bytes_read
Some(Message::Attachment(update, bytes)) => {
let a = match &mut attachment {
Some(a) => a,
None => {
error!("Received unexpected attachment chunk");
let bytes = bytes.unwrap();
if let Err(e) = a.write_all(&bytes) {
error!("Unable to write attachment file: {}", e);
if update.left == 0 {
if let Err(e) = a.sync_all() {
error!("Unable to sync attachment file: {}", e);
Message::Attachment(update, None)
2018-03-04 03:19:54 +03:00
Some(message) => {
trace!("Received message, type {}, len {}.", message, bytes_read);
None => continue,
let consumed = try_break!(handler.consume(message)).unwrap_or(Consumed::None);
match consumed {
Consumed::Response(resp_msg) => {
Consumed::Attachment(meta, file) => {
// Start attachment
attachment = Some(file);
Consumed::Disconnect => break,
Consumed::None => {}
debug!("Shutting down reader connection with {}", peer_addr);
let _ =;
let writer_thread = thread::Builder::new()
.spawn(move || {
let mut retry_send = Err(());
let _ = writer.set_write_timeout(Some(BODY_IO_TIMEOUT));
loop {
let maybe_data = retry_send.or_else(|_| send_rx.recv_timeout(CHANNEL_TIMEOUT));
retry_send = Err(());
match maybe_data {
Ok(data) => {
let written =
try_break!(write_message(&mut writer, &data, writer_tracker.clone()));
if written.is_none() {
retry_send = Ok(data);
Err(RecvTimeoutError::Disconnected) => {
debug!("peer_write: mpsc channel disconnected during recv_timeout");
2018-03-04 03:19:54 +03:00
Err(RecvTimeoutError::Timeout) => {}
2018-03-04 03:19:54 +03:00
// check the close channel
if stopped.load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
2018-03-04 03:19:54 +03:00
"Shutting down writer connection with {}",
.map(|a| a.to_string())
.unwrap_or_else(|_| "?".to_owned())
let _ = writer.shutdown(Shutdown::Both);
Ok((reader_thread, writer_thread))