// Copyright 2018 The Grin Developers // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. use crate::core::core::{self, amount_to_hr_string}; use crate::core::global; use crate::libwallet::{ AcctPathMapping, Error, OutputCommitMapping, OutputStatus, TxLogEntry, WalletInfo, }; use crate::util; use prettytable; use std::io::prelude::Write; use term; /// Display outputs in a pretty way pub fn outputs( account: &str, cur_height: u64, validated: bool, outputs: Vec, dark_background_color_scheme: bool, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let title = format!( "Wallet Outputs - Account '{}' - Block Height: {}", account, cur_height ); println!(); if term::stdout().is_none() { println!("Could not open terminal"); return Ok(()); } let mut t = term::stdout().unwrap(); t.fg(term::color::MAGENTA).unwrap(); writeln!(t, "{}", title).unwrap(); t.reset().unwrap(); let mut table = table!(); table.set_titles(row![ bMG->"Output Commitment", bMG->"MMR Index", bMG->"Block Height", bMG->"Locked Until", bMG->"Status", bMG->"Coinbase?", bMG->"# Confirms", bMG->"Value", bMG->"Tx" ]); for m in outputs { let commit = format!("{}", util::to_hex(m.commit.as_ref().to_vec())); let index = match m.output.mmr_index { None => "None".to_owned(), Some(t) => t.to_string(), }; let height = format!("{}", m.output.height); let lock_height = format!("{}", m.output.lock_height); let is_coinbase = format!("{}", m.output.is_coinbase); // Mark unconfirmed coinbase outputs as "Mining" instead of "Unconfirmed" let status = match m.output.status { OutputStatus::Unconfirmed if m.output.is_coinbase => "Mining".to_string(), _ => format!("{}", m.output.status), }; let num_confirmations = format!("{}", m.output.num_confirmations(cur_height)); let value = format!("{}", core::amount_to_hr_string(m.output.value, false)); let tx = match m.output.tx_log_entry { None => "".to_owned(), Some(t) => t.to_string(), }; if dark_background_color_scheme { table.add_row(row![ bFC->commit, bFB->index, bFB->height, bFB->lock_height, bFR->status, bFY->is_coinbase, bFB->num_confirmations, bFG->value, bFC->tx, ]); } else { table.add_row(row![ bFD->commit, bFB->index, bFB->height, bFB->lock_height, bFR->status, bFD->is_coinbase, bFB->num_confirmations, bFG->value, bFD->tx, ]); } } table.set_format(*prettytable::format::consts::FORMAT_NO_COLSEP); table.printstd(); println!(); if !validated { println!( "\nWARNING: Wallet failed to verify data. \ The above is from local cache and possibly invalid! \ (is your `grin server` offline or broken?)" ); } Ok(()) } /// Display transaction log in a pretty way pub fn txs( account: &str, cur_height: u64, validated: bool, txs: &Vec, include_status: bool, dark_background_color_scheme: bool, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let title = format!( "Transaction Log - Account '{}' - Block Height: {}", account, cur_height ); println!(); if term::stdout().is_none() { println!("Could not open terminal"); return Ok(()); } let mut t = term::stdout().unwrap(); t.fg(term::color::MAGENTA).unwrap(); writeln!(t, "{}", title).unwrap(); t.reset().unwrap(); let mut table = table!(); table.set_titles(row![ bMG->"Id", bMG->"Type", bMG->"Shared Transaction Id", bMG->"Creation Time", bMG->"Confirmed?", bMG->"Confirmation Time", bMG->"Num. \nInputs", bMG->"Num. \nOutputs", bMG->"Amount \nCredited", bMG->"Amount \nDebited", bMG->"Fee", bMG->"Net \nDifference", bMG->"Tx \nData", ]); for t in txs { let id = format!("{}", t.id); let slate_id = match t.tx_slate_id { Some(m) => format!("{}", m), None => "None".to_owned(), }; let entry_type = format!("{}", t.tx_type); let creation_ts = format!("{}", t.creation_ts.format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")); let confirmation_ts = match t.confirmation_ts { Some(m) => format!("{}", m.format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")), None => "None".to_owned(), }; let confirmed = format!("{}", t.confirmed); let num_inputs = format!("{}", t.num_inputs); let num_outputs = format!("{}", t.num_outputs); let amount_debited_str = core::amount_to_hr_string(t.amount_debited, true); let amount_credited_str = core::amount_to_hr_string(t.amount_credited, true); let fee = match t.fee { Some(f) => format!("{}", core::amount_to_hr_string(f, true)), None => "None".to_owned(), }; let net_diff = if t.amount_credited >= t.amount_debited { core::amount_to_hr_string(t.amount_credited - t.amount_debited, true) } else { format!( "-{}", core::amount_to_hr_string(t.amount_debited - t.amount_credited, true) ) }; let tx_data = match t.stored_tx { Some(_) => "Yes".to_owned(), None => "None".to_owned(), }; if dark_background_color_scheme { table.add_row(row![ bFC->id, bFC->entry_type, bFC->slate_id, bFB->creation_ts, bFC->confirmed, bFB->confirmation_ts, bFC->num_inputs, bFC->num_outputs, bFG->amount_credited_str, bFR->amount_debited_str, bFR->fee, bFY->net_diff, bFb->tx_data, ]); } else { if t.confirmed { table.add_row(row![ bFD->id, bFb->entry_type, bFD->slate_id, bFB->creation_ts, bFg->confirmed, bFB->confirmation_ts, bFD->num_inputs, bFD->num_outputs, bFG->amount_credited_str, bFD->amount_debited_str, bFD->fee, bFG->net_diff, bFB->tx_data, ]); } else { table.add_row(row![ bFD->id, bFb->entry_type, bFD->slate_id, bFB->creation_ts, bFR->confirmed, bFB->confirmation_ts, bFD->num_inputs, bFD->num_outputs, bFG->amount_credited_str, bFD->amount_debited_str, bFD->fee, bFG->net_diff, bFB->tx_data, ]); } } } table.set_format(*prettytable::format::consts::FORMAT_NO_COLSEP); table.printstd(); println!(); if !validated && include_status { println!( "\nWARNING: Wallet failed to verify data. \ The above is from local cache and possibly invalid! \ (is your `grin server` offline or broken?)" ); } Ok(()) } /// Display summary info in a pretty way pub fn info( account: &str, wallet_info: &WalletInfo, validated: bool, dark_background_color_scheme: bool, ) { println!( "\n____ Wallet Summary Info - Account '{}' as of height {} ____\n", account, wallet_info.last_confirmed_height, ); let mut table = table!(); if dark_background_color_scheme { table.add_row(row![ bFG->"Confirmed Total", FG->amount_to_hr_string(wallet_info.total, false) ]); // Only dispay "Immature Coinbase" if we have related outputs in the wallet. // This row just introduces confusion if the wallet does not receive coinbase rewards. if wallet_info.amount_immature > 0 { table.add_row(row![ bFY->format!("Immature Coinbase (< {})", global::coinbase_maturity()), FY->amount_to_hr_string(wallet_info.amount_immature, false) ]); } table.add_row(row![ bFY->format!("Awaiting Confirmation (< {})", wallet_info.minimum_confirmations), FY->amount_to_hr_string(wallet_info.amount_awaiting_confirmation, false) ]); table.add_row(row![ bFB->format!("Awaiting Finalization"), FB->amount_to_hr_string(wallet_info.amount_awaiting_finalization, false) ]); table.add_row(row![ Fr->"Locked by previous transaction", Fr->amount_to_hr_string(wallet_info.amount_locked, false) ]); table.add_row(row![ Fw->"--------------------------------", Fw->"-------------" ]); table.add_row(row![ bFG->"Currently Spendable", FG->amount_to_hr_string(wallet_info.amount_currently_spendable, false) ]); } else { table.add_row(row![ bFG->"Total", FG->amount_to_hr_string(wallet_info.total, false) ]); // Only dispay "Immature Coinbase" if we have related outputs in the wallet. // This row just introduces confusion if the wallet does not receive coinbase rewards. if wallet_info.amount_immature > 0 { table.add_row(row![ bFB->format!("Immature Coinbase (< {})", global::coinbase_maturity()), FB->amount_to_hr_string(wallet_info.amount_immature, false) ]); } table.add_row(row![ bFB->format!("Awaiting Confirmation (< {})", wallet_info.minimum_confirmations), FB->amount_to_hr_string(wallet_info.amount_awaiting_confirmation, false) ]); table.add_row(row![ Fr->"Locked by previous transaction", Fr->amount_to_hr_string(wallet_info.amount_locked, false) ]); table.add_row(row![ Fw->"--------------------------------", Fw->"-------------" ]); table.add_row(row![ bFG->"Currently Spendable", FG->amount_to_hr_string(wallet_info.amount_currently_spendable, false) ]); }; table.set_format(*prettytable::format::consts::FORMAT_NO_BORDER_LINE_SEPARATOR); table.printstd(); println!(); if !validated { println!( "\nWARNING: Wallet failed to verify data against a live chain. \ The above is from local cache and only valid up to the given height! \ (is your `grin server` offline or broken?)" ); } } /// Display summary info in a pretty way pub fn estimate( amount: u64, strategies: Vec<( &str, // strategy u64, // total amount to be locked u64, // fee )>, dark_background_color_scheme: bool, ) { println!( "\nEstimation for sending {}:\n", amount_to_hr_string(amount, false) ); let mut table = table!(); table.set_titles(row![ bMG->"Selection strategy", bMG->"Fee", bMG->"Will be locked", ]); for (strategy, total, fee) in strategies { if dark_background_color_scheme { table.add_row(row![ bFC->strategy, FR->amount_to_hr_string(fee, false), FY->amount_to_hr_string(total, false), ]); } else { table.add_row(row![ bFD->strategy, FR->amount_to_hr_string(fee, false), FY->amount_to_hr_string(total, false), ]); } } table.printstd(); println!(); } /// Display list of wallet accounts in a pretty way pub fn accounts(acct_mappings: Vec) { println!("\n____ Wallet Accounts ____\n",); let mut table = table!(); table.set_titles(row![ mMG->"Name", bMG->"Parent BIP-32 Derivation Path", ]); for m in acct_mappings { table.add_row(row![ bFC->m.label, bGC->m.path.to_bip_32_string(), ]); } table.set_format(*prettytable::format::consts::FORMAT_NO_BORDER_LINE_SEPARATOR); table.printstd(); println!(); } /// Display transaction log messages pub fn tx_messages(tx: &TxLogEntry, dark_background_color_scheme: bool) -> Result<(), Error> { let title = format!("Transaction Messages - Transaction '{}'", tx.id,); println!(); if term::stdout().is_none() { println!("Could not open terminal"); return Ok(()); } let mut t = term::stdout().unwrap(); t.fg(term::color::MAGENTA).unwrap(); writeln!(t, "{}", title).unwrap(); t.reset().unwrap(); let msgs = match tx.messages.clone() { None => { writeln!(t, "{}", "None").unwrap(); t.reset().unwrap(); return Ok(()); } Some(m) => m.clone(), }; if msgs.messages.is_empty() { writeln!(t, "{}", "None").unwrap(); t.reset().unwrap(); return Ok(()); } let mut table = table!(); table.set_titles(row![ bMG->"Participant Id", bMG->"Message", bMG->"Public Key", bMG->"Signature", ]); let secp = util::static_secp_instance(); let secp_lock = secp.lock(); for m in msgs.messages { let id = format!("{}", m.id); let public_key = format!( "{}", util::to_hex(m.public_key.serialize_vec(&secp_lock, true).to_vec()) ); let message = match m.message { Some(m) => format!("{}", m), None => "None".to_owned(), }; let message_sig = match m.message_sig { Some(s) => format!("{}", util::to_hex(s.serialize_der(&secp_lock))), None => "None".to_owned(), }; if dark_background_color_scheme { table.add_row(row![ bFC->id, bFC->message, bFC->public_key, bFB->message_sig, ]); } else { table.add_row(row![ bFD->id, bFb->message, bFD->public_key, bFB->message_sig, ]); } } table.set_format(*prettytable::format::consts::FORMAT_NO_COLSEP); table.printstd(); println!(); Ok(()) }