// Copyright 2018 The Grin Developers // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. use std::cell::RefCell; use std::sync::Arc; use std::{fs, path}; // for writing storedtransaction files use std::fs::File; use std::io::{Read, Write}; use std::path::Path; use failure::ResultExt; use uuid::Uuid; use crate::blake2::blake2b::Blake2b; use crate::keychain::{ChildNumber, ExtKeychain, Identifier, Keychain}; use crate::store::{self, option_to_not_found, to_key, to_key_u64}; use crate::core::core::Transaction; use crate::core::{global, ser}; use crate::libwallet::types::*; use crate::libwallet::{internal, Error, ErrorKind}; use crate::types::WalletSeed; use crate::util; use crate::util::secp::constants::SECRET_KEY_SIZE; use crate::util::ZeroingString; use config::WalletConfig; pub const DB_DIR: &'static str = "db"; pub const TX_SAVE_DIR: &'static str = "saved_txs"; const OUTPUT_PREFIX: u8 = 'o' as u8; const DERIV_PREFIX: u8 = 'd' as u8; const CONFIRMED_HEIGHT_PREFIX: u8 = 'c' as u8; const PRIVATE_TX_CONTEXT_PREFIX: u8 = 'p' as u8; const TX_LOG_ENTRY_PREFIX: u8 = 't' as u8; const TX_LOG_ID_PREFIX: u8 = 'i' as u8; const ACCOUNT_PATH_MAPPING_PREFIX: u8 = 'a' as u8; /// test to see if database files exist in the current directory. If so, /// use a DB backend for all operations pub fn wallet_db_exists(config: WalletConfig) -> bool { let db_path = path::Path::new(&config.data_file_dir).join(DB_DIR); db_path.exists() } /// Helper to derive XOR keys for storing private transaction keys in the DB /// (blind_xor_key, nonce_xor_key) fn private_ctx_xor_keys( keychain: &K, slate_id: &[u8], ) -> Result<([u8; SECRET_KEY_SIZE], [u8; SECRET_KEY_SIZE]), Error> where K: Keychain, { let root_key = keychain.derive_key(0, &K::root_key_id())?; // derive XOR values for storing secret values in DB // h(root_key|slate_id|"blind") let mut hasher = Blake2b::new(SECRET_KEY_SIZE); hasher.update(&root_key.0[..]); hasher.update(&slate_id[..]); hasher.update(&"blind".as_bytes()[..]); let blind_xor_key = hasher.finalize(); let mut ret_blind = [0; SECRET_KEY_SIZE]; ret_blind.copy_from_slice(&blind_xor_key.as_bytes()[0..SECRET_KEY_SIZE]); // h(root_key|slate_id|"nonce") let mut hasher = Blake2b::new(SECRET_KEY_SIZE); hasher.update(&root_key.0[..]); hasher.update(&slate_id[..]); hasher.update(&"nonce".as_bytes()[..]); let nonce_xor_key = hasher.finalize(); let mut ret_nonce = [0; SECRET_KEY_SIZE]; ret_nonce.copy_from_slice(&nonce_xor_key.as_bytes()[0..SECRET_KEY_SIZE]); Ok((ret_blind, ret_nonce)) } pub struct LMDBBackend { db: store::Store, config: WalletConfig, /// passphrase: TODO better ways of dealing with this other than storing passphrase: ZeroingString, /// Keychain pub keychain: Option, /// Parent path to use by default for output operations parent_key_id: Identifier, /// wallet to node client w2n_client: C, } impl LMDBBackend { pub fn new(config: WalletConfig, passphrase: &str, n_client: C) -> Result { let db_path = path::Path::new(&config.data_file_dir).join(DB_DIR); fs::create_dir_all(&db_path).expect("Couldn't create wallet backend directory!"); let stored_tx_path = path::Path::new(&config.data_file_dir).join(TX_SAVE_DIR); fs::create_dir_all(&stored_tx_path) .expect("Couldn't create wallet backend tx storage directory!"); let lmdb_env = Arc::new(store::new_env(db_path.to_str().unwrap().to_string())); let store = store::Store::open(lmdb_env, DB_DIR); // Make sure default wallet derivation path always exists // as well as path (so it can be retrieved by batches to know where to store // completed transactions, for reference let default_account = AcctPathMapping { label: "default".to_owned(), path: LMDBBackend::::default_path(), }; let acct_key = to_key( ACCOUNT_PATH_MAPPING_PREFIX, &mut default_account.label.as_bytes().to_vec(), ); { let batch = store.batch()?; batch.put_ser(&acct_key, &default_account)?; batch.commit()?; } let res = LMDBBackend { db: store, config: config.clone(), passphrase: ZeroingString::from(passphrase), keychain: None, parent_key_id: LMDBBackend::::default_path(), w2n_client: n_client, }; Ok(res) } fn default_path() -> Identifier { // return the default parent wallet path, corresponding to the default account // in the BIP32 spec. Parent is account 0 at level 2, child output identifiers // are all at level 3 ExtKeychain::derive_key_id(2, 0, 0, 0, 0) } /// Just test to see if database files exist in the current directory. If /// so, use a DB backend for all operations pub fn exists(config: WalletConfig) -> bool { let db_path = path::Path::new(&config.data_file_dir).join(DB_DIR); db_path.exists() } } impl WalletBackend for LMDBBackend where C: NodeClient, K: Keychain, { /// Initialise with whatever stored credentials we have fn open_with_credentials(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> { let wallet_seed = WalletSeed::from_file(&self.config, &self.passphrase) .context(ErrorKind::CallbackImpl("Error opening wallet"))?; self.keychain = Some( wallet_seed .derive_keychain(global::is_floonet()) .context(ErrorKind::CallbackImpl("Error deriving keychain"))?, ); Ok(()) } /// Close wallet and remove any stored credentials (TBD) fn close(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> { self.keychain = None; Ok(()) } /// Return the keychain being used fn keychain(&mut self) -> &mut K { self.keychain.as_mut().unwrap() } /// Return the node client being used fn w2n_client(&mut self) -> &mut C { &mut self.w2n_client } /// return the version of the commit for caching fn calc_commit_for_cache( &mut self, amount: u64, id: &Identifier, ) -> Result, Error> { if self.config.no_commit_cache == Some(true) { Ok(None) } else { Ok(Some(util::to_hex( self.keychain().commit(amount, &id)?.0.to_vec(), ))) } } /// Set parent path by account name fn set_parent_key_id_by_name(&mut self, label: &str) -> Result<(), Error> { let label = label.to_owned(); let res = self.acct_path_iter().find(|l| l.label == label); if let Some(a) = res { self.set_parent_key_id(a.path); Ok(()) } else { return Err(ErrorKind::UnknownAccountLabel(label.clone()).into()); } } /// set parent path fn set_parent_key_id(&mut self, id: Identifier) { self.parent_key_id = id; } fn parent_key_id(&mut self) -> Identifier { self.parent_key_id.clone() } fn get(&self, id: &Identifier, mmr_index: &Option) -> Result { let key = match mmr_index { Some(i) => to_key_u64(OUTPUT_PREFIX, &mut id.to_bytes().to_vec(), *i), None => to_key(OUTPUT_PREFIX, &mut id.to_bytes().to_vec()), }; option_to_not_found(self.db.get_ser(&key), &format!("Key Id: {}", id)).map_err(|e| e.into()) } fn iter<'a>(&'a self) -> Box + 'a> { Box::new(self.db.iter(&[OUTPUT_PREFIX]).unwrap()) } fn get_tx_log_entry(&self, u: &Uuid) -> Result, Error> { let key = to_key(TX_LOG_ENTRY_PREFIX, &mut u.as_bytes().to_vec()); self.db.get_ser(&key).map_err(|e| e.into()) } fn tx_log_iter<'a>(&'a self) -> Box + 'a> { Box::new(self.db.iter(&[TX_LOG_ENTRY_PREFIX]).unwrap()) } fn get_private_context(&mut self, slate_id: &[u8]) -> Result { let ctx_key = to_key(PRIVATE_TX_CONTEXT_PREFIX, &mut slate_id.to_vec()); let (blind_xor_key, nonce_xor_key) = private_ctx_xor_keys(self.keychain(), slate_id)?; let mut ctx: Context = option_to_not_found( self.db.get_ser(&ctx_key), &format!("Slate id: {:x?}", slate_id.to_vec()), )?; for i in 0..SECRET_KEY_SIZE { ctx.sec_key.0[i] = ctx.sec_key.0[i] ^ blind_xor_key[i]; ctx.sec_nonce.0[i] = ctx.sec_nonce.0[i] ^ nonce_xor_key[i]; } Ok(ctx) } fn acct_path_iter<'a>(&'a self) -> Box + 'a> { Box::new(self.db.iter(&[ACCOUNT_PATH_MAPPING_PREFIX]).unwrap()) } fn get_acct_path(&self, label: String) -> Result, Error> { let acct_key = to_key(ACCOUNT_PATH_MAPPING_PREFIX, &mut label.as_bytes().to_vec()); self.db.get_ser(&acct_key).map_err(|e| e.into()) } fn store_tx(&self, uuid: &str, tx: &Transaction) -> Result<(), Error> { let filename = format!("{}.grintx", uuid); let path = path::Path::new(&self.config.data_file_dir) .join(TX_SAVE_DIR) .join(filename); let path_buf = Path::new(&path).to_path_buf(); let mut stored_tx = File::create(path_buf)?; let tx_hex = util::to_hex(ser::ser_vec(tx).unwrap());; stored_tx.write_all(&tx_hex.as_bytes())?; stored_tx.sync_all()?; Ok(()) } fn get_stored_tx(&self, entry: &TxLogEntry) -> Result, Error> { let filename = match entry.stored_tx.clone() { Some(f) => f, None => return Ok(None), }; let path = path::Path::new(&self.config.data_file_dir) .join(TX_SAVE_DIR) .join(filename); let tx_file = Path::new(&path).to_path_buf(); let mut tx_f = File::open(tx_file)?; let mut content = String::new(); tx_f.read_to_string(&mut content)?; let tx_bin = util::from_hex(content).unwrap(); Ok(Some( ser::deserialize::(&mut &tx_bin[..]).unwrap(), )) } fn batch<'a>(&'a mut self) -> Result + 'a>, Error> { Ok(Box::new(Batch { _store: self, db: RefCell::new(Some(self.db.batch()?)), keychain: self.keychain.clone(), })) } fn next_child<'a>(&mut self) -> Result { let parent_key_id = self.parent_key_id.clone(); let mut deriv_idx = { let batch = self.db.batch()?; let deriv_key = to_key(DERIV_PREFIX, &mut self.parent_key_id.to_bytes().to_vec()); match batch.get_ser(&deriv_key)? { Some(idx) => idx, None => 0, } }; let mut return_path = self.parent_key_id.to_path(); return_path.depth = return_path.depth + 1; return_path.path[return_path.depth as usize - 1] = ChildNumber::from(deriv_idx); deriv_idx = deriv_idx + 1; let mut batch = self.batch()?; batch.save_child_index(&parent_key_id, deriv_idx)?; batch.commit()?; Ok(Identifier::from_path(&return_path)) } fn last_confirmed_height<'a>(&mut self) -> Result { let batch = self.db.batch()?; let height_key = to_key( CONFIRMED_HEIGHT_PREFIX, &mut self.parent_key_id.to_bytes().to_vec(), ); let last_confirmed_height = match batch.get_ser(&height_key)? { Some(h) => h, None => 0, }; Ok(last_confirmed_height) } fn restore(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> { internal::restore::restore(self).context(ErrorKind::Restore)?; Ok(()) } fn check_repair(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> { internal::restore::check_repair(self).context(ErrorKind::Restore)?; Ok(()) } } /// An atomic batch in which all changes can be committed all at once or /// discarded on error. pub struct Batch<'a, C, K> where C: NodeClient, K: Keychain, { _store: &'a LMDBBackend, db: RefCell>>, /// Keychain keychain: Option, } #[allow(missing_docs)] impl<'a, C, K> WalletOutputBatch for Batch<'a, C, K> where C: NodeClient, K: Keychain, { fn keychain(&mut self) -> &mut K { self.keychain.as_mut().unwrap() } fn save(&mut self, out: OutputData) -> Result<(), Error> { // Save the output data to the db. { let key = match out.mmr_index { Some(i) => to_key_u64(OUTPUT_PREFIX, &mut out.key_id.to_bytes().to_vec(), i), None => to_key(OUTPUT_PREFIX, &mut out.key_id.to_bytes().to_vec()), }; self.db.borrow().as_ref().unwrap().put_ser(&key, &out)?; } Ok(()) } fn get(&self, id: &Identifier, mmr_index: &Option) -> Result { let key = match mmr_index { Some(i) => to_key_u64(OUTPUT_PREFIX, &mut id.to_bytes().to_vec(), *i), None => to_key(OUTPUT_PREFIX, &mut id.to_bytes().to_vec()), }; option_to_not_found( self.db.borrow().as_ref().unwrap().get_ser(&key), &format!("Key ID: {}", id), ) .map_err(|e| e.into()) } fn iter(&self) -> Box> { Box::new( self.db .borrow() .as_ref() .unwrap() .iter(&[OUTPUT_PREFIX]) .unwrap(), ) } fn delete(&mut self, id: &Identifier, mmr_index: &Option) -> Result<(), Error> { // Delete the output data. { let key = match mmr_index { Some(i) => to_key_u64(OUTPUT_PREFIX, &mut id.to_bytes().to_vec(), *i), None => to_key(OUTPUT_PREFIX, &mut id.to_bytes().to_vec()), }; let _ = self.db.borrow().as_ref().unwrap().delete(&key); } Ok(()) } fn next_tx_log_id(&mut self, parent_key_id: &Identifier) -> Result { let tx_id_key = to_key(TX_LOG_ID_PREFIX, &mut parent_key_id.to_bytes().to_vec()); let last_tx_log_id = match self.db.borrow().as_ref().unwrap().get_ser(&tx_id_key)? { Some(t) => t, None => 0, }; self.db .borrow() .as_ref() .unwrap() .put_ser(&tx_id_key, &(last_tx_log_id + 1))?; Ok(last_tx_log_id) } fn tx_log_iter(&self) -> Box> { Box::new( self.db .borrow() .as_ref() .unwrap() .iter(&[TX_LOG_ENTRY_PREFIX]) .unwrap(), ) } fn save_last_confirmed_height( &mut self, parent_key_id: &Identifier, height: u64, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let height_key = to_key( CONFIRMED_HEIGHT_PREFIX, &mut parent_key_id.to_bytes().to_vec(), ); self.db .borrow() .as_ref() .unwrap() .put_ser(&height_key, &height)?; Ok(()) } fn save_child_index(&mut self, parent_id: &Identifier, child_n: u32) -> Result<(), Error> { let deriv_key = to_key(DERIV_PREFIX, &mut parent_id.to_bytes().to_vec()); self.db .borrow() .as_ref() .unwrap() .put_ser(&deriv_key, &child_n)?; Ok(()) } fn save_tx_log_entry( &mut self, tx_in: TxLogEntry, parent_id: &Identifier, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let tx_log_key = to_key_u64( TX_LOG_ENTRY_PREFIX, &mut parent_id.to_bytes().to_vec(), tx_in.id as u64, ); self.db .borrow() .as_ref() .unwrap() .put_ser(&tx_log_key, &tx_in)?; Ok(()) } fn save_acct_path(&mut self, mapping: AcctPathMapping) -> Result<(), Error> { let acct_key = to_key( ACCOUNT_PATH_MAPPING_PREFIX, &mut mapping.label.as_bytes().to_vec(), ); self.db .borrow() .as_ref() .unwrap() .put_ser(&acct_key, &mapping)?; Ok(()) } fn acct_path_iter(&self) -> Box> { Box::new( self.db .borrow() .as_ref() .unwrap() .iter(&[ACCOUNT_PATH_MAPPING_PREFIX]) .unwrap(), ) } fn lock_output(&mut self, out: &mut OutputData) -> Result<(), Error> { out.lock(); self.save(out.clone()) } fn save_private_context(&mut self, slate_id: &[u8], ctx: &Context) -> Result<(), Error> { let ctx_key = to_key(PRIVATE_TX_CONTEXT_PREFIX, &mut slate_id.to_vec()); let (blind_xor_key, nonce_xor_key) = private_ctx_xor_keys(self.keychain(), slate_id)?; let mut s_ctx = ctx.clone(); for i in 0..SECRET_KEY_SIZE { s_ctx.sec_key.0[i] = s_ctx.sec_key.0[i] ^ blind_xor_key[i]; s_ctx.sec_nonce.0[i] = s_ctx.sec_nonce.0[i] ^ nonce_xor_key[i]; } self.db .borrow() .as_ref() .unwrap() .put_ser(&ctx_key, &s_ctx)?; Ok(()) } fn delete_private_context(&mut self, slate_id: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error> { let ctx_key = to_key(PRIVATE_TX_CONTEXT_PREFIX, &mut slate_id.to_vec()); self.db .borrow() .as_ref() .unwrap() .delete(&ctx_key) .map_err(|e| e.into()) } fn commit(&self) -> Result<(), Error> { let db = self.db.replace(None); db.unwrap().commit()?; Ok(()) } }